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Topic: Jesus (General)

Showing 251 to 300 of 620.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-12-03 Jesus Born Sinless: If Jesus was born of Mary, then how does one determine He was born sinless?
Jesus as Miracle-worker: Does prophetic scripture say that Jesus would be a miracle worker? [Isaiah 53:4, 35:5, Matthew 8:17, Matthew 11:2-6].
Tongues Speaking Authenticity: Is there some criteria to determine the authenticity of a tongues speaker? [I Corinthians 14:27-28].
2019-12-03 Jesus Born Sinless: If Jesus was born of Mary, then how does one determine He was born sinless?
Jesus as Miracle-worker: Does prophetic scripture say that Jesus would be a miracle worker? [Isaiah 53:4, 35:5, Matthew 8:17, Matthew 11:2-6].
Tongues Speaking Authenticity: Is there some criteria to determine the authenticity of a tongues speaker? [I Corinthians 14:27-28].
2019-12-02 Jesus-a Celebrity: Do you think that Jesus was a Celebrity?
2019-11-06 Jesus & Spirit not Knowing the Same Things: In Matthew 24 it is said that the son and the spirit do not necessarily know the same things, can you give me some insight? [Matthew 24:36, Acts 1:7]
2019-11-05 Jesus Afraid: Was Jesus afraid in the Garden of Gethsemane? And what was He really afraid of? [Luke 22:44].
2019-10-31 Life of Jesus: Can you talk about the missing years of Jesus [Luke 2, Matthew 13:55, John 19:26].
Jesus in Hell: Would you talk about where Jesus went, or what happened to Him, when he was dead for 3 days? [I Peter 1:10-12, 3:19].
God's Appearance: Does God actually look like a human being.
2019-10-29 Trying to Kill Jesus: When Jesus was reading Isaiah in the synagogue, why did they try to kill Him? How did He support Himself later when He was traveling? [Luke 4:16-30, Jeremiah 31, Luke 8:3, Galatians 4:4].
2019-10-24 Could Jesus Have Sinned?: Do you think that Jesus had the potential to sin?
2019-10-04 Turning Over the Tables in the Temple: Were there two separate events where Christ turned the tables over in the temple? [John 2].
2019-08-30 Jesus-New Sabbath: Is Jesus our new Sabbath, and if so, how would you defend that? [Hebrews 4, Matthew 11:29-30].
2019-08-21 Jesus Came in the Flesh: Since some Word of Faith seem to suggest that Jesus was God, do they fall in the category of deny Jesus' incarnation? [I John 4:2, Luke 2:52, Philippians 2:6-7, Acts 1:2].
2019-08-05 Jesus Subordinate to God Eternally: Do you think that The Son is eternally subordinate to The Father, as do John Piper and Wayne Grudem? And where then would The Holy Spirit be? [I Corinthians 11:3, 15:24].
2019-08-05 Jesus' Equality to God: If Jesus has the same authority as God, then why would Jesus not know about the timing of "The Second Coming"? [Matthew 24:36, John 10:30, Colossians 2:9].
2019-07-29 Lazarus: If the story of Lazarus and the rich man is only a parable, then does it follow that only Jesus could have been the one to tell it? [Luke 16:19f].
2019-07-23 Jesus, Called a Nazarene: Where is the Old Testament prophecy indicating that Jesus would be "called a Nazarene"? [Matthew 2: 17-17, 23, Micah 2:5, 15, Isaiah 11:1, Hosea, Zechariah, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Luke 24:45].
2019-07-16 Sinful Nature: Do you believe we inherited anything in the fall, such as a sinful nature, that Jesus did not inherit, particularly in light of the quandary about His ability to be tempted like us? [Genesis 3:5-6, Romans 5:12-18].
2019-07-01 Adam & Eve: What did Adam & Eve's lives look like after the fall [Genesis 3].
Jesus' Family Descendants: Is it possible that there are descendants from Jesus' family living today?"
2019-06-28 Liars Who Acknowledge Christ: Is this verse saying that there are liars that acknowledge that Jesus is the Christ? [Matthew 24:5]
2019-06-26 Jesus as Firstborn & Reconciliation: Would you explain these verses; particularly in regard to Jesus as the "firstborn" and the "reconciliation"? [Colossians 1:15-16, 18-20, Romans 8, Psalm 2:7, Acts 13:33, Philippians 2:10-11, Matthew 10:28].
2019-06-17 The Word: What is the literal translation of "the word" [John 1:1]?
Key Word Study Bible: What do you think of the Key Word Study Bible and ESV translation of the Bible? (The Word Study New & Old Testaments).
2019-06-07 Jesus Coming for His Bride & the Pre-Trib Rapture: Have you heard of the traditions of the Jewish Wedding and the parallel to how Jesus will come for his bride, the church, and its alignment to the Pre-trib rapture? [John 6:39-40, 44, 54].
2019-05-23 Jesus is God: How do you convince others that Jesus is God? {Revelation 3:20, Hebrews 1:8}
2019-05-03 Foreknowledge & Freewill: If God knows everything we will do, how is that freewill? Open theism discussed.
Two Witnesses (Revelation): Did Jesus know everything? Can we know absolutely who the two witnesses were in Revelation?
2019-04-19 Curiosity inquiry: Is that you wearing the jean jacket with 'One Way' on it (on Steve Gregg-The Narrow Path Facebook page)?
Being Human & Jesus' Arrogance: What does it mean to be human? Wouldn't Jesus have known that some of the things He said about Himself, would make others see Him as arrogant?
Resurrection: What will determine a person's status or rewards in the resurrection and new earth?
2019-04-18 God's Anger & Vengefulness: How does one understand and align the anger of God relative to the gentleness of Jesus? [Genesis 9:6, John 18:36]
Death Penalty-Justice: How can one justify putting to a criminal to death, but not be supportive of abortion, with the 'right to life' reasoning?
2019-04-10 Gospel in the Stars: Is there anything related to the subjects of the constellations and Zodiac at the website [topical lectures; Psalm 19]?
Jesus' Arrest: John MacArthur said that 600 people came to arrest Jesus, is there anything to substantiate that?
2019-03-28 Why Jesus: What is the greatest question of ALL time? Who is Jesus? Why?
2019-03-22 Jesus on the Throne: Will Jesus one day, sit on the literal throne of David?
2019-03-21 Jesus Face to Face: Will we see Jesus face to face? [I John 3/ I Corinthians 13/ 2 Thessalonians 2]
2019-03-18 Jesus's Appearance: Why is Jesus depicted as a soft looking man when He would likely be darker and buff? Does this misrepresentation cause people to stumble?
2019-03-15 God as 2 Persons: Does scripture seem to indicate that there are two different entities; the King of Israel & His Redeemer, the first & the last [Isaiah 43:1, 44:6]?
2019-03-14 Jesus the Son of God: How do I understand the relationship or overlap of the Father and Son, and how His omnipresence and omniscience worked?
Jesus before age 30: What was Jesus doing the first 30 years before His ministry started?
2019-03-13 Eternity: How does one understand; Christ as the image of the invisible God, and Jesus as "The Word" from the beginning? [Colossians 1:15, John 1:1].
2019-03-12 The Narrow Path Why is it a "narrow path"? Why is it taking so long for people to find Christ? Is it because the path is so narrow? [Matthew 7:13].
2019-03-05 Jesus as "The Word": How are we to understand Jesus as "The Word (Logos)" [John 1:1-4 ]? [Genesis 1, Psalm 33:6].
Christians in Government: Would you elaborate on Christian responsibility relative to law enforcement, state mandates, war, and capital punishment [Mark 7, Romans 13]?
2019-02-21 Son of Man: Why does Jesus refer to Himself as the "Son of man"?
Jesus referring to Himself as Christ: Why didn't He call Himself Christ more often than Son of man?
2019-02-20 Jesus' Childhood: Why is there no documentation about Jesus from 12 yrs old to 30 years old?
2019-02-13 Homosexuality: Can you be a homosexual & be saved?
Jesus being Indignant: Why in the NIV does Mark 1:41 say that Jesus was "indignant" at the leper? [Mark 1:41]
2019-02-07 Anthropomorphism of God: Sometimes God acts like He doesn't know something or that He's sorry for doing something. Do these give credence to the fact that He might not know everything? [Genesis 6:6,
Righteous People Don't Need a Savior: So was Jesus saying that the righteous people don't need a Savior? [Luke 5:31-32]
2019-02-04 Holy Spirit: Is it true that God forgives & Jesus forgives, but the Holy Spirit doesn't, is that right? [Matthew 12:31-35]
2019-01-29 "They know not what they do": What did Jesus mean when he said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!"? A lot of people don't know what they are doing, but are still guilty of sinning! [Luke 23:34]
2019-01-24 God's Wrath on the Cross: Did Jesus suffer the wrath of the Father on the cross?
Differing Views of the Atonement: What do you think of all the different views of the atonement?
2019-01-22 Holy Spirit Restored to Us Through Jesus: Would it be accurate to suggest that after Adam sinned and the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from him, that Jesus has since cleansed us, and made us eligible again? [Genesis 2:7].
2019-01-10 Jesus & His Harp: Is there a possibility the Lord Jesus carried a harp while preaching, teaching, reaching, & declaring the kingdom? [Psalm 49:4].
2019-01-10 Rewards: How does Jesus determine what He's going to give as a rewards through dispensations of time?
2019-01-04 Jesus, Lord & Savior? Is Jesus, without ambiguity, the Lord & Savior?
2018-12-14 Atonement: Was the atonement finished at the cross & if it was, why do we need a High Priest in Heaven?
2018-12-05 Kingdom of God: A heated discussion about whether the Kingdom of God is NOW or after He comes back the second time. [Luke 12:49-53]
Millennium a 1000 Literal Years: Caller also thinks the Millennium HAS to be a literal 1000 years. [Revelation 20]
2018-12-04 Jesus & Santa Claus: When did the church put Jesus & Santa claus together for Christmas?
2018-12-03 Faith of Christ or in Christ: In Galatians it says "faith OF Christ" vs "faith IN Christ" [Galatians 2:16]
Not of Works: "It's of Faith & not of Works" discussion. [Ephesians 2:8-9]
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