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Topic: Gregg (Steve)

Showing 451 to 500 of 623.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-03-10 Bible Forum on the Narrow Path Website: Caller joined the forum on Steve's website, & couldn't believe some of the posts he saw there.
Steve Starting a Church: Would you ever consider start a church?
2016-03-10 Steve Gregg's Autobiography: Can you give us a little biography about yourself?
2016-03-02 Steve Gregg's Handling of Difficult Calls: How is Steve Gregg doing & how does he deal with all these hard questions while remaining with a firm footing?
2016-02-16 Steve's Wrong about Preterism: Caller thinks Steve is wrong about preterism, & the 7 churches are Dispensations of time in light of read 2 Timothy 3:1-7. [2 Timothy 3:1-7]
2016-02-09 Old Testament Prophecy to still be Fulfilled: Can you list the things that still need to be fulfilled in the Old Testament?
Steve's Experience with Speaking in Tongues: The caller's wife wanted a brief testimony of Steve speaking in tongues & being filled with the Holy Spirit.
2016-02-05 Memorizing Scripture: How do memorize Scripture or is most of your knowledge just as a result of you reading the Bible so many times?
2016-01-25 Steve Explaining His Current Experiences in Africa: Steve is live from Cameroon, Africa, & explains a little bit about being there, & internet access, no electricity or water & so on.
2016-01-08 Announcement Regarding Missions: Announcements about stuff happening in Beaverton, Oregon.
New Perspectives Program & Islam: Caller heard a previous call about New Perspectives teaching about Islam. He doesn't know the answer but is going to look into it.
Listening to Archived Radio Shows: Caller says he listens to a lot of the past radio shows & then Steve comments about archived radio shows. (You can listen to them even easier now on
2016-01-07 Inexperienced Callers Welcome to Call: Steve makes the announcement that he welcomes new, inexperienced callers to call the show.
2016-01-06 A verse about Steve Gregg: Caller thinks a certain verse is talking about Steve Gregg specifically. [1 Corinthian 15:10]
Women Calling the Show: Caller is curious as to more women don't call Steve's show.
2015-12-28 General Questions about the Narrow Path Ministry: Questions about how to donate, is it okay to pay his tithe to his ministry, & how thankful he is for Steve's ministry.
2015-11-11 Remission of sins: i'd really like to know the meaning of this verse, the "remitting or retaining the sins of people". What does that mean? [John 20:23]
"All you want to know about Hell": Caller likes both books of Steve Gregg, "3 views of Hell", as well as "4 views Revelation". Steve comments.
2015-11-11 Acts 2 Church & SG's background: Can you please tell me your background, especially about the Acts 2 churches?
Church Community: Do you belong to a church community like that?
Modern Day Pastors: The caller's pastor friends don't like the idea of just being a member verses preaching in the pulpit every week the way it happens in modern times.
2015-11-09 Looking for a church: What kind've church would you look for?
Modern Day Pastors: Was there pastors in the early church like there are today?
Deacon, Overseer, & Pastors: So would pastors, overseer & deacon be the same synonym? [Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5]
2015-11-04 Donations: Caller has a Question about donating to the ministry.
2015-10-14 Mental Illness: Caller is concerned about what Steve teaches about Mental Illness on his website.
2015-10-12 Steve's Mom, A. Wetherell Johnson & Bible Study Fellowship (BSF): So Steve's mom learned under A Wetherell Johnson's teaching in BSF?
Preterism, Church Fathers & John at Patmos: Eusebius says that John the Revelator was exiled at Patmos in 95 AD, so wouldn't that put a damper in the book of Revelation being written before 70 AD? [Revelation 1:9]
Dating of the Book of Revelation: So you use both external & internal evidence, & one of those categories gives more evidence for a late date, but the other one gives more evidence for an early date, is that right?
2015-10-12 Previous Eschatological Views: When you believed your former positions in Eschatology, did you actually teach them or just believe them at that point?
Full Preterism: Do you consider Full Preterism to be heretical?
Dispensationalism: If Dispensationalism is false, doesn't that give people false hope for a 2nd chance where there is none?
2015-09-25 The Jack Hibbs video on Replacement Theology: Comment on Jack Hibbs response about partial Preterism & replacement theology.
Mark Hitchcock gloating over Debate Victory: At the end of the Hibbs replacement video, Mark Hitchcock gloated about the victory he had over Hank Hanegraaff on the debate about the Date of the Book of Revelation.
2015-09-24 Replacement Theology - Supersessionism: Did Steve say he believes in Replacement Theology (Supersessionism)? What is that?
2015-09-21 Same-sex marriage & Homosexuality: Caller likes Steve's lectures on the biblical reasons why homosexuality & same-sex marriage are wrong.
Teaching, traveling, lectures: Caller appreciates Steve's ministry, his ability to be able to teach across the country, have lectures that are the perfect length, etc.
2015-09-21 Same-sex marriage & Homosexuality: Caller likes Steve's lectures on the biblical reasons why homosexuality & same-sex marriage are wrong.
Teaching, traveling, lectures: Caller appreciates Steve's ministry, his ability to be able to teach across the country, have lectures that are the perfect length, etc.
2015-09-17 Zechariah Study: Did Steve finish the Zechariah study that he had been working on?
2015-09-11 Teaching Steve's book on the 4 views of Revelation: Caller is about to teach a class using Steve's book & wants some pointers on how to do it, Revelation, Dispensationalism, Replacement theology, Supersessionism.
2015-09-09 Dating of the Book of Revelation: Have you ever heard that 50% of the Bible scholars of today believe that Revelation was written before 70 AD?
Revelation Written in 95 AD: What would Steve do/believe if it WAS proven that the Book of Revelation was written in 95 AD?
2015-09-01 "Revelation, Four Views, A Parallel Commentary": Do you have any ideas on the best way to read your book on the 4 views of Revelation?
2015-08-31 Pressing Issue in Christianity: What is the most Pressing Issue in Christianity. (Lordship of Jesus)
Steve's Favorite subject: What is Steve's favorite subject to teach on?
2015-08-28 Dispensational Views: What would it take for Steve to change his mind that he's wrong about Dispensationalism? Like seeing the Man of Sin in a 3rd temple?
2015-08-24 Talking to Steve After Show: Caller would like to have a private conversation w/ Steve in after the show.
2015-08-14 Arminianism vs Calvinism: Steve is not a Calvinist, but he also doesn't call himself an Arminianist but just a non-Calvinist. Is that true?
Total Depravity: A discussion about Total Depravity, Prevenient Grace [John 6:44]
2015-08-12 Being Gentle in Delivering Truth: How does Steve have the ability to be gentle & have humility w/ people who don't quite believe what we believe yet? How do we get people to read the Bible?
2015-08-06 Jack Gregg: Are you related to a Jack Gregg who I worked for for 20 years?
Jesus Becoming Aware of who He was: When did Jesus become aware that He was the Son of God?
2015-08-05 Demon-Possession Lectures: What happened to your Demon-possession Lectures?
"Equality w/ God": Caller is having a hard time w/ the phrase, "Who did not think equality w/ God a thing to be grasped", & would like Steve's thoughts if he could grasp what it means. [Philippians 2:1-11]
2015-07-29 Listening to the Holy Spirit: How come Steve doesn't listen to the Holy Spirit as to when to end a conversation w/ a caller?
Referring to the Holy Sprit: How come he doesn't refer to Him when people call w/ their problems, or what Bible to use, or what church to go to?
2015-07-29 Not Listening to the Holy Spirit (Rebuttal): Caller wanted to comment how Steve Gregg IS led by the Holy Spirit as he answers questions.
2015-07-23 Steve & the Holy Spirit: Does Steve think of himself as in the Holy Spirit? How are we born-again?
Trinity: Does Steve understand the Trinity? The Father loves the Son, & the Son loves the Father, so the Love IS the Holy Spirit.
Virgin Mary & her Son Jesus Christ: Does Steve understand Mary & her Son Jesus? Who is the closest to Jesus that is our mother? Who was the most obedient, who was there every step of the way but His mother? He was brought in by her because she was the most faithful. She is full of grace!
2015-07-21 Lectures for Unbelievers: Would Steve consider doing some lectures directly aimed at unbelievers?
2015-07-16 Divorce for Financial Benefit: Is it reasonable and acceptable to divorce because it's more expedient financially!
Two Witnesses: Have the 2 Witnesses already happened or not? [Revelation 11]
Hell-Eternal Torment: Is it not against God's character to burn people forever & ever?
2015-07-13 Manuscripts of the Bible: Were the Manuscripts just one long continuous words, w/ no breaks, commas, capitalization?
Bob Dutko: Steve Gregg was in an interview w/ Bob Dutko, does he have an audio file of that?
2015-07-01 Steve's Books: Caller announces how inexpensively is selling Steve's Books.
Hell: Steve talks about Hell.
2015-06-30 Reading the Bible Out Loud: Would Steve ever consider reading the entire Bible for audio?
Speaking the Truth (in love): John the Elder, the loved Disciple of Christ, is not loving because of the negative things he said about the anti-Christ.
2015-06-26 Appreciates Steve's Program: Caller was wondering if Steve was still going to be in Hawaii when he got there, & wanted to say he appreciates Steve's show.
2015-06-01 Scripture Referring to 70 AD or Second Coming: Is this passage of Scripture referring to 70 AD & the Destruction of Jerusalem, or the Second Coming? [Matthew 16:21-22,27, John 21:21-23]
70 AD as part of 1st Coming: Is His coming in 70 AD the same thing as part of His 1st coming, sort've like a phase 2 of it?
Verses That Apply To 2nd Coming & leaving Dispensationalism: Do you have listed all the verses that talk about the actual 2nd coming? Did you get a lot of flak for leaving Dispensationalism?
2015-05-29 Asking Money for Radio: Caller thinks Steve contradicts himself by saying he never "begs" for money.
2015-05-29 Steve Asking For Money: Caller just wanted to say he DOESN'T manipulate people to give money.
2015-05-27 Original Sin & Total Depravity Lecture: Listener really enjoys all the websites, & some of the lectures he's found on them.
2015-05-12 Books that Steve Loves: Caller would like to know the list of books that Steve has read 10 times or more.
The Koran: Does Steve have the Qua'ran on his bookshelf? Do they have different Translations like the BIble?
Pastors Being Okay w/ Homosexuality: Caller is surprised Pastors are so accepting to the homosexual lifestyle.
2015-05-05 Disagrees, but Love's the Narrow Path: The caller disagrees w/ Steve Gregg, especially the regarding the last days, when it comes to eschatology. She wants to make sure he stays on the air.
2015-04-30 Teaching: Caller would like Steve's perspectives on teaching regarding being lauded or getting pride, or thinking you're pretty smart?
2015-04-28 Catholic Church: Caller asks about the Church Fathers, if they said the church was a spiritual institution or not?
Women Pastors: Steve wouldn't attend a church who had a woman pastor, is that true?
Catholic Mass: Has Steve even attended a Catholic Mass? Does it follow the dictates of what Jesus wants?
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