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Topic: Genesis (Book)

Showing 651 to 700 of 732.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-08-20 "Us" in Gensis (Trinity): Is the "Us" when God talk in possessive plura;, is it referring to the Trinity? [Genesis 1:26, 3:22]
Gays & Sex: Paul spoke on the subject of Homosexual sex, but the words he used in greek were ambiguous, so some gay sex was okay, homosexuals rationalize.
Creation Story in all Religions: The Creation story is in all the religions, so Genesis is not the first or original creation account (implying, so is it genuine?)
2015-07-29 Earth/Land Confusion: Not sure what he's asking. [Genesis 32:30]
2015-07-14 Populate the Earth w/ People: Caller is concerned that is saying that Adam & Eve were not the first people on the earth because He created more people than just Adam & Eve. [Genesis 1:27]
2015-06-25 Adam & Eve Eating Forbidden Fruit: How did Adam & Eve know it was a sin to eat the tree of knowledge of good & evil if they didn't have knowledge to know what was right or wrong? [gen 2:9]
Light before Sun & Moon: What was the Light for the 3 days before Sun & Moon were created? [Genesis 1:3]
2015-06-25 120 years: What is the 120 years being referred to in [Genesis 6:3]?
2015-06-11 "Sons of God": In Genesis 6 it says "Sons of God" plural, but there's only One Jesus, so why plural? [Genesis 6:1-2]
2015-05-28 Blessing & Cursing Israel: Does not the Bible says that those who "bless Israel will be blessed & those who curse Israel will be cursed"! [Genesis 12:3]
We Are the Temple of God: Regarding "Temple of the Holy Spirit", why didn't Steve also go to 1 Corinthians 6:19? [1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19]
2015-04-07 Genesis Being Taken Literally: What do we make of all naturalistic, scientific opinion, the radio metric, isotopes of long range dating if Genesis is to be taken literally?
2015-03-13 Getting a New Bible: Caller is considering getting a E. W. Bullinger Companion Bible, would Steve recommend it? What is a good one?
Genesis 5 genealogy: Cain is not in the genealogy of Genesis 5. Why not?
2015-03-12 Made in His image & became like us: It seems to say 2 different things about God creating us, that we were made in His image, but then that we became like Him. [Genesis 2 & 3]
2015-02-20 Let There Be Light & the Sun: What was the Light for 3 days before the Sun was created? [Genesis 1:3-5, 14-19]
Christmas Trees: Is Jeremiah 10 talking about not having a Christmas Tree? [Jeremiah 10:1-5]
2015-02-03 The word, "Forever": Caller has a comment about the word, "forever".
2 Different Creations: Are there 2 different creations in Genesis since it seems to be saying different things about it? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2]
2014-04-07 The new movie, "Noah": Are the "watchers" that were in the new movie, "Noah", biblical? (They talk about it for awhile, the 2nd question is asked, then they come back to this.)
Fallen Angels, Jude & Genesis: Is there a connection between Jude & Genesis regarding the Fallen Angels? [Genesis 6:1-4, Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4]
2014-02-24 Christian Evolution: Is Christian Evolution biblical, a possible Christian scenario, us ascending from Apes, & Genesis 1 is just an allegory?
2013-12-03 Dinosaurs in Creation: When did the dinosaurs come into the creation timeline? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2]
Unbiased Scientific Evidence: We need to have an unbiased interpretation of science, not a preconceived idea.
2013-12-02 Dividing the Land of Israel: Did God say He would deal with nation's who try to mess with Israel? [Genesis 12:2-3]
Israel's Land: Doesn't it say that as long as Israel keeps the covenant that nobody will be able to remove them from their land? [Jeremiah 18:7-10]
America the Last Babylon: Is America the Last Babylon?
2013-12-02 Gap Theory & Theistic Evolution: Can you tell me about the "Gap Theory" and "Theistic Evolution"? [Genesis 1:1-2]
2013-10-04 God Cursing the Serprent: What does the Serpent being cursed above the cattle, crwling on its belly mean? [Genesis 3:14-15]
Enimity between Thy Seed & Her Seed: What is "enimity between thy seed & her seed" mean?
2013-09-30 Japheth's Offspring: Can you explain the son's of Japheth & Noah in Genesis 10? [Genesis 10:1-5]
2013-09-16 Eve's Knowledge of Labor Pains: How did Eve know about Labor Pains if she had never had any children before Cain?
2013-09-09 God the Father, Son & Holy Ghost in Genesis: Wasn't the Trinity in the creation account? [Genesis 1-3]
Endorsing a Book He is Writing: Caller wants to endorse a book he's writng about the Trinity from the perspective of the book of Genesis.
2013-09-06 Genealogy in Matthew 1: How come the genealogy of 42 generations, 14, 14, & 14 in Matthew is a different number of generations than is found in the Old Testament genealogy? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38]
Genealogies & Age of the Earth: Do the Genealogies in Genesis help us determine the age of the earth?
2013-09-03 The Epic of Gilgamesh: There's evidence of a Flood before Moses' record including the Epic of Gilgamesh.
2013-08-26 Body, Soul & Spirit: Are the "soul" & the "spirit" the same thing? [Genesis 2:7]
2013-08-23 After Their Kind: What is the difinition of "after they kind"? [Genesis 1:21] (Steve had a very long discussion with an atheist/evolutionist who he was going to have a debate with in a few days from the date of the show.)
2013-08-23 After their Kind: Caller comments on the call about the discussion of "after their kind" Steve had with the first caller.
Shared a Testimony: Caller shared his testimony.
2013-07-23 Spirit of the Lord "Caught Away" Philip: What does "the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip" mean? Was he supernaturally moved or was he just led by the Spirit of God to walk somewhere else? [Acts 8:38-40]
Nephilim & Sex with Fallen Angels: What do you think of the Nephilim being created as a result of women having sex with fallen angels? [Genesis 6]
2013-07-16 God not Accepting Cain's Offering: Why didn't God accept Cain's offering? [Genesis 4:5]
2013-06-28 Melchizedek: Can you talk about Melchizedek? [Genesis 14, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7]
2013-06-25 Ishmaelites & Midianites: Who are the Ishmaelites and Midianites? [Judges 8:24]
12 Tribes of Ishmaelites: Why were there were 12 tribes of Ishmaelites, in addition to the 12 tribles of Israel?
Angels & the Nephilim: Did the story that angels mated with women and made the nephilim come from the book of Jubilee? [Genesis 6]
2013-06-24 Mankind's God-likeness: In Genesis it says we were made in the likeness of God but other places say God is not like us. [Genesis 1:26-27, Isaiah 40:18, 1 John 3]
2013-06-14 Lot Offering His Daughters: Why did Lot offer his daughters to the mob outside? [Genesis 19:6-11]
2013-06-11 Water Canopy-the Firmament: Couldn't there have been a water canopy above the earth before the Flood? [Genesis 1:6-8]
2013-06-10 Interpreting Tongues Gift: How do you know who has the gift of interpretation in your church? [1 Corinthians 14:27]
Adam & Eve: Why does Genesis mention only Adam in one chapter, but in another mentions both Adam & Eve, male & female? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2].
Adam & Eve Comprehending Death: How were Adam & Eve able to comprehend the idea of what death was since they had never experienced it? [Genesis 2:17, Genesis 3:3]
2013-06-10 Interpreting Tongues Gift: How do you know who has the gift of interpretation in your church? [1 Corinthians 14:27]
Adam & Eve: Why does Genesis mention only Adam in one chapter, but in another mentions both Adam & Eve, male & female? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2].
Adam & Eve Comprehending Death: How were Adam & Eve able to comprehend the idea of what death was since they had never experienced it? [Genesis 2:17, Genesis 3:3]
2013-06-10 Light Before the Sun: How was there was light before the Sun was created on the 4th day? [Genesis 1:3-5, Genesis 1:14-19]
Animals on the Ark: Why is it barely ever mentioned that Noah actually brought seven pairs of a lot of the animals, not just 2 by 2? [Genesis 7:1-2]
2013-06-10 Light Before the Sun: How was there was light before the Sun was created on the 4th day? [Genesis 1:3-5, Genesis 1:14-19]
Animals on the Ark: Why is it barely ever mentioned that Noah actually brought seven pairs of a lot of the animals, not just 2 by 2? [Genesis 7:1-2]
2013-05-30 Nimrod: Could you shed some light on the story of Nimrod-his character and his motivations? [Genesis 10:8-12].
2013-05-29 "Voiding" & "Establishing" the "Law": Would you comment on "voiding" and "establishing" the "Law' in Romans 3? [Romans 3:31, Romans 4:1, Genesis 15:6, Romans 3:21].
2013-05-21 Adam & Eve's Mutual Sin: What do you think was Adam's motivation to sin with Eve, since he was not deceived? [Genesis 3:13, I Timothy 2:14].
2013-05-10 Melchizedek's Origins: Can you explain from where Melchizedek came, in light of scripture's reference to him having no geneology, mother or father? [Hebrews 7:3, Genesis 14:18, John 8:56, Genesis 18:1].
2013-05-06 Premillennial View: Thank you for commenting that having a premillennial view of the return of Christ doesn't necessarily mean one is not aware of our calling.
Made in the Image of God: What is the proper view of being "made in the image of God" and the charge to become more like God, both in contrast to the danger of thinking ourselves like God (or gods), as in the New Age philosophy? [2 Peter 1:3-11, Genesis 3:5].
2013-05-03 Abrahamic Covenant Ritual: What was being communicated in the ritual of the Abrahamic covenant, when they passed through the two cut animal parts? [Hebrews 6:13-20, Genesis 15:9-13, Isaiah 62:1].
God Swears by or to Himself: Is God swearing to Himself in Hebrews when the ritual is described? [Hebrews 6:13-20].
Difference between the Old & New Covenants: What is the difference between the Old & New Covenants, because both are conditional and require obedience and faith? Was there no salvation in the old covenant? If there was, how would the Hebrews get salvation? Recommends lecture on Hebrews 11. [Genesis 15:6, Hebrews 11:6].
2013-05-03 Abrahamic Covenant Ritual: What was being communicated in the ritual of the Abrahamic covenant, when they passed through the two cut animal parts? [Hebrews 6:13-20, Genesis 15:9-13, Isaiah 62:1].
God Swears by or to Himself: Is God swearing to Himself in Hebrews when the ritual is described? [Hebrews 6:13-20].
Difference between the Old & New Covenants: What is the difference between the Old & New Covenants, because both are conditional and require obedience and faith? Was there no salvation in the old covenant? If there was, how would the Hebrews get salvation? Recommends lecture on Hebrews 11. [Genesis 15:6, Hebrews 11:6].
2013-05-03 God Gets Permission to Act in Prayer: Someone said "when we pray, we give God permission to act", but it didn't sit right with me. What do you think? [Psalm 115:16, Genesis 1].
2013-05-03 Number of Years Given to Man (lifespan): Is there a contradiction between scriptures saying we have 70 vs 120 years? [Psalm 90:70, Genesis 6:3, Genesis 10].
2013-05-03 Age of Man: Comment; Moses was just making an observation about how long people were living. [Psalm 90:10].
120 Years Promised to Man: I think the 120 years were promised to mankind. [Genesis 6:3].
2013-05-02 Abraham's Covenant: Was Abraham's covenant conditional? [Genesis 22:18, Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 26:3-5, Hebrews 11:8].
2013-04-25 Discipline of a Parent: How would one bring church discipline against a parent according to Matthew 18? [Matthew 18].
Jesus as God: Is Jesus God? If so, what is the connection between Him and God? Was He praying to Himself? [Genesis 1:1].
2013-04-15 Stars & Constellations: Could you talk about the constellations (the stars) and that they tell the story of redemption? [Genesis 1:14, Genesis 15:5, Romans 10:18, Psalm 19:4, Job 38:31-32].
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