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Topic: Jesus (General)

Showing 501 to 550 of 620.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-03-27 Believing in Jesus & once you do: A caller asks a litany of questions about following Jesus, in relation to the following verses. [john 14:23, 1 john 2:3-4, 1 john 3:8-9]
2015-03-25 Satan (anit Christ) or Jesus First: At the very end, who’s going to come first, Satan (anti Christ) or Jesus? Or how's it going to work?
2015-03-18 Jesus being filled with Holy Spirit: Can please decipher these 2 verses about Jesus & the Holy Spirit? [Luke 4:1, 4:14]
2015-03-18 Different Crowd Reactions to Jesus: Why were they angry & why were they amazed? Caller is stumped by Luke 4:22-32. [Luke 4:22-32]
2015-03-16 The word "God": What does the name/ word "God" exactly entail?
Jesus the Son before Incarnation: So did Steve say Jesus was not the Son of God before the Incarnation in one of the lectures the caller heard?
2015-03-16 Making Jesus King: They wanted to make to Jesus King by force, but what were the conditions that God was looking for Him to be Savior by the Jews? [John 6:14-15]
2015-03-05 "You are gods": What does it mean in Psalm 82:6 "you are gods"? [Psalm 82:6, John 10:24-26]
Jesus as the Son of God: Is this why the Jews were so offended when Jesus called Himself the "Son of God", they knew Psalms 82 was just poetic language calling people gods? Why did Jesus call Himself the Son of Man? He got that from Daniel 7:12, right? [Daniel 7:12]
Jesus as the Son of Man: But what about Ezekiel even being called that more than Jesus?
2015-02-19 Jesus Knowing who He was: When did Jesus know who He was? Did Mary have an understanding of who He was? [Luke 2:52]
2015-02-17 Biblical Interpretation - Coming Messiah: What is the meaning of Isaiah 32:2? [Isaiah 32:2]
2015-01-23 Jesus & His Marital Status: Would it have been wrong for Jesus to take a wife & have children, & if it wouldn't have been, why did He chose not to?
2015-01-13 Jesus giving up Deity: Jesus was 100% God & 100% man, but didn't He divest Himself of His Deity?
2015-01-08 Jesus & Eastern Religions: Wouldn't Jesus have been aware of all the Eastern Religions during His day?
2015-01-06 Having the Mind of Christ: What does it mean to have the "Mind of Christ"? [1 Corinthians 2:16]
2015-01-05 Seeking Truth: The most important thing is being in a relationship with Jesus, & eventually truth will reveal itself.
2014-12-22 NLT of the Bible: I personally like the NLT of the Bible. What do you think about that version?
In Whom I'm Well Pleased: Perhaps it was a future instance where God would be pleased w/ the people who believed in His Son later on? [Luke 2:14]
Jesus' Baptism & Resurrection When Jesus received the Holy Spirit in His baptism, is that when was able to perform miracles? Did He have to have the Holy Spirit in order to perform miracles? And then after His Resurrection, He even had more power?
2014-12-12 Faith & Suffering: Suffering & Faith are both gifts from God.
Yoke is Easy & Burden is Light: Why did Jesus say His Yoke is easy when it seems to be anything but? [Matthew 11:30]
2014-12-11 Mediterranean Sea & Jesus' Ministry: Did Jesus ever do anything at the Mediterranean Sea? Did any Biblical character for that matter?
Cremation: What does the Bible say about Cremation?
Profanity: What does the BIble say about profanity/cursing?
2014-12-04 Jesus the Good Shepherd: Jesus was referred to as the Good Shepherd, but why would He want to be called that since they had such a low status in society? [Genesis 46:34, Matthew 11:29]
2014-12-02 Paul & Jesus' Gospel: People think that Jesus & Paul taught 2 different things. What do you think? [Galatians 5:6]
2014-11-26 Faith & Belief: Caller wanted to comment about Faith.
2014-11-19 Incarnation: If the Logos had not been conceived in Mary, would Jesus had just been a Man, being able to function like you & me? [1 Timothy 2:5, John 1:1-3, 1 Peter 3:18]
2014-11-18 Jesus Christ the Only Way: Only people who have accepted Jesus Christ can make it into the New Jerusalem, isn't that right?
Tithing: Do we have to still tithe?
2014-11-13 Jesus' Brothers & Sisters: When there was reference to Jesus' brothers & sisters, it could refer to anyone in the town, not just His flesh relatives. Is that true? Where did this idea come from?
2014-11-06 Jews & Jesus: Will Jews ever believe Jesus to be the Savior the way He's purported to save people, will they ever believe that? (Asked by Michael the Buddhist...hence the word, "purported".)
Old Testament Predictions of Jesus: What are some of the verses in the Old Testament that were fulfilled by Jesus of the New Testament?
Why hast thou forsaken Me: Was this Jesus' human side, crying out, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?" [Matthew 27:46]
2014-10-13 Downplaying a Centralized Place to Worship: When Jesus was talking to the Samaritan Woman, He was telling her that there soon wouldn't be a central temple to worship God, so why would Dispensationalists think there needs to be a 3rd temple in the Millennium? [John 4:20-24]
2014-10-10 Impeccability of Jesus: God the Father couldn't have sinned, but could Jesus have?
Holy Spirit & the Spiritual Man: So then if the spiritual nature has the Holy Spirit & is close to God, he also won't sin, isn't that right? (a little bit convoluted question.)
2014-10-10 Organized Religion: How do you talk to somebody who doesn't believe in God anymore because of bad experiences from Organized Religions?
2014-09-30 Forgiveness: Is it God the Father that we come to when we ask for forgiveness & Jesus is just there as our Advocate? [1 John 2:1-2, John 14:16
God's Chastising: How do we know if it's God punishing us or if it's just our own sin catching up w/ us when something bad happens? [Hebrews 12:5]
2014-09-18 Condemned Already if no belief: Where does it say that someone is condemned if they don't believe on Christ? [John 3:18]
Confessing Jesus before Men: Is it part of the judgment that if you don't confess Jesus before men He won't confess you before His Father? [ Mark 8:38, Luke 9:26]
2014-09-12 Don't Tell Anybody: Why did Jesus tell people that He healed not to tell anybody?
2014-09-11 Jesus' Course of Action (not following the expected program): Mary, the Mother of Jesus, knew immediately that it was God telling her that she got to have the privilege of having the Son of God & it must've been quite a miraculous experience, but during His ministry, she questioned if He was okay or not, wanting to take Him home. Why would she wonder that after she knew what knew? John the Baptist also wondered if He was the One or not during his suffering, even though he also had known. [Mark 3:20-33, Matthew 12:43-50, Luke 7:20]
2014-09-09 Peter & Rome: Was Peter ever physically in Rome because I've heard that he was neve actually there.
Visiting Sites Paul Traveled: Can we still visit places where Paul was?
Jesus' Locations: When you go to Israel, Jerusalem, can you still see physical places Jesus actually was at?
2014-09-03 Jesus' Feet touching the Mt. of Olives: We were having a discussion in out Bible Study about whether Jesus' feet actually touched the Mount of Olives or not. Can you shed some light on this? [Zachariah 14, Ezekiel 11:23]
2014-08-21 Jew or Nazarene: What Jesus a Jew or a Nazarene?
God's chosen People: Are the Jews God's chosen people?
2014-08-11 Motivation for Jews in OT times: What would be the motivation for the Jews in Old Testament times if they knew nothing about having a relationship w/ Jesus Christ or that there was eternal life?
Still having Tribulation: If Jesus overcame the world, & told us to have peace, why do we still have troubles? [John 16:33]
2014-08-06 Jesus' Witness being True....or not: Why in one place in the gospel of John (John 5) did Jesus seem to say His witness is not true, but then in another part of John (John 8), He says His witness is true? [John 5:30-33, John 8:17]
James being written to the 12 Tribes: So how can we prove that the book of James wasn't just written to the Jews & not to the Gentiles as well? [James 1:1]
2014-08-06 Red lettering of Jesus speaking in a verse: I have a red letter Bible, & so shouldn't this print be in red because isn't it Jesus speaking? [Revelation 21:3,5-6]
2014-07-30 Justification by Faith: Did Jesus teach Justification by Faith alone also, or did He teach other things as well?
2014-07-25 Salvation is of the Jews: What did Jesus mean when He told the Samaritan woman that "Salvation is of the Jews"? [John 4:22]
2014-07-23 Sabbath: If Jesus had broken the law, His mission as Saviour would've failed so He only broke man's added laws to it, according to this listener. [Matthew 12:1-8, John 5:18]
2014-07-16 Walk according to this rule: What is this "rule" that Paul was talking about? Was it talking about being a New Creature in Christ? [Galatians 6:14-16]
Perfect in Christ Jesus: What does it mean to be "perfect in Christ"? [Colossians 1:28]
2014-07-16 (1) Jesus Crucifying Animals in the Millennium: There won't be future animal sacrifices like Dispensationalists purport, right? [Ezekiel 25:22, Ezekiel 40-48]
(2) Jesus as Lord & God (His dual nature): So what do you think about Paul & Thomas calling Jesus Lord & God?
(3) Replacement Theology & (4) The Body of Christ (Church): (3) We are to have nothing to do w/ the Old Covenant, isn't that right? (4) Do you think of the Body of Christ - His Church - going to ultimately prosper?
2014-07-14 Spiritual Gifts & love followup: So the gifts will just be perfected in love then, & so it's not the gifts that will disappear, but the immaturity of not having love in them? [1 Corinthians 12-14]
Jesus Broke the Sabbath: So you think Jesus actually broke the Sabbath? [John 5:17, Matthew 5:17-19, Colossians 2:14-18]
2014-07-11 The Blinding of Paul: is it safe to say that Jesus was the one that blinded Paul on the way to Damascus? [Acts 9:3-9]
2014-07-01 Divinity of Jesus & 2nd Godhead of Trinity: Don't you believe in the Divinity of Jesus & that He's the 2nd part of the Godhead?
Self-interpretation of the Bible: Isn't it sort've scary to have self-interpretation of the Bible since you can be learning about the wrong Jesus? Isn't the Church a pillar of the truth? [2 Peter 1:20]
Being anathematized & not using Study Bibles: Martin Luther was anathematized because he left the church, & you say we shouldn't be using Study Guide Bibles.
2014-06-24 Giving Jesus Honor: I've been telling JWs that we aren't supposed to give too little honor to Jesus, but they are going around door-to-door saying we shouldn't give too much honor to Him. Do you think that's a good argument? [John 5:23]
2014-06-06 Roosters Crowing during Jesus' times: Were there really Roosters crowing during the time of Peter's betrayal of Jesus?
2014-06-05 Ark of the Covenant: Do we know where the Ark of the Covenant is? Did we know where it was when Jesus was here?
2014-06-05 Textus Receptus over the Alexandrian Text: Why do you prefer the Textus Receptus over the Alexandrian Text, if you do?
Learning about Christ - Christianity: Where would you recommend that a newly converted Christian or an unbeliever start reading the Bible to learn about God in the best way?
2014-06-04 Becoming a Victorious Christian: How do we become Victorious Christians? Depending on Jesus? Holding each other accountable?
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