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Topic: Genesis (Book)

Showing 351 to 400 of 732.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-01-28 Jesus' Second Coming Already Happened: What verses do you appeal to that support your idea that Jesus will come back again in the future? [Revelation 21, Revelation 22, Psalm 2:8, Psalm 115:16, Revelation 5:10, Genesis 1:26-28, Matthew 5:5].
2022-01-27 Creation of the Earth (Gap Theory): Do you think there was a large gap in time in the creation story (Gap Theory)? [Genesis 1:1-2, Isaiah 45:18-19, Jeremiah 4:23, Exodus 20:11].
2022-01-24 Canaan Cursed by Noah: Why was Canaan cursed because of Noah's drunkenness and Ham's response to it? [Genesis 9:20-27].
2022-01-21 Elijah & John the Baptist: Did the spirit of Elijah go into John the Baptist? [Matthew 11:14, Genesis 22:5].
2022-01-14 God's Plan: What is God up to? What is His overall plan? [Genesis 1:26, Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:11].
Purpose of "The Law": What is the point of "The Law"? [Galatians 3:24-26].
2022-01-14 Genesis-Literal, Historical, or Symbolic: Would you trust someone who starts out saying that one doesn't need to take Genesis or historically? [Genesis 1].
Is God Blessed?: Is God blessed in Himself? [Genesis 6:6].
2022-01-14 Genesis-Literal, Historical, or Symbolic: Would you trust someone who starts out saying that one doesn't need to take Genesis or historically? [Genesis 1].
Is God Blessed?: Is God blessed in Himself? [Genesis 6:6].
2022-01-13 Expanse of the Firmament: What do you think about the suggestion that the "expanse of the firmament" being related to the dome some claim existed? [Genesis 1].
2022-01-12 God Face-to-Face: Has anyone ever seen God face-to-face? [Genesis 18:1. Genesis 17:3, Genesis 32:30].
The Disciples on the New Earth: What do you think will be the role of the disciples after the resurrection on the new earth?
2022-01-11 Lilith: Is Lilith (Adam's wife before Eve) real, or just legend? [Genesis 1-2, Isaiah 34:14].
"Book of Enoch": Is the "Book of Enoch" real?
2022-01-10 Abortion is Murder: Could you list 2-3 verses that prove that abortion is nothing more than murder? [Genesis 9:4-7].
2022-01-07 Human an "it": Was the first reference to a human, "it"? [Genesis 1:26].
2022-01-06 Book of Enoch: Could you talk about Enoch and the "Book of Enoch" ("First Enoch")? [Hebrews 11:5, Genesis 5:21-24, Jude 1:14-15, 2 Peter 2:4].
2022-01-06 Cain's Descendant's Self-Defense Killing: Would comment on the passage about descendants of Cain's and Lamech's killing of a man in self-defense? [Genesis 4:23f].
Ezekiel's Temple & New Jerusalem: Is the New Jerusalem a real physical place or is it symbolic? [Ezekiel 40-48, Ezekiel 43:11].
2022-01-05 Adam, Eve, Giants, Nephilim: Do you think that Adam & Eve could've lived with dinosaurs, and perhaps giant people (Nephilim), from whence came Goliath? [Genesis 6, Job 4-41].
2022-01-03 "Babylon the Great" & America: Some say that “Babylon the Great” is representative of America. What do you think about that?
Martin Luther Wanted to Delete the Book of James: Did Martin Luther want to take the book of James out of the Bible because it did not support the “gospel of grace”? [Romans 6:1, Galatians 5:6, Genesis 15:6]
2022-01-03 God Changes His Mind: Did God change his mind when scripture says that people had become so corrupt mankind would have to be destroyed, but then He found favor in Noah, giving us another chance? [Genesis 6:6, Numbers 23:19, 2 Chronicles 16:9, 2 Timothy 2:19].
2021-12-31 Symbolism and Promises to Israel Regarding the Land: As a Dispensationalist, I believe the Bible should be taken more literally, so didn't God make certain promises about the land to Israel that need to be fulfilled? [Genesis 17:8, Romans 9, Galatians 4:28, Romans 4:13, Galatians 3:16, Leviticus 18:25-28, Deuteronomy 28:15, Deuteronomy 28:46, Deuteronomy 28:63-64, Joshua 21:45, Psalm 2:8].
2021-12-30 "Sons of God" in Genesis 6: Who do you think the "Sons of God" are in Genesis 6? [Genesis 6:2-4, 2 Peters 2:4].
2021-12-29 Serpent Seed Doctine-Cain: What do you think of the doctrine who says that Cain was the seed of Satan? [John 8:39-44, John 1:12, I John 3:10, Genesis 4:1].
2021-12-28 Inspiration of Scripture: Can you clarify your position on the "inspiration of scripture"? [2 Timothy 3:16].
Automatic Writing from God: Do you think that the Old Testament was written with automatic writing from God?
Moses' Source of Information: Do you think that Moses got his information from God about Genesis, etc.?
2021-12-27 Man's Lifespan of 120 Years: Is the age of people living to 120 years established in scripture? [Genesis 6:3].
2021-12-20 Is Genesis Poor History?: How could there be precious stones when they were far from the garden? Is the evidence that Genesis is not very good history? [Genesis 2:11-12].
2021-12-10 Annihilation & Universal Reconciliation View of Hell: What verses back up the alternate views of hell; Annihilation and Universal Reconciliation? Recommended topical lecture; "Three View of Hell". [Genesis 2:17, Romans 6:23, Ezekiel 18:20, Ephesians 1:10, Colossians 1:20, Philippians 2:10-11, 2 Peter 3:9].
2021-12-07 Trinity Doctrine: When God said "us" and "we" (used plural pronouns) in Scripture, was He referring to the Trinity? [Genesis 1-3].
2021-11-23 Reason's Jews Don't Accept Jesus as Messiah: Could you elaborate on a rabbi's view of the reasons why Jews don't accept Jesus as Messiah, particularly relative to the requirement of good works in the Law. [Genesis 15:6, Romans 4:3, Psalm 32, Ezekiel 36:26, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Ephesians 2:8-10, Hebrews 7:12, Psalm 110, Romans 8:4, Romans 2:26].
2021-11-23 Seth Created in the Image of Adam, Instead of God: What is the significance of Seth being created in the image of Adam instead of God? [Genesis 5:3].
2021-11-22 Cain's Wife: Where did Cain's wife come from? [Genesis 4:17, Genesis 4:25, Genesis 5:3].
Ages of People in Genesis: Is the length of a year the same as ours, because how could someone be 900 years old? [Genesis 5].
2021-11-22 Cain's Wife: Where did Cain's wife come from? [Genesis 4:17, Genesis 4:25, Genesis 5:3].
Ages of People in Genesis: Is the length of a year the same as ours, because how could someone be 900 years old? [Genesis 5].
2021-11-15 "Earth"- Flood in Limited Area or Whole Earth: Do you think that Noah would've only thought the earth was the nearby area, rather than the whole earth? [Genesis 6-7:20].
2021-11-08 Trust & Acknowledge God: Could you help me understand Proverbs 3:5-6? [Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 131:1-3].
Homosexuality: If I think the Bible indicates that homosexuality is wrong, am I leaning on my own understanding?
Homosexuality: Is it acceptable to read an article about homosexuality from my pastor, who affirms the lifestyle, if I am attracted to both sexes? [Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5, Ephesians 5:22-32, I Corinthians 5:12].
2021-11-08 Forgiven Sins without a Temple How were people able to be forgiven for their sins when there was no temple? [Psalm 32:1, Romans 4:3, Romans 4:7-8, Genesis 15:6, Ephesians 2:10].
God's Glory in the Temple: Did God's glory ever refill the temple? [Exodus 40, Haggai 2:9, Ezekiel 11, Matthew 23:38, I Kings 8:10-11].
2021-11-04 The Death Penalty: What should our stance be on the death penalty? [Matthew 25:25, Genesis 9:6].
2021-10-26 Genealogies in Exodus: Could you help me understand the time that has spanned in the account of the genealogies in this passage and if it would affect the period of The Exodus? [Exodus 6:16-20, Genesis 12].
2021-10-22 Exception Clause-Divorce: What did Jesus mean by the exception clause in scripture when He speaks of divorce? [Matthew 5:32, Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:6-8, Mark 10:9, I Corinthians 6:16, Deuteronomy 24, Jeremiah 3:8-14].
2021-10-20 Serpent & Enmity with the Woman: Could you identify the characters in Genesis 3 as to who is the serpent and seed where there will be enmity with the woman? [Genesis 3:15, Revelation 12:9, Hebrews 2:14, Romans 7].
2021-10-18 "Sons of God" & "Daughters of Men": Who are the "Sons of God" and the "Daughters of Men?" [Genesis 6:4].
2021-10-15 "Angel of the Lord": Is the angel of the Lord, Jesus, in Genesis? [Genesis 16:10].
Ismael: Who is Ishmael? [Genesis 16].
2021-10-15 "Angel of the Lord": Is the angel of the Lord, Jesus, in Genesis? [Genesis 16:10].
Ismael: Who is Ishmael? [Genesis 16].
2021-10-14 Animal Sacrifice with Adam & Eve: Did God cover the sinfulness of Adam and Eve with the animal skins? [Genesis 3:21].
2021-10-13 God Created Evil: Did God create evil? [Genesis 2:9].
2021-10-11 Singer-Songwriter Don Francisco: Do you know the singer-songwriter Don Francisco and if he is doing anything now?
Lost Tribes of Israel: Do you know anything about the Lost Tribes of Israel (Black Hebrew Israelites)? [Genesis 10, Lamentations 5:10, Song of Solomon 1:6].
Jewish (Israelite) Tribal Identity: When did the Jewish (Israelite) tribes get lost?
2021-10-11 Sin Personified: Who is "Sin"? Is it sin, or is it a person in Genesis 4? [Genesis 4:7, Romans 5:17-21 , Revelation 6:8, Revelation 20:14].
Cain and Eve- "Desire for" and "Rule Over": What does it mean when it says, "If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him"and earlier ."Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” in Genesis 3-4? [Genesis 3:16, I Timothy 2:14].
Adam's Failure to Rule: If Adam had not sinned, would he have ruled over the earth and even over the serpent?
2021-10-11 Sin Personified: Who is "Sin"? Is it sin, or is it a person in Genesis 4? [Genesis 4:7, Romans 5:17-21 , Revelation 6:8, Revelation 20:14].
Cain and Eve- "Desire for" and "Rule Over": What does it mean when it says, "If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him"and earlier ."Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” in Genesis 3-4? [Genesis 3:16, I Timothy 2:14].
Adam's Failure to Rule: If Adam had not sinned, would he have ruled over the earth and even over the serpent?
2021-10-11 Sin Personified: Who is "Sin"? Is it sin, or is it a person in Genesis 4? [Genesis 4:7, Romans 5:17-21 , Revelation 6:8, Revelation 20:14].
Cain and Eve- "Desire for" and "Rule Over": What does it mean when it says, "If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him"and earlier ."Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” in Genesis 3-4? [Genesis 3:16, I Timothy 2:14].
Adam's Failure to Rule: If Adam had not sinned, would he have ruled over the earth and even over the serpent?
2021-10-08 Who is Melchizedek?: Who is this Melchizedek who was without mother or father in Hebrews? [Hebrews 7:2-3, Hebrews 7:8, Hebrews 7:23-24, Genesis 14:17-20, Genesis 32:30, Genesis 18:1].
2021-10-05 More People Created Than Adam & Eve: Does Genesis suggest that God created more people than just Adam and Eve? [Genesis 1:7, Genesis 3:20, Romans 5:12].
2021-10-05 Lilith: Could Lilith have been created before Eve? [Isaiah 34:14].
Apostle John Still Alive: Do you think it is possible that John may still be alive? [John 21:22-23].
2021-10-01 Physical or Spiritual Promised Death in the Garden: What did it mean when Adam and Eve were told that they would die if they ate of the tree? Was it a spiritual or physical death? [Genesis 1:7].
2021-09-17 Garden of Eden: What about the teaching that there was a "Garden of Eden" in heaven before it came to be on earth? [Genesis 2]..
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