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Topic: Bible Study

Showing 51 to 100 of 453.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-12-20 Amillennial vs Dispensational: Is Amillennialism, by definition, not Dispensational?
Theologian, Spiros Zodhiates What do you know of the work of Spiros Zodhiates?
Charismatic vs Cessationist (Filling of the Holy Spirit): Can you clarify the definition of "Charismatics" and if it involves a "second work of grace?" Recommended topical lectures; "Charisma and Character." [Acts 8-9, Acts 19, Acts 1:5, Acts 2:4, John 20:22, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 5:18].
2022-12-12 Word's not Spoken by Jesus: Do you think that Jesus spoke the words in John 3:16-21?
Eternal Security: Once saved, how is it possible that I could ever not be my parent's son, even if I backslide? Isn't scripture really warning those that are not really saved? [John 15:6, Romans 11:22, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Corinthians 13:5, Hebrews 3:1].
2022-12-07 "Called" to Preach or Pastor: How can one distinguish whether someone has actually been "called" to be a pastor or preacher? [Hebrews 5:4, 1 Corinthians 9:16].
Falling Away: If you are really "born again" can you then ever "fall away" (apostatize)? [Romans 11:22, 2 Peter 2:20-23, Hebrews 3:12, 1 Timothy 4:1].
Studying the Bible: What is your method of studying the Bible? Recommends topical lecture series; Authority of Scripture" or "Cultivating Christian Character", then the lecture; "Cultivating the Word of God."
2022-11-18 "Chiasms" (Chiastic Structure) in Scripture" Do you think that looking into "chiasms" in scripture is profitable?
Difficult Passages in Scripture: If I run across a verse I don't like or don't understand, I tend to dig into it, to figure out why I am wrong. Is this how I should I be looking at this?
2022-11-18 "Chiasms" (Chiastic Structure) in Scripture" Do you think that looking into "chiasms" in scripture is profitable?
Difficult Passages in Scripture: If I run across a verse I don't like or don't understand, I tend to dig into it, to figure out why I am wrong. Is this how I should I be looking at this?
2022-11-03 Steve's Books-"Empire of the Risen Son": Caller just wants to know how to find the free versions of Steve's new books on the Kingdom of God, "Empire of the Risen Son"-Vol 1&2, for a Bible study they are starting.
2022-10-27 Which Levitical Laws Apply to Us?: How do we know which scriptures apply to us, such as the laws in Leviticus?
2022-10-20 Bible Literalism: What do you think about Karen Armstrong (in her book, "The Bible-a Biography.") claiming that Genesis was not considered literally true in previous centuries? [Judges 9:8].
Literal vs Symbolic Passages: Where does one draw the line in understanding which passages in scripture to take literally vs symbolic? [Genesis 1:26-27, Isaiah 40:3, Mark 1:3].
2022-10-14 Precept Ministry-Kay Arthur: Have you heard about Kay Arthur's precepts studies? Is it OK?
Queen of Sheba: Where did the Queen of Sheba come from? [I Kings 10:1-12].
2022-09-28 Bible Reading for the New Believer: What book of the Bible would you recommend to read first for the new believer? Recommends; Matthew.
2022-09-15 Christian Books: What are the top five books Christians should have and read, especially any that would help understand the historical setting and the life of Christ? Recommended: Bible Handbooks or Bible Introductions. "Pursuit of God" by Tozer, "Mere Christianity" by CS Lewis, "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1 & 2) by Steve Gregg, "Pilgrim's Progress" by Bunyon, "Of the Imitation of Christ" by Thomas A'Kempis, "A Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" by Hannah Whithall Smith.
2022-09-02 Bereans: What is a Berean? [Acts 17:11].
Chuck Smith: Did you know Chuck Smith? Where was the first Calvary Chapel? What did he do before? When did you start attending?
Eastern Religions & Jesus Movement: Did Chuck Smith specifically gear his ministry toward the young people and an alternative to the eastern religion's influence during that time?
2022-08-03 Being Faithful vs Works: How does one having to be faithful in serving God not the same as "salvation by works"? [Ephesians 2:9-10, Titus 2:14, Galatians 5:6, James 2:20, Acts 17:30].
Alexandrian Text & Corruption: How does one know that the Alexandrian text has not been corrupted?
2022-07-29 Study Bibles: How would you find a study Bible that is not Dispensationist?
2022-07-27 Hung on a "Tree": Why would they use the word for "tree" that could have so many different meanings other than "cross"? [Deuteronomy 21:23].
2022-07-20 Poetry in Bible: What problems are caused by people not understanding that part of the Bible is written in poetry and then try to take it literally?
Literal vs Symbolic Interpretation: How does one handle when others inappropriately take things literally or symbolically-actually reversing the correct application? [2 Peter 3:8].
2022-07-20 Poetry in Bible: What problems are caused by people not understanding that part of the Bible is written in poetry and then try to take it literally?
Literal vs Symbolic Interpretation: How does one handle when others inappropriately take things literally or symbolically-actually reversing the correct application? [2 Peter 3:8].
2022-07-04 Laying a Fleece: Caller shares her story of "laying a fleece."
Hyperbole in Scripture: How does one know when something is hyperbole in scripture? [Genesis 22:17].
2022-06-24 What Have You Learned Recently?: What is something you have recently learned?
Extreme Discipline in the Old Testament: Is not the punishment for an rebellious child a little extreme in the Old Testament? How would you explain this passage to an atheist? [Deuteronomy 21:18-21].
2022-06-21 Ecclesiastes-Not Good Advice: Are there other books, as Ecclesiastes, that we should not take as necessarily as directive or as good advice?
2022-06-13 Steve Gregg's Own Study Bible: What would Steve Gregg include in a Study Bible and how would he avoid the problems others have had?
2022-06-10 Bible Versions & King James Bible: What do you think about the RSV (Revised Standard Version) version of the Bible, and is the King James Bible the only one we should read?
2022-05-31 Steve Gregg's Insight: When did you last discover a new insight and what was the subject you last change your mind about?
2022-05-24 Bible Study: What is the best way to study the Bible?
2022-05-20 Atheist: God Has More than One Son: Atheist caller; How is it that God has more than one son? [John 3:16, Genesis 6:2, John 1:12, I John 3:2].
Atheist; Nephilm: Atheist: Who were the "Nephilim"? [Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:33].
Atheist: Ancient Languages Atheist; Should we not be learning ancient Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic?
2022-05-09 Promises to Jews: Do you believe some of the promises of God are only for Jews?
Land of Israel: Do you think God will fulfill His promise to the Jews about the land?
Studying the Bible: How much does the translation one chooses influence how one reads and understands the Bible?
2022-04-06 Records of Converstations in the Bible: How did they record the specific words of Jesus in scripture, like in the conversation of the woman at the well, and Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane?
Souls That Preceded the Coming of Jesus: What happened to the souls that preceded the coming of Jesus? [Genesis 15:6, Psalms 32:2, Hebrews 11].
2022-03-30 Atheist; Why Does Steve Gregg Think He's Right: Athesist Inquiry: Where do you get off claiming you have the right information about what is Christianity, especially since the Greek Orthodox and Catholic Churches seem to have more authority? why is the Catholic "Apocrypha" not included in the Protestant Bible?
Atheist; Steve Gregg is Wrong: Atheist inquiry: How can we know when Steve Gregg is wrong and doing the interpreting, and when it is the Holy Spirit? How does Steve know he will have eternal life? [John 3:15-16, John 10:27-28].
Atheist; Jesus Said He Was Not God: Wasn't Jesus claiming that He was not God? [Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19].
2022-03-30 Atheist; Why Does Steve Gregg Think He's Right: Athesist Inquiry: Where do you get off claiming you have the right information about what is Christianity, especially since the Greek Orthodox and Catholic Churches seem to have more authority? why is the Catholic "Apocrypha" not included in the Protestant Bible?
Atheist; Steve Gregg is Wrong: Atheist inquiry: How can we know when Steve Gregg is wrong and doing the interpreting, and when it is the Holy Spirit? How does Steve know he will have eternal life? [John 3:15-16, John 10:27-28].
Atheist; Jesus Said He Was Not God: Wasn't Jesus claiming that He was not God? [Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19].
2022-03-11 Bible Reading: Is it better to read the same translation multiple times, or better to read various translations?
2022-02-22 God's Invisible Attributes: What are the invisible attributes of God? [Romans 1:20].
Best Bible Translation: What is the best Bible translation? New American Standard and New King James are among those mentioned.
2022-02-22 Unclear Bible Passages: Do you think that God leaves some things unclear to keep us busy? [Matthew 24:46, Luke 12:43, Luke 19:13, Acts 1:7].
2022-01-17 Mental Illness in Family Member: How do I look at a diagnosis of my ex-wife's mental illness (Bipolar) in light of scripture, particularly relative to my daughter? Topical lecture recommended; "Biblical Counsel for a Change".
Thanks to Steve & The Narrow Path Ministry: Caller thanks Steve for causing him to reexamine what he has been taught, which has made him grow in his faith. [Proverbs 18:17].
All Prophecy Fulfilled: Do you think that all prophecies have been, or where, fulfilled by 70A.D.? [Daniel 2:35].
2022-01-10 Bible Reliability: How do we know the construction of the Bible is to be trusted and was not manipulated for social or political agendas?
2022-01-03 More of the History of AD 70: What would you recommend and what to you have on your website that would help me to learn more about the history of 70AD?
AD 70: Would it not be more difficult to properly understand the Bible without knowing some of the history surrounding the events?
2021-12-16 Gospel Variances in Details: Could you review references for when one gospel give more detail than another? [Matthew 5:32, Mark 10;11, Luke 16:11, Matthew 12:39, Mark 8:12].
Jesus Teaching on Divorce: How do you explain the differences of Matthew's version of Jesus' teaching on divorce? [Matthew 5:32, Matthew 19:9, Mark 10:11, Luke 16:18].
2021-12-16 The Bishops' Bible: Could you enlighten me about the different word order in John 1, used in The Bishops' Bible? [John 1:1].
2021-12-08 Study Bible Recommendation: What study Bible would you recommend for younger adults?
2021-12-08 The Message Bible: What do you think about "The Message" Bible?
Pastor Completely Controlling the Church: Is the pastor supposed to be in complete control over the church? [Matthew 20:25-26, I Corinthians 11:3, James 5:14, Acts 14:23, Acts 20:28, I Peter 5:1-4, 3 John 1:9, Acts 20:28, Titus 1:5].
2021-12-06 Topical Study: What topical studies would you recommend I pursue?
2021-12-06 Falsifyability: What part does falsifyability play in one's study of the Bible?
Primacy of Apostle Peter (Catholic Doctrine): Could you talk a little about the primacy of Peter? [Matthew 16:18-19, Matthew 18:16-18, Ephesians 2:20, John 21:17, I Peter 5:1-5, I Peter 2:6-8].
2021-12-02 Textual Criticism: Is textual criticism important to consider and is one of the various manuscripts (Alexandrian, Textus Receptus) available?
2021-11-18 Quoting Eliphaz: Is it acceptable for B.B. Warfield to quote Eliphaz as a proof text for original sin? [Job 4:18, Job 15:14-15].
2021-11-12 Method of Bible Study (Origen's): Why do you not talk about Origen's 4-fold method of reading & studying scripture? [2 Samuel 7:5].
Calvinism's Predestination, Grace & Justice: Regarding Predestination, don't you think that it is reasonable for God to give grace only to the saved, but then deliver justice to all? [Matthew 5:44-45, 2 Peters 3:9].
2021-11-09 Chronology of Bible Book Writings: Were the gospel books written after the epistles? [Matthew 28:20].
2021-11-05 Reading & Studying the Bible: Which is most valuable to just read The Word, or to study The Word? What is the best way to study the Bible? [2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 1:2].
2021-11-05 One's Calling: How does one determine more clearly what their calling is? Recommended topical lecture in the "Authority of Scripture" series, "Cultivating the Word of God"
Deacons-Evidence of the Fruit of the Spirit: Do deacons need to have evidence of the fruit of the spirit?
2021-11-04 Good Bible Commentators (Commentaries): Who are some good Bible commentators you respect?
2021-10-26 Study Bibles: Can you recommend a study Bible for our 15-year-old?
2021-10-21 Last Trump: Could you help me sort out the timing of the last trump being blown, and the plagues that follow? [I Corinthians 15:52, Revelation 11:15].
Chronological Bible: Would a chronological Bible tell us what order things will happen in (in Revelation)? [Revelation 8-11].
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