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Topic: Bible Study

Showing 451 to 453 of 453.
Episode Topic Audio
2012-01-09 Asking for Money: Caller comments on the pastors asking for money.
Biblical Numerology: Is there a good Bible study on numerology and its related symbolism?
2012-01-06 Bible Translations: Which Bible translation is more accurate than others and why do you think so? Rec: Young's Literal Translation, King James Versions, ESV, NASV, etc. [Matthew 24:35].
Inerrancy of Scripture: If we allow that some mistakes may have been made in some of the manuscripts, are we opening the door to a great error?
2012-01-03 Medical Marijuana (Cannabis): What do you think abut medical marijuana (cannabis)? [Psalm 31:6-7].
Martial Arts: What do you think about Christians who are involved in the martial arts? [1 Corinthians 10:31].
"Words" from God-from Others: How do you know when someone is actually speaking the "word" from God? [Acts 17:11, 1 Thessalonins 5:21].
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