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Topic: Jesus (General)

Showing 601 to 620 of 620.
Episode Topic Audio
2013-06-20 Paul's Age: How old was Paul compared to Jesus? How come they didn't run into each other at the temple?
2013-05-30 Evidence for the Resurrection: What is the best evidence for the resurrection of Christ? [Matthew 10:8].
Looking for Jesus' Body: Was anyone actively looking for Jesus' dead body to disprove the resurrection?
The "Jesus Seminar": What was the goal of the "Jesus Seminar"?
2013-05-02 "Jesus" or "God" Blessings: Does it make any difference if one says, "Jesus bless you" vs "God bless you." [Acts 7:59, Revelation 22:20].
2013-05-01 Justice: Caller shares a Steve Gregg quote on justice: "God cannot ignore justice without becoming an unjust God."
Jesus Not Always SO Sweet: Comment; The church is mistaken about how sweet Jesus always is and the following verses show this. [Matthew 7:23, Revelation 2:22-23, Revelation 2:5, Revelation 3:16, John 14:9].
2013-04-23 Jesus as a Youth: Is there any reliable material about Jesus' youth and how did He come to the awareness of who He was? Was His awareness found through the scriptures? [Luke 2:49].
2013-03-28 Jesus in Hell: How could Jesus descend into hell, if He commended Himself to His Father? [Psalm 31:5, Psalm 16, Acts 2:27, Psalms 16:10].
2013-03-27 Baptism-Immersed in Knowledge, not Water: Is it possible that Matthew is saying that we should baptism (immerse) people in knowledge and the studies of God, Jesus and the Spirit, and not really be talking about water baptism? [Acts 2:38, Ats 19:5, Acts 4:12, Matthew 28:19, Colossians 2:9].
Last Words of Jesus on the Cross: What was the last words of Jesus on the cross, "into your hands I commend my spirit", or "it is finished"? [Luke 23:46, John 19:28-30].
2013-03-20 Being Saved Without Knowing Jesus: Can some ignorant people be saved without knowing about Christ, but still saved on the merits of Christ, as in nthe Old Testament or the heathen who has never heard? [Acts 17:30, John 14:6, John 1:9].
2013-03-15 Painting Portrait of Jesus: Do you think that perhaps someone painted a picture of Jesus, so we know what He looks like?
Talking Serpent: If God can make a donkey talk, why could God make a snake talk?
2013-03-13 Chakras: Chakras are discussed from a Buddhist perspective. Are Chakras more biological or spiritual?
Jesus in the Old Testament: Is Jesus prophesied in the Old Testament? [Isaiah 53].
Jewish Tradition of "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW): What does the Jewish tradition make of the "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW)" in Isaiah 53? [Isaiah 53:6-8].
2013-03-11 Why Doesn't Jesus Know: If Jesus has all power, then why doesn't He know when He is coming back? [Matthew 28:18].
Confusion & Different Opinions: If God is not the "author of confusion" why are there so many confused people and different opinions? [I Corinthians 14:3, Proverbs 25:2].
2013-03-01 Satan Knows the Authority of Scripture: Isn't Satan actually affirming the authority of the Bible by his using it when he tempted Christ? [Acts 19:15].
Jesus Being Called, "Master": Could you talk about Jesus allowing the disciples to call Him, "Master"? [Matthew 23:9, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:44].
2013-02-19 The Conscience: Do you think that the commandments are stepping stones to a mature conscience? [Galatians 5:23].
God as Vulnerable Man: Isn't it particularly touching that God would become vulnerable as a man and suffer temptation?
Jesus' Deity: How did Jesus describe His own deity, and did He use "Son of God"? [John 10:36].
2013-01-28 Jesus' Early Life: Is there something that stopped Jesus from sinning when He was a child? (the impeccability of Jesus Chrsit.)
2013-01-21 Jesus Teaching the Trinity: Why didn't Jesus teach the Trinity Himself why He was here? [Matthew 13:16-18]
2013-01-18 Praying Directly to Jesus: Is it okay to pray directly to Jesus or only God the Father?
2013-01-14 Understanding the Wrathful God of the Old Testament vs Jesus of the New Testament: Could you reconcile the wrath of God in the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament?
2013-01-08 Putting Away Your Wife: How do you reconcile Ezra saying to put away your wives & Jesus telling us not to? [Ezra 9-10, Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:8-9]
2012-01-06 The Meaning of the Name "Jesus" What does the name "Jesus" mean?
Who is "They"?: Who is "they" in Matthew 1:23? [Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6, Jeremiah 23:5-6].
2012-01-06 Bipolar: Caller shares his diagnosis of "bipolar" and the sensation of a chemical rush.
Michael the Archangel: Why do the Jehovah Witnesses think that Michael the Archangel is Jesus? [Jude 1:9, Hebrews 1:4-5, Malachi 3:1, Daniel 10:13, Joshua 5:13-15].
Jehovah Witnesses: What about the Jehovah Witness belief that Christians believe in a pagan mythology of the trinity?
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