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Topic: Bible (General & Genres)

Showing 551 to 600 of 736.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-07-21 Remedy Paraphrase Bible: What is Steve's opinion on the new "Remedy" paraphrased Bible?
Sola Scriptura What is Steve's opinion on "sola scriptura"?
2016-07-21 Remedy Paraphrase Bible: What is Steve's opinion on the new "Remedy" paraphrased Bible?
Sola Scriptura What is Steve's opinion on "sola scriptura"?
2016-07-18 King James Version of the Bible, but older Texts: So there are older texts that were discovered after the King James Version of the Bible was written?
2016-07-14 Doubting the Inerrancy of Scripture: Can a person who doubts the inerrancy of Scripture be a true Christian?
2016-07-13 Studying the Bible for Yourself: You talked the other day about studying the Bible for yuorself, self-study, but do you have any suggestions on how i should go about that?
2016-07-13 The More You Learn the More you don't know: Trying to learn what the scripture means, the more you learn the more you realize you don't know!
2016-07-07 KJV only: Caller thinks the KJV is the only way to go, that there's missing verses from the NIV. (very bad quality audio.)
The EVS by Calvinists: Was the ESV written by Calvinists?
Calvinistic Teachers: Should we listen to teachers who believe in Calvinism?
2016-07-07 KJV Only Issue: You said there is no scripture to KJV only mindset, shouldn’t we only have ONE translation? He says he gets confused with all the other translations. He thinks we need to have moderation. [2 Peter 1, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14]
2016-07-07 Demons cast out by only Fasting & Prayer Text Missing: Caller has heard that in some translations the phrase, "some (demons) can only be cast out by fasting & prayer" & was wondering if that was true or not. [Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29]
2016-07-06 Leadership Encouraged to Read the Bible in a Year: What do you think about a church insisting that members read the Bible in a year if you want be involved with leadership in the church?
2016-07-06 KJV Only People: The King James Version only people, why do they even think that, how does it even happen & why is it incorrect to believe?
2016-06-20 Problems with Audio FIles: When listening to some of your lectures, they seem to speed up & slow down. Do you know why that is?
Unknown Authors of Books of the Bible: If they didn't know the author of a book of the Bible, did that impede if the book was inspired or not & added to the canon of Scripture?
2016-06-09 Date of the Gospel of John: When was the Gospel of John written? Which of 3 books was written first, Revelation, the Gospel of John or the 3 epistles?
Actual Dates of the Gospel of John & Epistles: Do you have any idea what the actual dates those books were written then? I know you think Revelation was written in the 60's.
Style Textually The 4 Books were Written: Can't we tell by the style they were written?
2016-06-03 Bible Written by God or Man: was the bible written by God or only by people who had a relationship w/ God? Pastor cites different creation accounts?
All or Parts of Bible Inspired: How we know if all of the Bible is inspired or only parts?
Mosaic Law Harshness: Do we have to believe in the harness of mosaic law, all the capital punishment & so on? did they end when Jesus died on the cross then because we don't do those things anymore.
2016-06-01 Doubting the Inerrancy of God: Can a person who doubts the inerrancy of the Bible be a true Christian?
2016-05-04 Books of the Bible: How were the books for the Bible selected?
2016-05-02 Sexual Thought not a Sin: Caller heard a pastor say sexual fantasy is not actually sinful, only the physical act, witha married woman, is that true?
The ESV & NASB Bibles: Is there difference between the ESV & the NASB bible? Which one would you recommend?
2016-04-06 Translations of the Bible: What is Steve's opinion about all the different translations of Bible (that try to help you understand the Bible better)?
2016-04-06 Inspiration of the Bible: What does that mean, the inspiration writings of the Bible? Are the books as a collection inspired?
2016-04-04 Olivet Discourse with Book of Revelation: Can we compare Matthew 24 with Revelation 6? What about Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 also?
Studying the Bible: Does the Bible tell you how to study the Bible?
Memorizing or Meditating on the Scripture: Are we supposed to meditate &/or memorize the Bible?
2016-04-04 Olivet Discourse with Book of Revelation: Can we compare Matthew 24 with Revelation 6? What about Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 also?
Studying the Bible: Does the Bible tell you how to study the Bible?
Memorizing or Meditating on the Scripture: Are we supposed to meditate &/or memorize the Bible?
2016-03-21 Not being Confused: Comment about not being confused.
2016-03-17 Matthew only for Jews: I've had people tell me that the gospel of Matthew, especially chapters 5-7, were only for the Jewish people. Is that true? (A lot of background noise during the call.)
2016-03-16 Woman Caught in Adultery Story: The woman caught in adultery story, I heard there's a lot of controversy of whether that belongs in the Bible or not, that it was an insertion? What do you say? [John 7:53-8:11]
Seventh Day Adventists: Where do Seventh Day Adventists get their name & why so much emphasis on the Sabbath?
2016-03-10 Reading the Bible: How should we read the Bible? What mindset? A Systematic Theology or a story-like narrative?
2016-03-10 Knowledge of Writing the Bible: Did the writers of the Bible, especially Paul, know they were writing the Bible when they were writing it? After all, Peter considers Paul's writings authoritative. [2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 3:15-16]
2016-03-03 Outside Sources of the Bible & Jesus: Is there anything outside the Bible that proves the existence of the Bible & Jesus?
2016-02-10 "What are we to Make of Israel?": Caller comments on lecture series “What are we to Make of Israel?”, saying how good they are, & that he's on his second time of listening to them.
Missing Tribe of Dan: Caller has a theory responding to a previous call about why Dan was not included in the list of Revelation 7. [Revelation 7:4-8]
Contradictory Numbers in Scripture: Was it 20 years or 40 years that the Ark remained in Kirjathjearim because the math doesn't seem to be working out in light of what it says in [1 Samuel 7:2, Acts 13:22]
2016-02-05 Calling Evil Good & Good Evil: Is there a verse that says they'll call evil good & good evil? [Isaiah 5:20]
2016-02-04 Apocrypha Books: Why are the apocrypha books that are mentioned in the Bible not included in the Bible?
2016-01-15 Lists in the Bible: Are the things listed in the Bible more important by the order they are listed?
1000 Commandments in New Testament: How many Commandments are in the New Testament?
2016-01-15 Angel of the Lord: "The angel of the Lord", what does this mean? [Psalm 34:7]
The Nicean Council: What was the main reason for the Nicean Council?
Authorized KJV: Why is the KJV called the "authorized" version?
2016-01-06 Books of Maccabees & Esther: What's more special about the Esther that it's included in the canon of Scriprure but Maccabees is not?
2016-01-05 The Aramaic Bible: Are you familiar with the Aramaic Bible in English?
"And the Bride": In the parable of the 10 bridesmaids, they (the Aramaic Bible) add the phrase, "and the bride", meeting the bridegroom AND the Bride! [Matthew 25:1]
Different Resurrections: What about the different resurrections? The first fruits coming back with Christ, so some of "the bride" is coming with the groom? What about different rewards? Even Paul wasn't sure he'd be resurrected with the righteous. [1 Corinthians 15, Philippians 3:11]
2015-12-28 Reading the Bible: What is the best way to read the Bible?
2015-11-10 "Throw it all out": Doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that if a portion of the Bible is bad to throw it all out?
Mormonism & Fallacy of the Bible: That's what the Mormons say, that some of the Bible is wrong, because, for example, it says "repented" of the evil He was going to do to the Israelites for worshipping other gods. [Exodus 32:14]
2015-10-26 Encouraging Scripture: i'd like some Scripture to encourage a niece who is a very weak Christian who's going to be alone.
2015-10-16 Reading & Understanding the Bible: What is the best way to read the Bible?
2015-10-02 KJV Translation: Is the King James translation the best to use for the simple reason that it's not copyrighted?
Dynamic Equivaltents: With Dynamic Translations, they can just translate it into what they THINK it means.
2015-09-29 Paul's writings hard to understand: Peter said that some of Paul's writings were very hard to understand. What things was Peter talking about? [2 Peter 3:15-16]
The Fish & the Coin: Why did Jesus have Peter do it this way? Why didn't they just take the money out of the treasury, the purse Judas was always carrying around? [Matthew 17]
2015-09-24 KJV of the Bible: Are there errors in the KJV of the Bible?
Women Preachers: What is your position on women preachers/ordination? (never gets a chance to answer this Q however)
2015-09-11 Disagreement about Canon of Bible: Little convoluted in what his actual disagreement w/ Steve was on the Canon of Scripture....slavery, & other stuff.
2015-09-08 Chronological Order the Books of the NT: What would Steve say about the chronological order of the books of the New Testament?
2015-09-08 Works as a Result of Faith, Enduring to the End: Our good works are a result of our strong faith, is that right? What does "Enduring to the End" mean? [Matthew 24:12-13, Matthew 10:22 22]
Taking the Bible literally or figuratively, Idioms: Does Steve take the Bible more literally or figuratively?
2015-09-03 Bible Translation Corruption: Discussion about the best to worse Translations of the Bible.
2015-08-28 Hebrew Roots Movement: Doesn't Dispensationalism feed into the Hebrew Roots Movement?
New Testament Books Written after 70 AD: Were ANY books of the Bible written after 70 AD?
Old Testament Prophets: Steve believes that all the OT prophets wrote in a prophetic/symbolic/poetic language, but which ones wrote in the LEAST amount of poetic language?
2015-08-21 Singleness/Simplicity: What does "singlesness" "Simplicity" mean in [Acts 2:46]? Duplicity.
2015-08-20 Catholic Authority: Where does the Catholic Church get the idea that they have all authority, that if it didn't originate w/ them, it is wrong?
Sola Scriptura & Tradition in the CC: Catholic Church Believes in Scripture & Tradition?
2015-08-19 James Authorship: Who wrote the book of James, & when was it added to the Canon of Scirpture?
2015-08-14 Authority & Inspiration of Scripture: Discussion about inerrancy of Scripture, but we shouldn't say more about the Bible than the writers of the Bible believed about it (Another very convoluted, hard to understand question...2 in a row).
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