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Topic: Faith (Belief)

Showing 401 to 450 of 492.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-03-13 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God: Can I know I am seeking first the Kingdom of God by completely trusting God, & leaning unto our own understanding? [Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 3:5]
2015-02-27 Love, Faith & Hope: Are we going to need faith & hope in Heaven? [1 Corinthians 13:12-13]
2015-02-10 Miracles & Unbelief: Was the reason that Jesus did not do miracles at times because of their unbelief? [Matthew 13:58]
"Coming in the Clouds": "Son of Man of coming in the clouds" of heaven. [Luke 21:27]
2015-02-02 Grace & Works: At what point do you think grace is overridden by failing to do a specific work, if at all?
2015-01-30 Overcome with Doubt: Sometimes I have doubts about God really existing, Jesus existing. How do I overcome that?
2015-01-30 Faith in America: Caller thinks has a theory on why so many people are having trouble with their faith in America & thinks he has the remedy for it.
2015-01-27 Continually Repenting: Some say you don't have to repent from sins, but from unbelief & that we don't have to keep repenting once you are saved.
2015-01-27 Rebaptism: Is it important to be re-baptized if I was baptized as an infant?
Belief You Can Move Mountain: If we have enough belief, we can move mountains?
2015-01-20 Apostasy (vs Eternal Security): Caller has a friend who at one point really loved Jesus with her whole heart, mind & soul, but has completely turned against Christianity.
2015-01-20 Eternal Security: Jesus' sheep follow Him, He gives them eternal life, they shall never perish, is very clear to the caller. [John 10:27-28] (argument for once saved, always saved.)
2015-01-20 Once Saved Always Saved refuted: You can lose your contrast to a previous call in the show. [Proverbs 3:1-7]
2015-01-20 Loss of Salvation: Can a person come back to faith after they have apostatized? (Hebrews 6:4-6]
2015-01-19 Eternal Security: Caller has been listening to Vernon McGee about "Falling Away" & would like Steve's thoughts. [Hebrews 6:4-6]
2014-12-12 Faith & Suffering: Suffering & Faith are both gifts from God.
Yoke is Easy & Burden is Light: Why did Jesus say His Yoke is easy when it seems to be anything but? [Matthew 11:30]
2014-12-02 Once Saved, Always Saved: Once Saved, Always Saved just isn't right!
Faith & Works: We aren't saved by works, but it isn't all just faith either!
Judaism: Should I do any Jewish practices as a Christian since I was born/raised a Jew?
2014-11-26 Being Healed God: What does the Bible say about God healing us? Do we have any part in it?
2014-11-26 Faith & Belief: Caller wanted to comment about Faith.
2014-11-24 Saved by Faith & Not Works: We are saved by faith, but not works, but I've always struggled w/ that because then a person thinks they can live a life of sin, & just have faith. What do you say? [James 2:14-15]
Death-bed Conversion: So if we repent right before we die, no matter if it's a deathbed confession or not, we are saved. What about someone like Adolph Hitler?
2014-11-17 Coming means Believing (Irresistible Grace): Caller thinks the word for coming means believing...Irresistible grace. (The whole call is so convoluted!)
2014-11-12 By Faith or Through Faith: In the end of Romans 3, what is the significance of "by" faith or "through" faith, if there is any? [Romans 3:30-31]
2014-11-07 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: if both parties who got a divorce both go into adultery, are they both eligible to remarry?
Believing that you Receive: What does it mean to believe that you have received what you have asked for in prayer? [Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24]
2014-10-17 The Psalms & Trusting God: God loves it when we trust Him, rely on Him. The Psalms are very comforting. But why do bad things happen to Christians, those promises in Psalms not seeming to be in accord with reality? [Psalms 90, 91, Ecclesiastes 8:11-13, Revelation 6:9-11]
2014-10-02 Jesus Glorified: When was Jesus glorified?
Moving Mountains: Jesus wasn't really saying He was expecting us to move mountains just because we had a strong faith, was He?
2014-09-18 Condemned Already if no belief: Where does it say that someone is condemned if they don't believe on Christ? [John 3:18]
Confessing Jesus before Men: Is it part of the judgment that if you don't confess Jesus before men He won't confess you before His Father? [ Mark 8:38, Luke 9:26]
2014-08-28 Denominations: Is there a denomination that aligns itself the most w/ what you believe?
Which Church: What church do you go to then every Sunday?
2014-08-25 "Whatever is not of Faith is Sin": What does it mean that whatsoever is not of faith is sin? [Romans 14:23]
"All things are Lawful": What does Paul mean that all things are lawful, but that all things are not expedient? [1 Corinthians 6:12, 10:23]
2014-08-15 Beliefs Separate People: Michael the Buddhist called to followup on a call he had made a few days before & point out that beliefs separate people.
2014-08-11 Being saved before the Cross: How were people saved before Jesus died? [Hebrews 11, Romans 4]
Diet in Heaven (New Earth): What kind of food are we going to eat on the other side of the glory?
Bugs in Heaven: Are there going to be bugs in Heaven?
2014-07-30 Justification by Faith: Did Jesus teach Justification by Faith alone also, or did He teach other things as well?
2014-06-04 Prayer: Is Prayer more for our benefit, our faith, for our therapy, than it is to get God to actually move on something for us?
2014-06-02 Jesus being born today: Listener isn't sure if she'd believe in Christianity if Jesus was born in this day & age. Immaculate Conception, Son of God, a Savior, Atonement, Resurrection, it all sounds crazy to her, & if she wouldn't believe that it happened today if it did, why would she believe it happened 2,000 years ago either?
2014-05-27 Recovering Alcoholic Testimony: Caller is on fire for the Lord, & says that Steve is right about depending on AA & the 12-step programs. He thinks it might even be an occult.
2014-05-21 "To another faith by the same Spirit": Surely this faith that is listed in the Spiritual Gifts can't be talking about the initial faith to be saved, can it? It's talking about another, deeper kind of faith, right? [1 Corinthians 12:9]
2014-05-20 Jesus Son of God but not Deity: How can someone be a Christian if you acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God but not Deity?
Believing "in" or Believing "Upon" Jesus: Is there a distinction between believing IN Jesus or believing upon Him?
2014-05-19 Jehovah's Witnesses: I'm concerned about my son associating w/ the JW's. Am I being too concerned about it?
JWs beliefs: What DO Jehovah's Witnesses believe?
2014-05-13 My way or the Highway: How do I deal w/ a family member who thinks i'm wrong for investigating & searching for what truth is?
Losing Religion: A friend says he's losing his religion but still has faith in God. What do I say to that?
Pastor Steve: How come you don't want to be a pastor?
2014-05-02 Healing & Anointing: Doesn't it say in James that if we pray for people who need to be healed, that if they are prayed over & they believe it, it will for sure happen? doesn't it say that will happen? [James 5:14]
2014-05-01 Getting hung-up on inconsequential matters: Caller thinks people, including his pastor, get hung up on stuff that doesn't matter.
Heaven & no Sea: Is there anywhere in the Bible, especially Revelation, that gives insight about Heaven? What about no sea or oceans in the New Earth? Is that symbolic too? [Revelation 21:1]
Loving our Brethren & protecting a believer more than an unbeliever: Do we need to have unity besides just loving one another? [john 15:12, 1 John 4:8, Galatians 6:10]
2014-04-30 Healing: Is it God's will to heal us every time we ask Him if we claim it?
Praying for Healing: What is a specific kind've prayer one should pray for healing?
2014-04-28 Michael the Buddhist vs Steve Gregg Viewpoints: Long Discussion about what Michael thinks Steve sees him for since he's not embracing the Christian religion, but that Steve's wrong in his perception.
2014-04-24 Different Perceptions of God: Why can't everyone be right with their own version of what truth is?
2014-04-10 Faith & Reason/Logic: Is it really faith when you just come to a certain conclusion because there seems to be no other conclusion?
2014-04-09 Healing & Atonement: Caller explains about his son's disabilities, the caller's experiences learning about healing, going to meetings about them, but he has learned that he just needs to trust God, if He heals or doesn't heal his son. [Isaiah 53:5-6]
2014-04-02 Goats & Bulls & Justification by Faith: It says that the Blood of Goats & Bulls never really justified the people of the OT, so how were they justified? Still by faith also? [Hebrews 9:13-10:18, Romans 4, 1 Peter 3:18-20, Romans 3:25]
2014-03-24 Word of Faith & Doubting: People tell me i'm not having enough faith if I have to keep my medicine around to make sure I don't die, if I don't believe God is going to heal me? [James 5:14-15]
2014-03-14 Praying for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Have you ever prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit over the phone?
Gifted Revivalists: Don't you think some people just have a better gift of making things happen, making God move, more than other people?
2014-03-06 Kenneth & Gloria Copeland: What can you tell me about Kenneth Copeland?
Creating your own Reality: So you can't have faith that you have something even before you have it to sort've show you have faith that you will get it?
2014-03-05 God's Sovereignty: Why does God have complete control or authority over us?
Witnessing to Atheists: How do explain the God of the Old Testament to atheists who think He was an angry God as Richard Dawkins believes? Where is the starting point to engage w/ Atheists, such as Jesus being the Son of God?
2014-03-04 Activating one's Faith & Chronic Pain: How do you activate your faith? God seems to always answer my prayers, except for this, my chronic back pain.
2014-03-03 Faith & Religion: What is the difference between Faith & Religion?
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