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Topic: Gregg (Steve)

Showing 401 to 450 of 623.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-12-06 Skeptical at first, but now a Solid Listener: Caller who was at first skeptical of the radio program has found Steve to be very educational & is appreciative of him.
2017-11-27 Current Events Changing Steve's View on Eschatology: Considering your view of the rapture, have you changed your view, particularly relative to current events and the supernatural?
2017-11-02 Critiquing Steve's Criticism: Caller comments on Steve's inappropriate criticism of someone.
2017-11-01 Pastor Appreciates the Narrow Path Show: Caller is a pastor & he & his associates really appreciate Steve Gregg's program, The Narrow Path.
2017-10-23 Appreciation Call: Just wanted to say thank you for your good answers, especially the last one.
2017-10-13 Steve on the History Channel: Heard you on the history channel & saw a video of you playing on the guitar.
Luck: what is reality? Is there luck? Are there antithesis?
2017-10-10 Steve's Giving: How & where do you give?
2017-09-15 Dealing with Callers: I like the way you deal with all the different kind've callers you get! You are very skilled at!
Partaking in the Eucharist as a Full Meal: If having an actual meal for the Lord's Supper, how come that didn't become a sacrament? [1 Corinthians 11]
Taking Communion in an Unworthy Manner: What does it mean to take Communion in an unworthy manner? [1 Corinthians 11:26-32]
2017-09-05 Agreeing with Steve Gregg: Just calling you to tell you that I agree w/ you, that you know the truth! [John 14:6]
2017-08-17 Romans Verse by Verse Lectures: How do I know I'm listening to the right version of romans on your website? When were they done?
2017-08-11 Calling into the Narrow Path Show: How often can we call your show & ask a question?
Mike the Buddhist Calling in: Michael the Buddhist has been calling your show for 20 years, isn't that right?
Original Sin: Is sin passed down from every parent & have to live (or die) with the consequences of their sin? [Romans 5:12-21]
2017-08-11 Steve's Changing Belief Systems: Besides dispensationalism, have you ever changed your mind on anything?
Beast Overcoming the Saints: The beast that "makes war w/ the saints & overcomes them", are they going to overcome all of them? [Revelation 13:7]
2017-08-11 Steve Gregg's Itinerary: When are you coming in the vegas area again? take note of kkva, the station that carries your show, is having an open house
2017-08-04 Steve Needs to Change his Eschatological Views: I have a word from the Lord that you need change your eschatological views.
2017-08-02 Steve Gregg Joining the EO Church: What is so special about the Eastern Orthodox church as to why you switched over to it?
2017-07-14 Appreciates the Narrow Path Radio Program: I REALLY appreciate your program, & I just want you to know that!
2017-07-10 Best of Programs: Caller really likes the "Best Of" programs, because they really are the best of the questions!
Immortality of Soul: Most people believe in the inherent immortality of the soul, so what scriptures are there for only having a mortal soul?
2017-06-30 No Divorce: The early church they didn't allow divorce for any reason, is that right?
Steve's Residence City & Broadcasting: What city are you broadcasting from? Where do you live in California?
2017-05-26 Steve a Heretic: You do know that the Catholic Church would consider you a heretic, right?
2017-05-22 Appreciating Lectures: Being a bond servant of Christ, just listening to some of your lectures, & just letting you know I appreciated that point
2017-05-16 Steve's Financial Needs: How does God support you financially? It's true that you ask for money for you radio show, but never for yourself.
2017-05-09 Verses that might've Surprised Steve Gregg: What are some verses that surprised you the first time you read the entire Bible through?
2017-05-08 The Narrow Path Format: I commend you on the way you do the format of your show, not being prepared in advance.
Laying on Hands of the Holy Spirit by Philip: You just fielded a question about Philip not being able to lay hands on people for the Holy Spirit except when he got some of the original 12 Apostles. I'd like to explain a theory of why: That Peter has the Keys to the Kingdom. [Matthew 16:19]
2017-05-05 Awesome Radio Show: Your view is out of the box! I've never heard someone like you on the radio!
Philip: Was Philip one of the original 12 apostles? Why couldn't the Holy Spirit come as a result of Philip's work? Why did he have to call on some of the original 12 apostles in order for the Holy Spirit to move? [Acts 8]
2017-04-28 Steve's Eschatology & Dispensationalism: will you clarify your eschatological views, & where do dispensationalists get their view?
2017-03-07 Loving our Fellow Man: Caller think this verse is a good verse about loving your fellow man. [Isaiah 55:8-9]
2017-03-01 Steve Gregg & the Post Office: Steve shares an interesting experience he recently had at the post office.
2017-02-24 Lectures called, "Biblical Counsel for a Change" Caller talks about a series of lectures called, "Biblical Counsel for a Change", about how much he liked it.
LGBT Community: What should the church do w/ the LGBT community?
2017-02-09 Steve Gregg's Answer to People on The Narrow Path: I just wanted to let you know that you are completely fair in the way you conduct yourself in the answers to your callers. They are the ones who are calling your show for YOUR opinion as a result of your knowledge of the BIble on something, and you don't just give your opinion, but several sides of an issue.
Women Having Long Hair: Women should only have long hair because it's her "glory". Do you know where it talks about that? [1 Corinthians 11:4-16]
2017-02-06 Steve Gregg commenting about that day's show's calls: Steve says commentary about politics dominating the show that day.
2017-01-25 Steve's Speaking Engagements: Does or would Steve ever come to Spokane, Washington?
Nothing Inhibiting Jesus' Coming: Are all the prophecies fulfilled to not prevent Jesus from coming back right now, or does the 3rd Temple still have to be built?
Planned Parenthood: What about planned parenthood (abortion)?
2017-01-06 Being gods: Why in scripture does it call people "gods"? [John 10:34-35, Psalms 82:6]
Steve Gregg's Devotion Life: What does your daily devotion look like?
2016-12-20 Steve having Long Hair:: Caller's son has a problem with Steve Gregg as a Bible Teacher because he has long hair, & also can Steve explain what the verse is saying? [1 Corinthians 11:14-16]
2016-12-13 The Narrow Path's Theme Music: Did Steve do his theme music or someone else or what?
Walking in the Light: Can Steve explain, Walk in the Light, as I am in the Light"" [1 John 1:5-7], what that means practically?
2016-11-30 Rapture: Did I hear you right-That you do not believe in the "Rapture"?
2016-11-30 Old Friend of Steve Calls (Ed): Ed just wanted to call & say hi & reflect on old times.
2016-11-21 Old Friend of Steve: Old friend of Steve’s thanks him for his ministry, & thanks his wife who got killed in an accident for bringing her to the Lord &/or studying the Bible effectively.
2016-11-01 Evolution: What are Steve's beliefs on Evolution?
2016-10-25 Cremation: Is there any Biblical prohibition from being cremated? Does Steve have any plans of being cremated?
2016-10-11 Steve Gregg's Retirement: Is Steve ever going to retire?
2016-09-27 Steve Gregg Donations: How does a person denote to Steve Gregg's personal needs?
2016-09-01 Annoyed at Disagreement Calls: Why don't you ever get irritated with people who disagree with you?
2016-08-26 Steve Gregg's Study Habits: What are Steve’s study habits and other aspects of his life?
2016-08-24 Elder Qualifications: Did you say you disqualify yourself from being an elder in the church because of your disobedient, unruly offspring? What about when they become adults? Does the father still have to step down then? [1 Timothy 3:2-7]
2016-07-19 Steve Gregg's Spiritual Life: What is Steve's spiritual life like? To whom does he pray? [1 John 1:6-7]
2016-06-10 Steve Gregg & Hank Hanegraaff: Do you & hank hanegraaff see eye to eye on most biblical issues/interpretation? Have you two ever played a round of golf?
2016-05-12 Steve Anti-Semitic: Is Steve Gregg a little bit anti-Semitic? [Psalm 107:43]
2016-04-28 Steve in the Radio Ministry: How did you get started in radio?
2016-04-14 Steve Having the Gift of Prophecy: Does Steve Gregg think he has the Gift of prophecy? Caller wants to talk about 2 kinds of prophesying.
2016-03-11 Cruising Ministries: Caller disagree with Steve about cruise ministries, suggesting it's too worldly, too luxurious for the Christian for the Christian to be participating in.
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