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Topic: Gregg (Steve)

Showing 251 to 300 of 623.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-01-29 Steve's Parents & His Christian Faith: How did your parents help you shape your decision to follow Christ?
2021-01-28 Caller Asks for Direction for His Christian Growth: Caller shares personal testimony of his recent conversion and asks where he should next focus his attention to grow? Recommends lecture; "Biblical Counsel for a Change" and his new books; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1-"There is Another King", & Vol 2-"All the King's Men").
2021-01-27 Steve Gregg's Charismatic Experience: Could you talk about your own charismatic experience at Calvary Chapel?
Baptism of the Spirit & Laying on of Hands: Is it necessary to have hands laid on you to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
2021-01-25 Calvinism vs the Alternates: What is the difference between Calvinism and other denominations? Recommended lecture; "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation."
Steve Gregg Leaving Calvary Chapel: What lead to your departure from Calvary Chapel?
2021-01-19 Buying Steve's Books: Any advice, as I am having trouble buying multiple copies of your book?
Compromised Writers of Worship Music: As a worship leader, I have learned some negative things about some of those that write and perform songs I have used before, any advice on helping me decide if I should use them anymore?
2021-01-18 Steve Gregg in Danger of Not being Saved: Caller expresses concern because he thinks Steve is in danger of losing his salvation and is taking away from the book of the Revelation.
2021-01-06 Revelation-Four Views: Caller remarks that Steve's book on Revelation has now caused him to rethink his comfortable position.
2020-12-23 Steve's Newest Books: Steve talks about his two new books.
2020-12-11 Steve Gregg & Hanukkah: Grand accolades from a Jewish Radio personality to Steve Gregg & The Narrow Path ministry. They discuss the show & Hanukkah.
2020-12-09 Recommended Book by Steve Gregg: What book did you recently recommend recently over the air? ("Live Not By Lies" by Rod Dreher).
2020-12-08 Christian Book Choices: Which book should I read next, "Live Not By Lies" or your second volume on The Kingdom of God, "Empire of the Risen Son"?
2020-12-08 Speaking in Tongues: What is your personal experience like with speaking in tongues? [I Corinthians 14, Jude 20].
2020-12-04 Fear of God & Steve's New Books: Compliments on Steve's new book, "Empire of the Son," especially his thoughts on the fear of God. Would you talk about the fear of God? [I Peter 1:17, 2 Corinthians 5:11, Revelation 14:7, Proverbs 9:10, Hebrews 12:11, Proverbs 3:7, Proverbs 23:17].
2020-11-25 Tongues and Other Gifts of Steve Gregg: Do you, Steve Gregg, have any other gifts other than speaking in tongues?
The Stone in Daniel: If you know Josephus or Luther, what did the think of the stone in Daniel?
2020-11-12 Heaven-bound Upon Death-or Not: In your new book on the kingdom of God, "Empire of the Risen Son", you talk about our calling is to the kingdom and to glory, not to heaven, so can you clarify where I go when I die? [I Thessalonians 4:14].
2020-11-06 Phone App for The Narrow Path: Do you have a phone app for The Narrow Path radio program?
2020-11-04 Steve's Dad is 95: Steve Gregg wanted to make a shout out about his dad's 95th birthday today!
2020-11-04 The Narrow Path Theme Song: Is that you playing the guitar and whistling?
2020-11-02 Caller Affirms Steve: Caller calls to affirm Steve's answer to the first caller.
2020-10-30 Steve Gregg's New Book: Steve talks about his two new books on "The Kingdom of God", the title being, "Empire of the Risen Son".
2020-10-30 Caller compliments Steve: Caller compliments Steve on his stellar ministry noting him as the best contextual teacher.
Pro-Choice: What do you think of the slogan, "Pro-Choice is Pro-Death".
Age of the Earth & Evolution: Could you talk about your views of the age of the earth and evolution, etc.?
2020-10-26 Steve Gregg to the East Coast: Do you ever get out to the east coast?
Moses, Elijah, and the Transfiguration: How did Peter know that it was Moses and Elijah during the transfiguration event? [Matthew 17:3].
Apostles and a Believers Baptism: Did the apostles have the another baptism, as believers, or did they just have the baptism of John? [Acts 19:5].
2020-10-23 Bad Internet Connection: Internet complication.
2020-10-20 What's Going on with Steve's New Book and Recent Travel: Caller just got Steve's new book, and requests that Steve talk about his recent travel.
2020-10-19 Holy Spirit & Salvation in the Old Testament: How were the people saved in the Old Testament if the Holy Spirit came only upon the prophets?
Holy Spirit Not Available to those in the Old Testament: How could Nicodemus have understood the scriptures if he didn't have the Holy Spirit? [John 7:39].
Thanking God for Steve Gregg's Gift: How often to you thank God for the answer you have just provided to your listener?
2020-10-06 The Intro Whistling Music for The Narrow Path: Is the whistling music yours?
Healing Promised to Christians: It appears as though there is a promise about guaranteed healing that doesn't seem to work out as indicated-are we missing something? [James 5:14-15, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Galatians 4:13, I Timothy 5:23, 2 Timothy 4:20, Philippians 2:27].
2020-10-06 Zeitqeist: Caller compliments Steve on his response to the Zeitgeist question on YouTube.
Sadducees & Pharisees & the Resurrection: Did the Sadducees and Pharisees turn parts of Zechariah into a fable about the resurrection? [Daniel 12:2, Acts 23:6, Matthew 22:32].
2020-10-01 Compliments to Steve: Caller just compliments Steve and indicates he will call again in the future with questions about the brain, and Isaiah 28.
2020-09-29 Soul Sleep (Ended Call): Call inquiring about where Steve's dead wife is now, but the call was ended by Steve.
2020-09-28 Steve Gregg Upcoming Meeting: What time is your meeting in Houston area?
2020-09-25 Steve Coming to Northern California: Are you coming to northern California?
Donating to The Narrow Path: What is the best way to make donations on the website? Is PayPal Ok to use now?
2020-09-24 Compliments to Steve Gregg: Compliments to Steve regarding The Narrow Path's outreach.
Saul & the Witch of Endor: Could you clarify why Saul summoned the "Witch of Endor" because it was strictly forbidden, and was it a sin? [I Chronicles 10:13, Leviticus 19:31, 20:21, Deuteronomy 18:11].
2020-09-23 The Kingdom of God: Why have we not heard more about "The Kingdom of God" from the pulpit? [Matthew 6:33]. (Editor's Note: There's a lot of missed audio regarding this call.)
2020-09-11 Leaving Dispensationalism & Finding Fellowship: Can you offer some direction for fellowship for those of us who were only presented with Dispensationalism, and have since moved away from it?
Church at Home with Steve Gregg: Is my wife and I listening to your lectures at home the same as "church"?
2020-09-09 Steve Gregg - a Trinitarian: Are you a Trinitarian? Why or why not?
Saved if One Doesn't Believe Jesus is God?: Can someone be saved if they don't believe that Jesus is God, but still believe in Christ? [John 16:12-13, John 14:9, Matthew 7:6, Matthew 13].
2020-09-04 Bad Kings Ordained by God-Leadership in the Future: Why did God allow bad kings? Were they ordained by God? Can the same thing happen again in the future in the United States? [Hosea 8:4, Romans 13:1, Daniel 2:21, Proverbs 21:1, Acts 5:12]. Where is your alternate site,
2020-09-01 Rebroadcasts of Narrow Path Radio Program: Does the Narrow Path Ministry have to pay for additional air-time when radio stations rebroadcasts it during other parts of the day, when it's not live?
Causes to Break-off Fellowship or Church Discipline: You have said that many things are not enough to break fellowship over, so what things ARE worthy of breaking fellowship over?
2020-08-27 God Knows Past, Present & Future: If God knows all things, the beginning and the end, then, how can He regret the choices people make? [Isaiah 46:10, Genesis 3:9, Genesis 4:9, Genesis 18:16-33, Genesis 22:12].
God's Preordaining Everything: Does God not knowing some things throw a monkey wrench into the concept of God preordaining everything (Calvinism)?
Making a Donation: Do you have a phone number to make donations to? How do you spell Temecula?
2020-08-26 Steve Gregg's New Book on the Kingdom: When is your new book coming out and will it deal with Dispensational views?
Jesus Didn't Inherit Mary's : How could Jesus not inherit Mary's sinful human nature, since she was just human? [Genesis 3, Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12, Romans 8:4, Galatians 5:16].
2020-08-20 Steve Gregg's Martial History: Were your previous wives professed Christians?
2020-08-18 "Kingdom of Heaven" and "Kingdom of God": Are you going to do part 2 of a lecture I heard about the "Kingdom of Heaven" and "Kingdom of God".
2020-08-14 Scripture Fulfilled in Christ: Do you have any lectures or documents available on your site about the Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled in Christ?
Guilt in Scripture: What does scripture teach about guilt? [Romans 1:28, I John 1:7-9].
2020-08-11 Calvary Chapel, 1970s: Caller reminisces with Steve about their mutual time at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa in the 1970s.
Parable of the Ten Virgins: Could you comment on the parable of the ten virgins? [Matthew 25:1-13].
2020-08-10 Calvary Chapel's View of End Times: Could you clarify what differences you have with Calvary Chapel and why they would consider some of your views as heretical?
Angels Could Fall Again: If angels have fallen in the past, what prevents them from falling again? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6].
2020-08-05 Notes for Revelation: Do you have downloadable notes for your lecture series on Revelation?
2020-08-04 Steve Gregg's Book on Hell: What did you delete from your book on hell?
Steve Gregg's Book on Revelation: Did you have to change your book on Revelation for the publisher?
Steve Gregg's Book on Kingdom of God: When is your book on the Kingdom of God coming out?
2020-08-04 Steve Gregg's Book on Hell: What did you delete from your book on hell?
Steve Gregg's Book on Revelation: Did you have to change your book on Revelation for the publisher?
Steve Gregg's Book on Kingdom of God: When is your book on the Kingdom of God coming out?
2020-08-04 Steve Gregg's Book on Hell: What did you delete from your book on hell?
Steve Gregg's Book on Revelation: Did you have to change your book on Revelation for the publisher?
Steve Gregg's Book on Kingdom of God: When is your book on the Kingdom of God coming out?
2020-07-31 How Long Has Steve Gregg Been Teaching: How long have you been teaching?
Weird Questions: What is the weirdest question you have been asked?
2020-07-31 How Long Has Steve Gregg Been Teaching: How long have you been teaching?
Weird Questions: What is the weirdest question you have been asked?
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