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Topic: Bible Study

Showing 301 to 350 of 453.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-05-07 Malachi & Chronicles: Chronological order of the books of the Bible, why are they different in the jewish book vs ours?
Hebrew Language: There seems to be a limited amount of words in the Hebrew Language as compared to Greek & English.
2018-04-30 Moral Lesson from Acts 25: I'm going to be teaching on Acts 25, but I was wondering if you knew, because I don't, what is the main moral lesson of Acts 25 that we can draw from? [Acts 25]
2018-04-05 Hermeneutics & the Olivet Discourse: You say we have to compare scripture with scripture, so if Matthew was written first, & was written to the Jews, how were they able do that, compare Scripture w/ Scripture since the other Gospels, or the other books of the Bible, weren't accessible yet? Which book was written first, Matthew or Mark? [Luke 17 & 21, Matthew 24]
2018-04-05 Which book was it?: (followup) You were recently asked if you could only have ONE book of the Bible, what would it be? What was the answer? (Matthew)
2018-03-21 Bible literally: Is it better to take the Bible literally?
2018-03-16 Studying the Bible & Smoking Marijuana Simultaneously: Is there anything with reading the Bible & smoking marijuana at the same time?
2018-03-14 Limited Negatives: Could Matthew 5:17 be considered a Limited Negative? [Matthew 5:17, Ephesians 2:14-15]
2018-03-06 Missing Text: Why is verse 4 there in some bibles & not others? [John 5:4]
2018-02-27 Sola Scriptura & Relevancy of Scripture: Do you believe in sola scriptura and no tradition at all? Is any scripture outdated?
2018-02-14 Reading the Bible: What should I do about my mind wandering too much when reading the Bible?
2018-02-13 Gerhard Kittel: What is your opinion on Gerhard Kittel's theological dictionary of the New Testament?
2018-02-12 Properly Reading the Bible: Determining context and chronology of accounts in the gospels.
2018-02-09 Bibles: Is there any place I can go that provides bibles in different languages to buy to give out in different languages?
2018-01-30 Studying the Bible: Should we read the Bible every day?
2018-01-09 Beginner's start in the Bible Where is a good place to start as a new Christian reading the Bible?
2017-12-28 Spiritualizing Scripture: Dispensationalists try to say we shouldn't spiritualize Scripture, & we should take it literally, but they don't themselves!
2017-12-20 KJV only Advocate: (lively discussion) Bible translation, KJV ONLY? Are other versions corrupted? Are those that read other version going to hell?
2017-12-19 Doubting the Bible: Listener is doubting his faith, doubting the reliability of the Bible, & he needs assurance about the authority and integrity of it.
2017-12-13 Remembering the Verse References: How important is it to remember Bible verses & references?
2017-11-30 Good Commentaries: What commentary would you recommend?
2017-11-10 Trinity Found in the Bible: Is Trinity in the Bible?
Attending a Church to be a Christian: Do you have to go to a church in order to be a Christian? [Hebrews 10:25]
2017-11-08 Dake's Study Bible: What do you think about the Dake's Study Bible?
The Reformation: What do you think about the reformation? Who was more correct, Luther or Calvin?
2017-10-25 Good Bible Websites: Finding good Bible Websites online. &
2017-10-13 Always Studying End Times: End times, end times, end times! that's all we seem to be studying! Where's the edification in that? Shouldn't we be learning about Discipleship?
2017-10-13 Good Translations of the Bible: What Bible Translations do you recommend?
2017-10-12 Studying the Scriptures: So you won't be approved of God if you don't study the Bible? [2 Timothy 2:15, 1 Peter 3:15}
2017-10-10 Interlinear Study Bible: Is a good interlinear bible the best thing to have when studying the Bible?
2017-09-27 Interlinear Greek Bible for both Manuscripts: Is there an interlinear Greek for both Alexandrian & Textus Receptus?
The Devil Understanding the Plan of Redemtion: "things which angels desired to look into", why did Jesus call Peter Satan? Satan not knowing God's plan for redemption, yet he tried to prevent Satan Jesus from going to the cross? [1 Peter 1:12, 2 Corinthians 2:8]
2017-09-15 The Promises in the Bible: How much of the promises in the Bible can be applied to us? [Joshua 1:9]
Psalms & Proverbs: What about the advice or information from Proverbs? Are they true & appicable?
2017-09-12 44,001 Denominations: If the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, why are there 44,000 different denominations, no unity in the Christian church?
2017-09-11 Private Interpretation of Scripture: Catholic church says there can be no private interpretation of scripture. What do you say about that? [2 Peter 1:20]
2017-07-31 Yoke is Easy & Burden Light, but is Hard Contradiction: My yoke is easy, My burden is light, but in other places He seems to make it hard, so which is it [Luke 14, Matthew 11]
2017-07-25 NIV & NASB Translations of the Bible: Caller gives a couple verses as examples of how they have a completely different meaning in the NIV & NASB compared to the KJV. [Isaiah 59:19 Proverbs 3:25]
2017-07-21 Definition of First Word Mentioned in Bible: Joseph Prince said that the meaning of a word defined by the first time it is used in the Bible will always mean the same thing the rest of the time in the Bible. What do you say about that? (leaven is an example that this is not the case.)
2017-07-12 The Word of God: Is the Bible really the Word of God?
2017-07-07 Pearl before Swine: Should we vigorously attempt to witness our hope? [1 Peter 3:15]
Unequally Yoked Potential: A Christian friend is contemplating becoming involved w/ a non-Christian, but he fears she may just feign Christianity to win his heart, & then leave Christianity.
2017-06-05 Greek Bible Book: Did you say something about being able to read references that you can read along w/ the Bible? (followup, call cuts in & out)
2017-05-30 Jesus & God in comparison to the Bible, The Bible is not a complete, some claim, not the same as just believing in God.
2017-05-19 Confessing our Sins & Being Cleansed: Confession of sins & staying in communion w/ the Lord being cleansed, [1 John 1:9]
Hunger for the Word: We need to be infilling of the Holy Spirit, Study the Scriptures & obey them. [2 Timothy 2:15-22, James 4:8, 1 Peter 2:2]
2017-05-19 Studying the Bible: What is the proper way to study the Bible?
2017-04-11 Textus Receptus or Alexandrian Text: What text do you think is better for the bible, textus receptus or that alexandrian text?
Best Bible Reading Plan: What do you think is the best Bible reading plan?
2017-03-22 Thomas Jefferson & His Bible: 3rd discussion about Thomas Jefferson, this caller thinks he WASN't a Christian
2017-03-21 Thomas Jefferson Bible Rebuttal: I want to disagree w/ you about what you said yesterday about thomas jefferson & the jefferson Bible.
2017-03-20 The Thomas Jefferson Bible: What do you think about the Jefferson Bible? How could he take all the miracles of Jesus out of the Bible? How do you counter it?
2017-03-09 Interlinear Bible: What do you think of the interlinear bible by JP Green Sr, who uses the received text (textus receptus)? But there's a discrepancy in using it in a verse? [1 john 5:18]
2017-03-08 Bible books & Training Children: what would be a good bible series book for a young child & how do I train my child to love Jesus?
2017-03-03 Blue Letter Bible Website: Blue Letter Bible Website Endorsement.
Slapping on the right cheek: Slapping on the right cheek. [Matthew 5:39]
2017-02-14 A Good Study Bible: What is a good study Bible?
2017-02-13 An easy to read but in-depth Bible: Trying to find a bible that is easy to understand but that is also comprehensive.
2017-01-23 Word of God: Can you explain this in studying the Word of God? [2 Corinthians 4:4]
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