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Topic: Jesus (General)

Showing 551 to 600 of 620.
Episode Topic Audio
2014-06-03 Believing in Jesus if born today: Caller rehashing the call that happened the day before about if Jesus was born today, coming up w/ a theory of what the caller meant.
2014-06-02 Unpardonable Sin: Why is the Holy Spirit singled out when it comes to the unpardonable sin? Why isn't God the Father or Jesus also included about speaking against? [Matthew 12:32]
2014-05-28 Jesus Breaking the Sabbath: Caller doesn't think John says that Jesus actually broke the Sabbath, that it was just their (the Pharisees) perspective that He did. [John 5:18, Matthew 12:1-8]
Jesus Healing a blind man on Sabbath: Why did they accuse Him of working on the Sabbath for spitting dirt in the mud & healing a blind man? They were accusing of Him breaking it, too, weren't they? [John 9]
2014-05-28 Jesus Breaking the Sabbath: Caller doesn't think John says that Jesus actually broke the Sabbath, that it was just their (the Pharisees) perspective that He did. [John 5:18, Matthew 12:1-8]
Jesus Healing a blind man on Sabbath: Why did they accuse Him of working on the Sabbath for spitting dirt in the mud & healing a blind man? They were accusing of Him breaking it, too, weren't they? [John 9]
2014-05-27 Mary, Jesus & turning the water into wine: Did Mary know Jesus could do this type of miracle because of things she had possibly seen Him do before the "first" miracle of turning water into wine? [John 2:1-10]
Noah cursing Canaan: So if Ham was the one who saw Noah's nakedness, why was Canaan cursed by Noah & not Ham? [Genesis 9:25]
2014-05-23 The Thief & Jesus in Heaven: Did Jesus & the thief on the cross go to Heaven the day they died? [Luke 23:43]
2014-05-22 Divinity of Christ pre-Baptism: Is it probably true that Jesus was not fully knowledgeable of who His ministry until after His baptism? [Luke 2:41-52, Matthew 3:13-17]
2014-05-21 Parables of Jesus: Were the Parables of Jesus true stories?
2014-05-20 Jesus Son of God but not Deity: How can someone be a Christian if you acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God but not Deity?
Believing "in" or Believing "Upon" Jesus: Is there a distinction between believing IN Jesus or believing upon Him?
2014-05-20 Jesus Son of God but not Deity: How can someone be a Christian if you acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God but not Deity?
Believing "in" or Believing "Upon" Jesus: Is there a distinction between believing IN Jesus or believing upon Him?
2014-05-15 Life in Jesus: Was there a time Jesus didn't have life in Himself? [John 5:26]
2014-05-13 Essentials of Christianity: I called the other day & asked what the Essentials of Christianity, How come you didn't say one of them was that Jesus was God?
Fellowshipping & Jesus the Son of God: How do you fellowship w/ people who don't think that Jesus is the Son of God? or what if people don't think He came down here in the flesh?
2014-05-12 Jesus' Financial Support: How was Jesus financed? Judas was the treasurer. Where did they get money for the treasury?
2014-05-07 Coinherence - Impeccability of Christ: Did Jesus really have Free WIll to go against what the Father wanted Him to do? He must've because otherwise how could it be that "He loved the Father"?
2014-05-07 Impeccability of Jesus: Caller says that Steve almost sounds like an SDA, saying that Jesus could've sinned.
1,000 Years: You are negating the words of Jesus when you say He didn't say it was a literal 1,000 years! That's why Michael the Buddhist never hears Jesus from you, so says the caller. [Revelation 6:1-10]
2014-05-01 3 Hours of Darkness: What caused the 3 hours of Darnkness during the crucifixion of Jesus? [Matthew 27:45-53]
Jesus going to Hell: Did Jesus go to Hell during His death?
Taking on the Sins of the World: Doesn't it say somewhere that Jesus took on the sins of the world? [Mark 10:45, 1 peter 2]
2014-04-29 Church is the Womb: The Church is the womb through which God brings forth his sons, so you remember saying that? When does it come to maturity? [Galatians 4:19]
Children of Promise: So the Promise is Christ? [Galatians 4:28]
The Mystery of God is accomplished: Is the mystery of God that is accomplished, is that when the Body of Christ is mature, or fully born? [Revelation 10:7]
2014-04-29 3 days & 3 nights Jesus in the Tomb: Caller wants to comment about the questions he heard about 3 days & 3 nights Jesus being in the grave, & give his theory.
2014-04-18 Seventh Day Adventists: I need some information on the Seventh Day Adventists.
The Right Jesus: But they do believe in the same Jesus that I believe in as a Baptist, is that right?
2014-04-15 Duration of Jesus' Death: What was Jesus doing during His Death?
2014-04-07 Paul: Did Paul corrupt the gospel Jesus taught?
Jesus & Paul differing on Original Sin: Did Jesus teach that we were almost divine, that we were basically good? But Paul taught that we were very evil? [Mark 7:20, Romans 3:10-18, Romans 5:12-21]
Greater Works: What about the passage of Scripture that says Jesus' Apostles would be able to do GREATER works that Him? [john 14:12]
2014-04-03 Jesus Emptying Himself: What does it mean that Jesus emptied Himself & became a humble Servant? [Philippians 2:7]
2014-02-20 Holy Spirit - Like a Dove: When it says that the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus LIKE a dove, does that mean in the manner in which He did it & not so much it being an actual dove? [Matthew 3:16-17, Luke 3:22]
2014-02-20 Jesus & the seed of David: What does it mean, Jesus being "seed of David", & then give Joseph's genealogy in Matthew but since He wasn't even related to Joseph, how does that make sense? [2 Samuel 7:12, Romans 1:3, Matthew 1, Luke 3]
2014-02-05 Hell: What is your view of Hell? Don't you believe it's "eternal"? [Luke 16]
Regeneration: Is there any Scripture that teaches we are regenerated BEFORE we put our faith in Christ?
2014-01-29 [Genesis 3:15]: Who is "thy seed", who is, "her seed", & what does "it" mean? [Genesis 3:15]
2014-01-07 Jesus' Death being a Surprise to Satan: Was Jesus' death on the cross a surprise to Satan? Is there a possibility he didn't know Jesus was going to rise again & really defeat him? [1 Corinthians 2:7-8, Psalm 16:10]
Wednesday Crucifixion: Is it possible Jesus was crucified on Wednesday & not on the traditional view of Friday?
Bible Translations & Andrew Murray: So do you think the NKJV is the best, & what do you think about Andrew Murray?
2014-01-07 Binding Satan/the Strong Man: When did Jesus bind Satan? [Mark 3:27]
Prayer: Do you have any advice on how to spend quality time in prayer?
2014-01-02 Jesus' Lordship & Authority: When did Jesus receive His Lordship & Authority? After His death & resurrection? [Philippians 2:7-8]
2013-12-04 Morning Star Describing both Lucifer & Jesus?: So did you say that the term "Morning Star" was describing Lucifer as well as Jesus too? [Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 22:16
Infallibility of the Bible: If it's the case that the KJV translators got the word, "Lucifer" wrong in Isaiah, does that still mean the Bible is completely infallible & inspired?
2013-11-14 Trinity Always Existed: Has the Trinity always existed even before the Bible?
Jesus' Form before His Incarnation: What type of form was Jesus in before His incarnation? [John 1:1-5]
2013-11-14 Jesus the Only Way: Michael the Buddhist has a hard time grasping that Jesus in the only way to the truth.
2013-11-08 No Works in the Night: What did Jesus mean by He wouldn't be able to work in the night? [John 9:4]
2013-11-08 Cearsar's Messiah: Have you ever heard of "Caesar's Messiah"?
2013-10-31 Verbal Inspiration: I've been reading A.W. Tozer's book, "The Deeper Life", & he mentioned "verbal inspiration", & what does that mean, the verbal inspiration of Scripture or being inspired it as we are reading it?
False Religion but Sincere: What happens to people who are in false religions but really think they are following the truth & would follow Jesus if they knew about Him?
2013-10-22 Fellowshipping with Relatives who are Homosexual: A family member bringing his homosexaul partner with him for dinner. How should we treat him?
Jesus there: How would Jesus deal with it if He was there?
2013-10-11 Michael the Buddhist belief of Jesus: What is the percentage that Michael believes of what Jesus said? What percentage of Buddhism does Michael not believe?
2013-10-11 Michael's answers Previous call: Michael answers how much he believes of Buddhism, & answers how much he believes or doesn't believe of the sayings of Jesus.
2013-10-04 God Cursing the Serprent: What does the Serpent being cursed above the cattle, crwling on its belly mean? [Genesis 3:14-15]
Enimity between Thy Seed & Her Seed: What is "enimity between thy seed & her seed" mean?
2013-09-25 Pontius Pilate: Pilate was known to be a heartless tyrant, so are the gospel accurate when they make it seem he was sympathetic to Jesus?
2013-09-06 Jesus Never Claimed to be God: Jesus was the second "Adam", wasn't He? Was He the example of what Adam should've been, yet also came down here to die for our sins?
Jesus the "God Man": So wouldn't it be accurate to call Jesus, the "God Man"?
2013-09-05 Trinity & Being a Christian or not: Caller said that the reason people don't think he's a Christian is because he doesn't believe in the Trinity. Can he still be a Christian even though he doesn't believe Jesus is God but only the Son of God?
2013-09-05 Financially Supporting the Rape Victim: Isn't the reason God permitted the victim to be married by the attacker is to financially support her since she'd have no other means?
Stoning Jesus because He Claimed to be God: Caller was trying to help a previous caller to explain that Jesus claimed to be God is why the Pharisees wanted to stone Him. [John 8:24]
2013-08-20 Wrong Doctrine & Heresy: What is the difference between Heresy & wrong doctrine, & should we treat wrong doctrine as harshly as we would heresy?
"Faith Cometh by Hearing" & Jesus being a Mediator: Where is the verse that talks about, "Faith cometh by hearing"? ANd where does it talk about Jesus being our Mediator? [Romans 10:17, 1 Timothy 2:5]
Praying to Mary: Do Catholics actually pray to the Mary, the mother of Jesus?
2013-08-20 "Methuselah" - When He Dies It Will Come: Where do people get the idea that "Methuselah" means "when he dies, it will come"?
Jesus the Same Yesterday, Today & Forever: Doesn't this verse in Hebrews Jesus say that Jesus was always the same, even before His incarnation? [Hebrews 13:8]
2013-08-20 Jesus' "Lost Years": What was Jesus doing between the ages of 12 & 30 years old?
2013-08-05 Bible Difficult to Understand: Why is the Bible so hard to understand?
Traditions & Prejudices: One reason the Bible is so tough to understand is because people have their biases, traditions & prejudices.
Jesus a Reality: How do we know that Jesus really lived because a lot of people don't?
2013-07-30 Number of Time Jesus Comes to Earth: How many times has Jesus been here? How many "second comings" is He going to have?
2013-06-27 Roman History-No Mention of Jesus: How come there are no ancient Roman manuscripts mentioning Jesus in their history?
2013-06-26 Lost years of Jesus: Was Jesus taught as a rabbi during His lost years? [Luke 2:41-52]
Jesus Bapitized: Why was Jesus baptized?
Jesus going to Asia: Is it possible that Jesus went to Asia during His "lost years"?
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