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Topic: Gregg (Steve)

Showing 501 to 550 of 623.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-04-27 Steve's Qualifications for Teaching: Is Steve qualified to be a Pastor or a Teacher, or hasn't he ever had any push back, from being married so many times? Is it true that even if it is the wife's fault for the divorce, she going into adultery, that it still actually rests on the husband? He's still responsible for it ultimately, so it would disqualify him?
2015-04-24 Circumcision: Did Steve Gregg have his children circumcised? We have better hygiene than in the OT so why would it need to be done for THAT reason? [Galatians 3]
2015-04-21 Calls from People with Addictions: After getting several calls about people with addictions, Steve comments about getting it from both side of the fence about what he says in his answers.
2015-04-20 Homosexuality: Caller is concerned about dreams he's having about being in homosexual relationships, & past sexual sins.
Alcohol: Is it a sin to have a couple glasses of wine every night to deal problems?
Jesus Communicating with Us: Does Jesusverbally communicate with us? Has He ever personally talked to Steve Gregg?
2015-04-13 Commentaries: What is Steve's favorite commentary? Where do you go to a church where they are charismatics, believe in ALL the Gifts of the Spirit?
2015-04-06 Archived Radio Shows: Where are your archived radio shows? They are not up on your website. [Editor's Note: You can find them on]
2015-04-01 Lectures on Unity: The caller really enjoyed the lecture series "Strategies for Unity". How long has Steve been teaching on that subject?
2015-04-01 Discipleship: Caller wants to know the best way to teach Discipleship like Steve does.
2015-03-27 Animals in Heaven: Animals in Heaven.
Steve is very dedicated: Steve being dedicated to his Ministry.
Red letter Edition - Don C. Harris: Is Steve familiar w/ Don Harris or the ministry of Red Letter Edition?
2015-03-05 Dispensationalism: So John Darby's main thing was to convince people that the church & Israel were 2 separate things, is that right?
Steve's view of Eschatology: So is Steve's view of the last days (eschatology) a mixture of several view points, & what verses does he use?
2015-02-06 Steve's Background: Caller wants to know Steve's education because his answers are so informative, so well-rounded.
2015-01-26 Disagreement Callers: Caller thinks Steve does a good job debating with people who disagree with him, handling it with grace.
Baptism: Caller wants to get re-baptized even though he was baptized as an infant. He wants to ever since he repented. Should he?
2015-01-20 Branches Bearing Fruit: Are there 3 different groups of Christians, Christians who bear fruit, Christians who don't, & Christians who break off, is that right? [john 15:1-5]
Falling Away (for Buddhism): If Steve were to fall for Buddhism, does that means that he fell from grace?
2015-01-15 False Teacher Accusation: Caller is saying Steve said that Jesus said in Matthew 7:23, "I knew you, but not anymore", but that's a false gospel. [Matthew 7:23]
2015-01-05 Followup about Hell: Steve does a followup regarding the call he just had about hell.
2014-12-23 Equipment Problems w/ the Broadcast: There seems to be problems with your show.
Modern English Version: Have you ever heard of the MEV, Modern English Version?
2014-12-19 Understanding Scripture: What does this passage of Scripture mean in Ezekiel? [Ezekiel 3:17-21
Dying in middle of sin: what if you die right in the middle of a sin? Are you doomed?
Unique Questions on the Show: Do you ever still get a question on your show you've never answered anymore, that is unique, or have they all been answered before?
2014-12-15 Come Out Among Them & Be Separate: What does it mean to "Come out from among them & be separate?" [2 Corinthians 6:17]
Fear & Trembling: What does it mean to "work out your Salvation w/ Fear & Trembling"? [Philippians 2:12]
The Narrow Path Radio Show: What do you hope for as God's will to accomplish with this show? What do you pray for when you pray for your program?
2014-12-11 Steve Gregg's Understanding & Teaching: You have a good method of teaching, but in some things we are just going to have to agree to disagree, but hoping that you come around to the correct truth (state of the dead). You are very tough on people who hold Calvinism, but make a pass on what happens to you after death.
2014-12-11 Contradiction in Romans: Paul seems to be saying 2 different things: "Obeying the law makes us right in His sight", & then "we can not be made right by the law". What are your thoughts? [Romans 2:13, 3:20]
Marriage & Steve's Ex-Wives: You seem to bring up marriage & divorce a lot, & your stance on them, & you keep hashing out stuff about your former wives. How does you current wife put up with it all the time?
2014-12-03 Radio Programs & the Narrow Path: There are some radio shows that just seems to disagree with your teachings.
Date of the Book of Revelation: Wife & I debating the dating of the book of Revelation, my wife thinks way after 70 AD, i think before 70 AD.
Baptism: Is water baptism necessary for salvation?
2014-11-21 Technical Issues: There is skipping going on in your shows, it's cutting out, can't hear everything you are saying.
2014-10-31 Appreciate of Steve Gregg: Caller is appreciative of Steve Gregg.
Trials that caller had: Caller says how he's been much better after going a period of suffering.
2014-10-28 Steve Gregg's Position on Hell: I just heard a caller say that you've changed your position on hell. What do you believe about hell now?
2014-10-14 Steve's Long Answers: Steve's shares an interesting story about why he gives long answers & some not liking his long answers, especially the ones that are on hold waiting & some do appreciate it, but whenever a question demands a long answer, he's going to give however long it takes, time permitting!
2014-10-09 The Bible Answer Man: How did you happen to be on Hank Hanegraaff's show, The Bible Answer Man?
Genres: Can you explain Genres, & what genres are what in the Bible?
2014-10-03 Earning a Living & Sharing the Gospel: Aren't we supposed to be earning a living & sharing the gospel at the same time?
2014-10-03 Appreciates Steve Gregg & the Narrow Path: Caller appreciates Steve Gregg & his ministry very much & thinks he's a hard worker.
2014-09-15 One Flesh: Does getting married & becoming "one flesh" mean that we have to put all our money in the pot together or can we have separate financial responsibilities, separate bank acounts?
Formal Education: Does Steve Gregg have any formal education in the study of the Bible since he seems so well-versed in it?
2014-09-12 Old Pastor Friend: An old pastor friend calls to reminisce for a minute, to say hi.
2014-09-10 Steve's Wonderments: Do you have any questions you need answered to? Where do you go for your answers?
Studying the Bible: What are some good resources for the studying the Bible?
Starting point: Where's a good point to start studying the Bible?
2014-09-03 Being Charismatic: What are Steve Gregg's personal experiences in genuine Charismatic Gifts?
Charisma: Is God just not performing as many as He did in the early church?
Non-Charismatic Churches: Is it possible that a lot of Churches aren't seeing some of the Charismatic Gifts that happened in the early church simply because churches aren't looking for them anymore?
2014-08-28 Denominations: Is there a denomination that aligns itself the most w/ what you believe?
Which Church: What church do you go to then every Sunday?
2014-08-28 Denominations: Is there a denomination that aligns itself the most w/ what you believe?
Which Church: What church do you go to then every Sunday?
2014-08-14 Memorial Service: Is it necessary to have a Memorial Service?
Meat, not Milk: Caller feels that Steve needs to teach more of the meat of the gospel more than the milk of it. [1 Corinthians 3:1-3]
Steve's books on Hell & Revelation: Caller thinks Steve taking the time write books on irrelevant topics such as Hell & Revelation was a waste of time.
2014-08-05 Men Calling in on the Radio show: Caller is impressed w/ how many men call the show as opposed to women.
2014-07-30 Atheist Caller: An Atheist caller just wanted to thank Steve for his Christianity because some don't have much evidence that they are.
2014-07-21 Sins of our Fathers: Compare the potential in-laws to your spouse to determine what your spouse is going to be like, the way they treat their family & so on.
Steve being married 4 times: Has Steve noticed this, his wives resembling their mother & family traits?
2014-07-18 Disagreement: Caller disagrees that Steve only has a radio face!
Animals/Pets: Do animals/pets go to heaven? Will there be animals there?
2014-06-26 New Great Commission School: What's going w/ your Great Commission School? Haven't heard much about it lately.
2014-06-25 3 Views of Hell Book Comment: Caller really enjoyed & wanted to put accolades on Steve Gregg's book called, "All You Want to Know about Hell: Three Christian Views of God's Final Solution to the Problem of Sin".
2014-06-06 Title of Theme Song: What is the title of your Theme Song for your show?
2014-06-03 Dispensationalism (last call): Dispensationalism seems to go against Scripture so much. Isn't there a danger to doing that?
Tithing: Is there ANYWHERE in the NT that says we MUST tithe? [Matthew 23:23]
Steve's Ministry: Your ministry, especially your website, is very informative, has a vast amount of knowledge on it.
2014-05-19 Former Atheist: Caller likes Steve's knowledge of Christianity & being able to defend it. [1 Peter 3:15]
5 or 6 year old accepting Jesus: How can children of a very young age understand the plan of Salvation & be able to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Saviour?
2014-05-16 Learn Directly from the Bible: Why would you want to listen to somebody's hashed up version of what the Bible says as opposed to just reading it for yourself?
Disagreeing Views: Caller actually enjoys listening to people of opposing beliefs than what he believes.
2014-05-14 Addictions (first call follow-up): Advice for the first caller's g/f who is exhibiting addictive behavior.
Face for Radio: You said you didn't have a face for radio, but I think you do.
2014-05-14 More Reaction to First Call about Addictions: A previous caller needs to not enable his g/f, financing her ability to be able to buy her drugs & alcohol.
Speaking Engagements by Steve Gregg: How do you determine where you will speak?
2014-05-13 My way or the Highway: How do I deal w/ a family member who thinks i'm wrong for investigating & searching for what truth is?
Losing Religion: A friend says he's losing his religion but still has faith in God. What do I say to that?
Pastor Steve: How come you don't want to be a pastor?
2014-05-12 All the Books of the Bible Lecture on CD: Where can I get a hardcopy or CD of the lecture you had about a summarization of all the books of the Bible?
2014-05-08 3 Views of Hell: Caller is thankful for the lectures that Steve put together about the 3 view of Hell.
Holy Spirit leading to Truth: The Holy Spirit leads us to all truth.
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