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Topic: Eschatology (End Times, Last Days, End of World)

Showing 701 to 750 of 923.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-04-19 Double-Fulfillment of Scripture about Prophcy: Caller thinks there's possible double-fulfillment in Scripture that is talking about prophecy, & a discussion between Dispensationalism & Preterism ensues.
2016-04-11 Post Millennialism: I know you are an amillenialist, but what prevents you from being post millennialist because a lot of smart, intelligent teachers are?
2016-04-08 Arianism & Montanism: Can you tell me both about Arianism & Montanism?
Increase in Interest in Eschatology: Have you been getting an uptick in the amount of calls about Revelation?
2016-04-07 Hardening One's Heart: How does God deal with people hardening hearts? Why did Pharaoh's heart get hardened?
End Times Timeline Chart: Do you have a chart of a timeline of End Time events?
2016-04-04 Transfer of Wealth: Caller has been learning about something called, "End times transfer of wealth". Has Steve ever heard of it? [Proverbs 13:22, Proverbs 28:8]
Learning about Christ from Deuteronomy: I was talking to a Calvinist the other day & he said a bizarre statement that, "everything I learned about following Christ, I learned in Deuteronomy", Can this be true?
2016-03-16 Bucket List for the Christian: hat “bucket list” should I have as a Christian? What should we be doing or preparing for in these end days?
2016-02-17 End Times: Caller wants to talk about all this weird stuff or signs that make it seem appear that the end is really upon us.
2016-02-16 Steve's Wrong about Preterism: Caller thinks Steve is wrong about preterism, & the 7 churches are Dispensations of time in light of read 2 Timothy 3:1-7. [2 Timothy 3:1-7]
2016-02-05 Steve Not Agreeing with Current Events as a Sign of the End: Caller can't understand how Steve can't see how the end time events are matching up with what the Bible says is going to happen & wants Steve to comment. (Newspaper Eschatology)
2016-01-06 Harmonizing End time Event Scripture: Are these connected in any way? [Daniel 12:10, Revelation 22:11]
2015-12-15 Rapture (& Resurrection): Is there any Scripture support for the Rapture? [John 6:39, 40, 44, 54, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:14-16]
2015-12-10 Law of Double-fulfillment: You as a partial preterist think that most prophecies have been fulfilled, but what about double-fulfillment prophecies?
Satan being bound, Jesus plundering his house: Isn't Satan doing the same thing to the church what Jesus is supposed to be doing to Satan, plundering it, destroying it, creating havoc?
2015-12-03 1st & 2nd Resurrection: What exactly is this verse about the 2nd resurrection? What was the FIRST resurrection? [Revelation 20:5]
"Souls under the Altar": Is it possible the "souls under the altar" is coming to fruition in Revelation 20:5 & the second resurrection?
Calculating the number of the Beast: So the number of the beast was to be calculated during the time the book of Revelation was written?
2015-12-03 1st & 2nd Resurrection: What exactly is this verse about the 2nd resurrection? What was the FIRST resurrection? [Revelation 20:5]
"Souls under the Altar": Is it possible the "souls under the altar" is coming to fruition in Revelation 20:5 & the second resurrection?
Calculating the number of the Beast: So the number of the beast was to be calculated during the time the book of Revelation was written?
2015-12-03 Dispensationalism & the Secret Rapture: So if the pre-tribulation rapture is true, & if there's an exact 7 years from then, then people would know when Jesus was coming because He said no one knows the day & hour, so how can the secret rapture be true? [Mark 13:32]
2015-11-23 Manifestation of the Sons of God: What does it mean, "the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God" in {Romans 8:19]? So does "manifestation of the sons of God" means He'll reveal Jesus to us?
The Woman of Revelation 12: They have a discussion about the woman of Revelation 12 that fled into the wilderness? [Revelation 12:6]
2015-11-11 Write the things thou hast seen, which are, which shall be hereafter: Are things involving that verse, the things John has seen, the things which are & the things will still have yet to take place, talking about things in chronological order? Revelation 1:19
2015-11-10 1st & 2nd Resurrection: Listening to your audio on Revelation, could you clarify the 1st resurrection & no mention of a 2nd resurrection, the 2nd death but no 1st death. Can you explain that? [Revelation 20, John 5:24, Ephesians 2. Colossians 2:12-13]
Dispensationalists: Where does the construct of Revelation not follow the chronological order like Dispensationalists think it does? [Revelation 11, Revelation 12, Revelation 6]
2015-11-09 Battle of Armageddon Statistics: Do you remember the call about the person who called in about the Battle of Armageddon, 200 million tanks?
Dispensationalism vs Preterism: Can you say what each camp DOES say about the 200 million army, both of Dispensationalism & Preterism? [Revelation 9:15-18]
2015-11-09 Battle of Armageddon: I thought Israel was supposed to ultimately win in the end?
2015-11-03 Historicism & 1,200 days: Can you explain the historicists view regarding Revelation 11 & the 1,200 days?
2015-11-02 Healing: Caller comments on previous call about healings.
Russia & the Middle East: With Russia & other allied countries setting up in the Middle East, are we at the time that what Jesus was talking about when He said when you see Jerusalem being surrounded by Rome, we'd know the end was near? [Luke 21:20]
2015-10-28 Last Days: Are we in the last days?
2015-10-21 Church History & Church Fathers: Who is the first Church father that you attribute spiritualizing Scripture to, especially eschatology? [Romans 2:28-29, Romans 9 - 11]
2015-10-16 7 Dispensations of Time: Can you please talk about the "7 Dispensations of Time" that the Dispensationalists believe in?
2015-10-12 Previous Eschatological Views: When you believed your former positions in Eschatology, did you actually teach them or just believe them at that point?
Full Preterism: Do you consider Full Preterism to be heretical?
Dispensationalism: If Dispensationalism is false, doesn't that give people false hope for a 2nd chance where there is none?
2015-10-09 10 horns in Daniel: Caller was wondering what the 10 horns of Daniel were or are? [Daniel 7:24]
Roman emperors: So the 10 horns have nothing to do w/ the Caesars of Rome?
2015-10-09 2 resurrections: I'm a little confused here because in Revelation it says that there'll be 2 resurrections, the righteous first, & then a 1000 yrs later the resurrection of the wicked. [Revelation 20:4-6, john 5:24, 12:38, Ephesians 2:21]
2015-10-02 Buying & Selling: I'd like to clarify the what you were saying on yesterday's show involving the Mark of the Beast & not being able to buy or sell.
2015-10-01 Partial-Rapture Theory - Man-child Comapany God pulls some people faster than others, but the part of the gleaning is now considered wrong & caller thinks that another caller needs to take that into account. [Revelation 12]
2015-09-23 Blood Moons: Caller likes documentary, "The Star of Bethlehem" by a Frederick A. Larson. What does Steve think about it?
2015-09-22 Nation of Israel: Does God still have a purpose for the nation of Israel being a major witness for Him in the closing days of the world? [Romans 11]
2015-09-22 "Eat the Little Book": Is the little book in Revelation that John is asked to eat, is it the book he is dictating to him? [Revelation 10]
2015-09-21 Revelation being fulfilled in present time: Are we in the period of time of?, the caller would like to know. [Revelation 3:9]
2015-09-16 Blood Moons: Can Steve please talk about the Blood Moons, even though he may have already talked about them?
2015-09-14 End Time Events, Obama, Establishment of Israel: Caller was listening to a lady who had some pretty specific scripture for stuff that has been happening in the last days & wants Steve's thoughts on it.
2015-09-10 Premillennialism vs Amillennialism: Can you please educate me on the difference between Premillennialism & Amillennialism?
Davidic Covenant How does Israel's rejection of Jesus affect the Davidic Covenant, whether you're a Premillennialist or an Amillennialist? [2 Samuel 7:12]
2015-09-10 Premillennialism vs Amillennialism: Can you please educate me on the difference between Premillennialism & Amillennialism?
Davidic Covenant How does Israel's rejection of Jesus affect the Davidic Covenant, whether you're a Premillennialist or an Amillennialist? [2 Samuel 7:12]
2015-09-10 Purgatory: People use a particular Scripture in 1 Corinthians 3 about purgatory, but I had never heard it being used as such. Can you comment on it? [1 Corinthians 3:13]
Blood Moons: What do you know about Blood Moons?
2015-09-08 End Times - Man Child: Who is the "Man-child" in Revelation 12 talking about? [Revelation 12:5, 13]
"Short Time": So if Jesus ascended to heaven 2,000 years ago, the devil/dragon has been doing his thing for that long, & THAT'S not a short time, is it? [Revelation 12:12]
Little Horn & Times & Times & Half of Times: Again, how can it be a short time if Satan has been doing his work since Jesus ascended to Heaven? [Daniel 7:8, 8:9, 12:7]
2015-09-01 "Revelation, Four Views, A Parallel Commentary": Do you have any ideas on the best way to read your book on the 4 views of Revelation?
2015-08-28 Dispensational Views: What would it take for Steve to change his mind that he's wrong about Dispensationalism? Like seeing the Man of Sin in a 3rd temple?
2015-08-26 Eschatology - the word Zao in Revelation: You say Zao appears 3 times in the Bible (Revelation), but Zoe 148 times in the Bible.
2015-08-26 Salvation Clear, but Complicated: Salvation is clear, what it takes to be saved, what the gospel is, but all this other stuff is so hard to understand, eschatology, Calvinism/Arminianism, whether we can drink alcohol or not.
2015-08-25 Olivet Discourse: The first chunk of the Olivet Discourse is talking about 70 AD & the second chunk it is talking about His 2nd Coming, is that right?
2015-08-25 Tommy Bertoli Debate & the Future: Caller watched the debate between Gregg & Bertoli, but wants to know what Steve think is going to happen in the next 100 years according to the Bible?
2015-08-24 End Times, Signs of the Times: Newspaper Eschatology, Nation Against Nation, Race Wars, Overturning Governments, Famines, Pestilences, Earthquakes, how can we NOT think we are at the end of the world because all these things seem to be increasing? [Matthew 24:8]
Two Phases to Jesus' Coming: It's said that He's talking about 2 different events, 70 AD & His 2nd Coming.
2015-08-14 BSF (Bible Study Fellowship): Discussion about the group & a little bit about Steve's lectures on eschatology & the differing eschatological views.
2015-08-13 End Time Distractions: So much time wasted in worrying about if it's the end times or if Jesus is coming soon instead of just focusing on Jesus, loving Him, worshipping Him in the here & now! What about LIVING for the Lord! People are all willing to DIE for the Lord, but what about living for Him?
2015-08-12 All Prophecy Fulfilled in Relation to 70 AD: 70 AD suggests that all the prophecies have been fulfilled. Is there ANYTHING in Revelation (or Daniel or any other eschatological chapter of the Bible) that has NOT been fulfilled yet?
Signs of the Times: It says in the Bible that when you see the clouds approaching that you'll know it's about to rain & that's what the caller thinks, you can see it all culminating together. [Matthew 16:32-33, Revelation 17:10-11]
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