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Topic: Bible (General & Genres)

Showing 51 to 100 of 736.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-06-30 Books Not Included in the Bible: Is there any value in reading the books that were not included in the Bible?
2023-06-28 Favorite Book of the Bible: If you only had one book of the Bible, which would you choose?
2023-06-28 "Do Not Add or Subtract" from This Book: Is the scripture about not adding or subtracting from this book referring to the whole Bible or just the Book of Revelation?
Christian Converting to Jehovah Witness: What do you think of a Baptist that has converted to Jehovah Witness?
2023-06-20 Selection of Books for the Bible: How did they decide which books to keep in the Bible, like when they omitted "Nag Hammadi" (Gnostic Gospels)? Should I read these books or should I avoid them? Rec: Topical Lecture; "Authority of Scripture." [Ephesians 4:14].
2023-05-26 God's Omnipresence: If some will be shut out and away from the presence of the Lord, how then can God be omnipresent? [2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, Acts 3:19, 2 Thessalonians 2:8].
Added Words to Bible Manuscripts: Where can I get a Bible that doesn't add words that are not there in the Greek? Rec: Greek or Hebrew Interlinear.
2023-05-24 Bible Translation Evaluation (Pet Peeves): What are some of your "pet peeves" when assessing Bible translations?[Romans 6:6, Colossians 3:9-10, Ephesians 2:15, Ephesians 4:22-24].
2023-05-19 Organization of the Bible & Psalms: Could you review why the Bible was organized like it was, specifically the Psalms? [Psalms 42-43].
Chronology of the Bible: Were the books of Corinthians the first books of the New Testament?
2023-05-19 Organization of the Bible & Psalms: Could you review why the Bible was organized like it was, specifically the Psalms? [Psalms 42-43].
Chronology of the Bible: Were the books of Corinthians the first books of the New Testament?
2023-05-11 The "Passion Translation": What are you thoughts on the "Passion Translation" of the Bible?
2023-05-02 Pauses & Breaks in Early Manuscripts: Where would one go to see the original breaks in the original Greek manuscripts?
2023-04-26 After Jesus' Death-the Three Days: Where was Jesus for those three days after death? [Luke 23:43, Psalm 16:10. Acts 2:27, Ephesians 4:9, Psalm 139:15, 1 Peter 3:20-21, 1 Peter 1:10-12].
Opinions vs the Known: Why would I wonder about all the "what if" questions, if I will get to ask Jesus later?
Hades: Would you explain the different compartments in Hades? [Luke 23:43].
2023-04-24 Holman & CSD Translations: What do you think of the HCSB and the CSD translations (Holman Christian Standard Bible)?
2023-04-05 Manuscripts Variants: How should we approach manuscript variants? Do you deal with this in your "Authority of Scripture?" [1 Corinthians 1:14-16, Matthew 27:9-10, Zechariah 11:13].
2023-04-05 The Bible's Formation: Could you talk about the Bible's development?
2023-03-10 The Title-Holy Bible: Why is the Bible entitled with the word "Holy?"
2023-03-07 NIV Bibles: What edition of the NIV (New International Version) of the Bible would you recommend? What other Bible translation would you recommend?
2023-02-17 Unbelievers Reading the Bible: Do you think that the unsaved can learn from the Bible, or does one need the Holy Spirit to learn from scripture? [John 20:30-31].
2023-02-10 One Overall Theolgy: Is there one overall theology for the entire Bible?
"Q Source" (Resource Document): Would there have to be a source document such as "Q Source" (Quelle) or could the New Testament writers just recorded independently by inspiration?
2023-01-30 Jesus' Sinful Nature: Do you think that Jesus had a "sinful nature?" [Romans 3:23, Romans 7:23, Romans 6:20].
Assumptions Beyond the Bible: Why would people assume stuff that isn't in the Bible?
2023-01-26 BFS (Bible Study Fellowship): What do you think of "Bible Study Fellowship"?
Prayer: Do you pray outloud or silently?
2023-01-24 Rebuking Evil Spirits: What should we understand about rebuking unclean or evil spirits, both in ourselves and in others? [Jude 1:9, Daniel 10:10-14, Matthew 16:23].
Bible Reading for the Young: What would you recommend for young people for Bible reading? Rec: Topical lecture series; "Culivating Christian Character"/ "Cultivating the Word of God."
2022-12-30 Oldest Book of the Bible: What is the oldest book of the Bible?
2022-12-23 Arc of Triumphe (France): Caller clarifies that there is an "Arc de Triomphe" in France.
"Book of Yahweh": Do you know anything about the "Book of Yahweh"?
2022-12-23 Old Testament's Purpose: What is the purpose of all the long lists and geneaologies in the Old Testament?
2022-12-22 Praying & Reading the Bible: Are there guidelines for the right way to pray and read the Bible-and how often you should do so? [James 4:3, Matthew 6:9-13, John 16:23-24, James 1:6, Matthew 17:20, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Luke 18:1, Romans 1:9, Psalm 1:2-3, Joshua 1:8, Luke 12:48].
2022-12-19 Hearing Jesus (or God): Do we hear Jesus today through His written word, instead of as the disciples did? [2 Corinthians 5:15-17, John 8:31].
2022-11-18 "Chiasms" (Chiastic Structure) in Scripture" Do you think that looking into "chiasms" in scripture is profitable?
Difficult Passages in Scripture: If I run across a verse I don't like or don't understand, I tend to dig into it, to figure out why I am wrong. Is this how I should I be looking at this?
2022-11-18 "Chiasms" (Chiastic Structure) in Scripture" Do you think that looking into "chiasms" in scripture is profitable?
Difficult Passages in Scripture: If I run across a verse I don't like or don't understand, I tend to dig into it, to figure out why I am wrong. Is this how I should I be looking at this?
2022-11-17 "The Five Solas": What do you think of "The Five "Solas"?
2022-11-17 Thomas Jefferson Bible: Would you elaborate on the "Thomas Jefferson Bible"?
2022-11-17 Author of Hebrews: What if the transcribers altered the style or tone when writing Hebrews, and that would explain why the New Testament authors are not always consistent in style? [Romans 16:22]
Those Who Arose with Jesus: When the graves were opened at Jesus' crucifixion, what did the others that rose from the dead do for the two days that Jesus was still in the grave? [Matthew 27:51-53].
2022-11-11 Fallen Angels & Nephilm: Were the angels in Genesis 6 actually fallen angels? [Genesis 6].
Nephilim, Demons & Fallen Angels: Were the Nephilim actually demons that inhabited other bodies? Are demons and fallen angels two separate things? [Genesis 6:4-6, Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4].
Holy Bible's Canonization: Did the Catholic church canonize the Holy Bible?
2022-11-02 "Not Peace, but a Sword": Why would there be this passage about not coming to bring peace, "but a sword", when it is so frightening? [Matthew 10:34-36, Micah 7:6].
The Bible's is Incomplete: Was there more that could have been included in the Bible that was not written? [John 21:25].
2022-10-20 Bible Literalism: What do you think about Karen Armstrong (in her book, "The Bible-a Biography.") claiming that Genesis was not considered literally true in previous centuries? [Judges 9:8].
Literal vs Symbolic Passages: Where does one draw the line in understanding which passages in scripture to take literally vs symbolic? [Genesis 1:26-27, Isaiah 40:3, Mark 1:3].
2022-10-12 Loving Others: Someone said to look at everyone you are helping as if they are Jesus. This has helped me.
"The Secret:" Isn't there some overlap between the Bible and the book, "The Secret" (by Rhonda Byren) and there remains some validity to it? [Romans 10:17].
2022-10-11 Inerrancy & Application in Scipture: Because the Bible is inerrant, doesn't each scripture apply to every one of us, rather than only selectively applicable to some of us?
Adultery: A man says the Bible does not apply in its restriction on adultery, because he is not the one that is married, though the woman with whom he has sex, is married.
2022-10-05 Choosing the Books in the Bible: How were the books chosen for the Bible and what standards were used? [John 13:20].
Bible Books Selection-Accurate?: How do we know with certainy that the books we have in the Bible are the correct ones? [2 Corinthians 12:12]. Recommended topical lecture; "Authority of Scripture."
2022-10-05 Choosing the Books in the Bible: How were the books chosen for the Bible and what standards were used? [John 13:20].
Bible Books Selection-Accurate?: How do we know with certainy that the books we have in the Bible are the correct ones? [2 Corinthians 12:12]. Recommended topical lecture; "Authority of Scripture."
2022-09-28 Bible Reading for the New Believer: What book of the Bible would you recommend to read first for the new believer? Recommends; Matthew.
2022-08-18 Pentateuch's Origins: Could you talk about the records that Moses used for the writing of the Pentateuch?
2022-08-03 Being Faithful vs Works: How does one having to be faithful in serving God not the same as "salvation by works"? [Ephesians 2:9-10, Titus 2:14, Galatians 5:6, James 2:20, Acts 17:30].
Alexandrian Text & Corruption: How does one know that the Alexandrian text has not been corrupted?
2022-07-29 Study Bibles: How would you find a study Bible that is not Dispensationist?
2022-07-27 Authorship of the Gospels, Mark & John: Is it possible that the gospel of Mark was written by the same person that wrote John? [Acts 12].
2022-07-20 Poetry in Bible: What problems are caused by people not understanding that part of the Bible is written in poetry and then try to take it literally?
Literal vs Symbolic Interpretation: How does one handle when others inappropriately take things literally or symbolically-actually reversing the correct application? [2 Peter 3:8].
2022-07-20 All Religions-Same God & "Judge Not": How would you respond to someone that claims all religions refer to the same power and the Bible is simply written by men, therefore we are not to judge others? [Matthew 7:1-2, I Corinthians 2:15,John 7:24, I Corinthians 5:3, I Corinthians 10:15, I Corinthians 14:29].
2022-07-14 Bible Books: How did we get to what we accept as authentic Bible books, in contrast to the books that the early church accepted?
Book of Wisdom: Is "the Book of Wisdom" actually the same as Solomon? Ref: The Book of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus.
2022-07-14 Bible Books: How did we get to what we accept as authentic Bible books, in contrast to the books that the early church accepted?
Book of Wisdom: Is "the Book of Wisdom" actually the same as Solomon? Ref: The Book of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus.
2022-07-12 Christian Books: What do you think of the book, "Jesus is Calling"?
The Message Bible: What do you think of the Bible called, "The Message"?
2022-07-08 What Kind of Book is the Bible?: Someone said that the Bible just a history book? Isn't it the Word of God?
2022-07-06 Book of Revelation-Date of Writing: What are your reasons for believing that it is possible that the book of Revelation is likely to have been written before some of the other New Testament books? [Revelation 19, 2 Peter 3:13, Isaiah 65:17, Revelation 20-21, James 1:12, Revelation 2:10, James 1:18, Revelation 14:4].
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