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Topic: Gregg (Steve)

Showing 151 to 200 of 623.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-05-24 Steve Gregg is a False Teacher: Caller calls Steve Gregg a false teacher and warns listeners to avoid his ministry. [I Timothy 4:1-2, 2 Peter 2:1-2, Jude 1].
2022-05-24 Bible Steve Uses: What is the version of the Bible you use most?
Atheist: Homosexual Marriage: Atheist: What about homosexuals who are married,love each other and are monogamous? Doen't being married make it OK? [I John 5:3].
2022-05-17 Calvinism & Hell: Caller commends Steve for his work on Israel, but disagrees with him on Hell and Calvinism.
Revelation: "Preterism" vs "Idealism": Why I left "Preterism" for "Idealism" regarding the Book of Revelation. [Revelation 17:10].
Preterists & Josephus: Are not Preterists making a mistake in using "Josephus" just like Dispensationalists use newspapers today?
2022-05-17 Fundraising & Living by Faith: Could you talk about "fundraising" and "living by faith"? [Matthew 6:33].
Living by Faith: Did your choice to live by faith cause any problems with your wife in your marriage?
2022-05-17 Dispensatinalism (Steve Gregg's Lectures): Where is the best place to find your lectures on Dispensationalism? Recommended; topical lecture called "When Shall These Things Be?"
Textus Receptus (Received Text): What is the "Textus Receptus (Received Text)"?
2022-05-13 The Narrow Path Website: Caller talks about "The Narrow Path" & the "Matthew713" websites.
Repeating the Same Sins & Salvation: Is there a chance that people who keep falling into the same sins (say once a month), are not really saved? [Galatians 5:17, James 3:2, John 8:31-32, Mtathew 7:21-26, I John 3:9].
2022-05-09 Amillennialism vs Postmillennialism: What verses keeps you from being a full post-millennialist? [Revelation 20:3].
New Heavens & Earth vs New Covenant: Do you see the "new heavens and earth" as coming in the future, or representative of the New Covenant? [Revelation 21:1-4, Revelation 21:11, Revelation 20:11, 2 Peter 3:10-13, Hebrews 6:5, Roman 8:21].
Compliment to Steve and The Narrow Path Website: Caller compliments Steve, and The Narrow Path website, for helping him to learn how to think about scripture after he came out of a cult.
2022-05-03 David Eating the Showbread: Could you explain the passage about David eating the showbread (ceremonial or consecrated bread)? [Mark 2:26, Matthew 12:4, Matthew 23:23, John 7:22-23].
Steve Gregg's Memory: Do you have a photographic memory?
2022-05-03 Scripture for Memorial Services: Do you have recommended verses for a"Celebration of Life" service? [Colossians 1:13, I Peter 1:8, Philippians 1:20-24, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
The Kingdom of God: Could you suggest how to tie an explanation of the Kingdom of God into my husband's memorial service? Recommendation: "Kingdom of God-Vol 1 & 2" books, audio avaialbe at the website:
2022-04-29 Speaking with Atheists: Caller compliments Steve's abililty to be pleasant when he speaks with atheists.
Negative Atmosphere in the Catholic Church: What about the dark and negative feelings I had while I was in a Catholic church? [Romans 12:1].
2022-04-25 The Narrow Path Theme Song: What is the whistling tune at the beginning of your show (title and artist)?
Cremation: What do you think about cremation, particularly in light of a friend who converted to Judaism?
2022-04-14 Steve Gregg's Rest & Recuperation: Do you, Steve Gregg, have the time to get away and alone with God for refreshment?
2022-04-05 God is Love: How is it that God is love? [I John 4:7-21].
Steve Gregg's Lecture on God's Love: Where is your extensive lecture about love and "God is love"? Topical Lecture series; "Charisma & Character".
2022-03-31 Agnosticism & Doubts: Have you, Steve Gregg, ever had periods of agnosticism or doubts, yourself? What can I, a doubter, do if I really want to believe?
2022-03-30 Atheist; Why Does Steve Gregg Think He's Right: Athesist Inquiry: Where do you get off claiming you have the right information about what is Christianity, especially since the Greek Orthodox and Catholic Churches seem to have more authority? why is the Catholic "Apocrypha" not included in the Protestant Bible?
Atheist; Steve Gregg is Wrong: Atheist inquiry: How can we know when Steve Gregg is wrong and doing the interpreting, and when it is the Holy Spirit? How does Steve know he will have eternal life? [John 3:15-16, John 10:27-28].
Atheist; Jesus Said He Was Not God: Wasn't Jesus claiming that He was not God? [Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19].
2022-03-30 Atheist; Why Does Steve Gregg Think He's Right: Athesist Inquiry: Where do you get off claiming you have the right information about what is Christianity, especially since the Greek Orthodox and Catholic Churches seem to have more authority? why is the Catholic "Apocrypha" not included in the Protestant Bible?
Atheist; Steve Gregg is Wrong: Atheist inquiry: How can we know when Steve Gregg is wrong and doing the interpreting, and when it is the Holy Spirit? How does Steve know he will have eternal life? [John 3:15-16, John 10:27-28].
Atheist; Jesus Said He Was Not God: Wasn't Jesus claiming that He was not God? [Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19].
2022-03-24 Cover Image of "Empire of the Risen Son": What is the image on the cover of your book, "Empire of the Risen Son"?
2022-03-23 Eternal Security: You don't believe in "Eternal Security", right?
Jimmy Swaggart: What do you think of Jimmy Swaggart?
2022-03-22 Free Audio Version of "Empire of the Risen Son", Vol 1: Steve announces a FREE audio version of his 2 books about the Kingdom of God; "Empire of the Risen Son". Book 1; 'There is Another King" NOW available at, under the tab; "Books."
2022-03-22 Moses' Source for Genesis: How did Moses know what to write in Genesis about the creation and the events in the Garden of Eden?
The Kingdom of God: How do I learn about "The Kingdom of God"? Recommended topical lecture, "The Kingdom of God" or download free book, "Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 1", at the website.
2022-03-21 Dating Relationships: Caller recommends Steve lecture for those Christians in dating relationships; from the series "Toward a Radicaly Christian Counter Culture: Approaching Marriage"
Proclaiming the Death of Jesus During Communion: When we are taking communion, why do we not proclaim the death of Jesus as scripture directs in I Corinthians? [I Corinthians 11:26, I Corinthians 6:20].
2022-03-18 Steve Gregg, The Narrow Path & the Ban Culture: Comment about the value of the teachings of Steve Gregg and keeping external drives of the content.
2022-03-10 Sabbatarians & Keeping the Law: Do today's Sabbatarians typically keep all the other Sabbath laws?
Steve Gregg's Tongue Speaking: Do you personally speak in tongues, or interpret, and can you control it?
2022-01-17 Mental Illness in Family Member: How do I look at a diagnosis of my ex-wife's mental illness (Bipolar) in light of scripture, particularly relative to my daughter? Topical lecture recommended; "Biblical Counsel for a Change".
Thanks to Steve & The Narrow Path Ministry: Caller thanks Steve for causing him to reexamine what he has been taught, which has made him grow in his faith. [Proverbs 18:17].
All Prophecy Fulfilled: Do you think that all prophecies have been, or where, fulfilled by 70A.D.? [Daniel 2:35].
2022-01-17 Calvinism: Were you ever been a Calvinist? [Romans 9].
"Once Saved, Always Saved" (Eternal Security): It took me a while to drop Calvinism, particularly, "Once saved, always saved (eternal security).
2022-01-13 Steve Gregg's Books on the Kingdom of God: Steve talks about the two books called, "Empire of the Risen Son", Vol 1 & Vol 2.
2022-01-07 Symbolism of the book of Revelation: Is all of the book of Revelation symbolic, or just some of it? [Revelation].
"Jezebel Spirit": Is it correct to say that a woman has a "Jezebel spirit"? [Revelation 2:20].
Steve Gregg's Church Attendance: Are you part of a church group that meets regularly?
2022-01-04 David Mistaken in His Prayer: Why did David pray, "Against you, and you only, have I sinned" when it was clear that he had wronged many others? [Psalm 54:4, Psalm 22:1].
Steve Gregg's Band from the 1970s: Is there any surviving material from your band in the 1970s (New Wine).
2022-01-03 Praise for Steve Gregg's Ministry: Caller very enthusiastically shares his gratitude for Steve's ministry on The Narrow Path radio program and website:
More God-fearing Christians in the Past: Were people more God-fearing throughout the 1800s than they are now?
2021-12-30 Technology on Jesus Ministry: What effect would today's technology have on Jesus' ministry, particularly if everything were recorded? [John 21:25].
Matthew has all the calls from the last 8 years online by date and by topic. (Caller mentions 2 days because at the time of the call he was was finishing reformatting the last 2 months of 2016, at the same exact time this year was concluding!)
2021-12-28 Josephus' Historical Accuracy: Is it possible that some of what Josephus wrote could have been exaggerated to puff up the Romans? How do we know we can trust what he wrote?
Augustine's Value to Christian History: What was good about Augustine? [Romans 5:12].
Isaac Newton's Commentary on Revelation: Why didn't you use Sir Isaac Newton's commentary on Revelation when you did your commentary, "Four Views of Revelation"?
2021-12-21 Learning the Bible Like Steve Gregg: Can other people learn to refer to Bible scripture as quickly as you do, or is it just a special gift of yours?
Feeling Sorry for the Pharisees: Do you ever feel sorry for the Pharisees? [John 10:37, John 17:6, John 5:42, Acts 15:5].
2021-12-14 Steve's New Books: Could you talk about your new books and if it is going to be available in audio? "Empire of the Risen Son", Vol 1 & 2, "There is Another King", "All the King's Men".
2021-12-14 God's Provision-Living by Faith: Can you help me understand the disparity between how we live and how others have to live? Do you think you will never be homeless because you live by faith? [Matthew 6:25-26, Matthew 10:5-8].
2021-12-01 The Narrow Path Live-Stream on YouTube: Announcement that "The Narrow Path" radio program is being live-streamed daily on YouTube under the name of "The Narrow Path Bible Q&A Radio Show".
2021-12-01 Steve's Book: Steve promotes his book on the Kingdom of God; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1 & 2), "There is Another King" and "All the King's Men" as Christmas gifts.
2021-11-30 Caller Commends Steve for His Ministry: Jewish caller commends Steve for his ministry.
2021-11-29 Revelation View of Steve Gregg: Which view of the book of Revelation is the view that you hold and why? Recommended verse-by-verse on Revelation.
2021-11-24 Politician's Reprobate: Caller comments on Steve's view that "most politicians have a reprobate mind."
Revelation Not Written by John: What do you think about the premise of the author of "The Story of Christianity, Gonzalez, who seems to think that Revelation was not written by John? [Acts 4:13].
Steve Gregg's View of Hell: Don't you think it is time to come out of the closet and reveal your view on Hell is a Restorationist?
2021-11-19 "Once Saved, Always Saved" or Eternal Security: Do you have anything on your website regarding "Once Saved, Always Saved" (Topical lectures; "Content of the Gospel-#5Eternal Security").
Hyper-Grace (Super-Grace): Is R.B. Thieme's ministry a good one?
2021-11-17 Steve's Website Caller Promotes.
The Church & "Bride of Christ": Who is the "Bride of Christ", and how do we enhance and identify with that role and the church?
2021-11-15 Adult Child Straying from God's Wisdom: How do I approach my daughter who has strayed from God's wisdom and has embraced the world's view? [I Corinthians 2:5-7].
Whistling on The Narrow Path: Is that you whistling on the radio intro?
2021-11-15 Teachers & Ministries that Don't Take Salaries: Are you aware of other teachers that run their ministries much like The Narrow Path, in that you don't take a salary?m (Hudson Taylor, George Mueller, Rees Howells, Jesus).
2021-10-21 Whistling at The Narrow Path: Is that you whistling in the song at the beginning of the show? The song is by Jon Marr, and it's called, "Like Arrows Do" and is at the website.
Book of Enoch: Is it possible that the Book of Enoch was actually written by Enoch?
Donating to "The Narrow Path" Ministry: How do you donate to "The Narrow Path" ministry?
2021-10-07 The Narrow Path archives: Caller suggests that someone who called earlier should share archives. They may be found at, Narrow Path free phone app, or
2021-09-21 Steve to Jerusalem: Have you ever been to the "Wailing Wall" in Jerusalem?
The Jewish Tradition Marking the Day: Did you know that the day begins in the evening?
The Rapture: Caller indicates that Steve is mistaken about the rapture, and there are many raptures in the Bible.
2021-09-16 Appreciates The Narrow Path: Caller just called to say that he enjoys Steve's ministry, his answers to Norm Geisler, and his offering of alternative views.
2021-09-16 Whistling on The Narrow Path: Where does the whistling song come from on your show? The full song is posted at under the tab called resources.
Steve Gregg vs John MacArthur: Caller comments that he no longer listens to John MacArthur and only listens to Steve. Steve Doesn't recommend listening to only one teacher.
Tithing for Christians: Could you go over the biblical view of tithing for Christians? [Luke 14:33].
2021-09-10 Prayer Requests: Steve explains that he does not typically pray for people on the air, as he would quickly not have time to answer questions.
Good Works Necessary: Are good works necessary for one's salvation? Ezekiel 36:26, Titus 2:14].
2021-08-17 Steve Gregg's Denomination: With what denomination do you identify and why? [I Corinthians 1:10-12, I Corinthians 3:3-4].
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