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Topic: Bible (General & Genres)

Showing 351 to 400 of 736.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-05-22 New Living Translation: What do you think about the New Living Translation (NLT)?
2019-05-06 How to Start to Reading the Bible: Would you suggest where you think one should start if they have no background in the Bible or scripture at all?
2019-05-06 Bored Reading the Bible: Am I wrong to be bored by parts of the Bible?
2019-05-01 King James Only: How do we minister to people who believe that the KJV is the only translation that is acceptable?
2019-04-18 The Bible: Are there limits to what you can learn from the Bible?
2019-04-10 Knowledge of Scripture: How did you gain such knowledge of the Bible? Is there a method that might help others learn it so well? [Psalm 1:2].
2019-04-02 Bible Background - Inner Man & Outer Man: Can you recommend a book that gives a reliable background of the books of the Bible? Would you talk about the "inner man" vs the "outer man"?
2019-04-02 Trinity: Since the word "Trinity" in not in the Bible, from where do we get the teaching?
2019-03-26 Determinate Counsel: What does this mean; "... the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God"? [Acts 2:23, 25].
2019-03-14 Crucifixion Discrepancies: How do you resolve the apparent discrepancies regarding the time of the crucifixion of Jesus? [Mark 15:25, John 19:14].
Church Fathers: What are good sources for reading the church fathers?
Writing of Revelation date evidence: Is there evidence that Revelation was written after 70 AD?
2019-03-13 John 2 Why is there so much repetition in John's writing [I John 2:12-14]?
2019-03-11 Scripture relevancy to today: Why do we think some scripture applies to us, when it was written to specific ancient people [Zephaniah 3:17]? Old Testament verses identified in the New Testament, as applying to us now. How to distinguish ones applicable to us today? [2 Corinthians 1:20].
Seven Churches (Revelation): Are the seven churches in Revelation, equal to "seven ages" many have been taught? [Revelation 1:11].
2019-03-11 Incest: Didn't Adam & Eve's children have incestuous relationships?
Polygamy: Where does the Bible indicate that we should not practice polygamy? [Ephesians 5:22-32, Matthew 19].
2019-03-04 Prayer in Jesus' Name: What is the significance of praying "in Jesus' name"?
Old Bible redistribution: To whom should I give my old Bibles?
2019-02-28 Church Discipline, Judging, Rebuking: Church discipline, if I see my brother sinning, should I just ignore it or what? [Matthew 18]
2019-02-21 Early Manuscripts: Did any of the church fathers have all the existing old Manuscripts? How much earlier were all the manuscripts I just mentioned written prior to the Textus Receptus? Is there any evidence that the people who wrote the manuscripts before the Textus Receptus denied the Deity of Christ? What do you think some of reasons Westcott-Hort the Greek Bible?
2019-02-21 Early Manuscripts: Early manuscripts of the Bible comment.
Eusebius: Why don't you quote Eusebius who believes the same as you, as far as eschatology? 21, 6, 2,
2019-02-19 Best Place to Start in New Christian Experience studying the Bible: Where to begin in the word, for a new believer?
2019-02-06 Repentance for Salvation: Isn't it a false doctrine to teach that we have to repent from our sins in order to be saved?
Paul & Modern Translations: What's that verse about all Scripture being inspired? Is Paul talking about the New Testament? New Translations of the Bible? [2 Timothy 3:16]
2019-01-28 Reconciling Scripture: How do passages of scripture like Matthew 5:44 and 1 Corinthians 5 harmonize, love your enemies, but then discipline your "enemies"?
2019-01-28 Satan raising people from the dead: Is there somewhere in the Bible that says Satan can raise the dead?
Creation Literal: A day in the account of Creation does not mean that it has to be a literal 24 period of time, does it?
2019-01-25 Harmonizing OT & NT, Eye for an Eye: How would we harmonize the Old Testament & the New Testament, where in the OT, it was an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, but Jesus in the NT seemed to be all about mercy. [Leviticus 24:15-22, Matthew 5:38-42]
2019-01-24 Biblical Interpretation: is there a difference in meaning without the italicized words? [1 Corinthians 15:26]
2019-01-22 Old Testament Chronology: Can you refer me to a resource to help me put the Old Testament books in a chronology [].
2019-01-18 Apologetics vs the Bible Alone: What is Pre-suppositional apologetics (and evidential apologetics) and isn't the Bible enough as it is? [Romans 1:16].
2019-01-16 Where the Eagles are Gathered: Why are the parallels in Matthew 24, Luke 17 & 21. about "where the eagles gather" so different? [Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:37, Job 39:30].
2019-01-15 Extra-biblical Books: What do you think about some of the extra-biblical books such as, The Apocrypha, Gilgamesh Epic, and The Emerald Tablets of Toth? Do they predate the Bible?
2019-01-10 Dates of Nehemiah, Esther, Ezra: Were these books, Nehemiah, Esther and Ezra written in the post-exilic period?
2019-01-09 Literal or Symbolic: How should we determine if something is meant as literal or symbolic? What is the time frame for this passage of Scripture in Isaiah? [Isaiah 19:19-25]?
2019-01-09 Bible History, Manuscripts: Discussion of Biblical history and manuscripts.
2019-01-08 New Testament Reliability: How can we be sure that the New Testament is not corrupted?
2019-01-08 Grounds for Divorce: Is actual adultery, as opposed to carnal knowledge, desertion & physical abuse, grounds for divorce?
Date of Writing of the New Testament: Were all the books of the new Testament were written before 69 A.D.?
Reincarnation: How do you view reincarnation?
2019-01-03 Jan Markell & Jack Hibbs: Should we go listen to Jan Markell and Jack Hibbs when they are going to be in his area?
Date of Writing of the Gospels: Do you know when the four gospels were actually written?
2019-01-03 Compilation of the Bible: Can you comment about this; A former priest told me that I wouldn't be a Christian if I knew how the Bible was compiled?
2018-12-28 Amplified Bibles: What do you think about the Amplified Bible?
2018-12-14 Read to show yourself Approved: What happens to be people who can't physically read the Bible? [2 Timothy 2:15]
2018-12-06 Mandela Effect: Does the "mandela effect" really happen, verses changing?
2018-12-04 Study Bible: What would you recommend for a good study Bible?
2018-11-28 Challenging the Dates of the books of the Bible: Can you talk about the Dating of the books of the Bible?
2018-11-19 God's Wrath: Why believe in a God who kills people, turning Lot's wife into a pillar of salt & so on?
King James: Did king james leave out gospels that should've been included?
2018-11-05 Old Testament & New Testament Application: Does the New Testament writings supersede the Old Testament, and if so, how do we sort it?
2018-11-05 Book of Enoch: Is it wise or unwise to read the "extra" books of the Bible such as the Book of Enoch?
2018-11-05 2 Books of Genesis: Someone told me there are 2 books of Genesis. What do you think about that?
2018-11-01 Studying the Bible: I'm having difficulty sticking w/ reading the Bible, is it better to listen or read it?
2018-10-31 Paul Speaking to Whom: To whom is speaking, the apostles or us? [titus 3:12]
2018-10-23 Numbering the People: Why did Chronicles include the story of David "numbering the people" and not Samuel?
Chronological Bible: Is there such a thing as chronological Bible or chronological source I can get that puts everything in the OT in Chronological order?
2018-10-23 Armor of God: What does it mean to put on the full armour of God? How do you walk in the Spirit? [Ephesians 6:10-20]
Bible Translations: What is the best translation of the Bible?
2018-10-22 Interlinear Bible: I'm looking for a good interlinear Septuagint bible that has that has hebrew, greek & English. Do you have any ideas?
2018-10-19 The Book of Ecclesiastes: Who was Ecclesiastes written to & why?
2018-10-18 Studying the Bible: Is it possible studying the Bible is a bad thing? What is required when studying it?
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