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Topic: Bible (General & Genres)

Showing 601 to 650 of 736.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-08-05 Demon-Possession Lectures: What happened to your Demon-possession Lectures?
"Equality w/ God": Caller is having a hard time w/ the phrase, "Who did not think equality w/ God a thing to be grasped", & would like Steve's thoughts if he could grasp what it means. [Philippians 2:1-11]
2015-08-04 Catholics & the Apocrypha: Are the Romans Catholics the ONLY church that use the Apocrypha?
2015-07-23 Amplified Bible: Caller is wondering what Steve thinks about the Amplified Bible?
2015-07-22 NIV & KJV: Should I get rid of her NIV, & just read the KJV of the Bible?
Denominations: What Denominational Church do you think I should attend & ones that I should stay away from?
2015-07-22 A Paraphrased Bible: Caller heard that Steve doesn't like Paraphrased Bibles, but she explains why she loves them, especially when it comes to idioms.
2015-07-15 NIV Translation issues: Caller heard Steve say that there were 2 verses that causes him to not use the NIV on a Biblical basis. Is that true?
2015-07-13 Manuscripts of the Bible: Were the Manuscripts just one long continuous words, w/ no breaks, commas, capitalization?
Bob Dutko: Steve Gregg was in an interview w/ Bob Dutko, does he have an audio file of that?
2015-06-30 Reading the Bible Out Loud: Would Steve ever consider reading the entire Bible for audio?
Speaking the Truth (in love): John the Elder, the loved Disciple of Christ, is not loving because of the negative things he said about the anti-Christ.
2015-06-25 Ahithophel: Did Ahithophel turn against David because of the relationship he had w/ Bathsheba?
2015-06-02 "Sliding Away Backwards": Where can I find that phrase in Isaiah, "Sliding Away Backwards"? Turn away backwards! [Isaiah 1:4]
"It Is Written": Does Steve have a count of how often the phrase, "It is Written" is used in the Bible?
2015-05-12 The Bible Just a Nice Set of Stories: How do you deal w/ someone who claims to be a Christian, but thinks the Bible is just a book of made up stories, & how would you share w/ them that they are wrong?
2015-05-11 Age of the Earth, Prehistoric Age: The Age of the Stars & other things don't seem to match up w/ the Creation Account, so how do we deal w/ that? [Genesis 1 & 2, Romans 1:19-20]
2015-05-07 Archeologist find - Book of Barnabas: Has Steve ever heard of them finding the book Barnabas?
Adam - Father of all Mankind: Are Adam & Eve really the first parents of the human race, or did God create humans before them, & THEN Adam? [Romans 5:12-21, Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2]
2015-04-29 The Message Bible: Pastor is using the Message Bible to study the book of Psalms & some people like it & some people do not like it, what does Steve think?
2015-04-29 New International Version (NIV) Bible Translation: Caller is surprised that Steve doesn't just love the NIV translation of the Bible.
2015-04-22 The book of Ezekiel: Why are the prophecies given out of chronological order?
2015-04-16 Salvation from the Bible: Taking our Salvation only from the Bible, Tom the Catholic disagrees. Baptism saves. [Matthew 19:25, 10:22, 24:13, Mark 16:16, John 6:50]
Church is built on Apostles: Church is gone, invisible!
2015-03-30 In-depth Bible Study: Caller wants an in-depth Bible Study, something like Steve Gregg has. (more clicking last call didn't have it even though the previous call before that did.)
2015-03-27 Animals in Heaven: Animals in Heaven.
Steve is very dedicated: Steve being dedicated to his Ministry.
Red letter Edition - Don C. Harris: Is Steve familiar w/ Don Harris or the ministry of Red Letter Edition?
2015-03-19 The Role of Women in the Church: Steve keeps saying, "Jesus says", Paul says", or "the Bible says", but which is it?
2015-03-16 English Translations of the Bible: Which English Translation does Steve prefer?
2015-03-13 Getting a New Bible: Caller is considering getting a E. W. Bullinger Companion Bible, would Steve recommend it? What is a good one?
Genesis 5 genealogy: Cain is not in the genealogy of Genesis 5. Why not?
2015-03-13 Scripture & Inspiration: What are the meaning of the words, "Scripture & Inspiration" in 2 Timothy? [2 Timothy 3:16-17]
2015-03-06 Sola Scriptura: What does Sola Scriptura mean, a Catholic asks a Protestant, because all the problems, divisions that the Protestants are having stems from that.
Catholic Church the only way: Anyone who is not under the umbrella of the pope or in the Catholic church are not saved, caller's Catholic friend says.
2015-03-06 The Book of Nehemiah & Joy: How do you apply "the Joy of Lord is my strength", we get strength from His joy? [Nehemiah 8:10]
Manasseh killed Isaiah: Is it true Manasseh killed Isaiah? [Isaiah 9:21, 2 Chronicles 33:13]
Not Loving Jesus Most: Where is it in the Bible where Jesus says if people love their mother or father more than Him, they are not worthy of Him? [Matthew 10:34-38]
2015-03-05 "You are gods": "You are God's" in the possessive sense, is that possible? [Psalm 82:6]
A good commentary: Do you know of good commentaries that you'd recommend?
2015-03-02 The Book of Revelation: What is the value of the Book of Revelation for us today?
2015-02-17 Free Love: During the 1960s it seemed to go completely against the Bible, that if you hadn't had a sexual relationship before you were married, you were insane.
2015-02-17 Interpreting the Bible: How do we interpret the Bible? Using the Bible for current Social Issues.
2015-02-12 Abandoning the Old Testament: Since we are no longer under the Old Covenant, shouldn't we just abandon the Old Testament altogether?
2015-02-11 Holy Spirit & Differing Interpretation of Bible: How can there be SO many interpretations of certain Scripture verses, & them all claiming to have the same Holy Spirit in them?
2015-02-10 People in the Bible-Applied to Us Today: Even though they are not written to us, we can relate to stuff that happened to other people in the Bible?.
2015-01-23 The Book of Psalms: Does the book of Psalms have any rhyme or reason to the way it was put together?
2015-01-23 "The Story": Does Steve know anything about "The Story"?
2015-01-14 No Bibles Available in Church: Caller forgot Bible one time & asked if she could borrow one & the church didn't have one.
Prayer in Church: How much prayer should be happening in church?
2014-12-24 KJV vs NKJV: In the KJV it says, "The love of money is the root of ALL evil", but in the NKJV it says, The love of money is the root of ALL SORTS of evil. Which one is correct? [1 Timothy 6:10]
2014-12-22 Best Version of Bible: Looking for the best version of the Bible, especially interested in the NIV. Your thoughts?
2014-12-18 The Story Bible: Some friends are very excited about a new non-denominational church, but they are using the "Story Bible". Concerned about the Church if they use such a Bible.
2014-12-09 Similar Writing in the Bible: Why is Isaiah 36:1-39:8 so much like 2 Kings 18:17-20:21? People have been challenging the validity of the Bible just because of this, copied or similar material. [Isaiah 36:1 - 39:8, 2 Kings 18:17 - 20:21]
2014-12-02 "The Republic" - Plato, Socrates: What do you think about Socrates, Plato & Aristotle having a lot of wisdom before Christ? The Republic which i'm reading just seems to have such good parallels to the Bible.
2014-11-26 KJV Translation of the Bible: My brother stands by the KJV only, that it's the most perfect Bible out there. What do you think about that?
2014-11-07 The Bible: Who wrote the Bible? How do we know it's not just a story?
2014-10-29 Apocalyptic Language in the Bible: What is Apocalyptic language? How do you recognize it? Is there a Bible that highlights apocalyptic language like some Bible do w/ the red words of Jesus?
Different Genres: How many different kinds of Genres are there?
2014-10-09 The Bible Answer Man: How did you happen to be on Hank Hanegraaff's show, The Bible Answer Man?
Genres: Can you explain Genres, & what genres are what in the Bible?
2014-09-18 Canon of Scripture & its 66 Books: How would defend the Canon of Scripture as it stands today?
Apocrypha Books: What do you think of Apocrypha Books of the Bible, such as the Epistle of Barnabas?
2014-09-10 Steve's Wonderments: Do you have any questions you need answered to? Where do you go for your answers?
Studying the Bible: What are some good resources for the studying the Bible?
Starting point: Where's a good point to start studying the Bible?
2014-08-21 The Message Bible: What you do you think of the Message Bible?
2014-08-06 Red lettering of Jesus speaking in a verse: I have a red letter Bible, & so shouldn't this print be in red because isn't it Jesus speaking? [Revelation 21:3,5-6]
2014-07-30 Lost Books of the Bible: Why would some books that are mentioned in the Bible be lost if God wanted them to be in the canon of Scripture? [Psalm 12:6-7]
2014-07-21 Letters of Paul: How did the early Christians receive the instruction from Paul before the New Testament was put into the Bible & grow from it before it was?
Wrath of God revealed from Heaven: How can we make the leap from Paul addressing people in the 1st century church to it applying to us now? [Romans 1]
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