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Topic: Eschatology (End Times, Last Days, End of World)

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Episode Topic Audio
2019-11-13 John Nelson Darby & Dispensationalism: How do you find the truth about John Nelson Darby and the origins of the Dispensational view of end times?
2019-11-13 Resources to learn about Eschatology: My pastor doesn't really teach about the end times, so where do I go to learn more about it? [Acts 1:7].
2019-11-07 End Times: Do you see the AntiChrist in Daniel 11? Caller believes that Steve is mistaken about his view of end times, so he asks many questions related to that. [Daniel 11:36f].
2019-10-18 Signs of the End Times: Isn't the sinful things that are happening in our culture evidence that the end times are near? [Matthew 24].
2019-10-18 Coming Trouble in Matthew 24: What is the relationship between the verses in Matthew about the coming trouble? [Matthew 24:2-34].
2019-10-14 End of Age & Day of the Lord: Are all the phrases, such as, "End of Age", "Day of the Lord", and "Day of Wrath", mean all the same day or time? [Matthew 24:3, Ephesians 2:7].
2019-10-11 End Times-Partial Preterism: As a Partial-Preterist can I look at Revelation about a future world ruler, in ways other than in the future? [Revelation 13].
Christians, Politics, Revelation: What do you think of the political views today that are overly influenced by a Christian's limited understanding of the book of Revelation? Do you think it can be dangerous?
2019-08-30 Lost Souls-Hell & Lake of Fire: What happens to all the souls in hell who are awaiting the judgment? And then after they are cast in the lake of fire, who is governing there? [Revelation 20:10, 15 Matthew 25:41].
Why So Long Before Jesus Comes Back: Why is Jesus waiting so long to come back? [Matthew 28:19-20, Isaiah 42:1-4].
2019-08-28 Revelation-Timeline for End Times: Would it be accurate to say that if most Revelation is only referring to distant future, as many believe, and not instead applicable primarily to that immediate generation, it would be out of character for the rest of scripture? [Isaiah 53, 40-56, Jeremiah 30-33].
2019-08-27 Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Where can I find details describing how you changed your eschatology and your position away from the "pre-trib rapture" ? [John 6:39-40, 44, 54, I Thessalonians 4:16-18, I Corinthians 15:51-52].
2019-08-27 Eschatology & the Great Commission: How does our eschatology affect the way we accomplish the great commission? [Revelation 14].
2019-08-26 Preterism & Immediate Fullfillment of Prophecy: How do we understand Revelation 21-22, in light of "these things will shortly come to pass" and relative to Partial & Full Preterism? [Revelation 19-22, 1:1, 20:7, 21:11, I Corinthians 15:43, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2019-08-20 Dispensationalist Error: Would you review how you came to conclude that the dispensational overview of the Bible and end times was incorrect? [John 6:15, 3: 3-5, Luke 17:21, Romans 14:17, Colossians 1:13].
2019-07-26 Mark of the Beast: If everyone is forced to take "the mark of the beast", then how will there be anyone left that hasn't taken it? [Revelation 13].
2019-07-25 Man of Lawlessness: Do you believe that "the man of lawlessness" was revealed in 70 AD, or do you believe that he, an individual person, will be revealed after the rapture? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-3].
2019-07-12 70th Week of Daniel: Can you help me explain the 70th week of Daniel if it is actually following immediately after the 69th week, rather than having a 2000 year gap? And when he was crucified (or was cut off) in the midst of that week (3.5 years of that 7 years)? Does the 'abomination of desolation'" help one lean one way or the other? [Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15].
2019-07-02 Fig tree: Could the Matthew 24 passage about the fig tree be also about the second coming, not just about AD 70? [Matthew 24:35, Luke 17, Luke 21].
2019-07-01 AD 70 vs Futurist Dispensational View: How does one respond to the Futurist arguments made from Revelation 22; regarding the return of Christ, "the time is at hand", "I come quickly, and "I bring my reward with me"? Are there not other prophecies that were not fulfilled right away? What are the rewards? [Revelation 22:10-12].
2019-06-27 Full Preterist Shunned at Church: As a Full Preterist, how does one handle churches who can't tolerate this difference of opinion?
2019-06-26 Dispensationalists & AD 70: Why don't the dispensationalists believe Revelation is about AD 70?
Land or Earth: How does the word for land or earth apply in the book of Revelation?
2019-06-26 Chronology of the book of Ezekiel: Is the book of Ezekiel out of chronological order? And does this make the promise of the temple conditional? [Ezekiel 29:1,26, 1:2-3].
2019-06-25 Who is the Beast: Who is the beast in Revelation? [Revelation 13:1-10, 13:11-18].
2019-06-21 End Times Events & Armageddon: Where does Armageddon fit into the Amillennial view? [I Thessalonians 4].
2019-06-20 Determining Intended Audience: How does one determine the intended audience meant in various scriptures? Especially in light of the views of Don Preston and Full-Preterism? [2 Thessalonians 1:4-8, Revelation 1].
2019-06-19 Time of Jesus' Return: When will Jesus return? What season? Will it be the Feast of Trumpets? [Acts 1:7].
2019-06-17 Pre, Post & Amillennialism: What is the difference between the views of the Millennium (Pre, Post, Amillenial)?
2019-06-17 The Millennium: Did the disciples think about the millennium at all? Did they even know about it? [Revelation 20].
2019-06-06 Satan Being Loosed: The binding of Satan and a thousand years of peace is described in Revelation, but why is Satan let loose for a little while at the end of the millennium? [Revelation 20].
Whistling in the Theme Song: Is that you playing the guitar and whistling at the beginning of your show?
2019-06-04 Eschatology Shunning: What do I do when people tend to shun me when they find that their views on eschatology differ from mine?
2019-06-03 The Mark of the Beast: How can people repent if they already have the mark on them? Isn't it too late already if they have the mark? [Revelation 13 & 14:10-11, Deuteronomy 6:8].
2019-05-06 End Times: What are your views of the end times? [I Thessalonians 4, Revelation, Acts 1:7].
2019-04-25 Temple: What is the significance of the temple and the measurements [Luke 21:24, Revelation 11:2, I Thessalonians]
Debates: When debating, it seems that many may not be being totally honest by often leaving out things that would not serve their points, isn't this like being a false teacher?
2019-04-22 Signs of the end times: Are you a survivalist? Caller is concerned about numerous things he thinks points to end times; desertion of the church & so on. [Matthew 24, Ezekiel 39]
2019-04-08 The Rapture: Will there be two raptures? What about "The Last Day" & the resurrection of the dead? [I Thessalonians 4:16-17, John 6:49]
2019-04-04 End Times Signs: According to the Dispensational view, what would you say are the two most definitive signs that the Daniel's 70th week has begun? What should we look for as signs (treaty and 3rd temple)? Current events (or "Newspaper exegesis") used for interpreting the Bible.
2019-04-03 Partial-Preterism: Can you convince me of partial-preterism (asked by a dispensational caller)?
2019-03-29 End Times-symbolism: What do The four Horsemen of the Apocalypse represent [Revelation 4]? What do the four judgments represent [Ezekiel 14:21]? How will the last days be like the days of Noah-eating, drinking, buying, selling [Matthew 24;37]? What about the seals [Revelation 6:1-8]?
2019-03-05 Hell-3 Views: Would you clarify your view of Hell (eternal torment, shame, everlasting contempt)? Can you explain Annihilationism [Dan 12:2]? Can you clarify the meaning of the word for "everlasting" in scripture (olam; eternal, everlasting, beyond the horizon).
Partial Preterism: Can you clarify "Partial Preterism?"
2019-02-27 End times timeline & Amillennialism: Where are we, currently, in the timeline of the earth & what yet still has to be fulfilled?
2019-02-21 Early Manuscripts: Early manuscripts of the Bible comment.
Eusebius: Why don't you quote Eusebius who believes the same as you, as far as eschatology? 21, 6, 2,
2019-02-19 Partial Preterism & Amillennialism: Under the Model of Partial Preterism/Amillennialism, what are some predictions/prophecy that remain to happen for those that hold that view?
2019-02-18 70th Week: Why would the Messiah make a covenant for only 1 week? [Daniel 9:27]
The Millennium: Could the book of Revelation be revealing a millennium? [Revelation 20]
2019-01-16 Where the Eagles are Gathered: Why are the parallels in Matthew 24, Luke 17 & 21. about "where the eagles gather" so different? [Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:37, Job 39:30].
2019-01-15 Jerusalem & Green Tree: This seems to be talking about the then future destruction of Jerusalem, but what is the part about the green tree talking about? [Luke 23:28-31].
2019-01-10 Eschatology: Do you believe in the eschatological 1000 year reign and the 7 yr tribulation?
2018-12-10 Revelation Revealed: The NT reveals what the OT had hidden, could you say that same thing about Revelation to the NT?
2018-12-10 Disagree about Steve's Eschatology: Caller also thinks there's inconsistency in Steve's eschatological model.
2018-12-06 Rapture & Further Eschatology Discussion: Do you believe in the Rapture? & further eschatological discussion/disagreement.
2018-11-21 Daniel & Revelation: So I understand you believe that most of Revelation & Daniel has been fulfilled. Does that include Daniel 11? [Daniel 11]
2018-10-18 Dispensationalism: Can you please explain Dispensationalism?
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