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Topic: Christian (Christianity)

Showing 1 to 50 of 444.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-01 Christians Seen as Terrorists: If we did things as in the Old Testament, would we not be seen as terrorists just like extremist Muslims and enacting Sharia Law? [2 Corinthians 10:5].
2024-06-25 Old Testament Saints vs Today's Christians: Were the Old Testament saints Christians (as Luther said)? [Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, 1 Peter 4:16, Hebrews 11, Hebrews 11:40, Hebrews 8:6].
2024-05-20 Distinctiveness of Christianity: John Lennox said that Christianity is the only religion that is not merit-based. Are there verses that would speak to this?
2024-05-07 Following Jesus & Good Works: Are you saying that "following Jesus" requires good works for salvation? [Acts 11:26, John 8:31, Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 10:9, Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 16:24-25, Ephesians 2:8-9].
2024-04-03 Kingdom of God: Why doesn't evangelical Christianity teach the importance of the "Kingdom of God" instead of so many other lesser things?
2024-03-26 Christianity vs Other Religions: What separates Christianity from all other religions? [Romans 8:9].
The Atonement: Why did Jesus have to die? [Isaiah 53:6, 1 Peter 2:24, Revelation 12:10, John 8:34, Romans 8:33, Mark 10:45, 1 Timothy 2:6, 1 Corinthians 5:19-21].
2024-03-18 Religious Wars in World History: Is Christianity responsible for most of the wars and killings throughout world history?
2024-02-14 Voting for Trump: Wouldn't it be wrong for a Christian to vote for Trump? [Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12].
2023-12-15 World Religions & Cults: Is Christianity the only real religion, or do some of the other religions have merit also? [Psalm 19:1, Romans 1:20].
2023-11-20 "Saved" if Raised in a Christian Home: How do I deal with someone who thinks they are "saved" if their parents are saved and they were raised in a Christian home? [Ezekiel 18:19-20, Jeremiah 31:29-33].
2023-11-09 Holy Ground (Shoes Off)-Ethiopia: Caller shares that in Ethiopia you must take off your shoes before you go into church because it is considered holy ground.
Learning About Different Religions: Should I be learning about other religions? Does God object to this?
2023-10-04 Boring Christianity: Why do you suppose people seem to get bored with Jesus and the faith, adding more to it? [Revelation 2:10, 1 Peter 2:11].
2023-10-04 Defining Christianity: Caller: If Christianity is all about the conspiracies and such that seem to be promoted these days, I am not sure I want it anymore. [1 Corinthians 5:12].
2023-10-03 Jesus, Confucious & Buddha: What are the differences between Christianity and all the other religions, particularly in how is Jesus different than Buddha or Confuscious?
2023-09-20 The "Israel of God": Could you clarify "the Israel of God" in light of Galatians 5 where Paul seems to be talking about two different groups of people? [Galatians 6:15-16, Galatians 3:26-29, Philippians 3:3, Galatians 3:16].
2023-09-18 Catholics Not Really Christian: How can Catholics be Christians? [Acts 11:26, John 8:31].
2023-09-12 American Christianity: Do you think God is disappointed with American Christianity, and if so how do we fix it? How do we counteract the far-left "woke" philosophy? [Acts 11:26].
2023-09-07 "Confirmation Bias": Atheist caller: How do you eliminate your "confirmation bias" when you view and study scripture?
Doctrinal Differences: Atheist: How do you justify all the different doctrinal differents in the many Christian denominations?
Determining Importance How do you determine what is more or less important? [Micah 6:8].
2023-07-14 Doubting the Faith: How do we know that our faith is not just a cleverly devised fable? Rec: Topical lectures; "Authority of Scripture."
2023-07-13 Might Not Be Christian Anymore: Caller wonders if he is still a Christian because he no longer feels obsessed. [Galatians 1, Philippians 3:1-6, Philippians 3:8].
2023-06-26 Christians Follow the Apostles or the Spirit: If one says they are a Christian, are they following The Apostles or the Spirit?
2023-06-09 Good & Bad Christians: What is the difference between a good Christian and a bad Christian? [Luke 12:47-49, Ezekiel 36:26, Jeremiah 31:33, Hebrews 8:10].
2023-06-08 Disagreement of Doctrines (Essentials of the Faith): How important is it for my wife and I to have the same doctrines, in particular, Calvinism's "limited atonement?"
Apostle's Creed & New Earth: Do you believe in the Apostle's Creed and the fact that we are coming back to the earth?
2022-12-29 Why Keep the Old Testament?: If the Old Testament is obsolete, then why do we even have it in our Bibles? Is there any denomination that uses only the New Testament? [Exodus 19-20].
New Testament vs Old Testament: Isn't it only the New Testament that is necessary for the Christian today?
2022-11-14 Commanding Angels: Is there a precedent in the Bible about believers "commanding angels" to take action? [Hebrews 1:14, Galatians 4:1, Luke 1:34, I Corinthians 6:3, Hebrews 2:7].
Church Multiplies Under Persecution: Why does the church grow under severe persecution? It does not make sense.
2022-11-09 Salvation without the Holy Spirit: Do you think that some people can be saved, but not have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?
Real Christians: A teacher says that people who believe in "once saved, always saved" and are overly afraid of the antichrist, etc., don't have the Holy Spirit and are not really saved. What say you? [Romans 8:9].
2022-11-02 Buddhist; Believing: Buddist; How can Christianity demand "belief" to be saved, when "belief" itself doesn't actually establish the truth of anything?
2022-10-21 Salvation: Can people follow Jesus without being part of any particular denomination or religion? [John 3:17, John 1:1-13, John 8:31-32].
2022-10-11 Eastern Orthodoxy (& Catholicism): Can we consider those in the Christian Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches as fellow Christians?
2022-10-06 Defining "Christianity" and "Born Again": Caller disagrees that "following Jesus" is what defines Christianity rather than being "born again." Once one is "born again", they cannot be "unborn." [Acts 11:26, Matthew 7:21, Luke 14:33, Matthew 7:21, John 8:31].
Apostasy after Rebirth: How could one become "unborn" after being "born again?" [Hebrews 3:12, John 15:6, Romans 11:22, I John 5:11-12, John 15].
2022-10-03 Salvation for All: How many people in the Christian religion are really saved? [Romans 4:21, Romans 14:14-18, Romans 14:4].
2022-09-29 Believing in Jesus: Why would true faith be more than just believing propositions about God?
2022-09-23 Christianity as a Religion: Did Jesus start the religion of Christianity, or is it man-made? [I Peter 4:16, Acts 11:26, Acts 26:20].
2022-08-26 Atheist; Apostasy-Conversion to Another Religion is Compromise of Integrity: Atheist; What does it say about one's integrity if they were born in Hinduism and converted to Christianity? Isn't that compromising your committment?
2022-08-18 "The Great Commission" & Politics: What do you think about Andy Stanley's view that Christians involvement in politics interfers in the "great commission"? (A whole lot of crackling noise going on in the caller's line.)
2022-08-11 Following Jesus: What are we to do now ... and to follow Jesus? [Matthew 19, Mark 10, Luke 18].
Losing One's Salvation: Does one lose their salvation if they break the commandments?
2022-08-09 Divorce Indicative of Apostasy: I disagree with how you describe the ramifications of divorce and the connection between sin, disobedience, and apostasy. Are you misleading others in misrepresenting saving grace of God? [Matthew 7:21-23, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 6:16, Titus 1:16, Eccelesiastes 5:5, Romans 5:8, John 8:31, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6, Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24].
2022-06-22 How Christianity Changed the World: Caller recommends; "How Christianity Changed the World" by Alvin J. Schmidt.
2022-06-22 Atheist-Religion Has Not Contributed to Society: Atheist Caller: Suggests "Why I am Not a Christian" by Bertrand Russell to support his view.
Atheist-Christianity Based on Works: Atheist; Is not Christianity base on works, not on faith? {James 1:27].
Atheist-Christianity is Like All Religions: Atheist; Is it not true that doing good works is just like all other religions in the world? [Matthew 7:12].
2022-06-21 Maturing and Stumbling as a Christian: Would you help me sort the stages in behaviors from new believers to more mature Christians? [James 3:2].
2022-06-15 Atheist-Following Jesus & Hearing His Disciples: Atheist-Why are not the teaching of Jesus alone enough for us to follow Him, instead of all the writings of the disciples? [I Corinthians 7].
Atheist-Sermon on the Mount: Atheist-Would not the Sermon on the Mount alone be enough to follow Christ?
Atheist -God's Word: Atheist-Are you saying that the words of God are not sufficient?
2022-06-08 Atheist; Appalling Christian Behavior: Atheist; What do you think is the responsibility of real Christians to speak about about appalling behaviors of those that call themselves Christians? [John 8:31, I Corinthians 6:20].
2022-06-01 Atheist: What Makes a True Christian?: Atheist caller asks what are the responsibilities of true Christians, rather than those that are Christians in "name-only"? [Acts 11:26, John 8:31, Matthew 28:19].
2022-05-27 No Longer Attending a Church Fellowship: Can a good Christian not attend an organized church?
2022-05-27 Progressive Christianity: What do you think about "Decision Magazine" having an article called, "Progressive Christianity Can Lead You to Hell"?
2022-05-26 "God" vs "gods": Didn't the ancient Greeks and Romans believe in their gods as much as Christians believe in theirs?
2022-05-13 Must You Be "Born Again"?: Do you agree with R.C. Sproul that in order to be a Christian, you must be "born again?" [Acts 11:26].
2022-05-10 Atheists & the Moral Codes: Atheist Caller comments on what said about atheists not really having a moral code.
Moral Code in Other Religions: Atheist call asks, What about other religions that offer a moral code that are not Christian?
2022-04-13 God's First Religion: Did God give a specific religion when He created Adam and Eve? (Jeremiah 31:34, I John 2:27].
2022-03-30 Atheist; Why Does Steve Gregg Think He's Right: Athesist Inquiry: Where do you get off claiming you have the right information about what is Christianity, especially since the Greek Orthodox and Catholic Churches seem to have more authority? why is the Catholic "Apocrypha" not included in the Protestant Bible?
Atheist; Steve Gregg is Wrong: Atheist inquiry: How can we know when Steve Gregg is wrong and doing the interpreting, and when it is the Holy Spirit? How does Steve know he will have eternal life? [John 3:15-16, John 10:27-28].
Atheist; Jesus Said He Was Not God: Wasn't Jesus claiming that He was not God? [Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19].
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