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Topic: Jesus (General)

Showing 351 to 400 of 620.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-01-19 Jesus of Nazareth Movie: What did you think of the Jesus of Nazareth movie?
Hell: (Agnostic Caller) What is the purpose of hell?
2018-01-15 "Ye are gods": I was talking to some Mormon friends the other day, & they were pointing to me a verse in Psalms that talked about gods plural. What is being said there? [Psalms 82:6]
The Wedding Feast of Cana: Mormons have told me that Jesus married 3 people at the wedding where He made water into wine, marrying Mary Magdalene, Martha & the other Mary.
2018-01-04 Already Condemned: We are condemned if we don't believe in Jesus. We need to tell people that, that they are condemned if they don't believe in Jesus. [John 3:16-18]
2018-01-03 Rhema & Logos: Can you give an overview of the “Rhema” word of God as it relates to the “Logos”?
2018-01-02 Jesus Secretive about His Ministry: In the book of Mark, why does Jesus want his miracles to be so secretive?
Mark's Use of Immediately: Why does Mark use the word “immediately” so frequently?
2018-01-02 Jesus Claims to be God: Do all the gospels indicate that Jesus was God?
2018-01-01 Cults: A Korean group is teaching that Jesus has a wife and came back in 1948.
2017-12-22 Christmas not Actual Jesus' Birthday: Caller challenging the idea that it is NOT Christ's birthday.
Jesus & Mary Magdalene: Did Mary Magdalene & Jesus have a romantic relationship?
Jesus' Social Life: Could Jesus have married & had sex or would that have been too unholy for Him?
2017-12-22 Christmas not Actual Jesus' Birthday: Caller challenging the idea that it is NOT Christ's birthday.
Jesus & Mary Magdalene: Did Mary Magdalene & Jesus have a romantic relationship?
Jesus' Social Life: Could Jesus have married & had sex or would that have been too unholy for Him?
2017-12-19 Jesus being a Eunuch: Was Jesus a Eunuch? Was Daniel?
2017-11-30 Making it to Heaven: New believer wondering how one becomes a committed disciple, how do you make it "up there" (to heaven)?
2017-11-30 Who do you say that I am?: "Who do you say I am?", what did Jesus mean by that? Why did He ask that? [Mark 8:39, Matthew 16:13]
2017-11-30 Why Hast Thou Forsaken me: Did God really forsake Jesus at the cross when Jesus was yelling, "My God, My God, why hast Thou Forsaken Me"? [Matthew 27:46, Psalm 22:1, 2 Corinthians 5, 1 Peter 2]
2017-11-29 3 Days & 3 Nights: What do you think about all these untraditional views of when the crucifixion & resurrection happened on different days?
2017-11-28 Nation of Israel or Jesus: Is the Servant of YHWH Israel or Jesus? [Isaiah 53:11]
2017-11-20 Worshipping Jesus & God the Father: Did Jesus ever command to be worshipped? What is required for worship? Worshipping God through song?
2017-11-16 Betrothed or the Bride of Christ: Is the Body of Christ, the church, a betrothal or the actual bride of Christ right now? [Matthew 26:29]
2017-11-13 Jesus Body at His Return: When Jesus rose from the dead, did He have the same body He had before He came down here or a newly glorified body? Will Jesus have the same body He had at His resurrection when He returns? [Acts 1:9-11]
2017-11-08 The Book of Romans: Do you feel you are getting a lot more questions about romans lately since that is what is being on in BSF right now?
Messiah & Abraham: Where do you find evidence about the Messiah in the Genesis? Wasn't he promised through Abraham?
2017-11-08 Made of the Seed of David: It says in Romans that Jesus was "made of the seed of David", but He wasn't created, was He?
2017-11-08 God's Mercy & Forgiveness: God is infinite in forgiveness, but people still have to be held accountable who scorn Him.
2017-11-01 The Pre-Incarnate Jesus: What form was Jesus in before He became flesh?
2017-10-27 Parallels in Jesus, Adam & Barabbas: There seems to be parallels in the Garden of Eden & Garden of Gethsemane, the guards spear in Jesus' side & water & blood came out, & seeking a counterfeit "son of the father" in selecting Barabbas instead of Jesus. [John 18, John 19]
2017-10-06 Psalms about Christ: There is a lot of references in Psalms 22 about Christ, & is the possible reason that Jesus yelled out, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" to remind the people that the Bible was speaking of Him? [Psalm 22, Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34]
2017-09-28 Lordship Salvation & Free Grace: What is the difference between Lordship Salvation & Free Grace?
2017-09-27 Interlinear Greek Bible for both Manuscripts: Is there an interlinear Greek for both Alexandrian & Textus Receptus?
The Devil Understanding the Plan of Redemtion: "things which angels desired to look into", why did Jesus call Peter Satan? Satan not knowing God's plan for redemption, yet he tried to prevent Satan Jesus from going to the cross? [1 Peter 1:12, 2 Corinthians 2:8]
2017-09-27 God Not being able to be Tempted: Why does it say that God can't be tempted, but Jesus was tempted, can you clear up this conflict?
2017-09-25 Jesus Not Being God: My sister says Jesus is not God, can you help me & show me that He is God? [John 1:1, John 1:14, John 8:58, Revelation 1:, John 10, Philippians 2]
2017-09-25 Denying Jesus Is God: Is denying that Jesus is God the spirit of anti-Christ?
Losing one's Salvation: Can one lost their salvation denying Jesus is God?
2017-09-18 Jews Looking for a King: Are the Jews just looking for a King who does not claim to be the Son of God, the Messiah?
2017-09-18 Jesus coming in the Flesh: Are people in denominations such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Mormons/LDS as anti-Christ since they claim Jesus didn't come in the flesh?
2017-09-11 Discrepancies about the Manna: There seems to be some discrepancies about the manna in the wilderness, Moses making manna happen from Heaven in Exodus, but then Jesus said Moses didn't in the gospel of John, & that they who ate it would live, but they died, but did Moses give them bread from Heaven or did Jesus? [Exodus 16:4, John 6:32, John 6:50-51]
2017-09-01 Blind Man or His Parents Guilty of Sin: Who sinned, the blind man or his parents? [John 9]
Jesus Breaking the Sabbath: Why was Jesus breaking the Sabbath just for healing on the Sabbath?
2017-09-01 Isaiah 53: Jesus is the fulfillment of Isaiah 53, but the Jews think it's talking about Israel, Jacob, so how do we counter this? [Isaiah 53]
2017-08-18 Praying to Jesus or the Father: Should we pray to Jesus or to God the Father?
2017-08-17 JW & the Correct Jesus: Are the Jehovah's Witnesses worshipping the correct Jesus?
2017-08-14 Rose of Saron: Jesus is the Rose of Sharon, is that in the Bible somewhere? Song of Solomon 2:1, Isaiah 35:1, 1 Chronicles 27:29]
2017-08-03 Unholy Desires: This verse frightens me because I have unholy desires & afraid I'm going to be told this. [Matthew 7:23-24]
2017-07-31 Christ' Blood Different than Ours: With the life being in the blood, was Jesus' blood different than ours?
2017-07-24 Jesus' Uniqueness Over other Leaders: Jesus taught the same thing as leaders of other major religions, like do unto others as you'd want to be done, so is Jesus real?
2017-07-18 Donating to The Narrow Path: How can one donate to you if they have no computer?
Pre-Incarnate Christ, to being made Man, to Glory Now: How did Jesus change from when He was w/ God before His birth & what is He now?
2017-07-12 Jesus' Ministry only 3 Years: Why did God only have jesus' ministry last 3 1/2 years?
2017-07-07 Jesus being the First Born: I was talking to some Jehovah's Witnesses, & we got to talk about Jesus being the first born, first begotten, & just wondering if you could talk about that. [Colossians 1:18]
2017-07-05 Comparison of Buddhism & Teachings of Christ: Buddhism & teachings of Christ comparison.
2017-06-08 Hindu Worships gods & Jesus: I've been talking to a Hindu who believes in worshipping many gods, & also claim that he worships Jesus, could that be true?
2017-06-06 Bright & Morning Star: Who is the bright & morning star? Is it Jesus or David? [Revelation 22:16]
Wicked cutoff from the Land: In Proverbs where it says the wicked cut off from the land, is this talking about end time events? [Proverbs 2:21-22]
People who Commit Suicide: Can't God forgive people for suicide?
2017-06-02 The Jesus Calling Book: Discussion about the book, "The Jesus Calling", both about the book itself & a critique publication OF the book.
2017-06-02 The Jesus Notes: The book, "the Jesus Notes" followup.
Women Teachers: Women teaching the Bible class, is that acceptable?
2017-06-02 The Jesus Notes, Sarah Young Book: The book, "The Jesus Notes" (followup).
The Flat Earth: Discussion about the Flat Earth, & if the earth was flat, how would radio & television reception happen?
2017-06-02 Jesus Calling Devotionals: Caller is concerned about people that think the book, "The Jesus Calling", that they are not really fond of the author talking in first person as if they are speaking for Jesus.
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