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Topic: Genesis (Book)

Showing 501 to 550 of 732.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-09-21 Do Not Take Away From the Scriptures: Would you put a finer point on the passages about the Bible about "not adding or taking away from scripture"? [Revelation 22:18, Deuteronomy 4:2 & 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, Colossians 2:21, Genesis 3:3].
2020-09-17 Why Does God Let Children Die if He Can Do Miracles?: Why would God do miracles for certain people and let children die of starvation every day?
Bible is Not Reliable: Caller says the Bible is not reliable, because He says He is sorry He ever made mankind. [Genesis 6:6].
2020-09-10 The Curse on Adam & Eve: Was only Adam cursed? And was Eve not cursed because of the coming Messiah? [Genesis 3:14-17].
The Famine of the Word in Amos: Could you help me understand when the famine of the Word in Amos occurred? [Amos 8:11].
2020-09-08 Observance of the Sabbath Day & Ten Commandments: Does the fact that observance of the Sabbath Day is listed in The Ten Commandments solidify it as one that we should still observe? [Genesis 2:2, John 5:17, Romans 13:9-10, Colossians 2:16-17]. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Steve Gregg's answer continues after the break.)
2020-09-04 Passing Through the Pieces of the Sacrificed Animal: Could you talk about the religious rites and symbolism of the Old Testament, such as passing through the pieces of the sacrificed animal? [Genesis 15, Deuteronomy 4:20, Jeremiah 11:4, I Kings 8:51, Isaiah 62:1].
2020-09-04 The Death Penalty: What do you think should be the Christian view of the death penalty? [Genesis 9, Romans 12-13]
2020-09-02 Gap Theory and the Creation: Could you talk about the idea that the earth "became" void and its ramifications? [Genesis 1:1-2].
2020-09-01 Who is Melchizedek?: What was Melchizedek's purpose and background? Was he related to Noah? [Genesis 14, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7:1-10, John 8:56].
2020-09-01 The Creation & Earth's Age in Genesis & the Disciples: Could you help me sort the age of the earth, creation, and the knowledge and task of the disciples? [Genesis 1:1-2, John 21:25].
2020-08-27 God Knows Past, Present & Future: If God knows all things, the beginning and the end, then, how can He regret the choices people make? [Isaiah 46:10, Genesis 3:9, Genesis 4:9, Genesis 18:16-33, Genesis 22:12].
God's Preordaining Everything: Does God not knowing some things throw a monkey wrench into the concept of God preordaining everything (Calvinism)?
Making a Donation: Do you have a phone number to make donations to? How do you spell Temecula?
2020-08-26 Steve Gregg's New Book on the Kingdom: When is your new book coming out and will it deal with Dispensational views?
Jesus Didn't Inherit Mary's : How could Jesus not inherit Mary's sinful human nature, since she was just human? [Genesis 3, Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12, Romans 8:4, Galatians 5:16].
2020-08-25 The Name, Israel: Could you flesh out the name "Israel", and what does it means to strive with God, and then prevail? [Genesis 32:28].
2020-08-25 Captial City of Modern Jerusalem Pleasing to God: What is your opinion as to whether or not the capital of Israel being Jerusalem, and the Jewish people generally, pleasing to God? [Luke 19:44, Matthew 23:38, Genesis 12:3, Numbers 24:9].
2020-08-19 Eternal Security or Lost Faith: How do you reconcile the promise of eternal life in scripture to your view that one can lose that faith? [John 5:24, Genesis 3:23, Revelation 22:3, John 3:36, John 6:38, Galatians 5:6].
2020-08-19 Eating Pork an Abomination Forever: If God said that the eating of swine would be an abomination forever, why do we think it is acceptable now? [Genesis 17:13, Matthew 15:11, Mark 7:19, I Timothy 4:1-5].
2020-08-17 Disrespect for Fathers: Could you talk about the ramifications of children disrespecting their father? [Genesis 9:21].
2020-08-17 The Serpent & Eve: Wouldn't the motivation to tempt Eve was because the serpent be one of the animals passed over to be Adam's helper, instead of Eve?[Genesis 2:18-23, 3:1].
2020-08-17 Did Satan fall from heaven: Did Satan fall from heaven to become the devil? [Genesis 6, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
Giants in Genesis: Who were the giants or Nephilim in Genesis? [Genesis 6].
2020-08-17 Did Satan fall from heaven: Did Satan fall from heaven to become the devil? [Genesis 6, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
Giants in Genesis: Who were the giants or Nephilim in Genesis? [Genesis 6].
2020-08-12 Animals Created from Dust of the Earth: Is it possible that God created the animals in the same way that Adam was created - out of the dust of the earth? [Genesis 2:18, Genesis 3].
2020-08-12 Soul Sleep & Rachel: Is the story of Rachel's death, helpful in disproving soul sleep? [Genesis 35:18].
Hell's Location: Is the story of Korah the earth swallowing him helpful to understand the location of hell? [Numbers 16:32].
2020-08-07 Acceptable Spiritual Sacrifices: Would you comment on Christians today making sure what one offers God are appropriate spiritual sacrifices? [Malachi 1:7-8, Genesis 3, Hebrews 11].
2020-08-06 No Free Will: Do not these verses indicate that there is no free will? [Ecclesiastes 9:3, Genesis 8:21, Luke 7:30, Joshua 24:14-15, Romans 7:21].
2020-08-05 Immortal Souls: Does Genesis 3 have any bearing on the question of human and their immortal soul? [Genesis 3:22-24, I Timothy 6:16].
2020-08-04 The Earth Was Divided: Does "the earth was divided" refer to the division of the people at Babel? [Genesis 10:15].
Value of a Man in Shekels: What does setting the value of a man with shekels mean in the last chapter of Leviticus? [Leviticus 27].
2020-08-04 Eternal Living Soul in Man: What does the Bible say about the eternal or immortal living soul in man? [Genesis 2:7, Psalm 103:1, Luke 16:19-31, I Peter 3:20, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Corinthians 5:8, I Timothy 6:16, John 3:16, I John 5:11-12].
2020-07-31 Cremation: Because so many Biblical figures went to great lengths to be buried, I am having some hesitation about cremation. Can you help? [I Corinthians 6:19, I Corinthians 3:17, Genesis 3:19].
2020-07-29 Day of Rest Continues: Is the day of rest (the 7th day) referred to in Hebrews 4, still continuing even until today? Can you reconcile that wilt John 5:17? [Hebrews 4, John 5:17, Genesis 2:1-3].
Teaching in Public School: What do you think about a committed Christian taking a job as a teacher in a public school?
2020-07-27 Joseph's Dream in Genesis: How did Rachel fit into Joseph's dream about the sun, moon, stars bowing down to him? [Genesis 37:5-10].
2020-07-27 "The Unseen Realm" by Michael Heizer: What do you think of the book, "The Unseen Realm", by Michael Heizer? [Psalms 82].
Meaning of Elohim: What do you think of his interpretation of the word, Elohim, meaning a class of gods, rather than God the father? [Genesis 1:1, Psalm 82:1-6].
2020-07-22 Church Programs & Routines: Why do you think that church programs are so programmed and routine, such as, standing up and sitting down, etc.? [Genesis 24:64].
2020-07-22 Concubines: Why did they allow concubines in the Old Testament? [Genesis 16:2].
2020-07-21 Science Seen as Sorcery to Ancient Pagans: Do you think that scientific information introduced to ancient pagan societies would've been seen as sorcery, so that is why Genesis is told as it is? [Genesis 1, Genesis 5, Matthew 19:4].
2020-07-16 God Singular to Multiple: If God was singular initially, why did He then create the multiplicity (as in, trinity) in the universe? [Genesis].
2020-07-15 Satan Taking Up Residency in Christian Lives: Could you tell me what the Bible says about Satan taking up residency in the minds and lives of Christians? [Hebrews 4:15, Matthew 4:1-11, Matthew 16:23, Genesis 3:6].
2020-07-10 God's Sovereignty: Isn't God completely sovereign? If God wants a child to be born, is there anything we can do to prevent that? [Matthew 10:29, Genesis 50:20, Acts 2:23].
2020-07-07 Heaven or Heavens: Why do people say heavens, rather than heaven? [Genesis 1:1].
Manasseh's Age: Was Manasseh actually a literal 12-year-old when he became king? [2 Kings 22].
Binding of Satan and Deceived Nations: Could you help me understand how the binding of Satan can have already happened and be applicable today when the nations are still deceived? [Revelation 20:8, I John].
2020-07-06 Tribes of Israel: Would you talk about the tribes of Israel? [Genesis 49:13, Ezekiel 48, Isaiah 9:1-2].
2020-07-06 Creation of Adam & Eve: Could you clarify when Genesis talks about the creation of male & female, and later it again describes the creation of Eve? [Genesis 1-2]
2020-07-06 Soul Sleep: Is this verse in John a good argument against "soul sleep"? [John 8:56, Genesis 18:1].
2020-06-29 Bart Ehrman Video: Bart Ehrman thinks the Bible was just handed down from Heaven in immaculate form, & Steve asked who actually believes that, & caller points out that that is what his church taught.
Ordination & Seminary What is your opinion of ordination and seminary training its relationship to competency when teaching the Bible?
Leah, Rachel, Jacob & Laban: Was Laban always planning to substitute Leah for Rachel, or could it have been a last minute decision because she had not found a husband by then? [Genesis 29].
2020-06-26 Guilt and Past Sin: Caller comments for the sake of those struggling with guilt over past sin.
Animals Vegetarian Initially: Do you think that Genesis indicates that initially animals did not eat one another? [Genesis 1:30].
2020-06-23 Nephilim and Archeological Proof: Could you talk about the Sons of God and the Nephilim in Genesis, and the archeological finds said to be from them? [Genesis 6].
2020-06-23 Sons of God in Job: Are the "Sons of God" in Job 1, angels or men? [Job 1:6, Psalm 2:7, Job 38:6-7].
Angels Don't Marry: Since scripture indicates that angels don't marry, doesn't it also imply they can't have sex, in relation to Genesis and the Nephilim? [Genesis 6, Matthew 22:30].
2020-06-22 Joseph & Potiphar: Could you help me understand the title of "captain of the guard" in the Joseph & Potiphar story, and if there are two people with the same title? [Genesis 39].
2020-06-22 Proving Genesis' Story of Adam & Eve: Is there proof of Adam & Eve's existence in the Genesis story? (Authority of Scripture Series recommended) [Matthew 19, Matthew 24, Matthew 23, Ephesians 5].
2020-06-16 Premarital Sex and Marriage: Could you talk about premarital sex and is there alternate ways to be married that would be acceptable? [Genesis 2:24, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Mark 7, Galatians 5:19-21, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6, I Corinthians 3:16, I John 4:7-8].
2020-06-11 Return to Earth: In the book "The Last Hour" by Amir Tsarfati, the author says we will return to earth, could you talk about that? [Genesis 3, Revelation 5:10, 2 Timothy 2, Psalm 2:8].
2020-05-28 Non-existance After Death: What goes back to God if you don't exist after you die? [Genesis 2:7, Ecclesiastes 12:7, 2 Corinthians 5:8, 2 Corinthians 12:2-3].
2020-05-28 Word, the Logos-the Full Meaning: Would you talk about the use of "word", how it is used, and what it means in John 1? [John 1:1, Genesis 1:1, Psalm 33:6].
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