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Topic: Bible (General & Genres)

Showing 1 to 50 of 736.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-09 Emphasis on Reading the Bible: Is there anything in scripture that says we should read the Bible regularly? [Psalm 1:1-3].
2024-07-05 Sola Scriptura (the Canon of Scripture): Why are there 66 books in the Canon of Scripture, if it is not "Sola Scripture?"
2024-06-24 Not Adding to Scripture: Why were there more books added to the Bible after the Deuteronomy says not to? [Deuteronmy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6, Revelation 22:18-19].
2024-06-11 Finding the Book of Romans: Can you help me find this verse that was read at my grandmother's funeral? [Romans 14:7-9]
2024-06-05 Why Should a Skeptic Read the Bible?: What are the most compelling reasons for someone to read the Bible?
2024-05-31 Hermeneutics in Bible Study: How can you assess a proper hermeneutics? Rec: Topical lecture. "When Shall These Things Be?" [Luke 21, Matthew 24, Mark 13].
2024-05-06 Compatibilism (Foreordained vs Free Will): Is John Calvin's Calvinism synonymous with "Compatibilism?"
Inspiration of Scripture & Compatiblism: Isn't the inspiration of scripture an example of "Compatibilism" since the writers had free will in how they wrote the scriptures, but were also inspired?
2024-04-18 The Manuscripts (of the Bible): Could you help me better understand the various manuscripts for the Bible?
2024-04-16 Inspiration of Scripture: How has your understanding of "inspiration of scripture" grown? [2 Timothy 3:16-17].
Apostles Paraphrasing: Is it possible that the apostles paraphrased what was said?
2024-04-16 Inspiration of Scripture: How has your understanding of "inspiration of scripture" grown? [2 Timothy 3:16-17].
Apostles Paraphrasing: Is it possible that the apostles paraphrased what was said?
2024-03-25 King of Tyre & Bible Chapter Titles: Who has the power to title the Bible's chapters and why would the title given be ignored? Isn't it irresponsible to apply something that scripture does not say? [Ezekiel 28:12-16, Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 26-28, Ezekiel 28:1, Ezekiel 28:12, Ezekiel 12:16].
2024-03-20 Best Bible Translation: Which is the best Bible Translation?
2024-03-19 Masoretic Texts (Hebrew Texts): Do you know the difference between various Hebrew texts (Westminster Leningrad Codex and the Masoretic text)?
2024-03-07 Steve Gregg's Bible Familiarity: How many times have you read the Bible? How familiar are you with it?
Doomed? Impossible to Repent? : Am I doomed, with no chance of repentance, in light of Hebrews 6, because I have lived a backslidden life? [Hebrews 6:4-8, Matthew 19:26, 2 Peter 3:9].
Mark of the Beast: If you don't take the "Mark of the Beast" then aren't you automatically saved?
2024-03-05 "Desire for Thy Husband": Would you explain the second part of the verse in Genesis 3:16, that says "thy desire shall be to thy husband?" [Genesis 3:16, Genesis 4:7].
The Legacy Standard Bible: What do you think of "The Legacy Standard Bible?"
2024-02-27 Questioning Authorship of BIble Books: If it were proven that an author of one of the books of the Bible was not accurate and not an apostle, how would it affect your faith?
2024-02-22 Languages in the New Testament: How do I find out if the book of Mathew was written in Hebrew, rather than Greek, like the rest of the New Testament?
2024-02-21 Manuscript Variations: Could you explain why some sections of scripture, as in Mark 16, are not in some translations? [Mark 16:9-20].
2024-02-21 The Holy Bible (Original Order): What do you think of the Holy Bible in its original order?
2024-01-25 The Bible Compared to the Quran: What are the best evidences of fulfilled prophecy? [Isaiah 44:27, Isaiah Isaiah 45:1]
Evidence Against Fulfilled Prophecy: What are the best evidences against fulfilled prophecy?
2024-01-18 Constantine & the Canon of Scripture (New Testament): Could you shed light on how the books of the New Testament were selected and if Constantine oversaw it?
2024-01-09 Preaching Fear & Worry: Many preach fear and worry about things we cannot fix. This has derailed me from my faith. What can you advise? [Psalm 1:3].
2024-01-08 No Food (or Stomachs) in Heaven: Caller thinks there will be no need for stomachs in heaven because the food will be so pure. [1 Corinthians 6:13].
Liberty for the Christian: When does one take "liberty" with scripture too far? Can we read too much into it? [Luke 17:10].
2023-12-28 Growth Through The Narrow Path Ministry/ Radio Program: Caller expresses his great appreciation for his growth through The Narrow Path ministry and radio program.
Better (Non-Dispensational) Study Bible: Is there a better Study Bible for the partial preterist, non-dispensationalist?
Pope's Blessing Same-sex Marriage: What do you think about the Pope blessing same-sex marriage?
2023-12-19 Atheist Caller: Bible or Church first?: Which came first, the Bible or the church? [Hebrews 11].
Atheist Caller: Defining the Bible: How would you define the Bible or the scriptures?
Atheist Caller: Intertestamental Period: Doesn't it seem questionable to have nearly 400 years of things happening (between the writing of the Old & New Testaments) before the Bible is finalized? And what about the wars between the opposing sides?
2023-12-19 Atheist Caller: Bible or Church first?: Which came first, the Bible or the church? [Hebrews 11].
Atheist Caller: Defining the Bible: How would you define the Bible or the scriptures?
Atheist Caller: Intertestamental Period: Doesn't it seem questionable to have nearly 400 years of things happening (between the writing of the Old & New Testaments) before the Bible is finalized? And what about the wars between the opposing sides?
2023-12-19 Atheist Caller: Bible or Church first?: Which came first, the Bible or the church? [Hebrews 11].
Atheist Caller: Defining the Bible: How would you define the Bible or the scriptures?
Atheist Caller: Intertestamental Period: Doesn't it seem questionable to have nearly 400 years of things happening (between the writing of the Old & New Testaments) before the Bible is finalized? And what about the wars between the opposing sides?
2023-11-24 The Apocrypha (Eastern Orthodox Church): If the Apocrypha was in all Bibles up until the 1800s, then did everyone have defective Bibles?
2023-11-21 Barbaric Biblical Stoning: Would you comment on the barbaric punishment by stoning described in the Bible? [Ecclesiastes 8:11-12].
2023-11-15 Extrabiblical Books: Why are some of the extrabiblical books not included in the Biblical Canon? [1 Chronicles 29:29, 1 Corinthians 10].
2023-11-13 Italicized Words in Bibles: Why are there italicized words in Bibles?
Unspotted From the World: What does it mean to keep yourself "unspotted from the world?" [James 1:26-27].
2023-11-02 Why Trust the Bible?: How should we defend the question "Why the Bible, instead of other religions holy books?" Isn't circular reasoning to use 2 Timothy 3? [2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 John 4:1-4, Deuteronomy 18:22, Deuteronomy 13:1-5, John 13:20, 2 Corinthians 12:12].
2023-10-24 BIble-Truth or Fiction: Is the Bible true or fiction? Where would it be in the library? Is it mostly spiritual?
2023-10-19 The Value of Knowing the Word: Would you elaborate on the value of knowing the scriptures? [Psalm 1:1-3].
2023-09-28 The Living Bible: What do you think about "The Living Bible?"
2023-09-25 Do Not Add to Scripture: How do you reconcile the "do not add" phrases in both Deuteronomy and Revelation? [Deuteronomy 4:2, Revelation 22:18, Proverbs 30:5-6].
2023-09-22 Two Trees in Eden: What was the difference between the two trees (Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil and the Tree of Life) in the Garden of Eden?
Tree of Knowledge & the Bible: Isn't the Tree of Knowledge in Eden the same as the Bible?
2023-09-22 Two Trees in Eden: What was the difference between the two trees (Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil and the Tree of Life) in the Garden of Eden?
Tree of Knowledge & the Bible: Isn't the Tree of Knowledge in Eden the same as the Bible?
2023-09-13 "Sola Scriptura": Would you give me an argument to support "sola scripture" ("scripture alone")?
Adultery & Pornography: Is viewing pornography the same as adultery (mental vs. physical)?
2023-09-06 The Book of Matthew: Why do some people think that the Book of Matthew should be the beginning of the New Testament, when it is about the Law?
Oracle of Delphi: What do you know about the "Oracle of Delphi?"
2023-09-01 Encouragement in Times of Despair: Caller shares scripture that might be a blessing to others which has helped in temptation. [Jeremiah 29:11, Revelation 3:20]
Adding Anything to the Bible: Does the verse in Revelation about not adding to scripture refer to the whole Bible or only the book of Revelation? [Revelation 22:18, Deuteronomy 4:2, Colossians 1:27, Ephesians 3:1-6, 1 Corinthians 1:14-16, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, Proverbs 30:5-6].
2023-09-01 "Inspired" Bible & Disciples: Can you explain what is meant by "inspiration" relative to the writing the books of the Bible? [John 13:20, 2 Corinthians 6:2, 1 Corinthians 1:14-16].
2023-09-01 Inspiration of Scripture: How does what you had to say earlier about the inspiration of scripture relate to 2 Timothy 3:16? [2 Timothy 3:15-16].
2023-08-18 Wuest's New Testament Translation: Are you familiar with the New Testament by Kenneth Wuest? Are they good? Is it similar to Amplified?
Ken Ham: What's your take on Ken Ham (Creation teacher)?
2023-08-11 Adding or Subtracting from Scripture: Doesn't the New Testament add to the scripture in contrast to what is said in Deuteronomy 4? [Deuteronomy 4:2, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 7:12, Proverbs 30:5-6, Revelation 22:18-19].
2023-08-11 Canon of New Testament (Council of Nicaea): Could you direct me where to start in learning more about the Council of Nicaea in light of those claiming that Constantine held power due to it?
2023-08-07 Lazy Christians (Reading Cross References): If Christians would not be so lazy they would understand better if they just read the center column in their Bibles (the cross-references).
2023-07-27 Study Bibles & Commentaries: Can you recommend a good study Bible and Bible commentary? Rec: Tyndale Bible Commentaries and New King James Study Bible.
2023-07-07 Bible Being Disregarded in Contemporary Churches: Caller shares his observation that many churches have decided to disregard the Bible. Rec: Books; "The Strange Silence of the Bible in the Church: A Study in Hermeneutics" by James D. Smart and "Battle for the Bible" by Harold Lindsell.
2023-07-07 Bible School (Seminary Education): If I go through all your lectures, do you think I would get an education equivalent to going to Bible School (Seminary)?
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