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Topic: Genesis (Book)

Showing 151 to 200 of 732.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-06-12 "Sin" as a Person: Is it possible that "sin" is a person? [Genesis 4:7, Proverbs 6:11, 2 Corinthians 5:21].
2023-06-05 God Manifesting: Didn't God just "manifest" Himself in the bush, but He wasn't really that bush? [Genesis 18:1].
2023-06-02 Creation of Heaven: What is the "heaven" created in Genesis, Chapter One? [Genesis 1:8, Genesis 1:1, 2 Corinthians 12:2].
2023-06-01 The word "Eternity" (Olam, Aionios): Could you talk about the biblical words for "Eternal" and its application to hell? [Genesis 17, Leviticus 23, Jonah 2:6].
2023-05-30 Immutable (Unchanging) God: Could you explain the apparent contradiction with the claim that Jesus/ God never changes, but when Jesus came, He "emptied Himself?" [Genesis 18:1ff, Philippians 2:7-11].
2023-05-25 God Not Looking So Good: How do you deal with Moses looking more noble than God in Exodus 32? [Exodus 32:14, Genesis 18:16-33, Jeremiah 18:7-10].
2023-05-24 Blood Sacrifice: Why did God require a "blood sacrifice," like the pagans? [Genesis 3:21, Genesis 4:4, Genesis 8:20-22, Romans 3:23, Revelation 13:8].
2023-05-23 One God & Jesus as God: Could you point out some scriptures that clearly say that there is one God and that Jesus is God? [Deuteronomy 6:4, Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 43:10, 1 Corinthians 8:4, I Corinthians 8:6, John 17:3, John 1:14].
2023-05-23 Hagar's Destination: Why does the angel ask where Hagar is going? [Genesis 16:8, Genesis 18:20-23, Genesis 3:9, Genesis 4:9].
Personal Testamonies: Should I mention my terrible past in my testimony when sharing about Christ? [1 Corinthians 7:20, Romans 6:21, Philippians 3:12-14].
2023-05-18 Fullness: Would you comment on the use of the word "fullness" and its implications? [Romans 11:12, Romans 11:25, Romans 11:7, Genesis 28:15, Genesis 11:26].
Remnant of the Jews & Time of the Gentiles: When will the "fullness of the Gentiles' take place and how will the remnant of the Jews be saved? [Zechariah 13:8, 1 Peter 1:7].
2023-05-17 God's Wrath, Fallen Angels & the Nephilim: What do you think about the view that fallen angels caused the human race to be tainted(Nephilim) which led to God's wrath and judgment on anyone from that seed? [Genesis 6:4].
2023-05-12 Leah's Eyes: Did Leah have blue eyes (or weak eyes)? [Genesis 29:11].
2023-05-10 Cremation: Is there anything wrong with being cremated? [James 2:26, Genesis 3:19, 1 Corinthians 3:17].
2023-05-09 Hell is Eternal: Caller warns callers that there are many verses that make it clear that hell is irrefutably eternal. Rec: Steve's Book; "Three Views of Hell" or topical lectures on the "Three Views of Hell." [Genesis 2:17, Ezekiel 18:20, Revelation 21:8, Revelation 20:14].
2023-05-08 Angels having Sex & Pastor's Defensiveness: Could you help me with the defensiveness of my pastor when I questioned his presentation about fallen angels having sex with humans? [Genesis 6:4].
2023-05-05 Women Not in the Image of God: Are women also created in the image of God? [Genesis 1:27, 1 Corinthians 11:7].
2023-05-05 Death of the Saints: Would you talk about the death of the saints being precious in the sight of God? [Psalm 116:15, Genesis 6:5].
2023-04-28 The Movie-"Nefarius": If you saw the movie, "Nefarius," what did you thin of it?
Christian Parents Attending a Gay Wedding: Would you attend your child's gay wedding? [Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:18-24, Matthew 19:1-9, Ephesians 5:31-32].
2023-04-26 Cherubim & Eden: Is the Garden of Eden and the Cherubim still there? Could we go there and see it? [Genesis 3].
2023-04-26 Fallen Angels & Eternal Restraints (Chains): Could you explain the passage about the eternal restraints of the fallen angels in Jude? [Jude 1:6, Revelation 20].
Fallen Angels: Is the Book of Jude support for the idea that angels had relations with women in Genesis 6?
2023-04-25 Israelites to Egypt: When did the Israelites go to Egypt? [Genesis 46].
2023-04-24 Why Test if God is Omniscient?: If God already knows the outcome, why does He have to test people-like when He tested Abraham? [Genesis 18:20].
2023-04-21 Dinosaurs & Dragons: Could you help me with some of the Hebrews words used for "dragons" and do you think that the Kings James Version is accurate in its use of it? [Genesis 1, Job 40, Job 41, Isaiah 14:29, Matthew 12:40].
2023-04-19 Noah & His Sons: Why was there such upset about Noah's sons seeing their father drunk in his tent? Why was this story included in scripture? [Genesis 9:21-25, Leviticus 20:11, Exodus 20:12].
2023-04-18 Heaven-Better than Sex: Caller shares her view that heaven is going to be better than any other pleasure we now know, including sex. [Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:22-33, 1 Corinthians 6:16].
2023-04-10 Eating Meat: Could you help me sort when the eating of meat entered the diet of humans, why did they keep livestock, and what cause distinction between clean and unclean animals? [Genesis 1-3, Genesis 9].
2023-04-06 "Sons of God" & the Nephilim: Who are the "Sons of God", the Anakim and the Nephilim? Were they evil? [Job 38:7, Genesis 6:2-5, Hosea 1:10, 1 John 3:2].
2023-04-06 Jewish Expectations About the Messiah-on the Road to Emmaus: What were the two on the Road to Emmaus expecting of the Messiah when they indicated that they thought He would redeem Israel? [Luke 24:21, Acts 1:6, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Ephesians 1:7, Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9:27, Romans 9:6]
Life Span: Why do you think that the life span of humans drops so significantly after the flood? [Genesis 1:7].
2023-04-06 Non-instrumental Church of Christ: What do you think about objection to instruments to accompany singing because it wasjust David's preferences? [Amos 6:5, Ephesians 5:19-21, Colossians 3:16, James 5:13, Revelation 14:1-4, Genesis 4:20-22].
2023-03-30 "Born This Way": If a homosexual says that they were "born that way," do you address that concern, or do you simply focus on the issue of the sin? [Matthew 17:5, Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31, Matthew 16:24].
2023-03-28 Melchizidek & Communion (Eucharist): Is there any connection between Melchizedek bringing out the bread and wine and Jesus instituting communion at the Last Supper? [Genesis 14:18, John 8:56-58].
2023-03-27 Angels-Male or Female?: Are all angels male? Were the two angels women in Zechariah 5? Are the pronouns used, masculine? [Zechariah 5:9, Genesis 6:1].
2023-03-24 Mordecai Refusing to Bow: Why would Mordecai not bow down to Haman, when Joseph allowed his brothers to bow down to him? [Acts 10:25, Esther 3:5, Genesis 42:5-7].
2023-03-17 Sabbath Sanctified: Should we be doing anything regarding God resting on the Sabbath because He sanctified it? [Hebrews 10:14, Hebrews 4:11, Genesis 2:3, John 19:30, Exodus 20;18, Deuteronomy 5:15, 1 Corinthians 11:24, Jeremiah 16:14-15, Jeremiah 23:7-8].
2023-03-16 Difficulties with Parts of Scripture: Caller shares concern over the difficult parts of the Old Testament? [Genesis 22, John 6:6].
2023-03-15 Jesus in the Old Testament: I disagree with you that God appeared on earth in the form of Jesus in the Old Testamen. [Genesis 18:1, John 17:5].
2023-03-14 LORD in the Old Testament: Who is the LORD in Exodus 17:6? [Exodus 17:6].
Jesus Stepping on the Mount of Olives: Is Yaweh or Jesus going to step on the Mount of Olives? [Zechariah 14:4, John 14, Genesis 18:1, 1 Timothy 3:16, Ezekiel 11:23].
2023-03-03 Jewish Trinity: Have you heard of orthodox Jews considering the veracity of The Trinity? [Genesis 1:1-5, Isaiah 63:10].
Manifest Presence of God: What about God manifesting Himself in the Old Testament and still being everywhere at once? [Genesis 18, Genesis 32:22-30].
2023-03-03 Jewish Trinity: Have you heard of orthodox Jews considering the veracity of The Trinity? [Genesis 1:1-5, Isaiah 63:10].
Manifest Presence of God: What about God manifesting Himself in the Old Testament and still being everywhere at once? [Genesis 18, Genesis 32:22-30].
2023-03-03 Melchizedek: Do you think if Melchizedek was a theophany? [Genesis 14:18-20, Hebrews 7, Psalm 110:4].
Apps for Donating to The Narrow Path: Have you considered making apps available for donations like "Cash" or "Venmo?"
2023-03-01 Financial Management: What does the Bible say about investing and prosperity? [Luke 16:9, 1 Timothy 5:4, Luke 12:48, Proverbs 30:25, Proverbs 6:6-11, Genesis 41:49].
2023-02-17 Hell & Immortality: Why did you not bring up the verse in Genesis about eating of the trees in the garden in your discussion of hell? [Genesis 3:22, 1 Timothy 6:16, 1 John 5:11-12].
2023-02-13 Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac: Why didn't Abraham know that the sacrifice of Isaac was like the pagan sacrifices? [Genesis 22:1-19, Hebrews 11:19].
2023-02-03 Humans Outside of Eden: Do you think that there is a possibilty of humans outside of the Garden of Eden? [Genesis 3:20].
Adam Placed in the Garden: Does Genesis 2 suggest that when Adam was "placed" in the garden, there were more people besides he and Eve? [Genesis 2].
2023-02-03 Humans Outside of Eden: Do you think that there is a possibilty of humans outside of the Garden of Eden? [Genesis 3:20].
Adam Placed in the Garden: Does Genesis 2 suggest that when Adam was "placed" in the garden, there were more people besides he and Eve? [Genesis 2].
2023-02-02 Ephraim Over Judah: Is there scripture to support the idea that God wanted to have "Messiah" come through Ephraim, but had to change his plans to let Judah do so? [Genesis 48:19, Psalm 78:67, Ezekiel 37:19, Genesis 49:10].
2023-01-27 Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Isn't it good for people to know the difference between good & evil?
Adam & Eve's Free Will: Did Adam & Eve have free will? [Genesis 1:26-27].
2023-01-27 Chosen or Predestination: Could the foundation of the world be well into Genesis 1? [Genesis 1:2].
Mormon Prophets: Caller comments that scripture predicted prophets which validated them and there were no predictions for Mormon prophets.
2023-01-26 Longevity in Genesis: Were the long lifespans in Genesis, unusual and particuarly for certain exceptional men?
Shut Minds: Are some people so focused on science that they have shut their minds to anything of the Holy Spirit?
2023-01-26 Salvation without the "Kingdom of God": Can someone be "saved" without entering the "Kingdom of God?" [2 Peter 4:1, Luke 19:10, Luke 19:17, Genesis 15:6, 2 Peter 3:9].
Kingdom of God: Is there a distinction between being "saved" for eternity and being in the Kingdom of God, here and how?
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