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Topic: Bible Study

Showing 351 to 400 of 453.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-01-16 Exegesis of Scripture & Proper Bible Study: Can you tell me about proper biblical exegesis of Scripture? How do you begin studying the Bible?
Eternal Security & the Prodigal Son: Do you believe in once saved, always saved? What about the Prodigal Son? [Luke 11:11-32]
2017-01-09 12 Week Program on Dispensationalism: My church is putting on a 12-week study on end times, especially the pre-trib rapture, & I'm wondering if i should attend?
2017-01-06 Being gods: Why in scripture does it call people "gods"? [John 10:34-35, Psalms 82:6]
Steve Gregg's Devotion Life: What does your daily devotion look like?
2016-12-01 Benny Hinn: Does Steve have any thoughts on Benny Hinn?
Converting Spouse: Caller has been trying to expose his wife to Jesus, & have her accept Jesus, & would like advice from Steve the best way to do that.
2016-11-21 Old Friend of Steve: Old friend of Steve’s thanks him for his ministry, & thanks his wife who got killed in an accident for bringing her to the Lord &/or studying the Bible effectively.
2016-11-03 Truth of the Bible: Where can someone go to find the absolute, unadulterated truth? [The Narrow Path website?]
2016-10-05 Apocrypha: Does the Apocrypha have any bearing on our salvation?
2016-09-29 Kent Hovind's Divorce: Caller commented on Kent Hovind's wife filing for divorce, & Kent Hovind (young earth creationist advocate) decided to remarry.
The Book of Romans: Who was the Book of Romans written for, people who are already Christians or unbelievers? [Romans 6:8-14]
2016-09-19 God Repented Making Man, Grieved Him: Someone gave me a book called, "The Story", & I read what God was saying right before the flood & how does that compare with how He loved us while we were yet sinners. [Genesis 6:6, Romans 5:8]
2016-08-26 Steve Gregg's Study Habits: What are Steve’s study habits and other aspects of his life?
2016-08-18 Taking the Bible Literally: Is it best to take the Bible literally? (In a wooden, literal sense.)
2016-08-18 Walking in the Spirit: Caller comments on Walking in the spirit from a previous show. [Romans 8:2]
Groanings Which Cannot Be Uttered: What does, "groanings which can not be uttered" mean? [Romans 8:26-27]
Jesus Not Praying for the World: Why did Jesus say He was not praying for the world, but yet the most well known verse says that He came to save the whole world? [John 17:9, John 3:16]
2016-08-05 Hermeneutics: You have to study the hermeneutics of proper Bible Study, learning to properly interpret & not completely rely on your favorite scholar or Bible teaching alone because a favorite teacher can be wrong, is what this caller believes.
2016-07-21 Remedy Paraphrase Bible: What is Steve's opinion on the new "Remedy" paraphrased Bible?
Sola Scriptura What is Steve's opinion on "sola scriptura"?
2016-07-21 Remedy Paraphrase Bible: What is Steve's opinion on the new "Remedy" paraphrased Bible?
Sola Scriptura What is Steve's opinion on "sola scriptura"?
2016-07-13 Studying the Bible for Yourself: You talked the other day about studying the Bible for yuorself, self-study, but do you have any suggestions on how i should go about that?
2016-07-13 The More You Learn the More you don't know: Trying to learn what the scripture means, the more you learn the more you realize you don't know!
2016-07-06 Leadership Encouraged to Read the Bible in a Year: What do you think about a church insisting that members read the Bible in a year if you want be involved with leadership in the church?
2016-06-17 Systematic Theology: What do you think about going through a systematic theology?
2016-04-27 Expository or Topical: When listening to sermons & teachings, should it be expository or topical verse by verse Bible?
2016-04-06 Translations of the Bible: What is Steve's opinion about all the different translations of Bible (that try to help you understand the Bible better)?
2016-04-06 Inspiration of the Bible: What does that mean, the inspiration writings of the Bible? Are the books as a collection inspired?
2016-04-04 Olivet Discourse with Book of Revelation: Can we compare Matthew 24 with Revelation 6? What about Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 also?
Studying the Bible: Does the Bible tell you how to study the Bible?
Memorizing or Meditating on the Scripture: Are we supposed to meditate &/or memorize the Bible?
2016-03-21 Not being Confused: Comment about not being confused.
2016-03-16 Reading & Relying on Commentaries: I had a person tell me Matthew was only for the Jews, but anyway, i read a lot of commentaries. It is okay to rely on a good commentary?
2016-03-14 Early Church Beliefs: Did early Christians believe in life after death & did they believe we went to paradise instead of heaven. (Audio of caller is very weak.)
Tips for Teaching: Does Steve have any tips for beginner Teachers who are about to try to lead Bible studies?
2016-03-10 Reading the Bible: How should we read the Bible? What mindset? A Systematic Theology or a story-like narrative?
2016-03-02 Taking Parts of the Bible Literally: How do we know what to take literal, especially numbers in Revelation?
2016-02-15 Minor Prophets: Do you have anything you'd recommend about the minor prophets & how & when they existed wit everything else?
2016-02-05 Calling Evil Good & Good Evil: Is there a verse that says they'll call evil good & good evil? [Isaiah 5:20]
2016-01-08 Red Letter Edition of the Bible: Michael the Buddhist wants to know what the best translation is & especially a red letter edition of Jesus' words.
The Doctrine of Purgatory: Is Catholicism the only belief system that believes in the doctrine of Purgatory? Is it another view of Hell?
C.S. Lewis' belief in Purgatory: What C.S. Lewis? Did he believe in Purgatory?
2016-01-07 Understanding Greek using Lexicons: Caller wants to be able to understand the Greek language, using the different forms of tenses, using a Lexicon.
2016-01-05 Allegorizing or Spiritualizing Scripture: Why do Dispensationalists think you need to "allegorize" Scripture involving prophecy? What is the difference between allegorizing & spiritualizing Scripture?
2015-12-28 Reading the Bible: What is the best way to read the Bible?
2015-10-16 Reading & Understanding the Bible: What is the best way to read the Bible?
2015-10-13 Follow-up to Zechariah Lectures: Steve comments on the Zechariah lectures they had talked about the day before, that they are up on the website.
2015-10-12 Steve's Mom, A. Wetherell Johnson & Bible Study Fellowship (BSF): So Steve's mom learned under A Wetherell Johnson's teaching in BSF?
Preterism, Church Fathers & John at Patmos: Eusebius says that John the Revelator was exiled at Patmos in 95 AD, so wouldn't that put a damper in the book of Revelation being written before 70 AD? [Revelation 1:9]
Dating of the Book of Revelation: So you use both external & internal evidence, & one of those categories gives more evidence for a late date, but the other one gives more evidence for an early date, is that right?
2015-10-12 Zechariah Lectures: Where are they?
2015-09-25 Women Preachers: At the end of the program yesterday, a caller had asked about women preachers, but Steve never had a chance to answer it, & another caller was interested in it herself. [1 Timothy 2:12-14]
BSF (Bible Study Fellowship): What does Steve think of that group? Would they be Dispensationalists?
Dispensationalism: Can Steve please give a brief summary of Dispensationalism.
2015-08-31 The Bible Study Fellowship: Caller thinks the best church to go to when people ask about where is the best church to go to is, The Bible Study Fellowship.
2015-07-29 Earth/Land Confusion: Not sure what he's asking. [Genesis 32:30]
2015-07-10 Word, Logos, Rhema: Caller gives a little bit of his insight & gives a little interesting Bible study about Hebrews 4:12, but thinks that after Hebrews 4:1-11 take a dynamic shift in verse 12. [Hebrews 4:1-12, Mathew 10:34, Chronicles 28:9, Romans 8:27]
2015-06-02 "Sliding Away Backwards": Where can I find that phrase in Isaiah, "Sliding Away Backwards"? Turn away backwards! [Isaiah 1:4]
"It Is Written": Does Steve have a count of how often the phrase, "It is Written" is used in the Bible?
2015-05-15 Studying the book of Psalms: How does Steve apply Psalms to his life, how does he study them, interpret them?
2015-03-30 In-depth Bible Study: Caller wants an in-depth Bible Study, something like Steve Gregg has. (more clicking last call didn't have it even though the previous call before that did.)
2015-03-13 Getting a New Bible: Caller is considering getting a E. W. Bullinger Companion Bible, would Steve recommend it? What is a good one?
Genesis 5 genealogy: Cain is not in the genealogy of Genesis 5. Why not?
2015-03-06 The Book of Nehemiah & Joy: How do you apply "the Joy of Lord is my strength", we get strength from His joy? [Nehemiah 8:10]
Manasseh killed Isaiah: Is it true Manasseh killed Isaiah? [Isaiah 9:21, 2 Chronicles 33:13]
Not Loving Jesus Most: Where is it in the Bible where Jesus says if people love their mother or father more than Him, they are not worthy of Him? [Matthew 10:34-38]
2015-03-05 "You are gods": "You are God's" in the possessive sense, is that possible? [Psalm 82:6]
A good commentary: Do you know of good commentaries that you'd recommend?
2015-02-12 Abandoning the Old Testament: Since we are no longer under the Old Covenant, shouldn't we just abandon the Old Testament altogether?
2015-02-11 Holy Spirit & Differing Interpretation of Bible: How can there be SO many interpretations of certain Scripture verses, & them all claiming to have the same Holy Spirit in them?
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