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Topic: Bible Study

Showing 251 to 300 of 453.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-08-20 Studying the Greek: In what way would exploring the Greek texts be helpful to me while studying the Bible?
Paul, "Whatever State I am in": What was Paul saying when he used the word "state" in the phrase, "whatever state I am in"? [Philippians 4:11, I Timothy 6:8].
2019-08-20 Dispensationalist Error: Would you review how you came to conclude that the dispensational overview of the Bible and end times was incorrect? [John 6:15, 3: 3-5, Luke 17:21, Romans 14:17, Colossians 1:13].
2019-08-08 Bible Reading Discipline: How does one get more disciplined about Bible reading, especially during the difficult times? [I Corinthians 13].
2019-08-01 Foundation of the World: Would you clear up the various perceptions about the Greek word order in scriptures, such as, "the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world". [Timothy , Revelation 13:8, 17:8, Hebrews 4:3 Ephesians 1:4, John 17:24, Luke 11:50].
Being Elect: Can you clarify the way you see Ephesians 1:4, as a more corporate group, as opposed to the way Calvinists see it. [Ephesians 1:4, Isaiah 42:1, Matthew, Romans 8:30, I John 5:11 ].
Book of Life: Would you help me understand to what "The Book of Life" refers? [Revelation 3:5, 13:8].
2019-07-30 The Chronological Bible: Why is our Bible not always in chronological order, and is one kind of Bible better than the other?
2019-07-30 Bible Study: Does the Holy Spirit help direct the study of the Bible in various ways-whether you are reading it for the familiarity and information, or if you are meditating on it to know the mind of God.
Guidance of the Holy Spirit: Should we rely only on the Holy Spirit for guidance in studying and understanding the Bible?
2019-07-30 Bible Study: Does the Holy Spirit help direct the study of the Bible in various ways-whether you are reading it for the familiarity and information, or if you are meditating on it to know the mind of God.
Guidance of the Holy Spirit: Should we rely only on the Holy Spirit for guidance in studying and understanding the Bible?
2019-07-22 Salvation without Bible Knowledge: Can a person be saved without knowing anything from the Bible? [John 3:16].
2019-07-09 Exegesis and Eisegesis: Can you clarify the difference between "exegesis" & "eisegesis"?
Mary: What do you think about the answer I got from a Catholic about how could Mary hear prayers of more than one person at a time?
Debating Catholics: Would you debate a Catholic radio host?
2019-07-01 Learning the Bible: What is your advice about how one can really absorb and learn more of the Bible? [Psalm 1:2].
2019-06-28 Best Translations of the Bible: What are the the best three translations of the Bible, (King James Version, New King James, New American Standard)?
Trinity or Oneness: And what do you believe about the trinity and the oneness doctrine?
2019-06-27 Inerrancy & Authority of Scripture: Would you clarify the concept of "inerrancy of scripture"? What does this mean in terms of human fallibility and the authority of scripture? [Numbers 25:9 & I Corinthians 10:8, I Corinthians 1:14-16].
Variation in Manuscripts: What about the parts of the Bible that are not in some manuscripts? [John 7:53-8:12, Job 42:7-17]."
2019-06-27 Inerrancy & Authority of Scripture: Would you clarify the concept of "inerrancy of scripture"? What does this mean in terms of human fallibility and the authority of scripture? [Numbers 25:9 & I Corinthians 10:8, I Corinthians 1:14-16].
Variation in Manuscripts: What about the parts of the Bible that are not in some manuscripts? [John 7:53-8:12, Job 42:7-17]."
2019-06-20 Determining Intended Audience: How does one determine the intended audience meant in various scriptures? Especially in light of the views of Don Preston and Full-Preterism? [2 Thessalonians 1:4-8, Revelation 1].
2019-06-19 How Do I Learn More About the Bible: How do I get to the place where I know enough to answer questions about the Bible?
2019-06-17 The Word: What is the literal translation of "the word" [John 1:1]?
Key Word Study Bible: What do you think of the Key Word Study Bible and ESV translation of the Bible? (The Word Study New & Old Testaments).
2019-06-07 Alaskan Cruise: Steve's going on a cruise? Caller didn't think he did that type of thing.
Rewards in New Jerusalem: Can you tell me what you think the rewards and New Jerusalem will be like?
2019-05-17 Book Recommendations: Would you recommend some contemporary books for a Sunday school class to read through together?
2019-05-06 How to Start to Reading the Bible: Would you suggest where you think one should start if they have no background in the Bible or scripture at all?
2019-05-06 Book Recommendations: Would your recommend some books that are good for study? ["The Pursuit of God" (A.W. Tozer), "Imitation of Christ" (Thomas a Kempis), "Pilgrim's Progress" by (John Bunyan), "Mere Christianity" (C.S. Lewis), "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" (Hannah Whithall Smith)].
2019-05-06 Bored Reading the Bible: Am I wrong to be bored by parts of the Bible?
2019-04-30 Church Loyalty: Should I leave a church that seems to think that I should simply go to a church that has the same views as I do, rather than discuss the concerns and differences I hold?
Bible Study Fellowship (BFS): What do you think of Bible Study Fellowship?
2019-04-10 Knowledge of Scripture: How did you gain such knowledge of the Bible? Is there a method that might help others learn it so well? [Psalm 1:2].
2019-02-19 Best Place to Start in New Christian Experience studying the Bible: Where to begin in the word, for a new believer?
2019-01-03 Little Horn (in Daniel): Who is the "little horn" of Daniel 7? [Daniel 7:8].
Think to Change Times & Laws: What is Daniel 7:25 talking about? [Daniel 7:25].
2018-12-28 Amplified Bibles: What do you think about the Amplified Bible?
2018-12-14 Read to show yourself Approved: What happens to be people who can't physically read the Bible? [2 Timothy 2:15]
2018-12-12 Christian Scholar not necessary: I disagree w/ you on what you think qualifies someone to be a Christian, sure, you are scholarly, but just because other people aren't.
2018-12-07 Word of Faith: Commanding or asking God to give us stuff, do stuff for us, as if He is our own genie, just seems wrong. What does Steve think?
Understanding the Bible: Struggling to understand the Bible.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit: I can't quite wrap my head around the idea of being filled with the Spirit. Does He jump in & out of you?
2018-12-07 Word of Faith: Commanding or asking God to give us stuff, do stuff for us, as if He is our own genie, just seems wrong. What does Steve think?
Understanding the Bible: Struggling to understand the Bible.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit: I can't quite wrap my head around the idea of being filled with the Spirit. Does He jump in & out of you?
2018-12-04 Study Bible: What would you recommend for a good study Bible?
2018-11-05 Old Testament & New Testament Application: Does the New Testament writings supersede the Old Testament, and if so, how do we sort it?
2018-11-05 Book of Enoch: Is it wise or unwise to read the "extra" books of the Bible such as the Book of Enoch?
2018-11-02 Limited Negative: How do we identify "limited negatives" in scripture? What does it mean to be "sealed" w/ the Holy Spirit?
Sealed with the Holy Spirit: What does it mean to be "sealed" w/ the Holy Spirit?
2018-11-01 Studying the Bible: I'm having difficulty sticking w/ reading the Bible, is it better to listen or read it?
2018-10-31 Paul Speaking to Whom: To whom is speaking, the apostles or us? [titus 3:12]
2018-10-23 Armor of God: What does it mean to put on the full armour of God? How do you walk in the Spirit? [Ephesians 6:10-20]
Bible Translations: What is the best translation of the Bible?
2018-10-22 Interlinear Bible: I'm looking for a good interlinear Septuagint bible that has that has hebrew, greek & English. Do you have any ideas?
2018-10-18 Studying the Bible: Is it possible studying the Bible is a bad thing? What is required when studying it?
2018-09-26 All things Made New: All things new, is this by any chance in relation to 'every knee shall bow'? Is it sort've like universalism will bow? [Revelation 21:5, Romans 14:11]
Paul's Hard Writings: What did peter mean by pauls writings being hard to understand & twisting them?
2018-09-05 Deep meaning of the words in a verse: "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?", was trying to study the deeper meaning of the scripture, & came up with a few things. [Matthew 27:46]
2018-08-31 The Book of Ecclesiastes: Would you say that Ecclesiastes was basically the life of an unbeliever?
"Much study is a weariness": In end of the matter, study will make you tired, is that he saying?
2018-08-30 Good Study Bible: Can you recommend a good study Bible?
2018-08-28 Satan the Tempter: If Satan is a tester/tempter & a deceiver, how do those two things not contradict one another?
Best Format of Bible, Paper or Electronic: Reading a Physical paper Bible over an electronic device, which is better?
2018-08-27 Lackadaisical Christians: Caller is concerned about when others don't really care what the Bible says is it because they are neglectful of study or really don't want to sort out Biblical info?
2018-07-18 Baby considered a Sinner: Why are we considered sinners as soon as we are born, even before we have a chance to sin?
Bible Study Tools: Do you have any recommendations for tools to study the Bible, like a good Interlinear Bible that you use? A lexicon?
2018-06-12 Paul's thought process in Ephesians: So in Ephesians 3:1-13, from verses 2-12, it all seems to be parenthetical, & then he talks about his original thought in verse 1, is that true?
2018-06-08 Curse as a result of Adam & Eve's sin: Is there a curse as a result of adam's sin? [Genesis 3:17]
Learning about God: Is the best way to learn about God & become spiritual is to read about Him in the Bible? Read & read & read? [Romans 1, 2 Timothy 3:16]
2018-05-22 The Bible Stories: How do help someone who thinks some stories in the bible are pretty far-fetched, like Jacob & Esau. Jacob was dishonest to Esau, but yet he was the chosen one.
Incest in the Bible: Why is there so much incest in the Bible?
2018-05-21 Laymen Material (Christianity for Dummies): I enjoy your knowledge of the Bible, but do you know of any good methods of how to study the Bible using exegesis like you do?
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