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Topic: Genesis (Book)

Showing 601 to 650 of 732.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-05-15 Cleaving to His Wife: Why is this verse placed where it is because Adam & Eve haven't even had children yet? [Genesis 2:24]
2017-05-01 Tribe of Dan & the anti-Christ: The tribe of Dan possibly being the anti-Christ? What does Genesis 49:18 mean? [Genesis 49:18]
2017-04-24 Enoch Disappeared: Where did Enoch go? [Genesis 5:24]
2017-04-11 Their Name Adam: In Gen 5 it says, "calling their name Adam", what does this mean? [Genesis 5:2]
2017-04-03 Life Expectancy of 120 Years: God decreasing life expectancy to 120 years. Can you explain that? [Genesis 6:3, Genesis 11]
2017-03-24 Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs that are millions of years old?
2017-03-16 Lot's Righteousness: How exactly was Lot righteous? [2 Peter 2:6]
2017-03-13 Adam & Eve Sinning: Did God know that Adam or Eve were going to sin?
2017-02-14 Saul's before King Saul: Who are all these Saul's before King Saul? [Genesis 36:38]
2017-02-03 Nephilim & Sons of God: Can you explain all the terms surrounding the Nephilim & Sons of God in Genesis 6? [Genesis 6]
2017-01-27 Light before the Sun in Creation: What was the light during creation if the sun was created until the 4th day? Should we take creation literally or non-literally?
2017-01-16 Words for God: Elohim in Genesis singular & plural forms of a word used for the one & only God
2017-01-04 Literal Creation Week: If the creation "week" was done in 6 literal days, why the sun & moon & the stars not until the 4th day? What was the "Light" before that? [Genesis 1-2]
2017-01-03 Cain's Relationship with God: "I will be hidden from your presence", Cain said. So did Cain & God have a regular conversation with each other like God did with Adam & Eve? [Genesis 4:13-15]
Cain's Age when He slew Abel: So Cain & Abel were in their 100's when he killed Abel?
Seth: And how many children between Cain, Abel & Seth?
2016-12-30 Serpent in Genesis: Was this serpent literal or figurative?
2016-12-28 Tigris & Euphrates Rivers: Can we be sure these were the 2 of the 4 original rivers mentioned in the Garden of Eden since the Flood changed everything?
2016-10-21 Genesis 5, in the Hebrew & Greek Text: The length of days for individuals seems to be longer in one language, which is correct? [Genesis 5]
2016-10-10 Literal Creation Story: Caller doesn't believe a literal account of creation [Genesis 1-6].
2016-10-07 "Not Good for Man to be Alone": Is God just being practical about procreation or implying something romantic when He indicates that it is "not good for man to be alone"? [Genesis 2:18]
2016-10-03 Bible Discrepancy of Israel in Egypt: There is seems to be a discrepancy of how long Israel was actually in Egypt. Can you clarify? [Genesis 15:13-16, Exodus 12:40-41, Galatians 3:16-17]
2016-07-27 Tower of Babel: Is everything that happened in these chapters true, including the Tower of Babel?
Confusion of Language in Babel: Why did God scramble the languages during the Tower of Babel?
Uniting Europe: What about trying to unify Europe?
2016-07-13 Lot Giving over His Daughters: Caller thinks it's abhorrent about Lot’s bad behavior of giving his daughters to be used by strangers. [Genesis 19:8]
2016-06-30 God & the Lord God: I was reading Genesis & it goes from "God" to the "Lord God". Is there any significance to that?
"Let us Make Man in our Image": "Let us make man in 'our' own image", who is the "us"? God and Jesus speaking as one? [Genesis 1:26-27, John 1]
2016-06-29 Shechem & Dinah: Is this a man or a woman this passage of Scripture is talking about? [Genesis 34:8-12] (Dinah they are talking about)
2016-06-17 Irregular Colored Animals: Jacob taking the irregular colored animals, stiped, spots or speckles, is this some type of superstition prenatal influence? [Genesis 30:7]
2016-06-03 The Flood: Why did God bring the flood? Did He overreact? [Genesis 6-8]
Men of Renoun & Nephilim: Are the people of the Nephilim & the men of renoun the same or different people? {Genesis 6]
Giants (sons) of God: So these were holy men, but I thought only noah & his family were holy during the Flood?
2016-06-01 Forgive them for they know not what they do: When Jesus said on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", do you think they were actually forgiven right then?
Authors of Genesis: How many authors do you think there were of Genesis?
2016-05-31 Young Earth Creationism: Caller talks about test regarding creation & evolution.
2016-05-27 Pornography, Drugs & Demonic Oppression: I'm struggling with drugs, pornography, demonic oppression, so what do I do?
The Nephilim: Did Angels have sex with women? The nephilim. [Genesis 6]
2016-05-23 Gap Theory: Caller is asking about the Gap theory. [Genesis 1:1-2], Genesis 2, Isaiah 45:18]
2016-04-20 Eve Misquoting God: Eve misquoted the command of God about not eating from the forbidden fruit when she said not to even touch it?
Adam being a god: Before they sinned, was Adam the "god" of this world, but then Satan became one after that?
First Prophecy of the Bible: What does this verse mean, a head blow to satan? Does this verse mean that we have authority over Satan like Jesus did? [Genesis 3:15]
2016-04-13 The Firmament: What is the "firmament" referred to in Genesis? [Genesis 1-2]
The 6th Day & Adam & Eve & Animals: When were the animals made in relation to when Adam & Eve were created? Were they all created on the 6th day?
2016-04-12 Abraham saying Sarah was his Sister: Abraham & Sarah & Isaac & Rebekah & similar stories about saying that their wife was their sister; why did they do that? [Genesis 12, Genesis 26]
2016-04-08 Author of Genesis: Who wrote the book of Genesis, especially the Creation Story?
2016-03-24 PBS Special on Noah's Ark: I was watching a PBS special on the Flood & Noah's Ark, & they said that it happened Epic of Gilgamesh which was written way before Genesis, so Moses just got it from that. Is that true?
2016-03-22 "Let US Make Man": Why does God use plural in Genesis when He was about to create man? Was He talking to the angels? To the animals? [Genesis 1:26]
2016-03-17 Creation & Dinosaurs: How does the timing of the Bible Creation & dinosaurs come in line with each other?
2016-01-13 Jesus the Seed in Genesis: Did the Jews recognize the first promise of the Bible to be about the Messiah? [Genesis 3:15]
The Town of Nod: Do we know where Nod was? [Genesis 4:16]
2016-01-13 Jesus the Seed in Genesis: Did the Jews recognize the first promise of the Bible to be about the Messiah? [Genesis 3:15]
The Town of Nod: Do we know where Nod was? [Genesis 4:16]
2016-01-06 Rachel & Leah: Were Leah & Rachel twins? [Genesis 15:29-30]
2015-12-23 Rap Music: Not all Rap Music is bad, according to the caller.
"...Make Man in OUR Image": Who is the "our" when God said, "Let us make man in our image"? [Genesis 1:26-27]
2015-12-21 Calculation problems w/ Noah's Ark: It just seems like an impossibility all the logistics involving all the animals in Noah's ark. How would it be possible? All the food, all the clean up. [Genesis 6]
2015-12-21 Living longer before the Flood: Why did people before the Flood live so much longer? Do you think they are literal years?
The Labyrinth: Comments about the Question she heard about the Labyrinth.
2015-11-09 Tree of knowledge of good & evil & Tree of life: Can you explain the 2 main trees in the Garden of Eden? [Genesis 2:9]
2015-11-05 Abraham's Blessing to All: Would you help me understand the controversy about interpretation of the Abrahamic blessing- does it mean that, “through Abraham all will be blessed?” or does it mean that “all people will bless themselves through Abraham”? [Genesis 12:3, Galatians 3:8].
2015-10-12 Ekklesia - Calling out of or Congregation: Abraham was called out of his country, Israel being called out of Egypt, we are supposed to be as the new spiritual Israel called out of the world.
Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Is there another place in the Bible that references the Tree of the knowledge of good & evil? [Genesis 2:17, 3:1-24]
2015-10-02 Desiring to Control your Husband, a Nagging Wife: What does the Bible have to say about a wife nagging her husband, what IS nagging in a marriage, & what you consider nagging & not nagging? [Genesis, 3:16, Proverbs 19, 21, 27]
2015-09-09 God Creating Us: How long was God waiting in Heaven before He created us?
2015-09-04 Sons of God - Angels - Nephilim: Did the "Sons of God" (angels) come down from Heaven & have sex w/ women? [Genesis 6:4]
2015-08-25 W/ out Form & Void: What about the time that was w/ out form & void BEFORE He started creating? Could that have been billions of years? Between [Genesis] 1 & [Genesis 2]
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