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Topic: Eschatology (End Times, Last Days, End of World)

Showing 601 to 650 of 923.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-09-13 End Time Prophecy: Do these verses refer to the end times? [Psalms 83, Isaiah 17:1]
2018-09-05 David Baxter: Have you ever debated Ervin Baxter about eschatology?
Church Fathers: Do you have any books you recommend, especially re: the church fathers?
2018-08-27 Empires in Daniel (10 Horns): Symbolism & application to end times, who are the 10 horns in Daniel?
2018-08-22 Accurate Theology: I'm frustrated that people aren't willing to look at possibly more accurate theology or at least discuss it, especially Dispensationalists.
2018-08-10 Satan being loosed: When is Satan going to be loosed, what is the timeline for that? [Revelation 20:1, 7]
2018-08-06 Too Much Emphasis on End Times: Sometimes it's asked, why do we spend so much time on studying eschatology & what part of the Bible should we be paying more attention to? & it's been said that a 1/3 of the Bible is about prophecy, so maybe it's important?
2018-08-03 End of Days: What can you tell me about the "last days"?
2018-07-26 Last Day Events: What is the next major event to happen?
Anti-Christ from Syria: Do you think the anti-Christ is going to rise out of Syria?
2018-07-26 The Whore in Revelation: Is the whore in revelation 17 the catholic church being used by the muslims?
2018-07-10 Jews in the End Times: Are the Jews going to play a significant role in the end times?
2018-07-05 Irvin Baxter: Do you ever listen to Irvin Baxter, End of the Age? How does your view align with his?
2018-06-27 End Times View: What is your view of end times, pretrib rapture & will there still be tribulation?
2018-06-18 The Beast in Revelation 13: The Beast, could it be possible that the prophecies are being filled again for a second time? What about the Man of Sin in 2 Thessalonians? Is it possible they are dual prophecies? [Revelation 13, 2 Thessalonians 2]
2018-06-18 The 70 Weeks: Why do the Dispensationalist embrace this huge gap between the 69th & 70th week? [Daniel 9]
2018-06-13 Dispensationalists' Credibility: Doesn't a person who believes Dispensationalism & it's proven wrong, make them lose their credibility?
Focusing on End Time Events: Doesn't beeing caught up in eschatology too much make your lose your sight of the Lord?
2018-06-11 Animals Sacrifices in Millennium: Will there be Animal Sacrifices in the Millennium?
2018-05-30 Bad Eschatology gives bad Ethics: Bad eschatology brings bad ethics, is that true?
2018-05-25 Literal Creation Week: I believe in the perfect, literal 6 day creation week.
NIV Corrupted: It says it way different in the KJV compared to the NIV about the Rider of the White Horse. [Revelation 6:2]
2018-05-23 Abomination of Desolation: Who is the man that went into the temple? [Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:31, Daniel 12:11, Mat 24:15, Mark 13:14]
2018-05-07 Pretrib Rapture: Where does the Pre-Tribulation Rapture idea come from?
2018-05-04 Full Preterism: Caller thinks in 70 AD the resurrection happened also. (carries back after the break as well.)
2018-05-03 24 Elders: Who are the 24 elders in Revelation? [Revelation 4, Revelation 5:8-10]?
24 Elders from the Calvary Chapel Viewpoint: Caller thinks Steve should take the pre-trib rapture from the Calvary's Chapel's Viewpoint, that he thinks it makes way more sense than an amillennialism.
2018-05-02 America in Prophecy In the Book of Revelation, is mystery, babylon talking about America?
2018-05-01 RFID Chip & the Mark of The Beast: What do you think of these RFID chips & the Mark of the Beast?
2018-04-30 1000 year reign-the Millennium: Can you explain the 1000 yr reign/millennium? [Revelation 20]
2018-04-25 The Book of Revelation & Partial Preterism: What do you believe has been fulfilled in 70 AD in Revelation, & what is still fulfilled? [Revelation 1-22]
2018-04-20 Nero: You being a preterist, who was the beast supposed to have been? What was the Mark of the Beast?
2018-04-17 The Great Tribulation: God causing the Great Tribulation, it being His wrath, people are wrong about that because it's not the case; it's the devil causing it. [1 Corinthians 14:33]
2018-04-17 Battle of Armageddon: When is the battle of Armageddon going to happen?
2018-04-13 Disagreeing Eschatologically: What if someone says you can't be their Christian brother if you don't believe them the same eschatologically? What if they say that person is disagreeing with Jesus if they don't agree with them?
2018-03-23 Bowls of Wrath & other Judgments: With you being an amillenianist & partial-preterist, what do you do w/ certain passages in Revelation?
Dating of the book of Revelation: When was the book written?
2018-03-22 Boundary Lines for the Millennial Temple: My dad thinks that they are setting the boundaries for the Temple that is going to be built during the Millennium. Is that indeed talking about the same thing as this future temple that they think is going to be built? [Ezekiel 43:10=11]
Open Theism: What is God's foreknowledge? Does God know the entire future?
2018-03-20 Apocalyptic Sections of the Bible Having a 2-fold meaning: What do you think about Revelation & other apocalyptic sections of the Bible such as the Olivet Discourse having two fold meanings, 70 AD & whatever is supposed to happen in the last days?
2018-03-19 Eschatology (Last Days) Timeline: Tell me if I got these right: rapture first, anti Christ, tribulation, Armageddon, & then the return of Christ?
2018-03-08 Dispensationalism & Steve Gregg: What made you change your views about the pre-trib rapture?
Witnessing to Mormons: How do you convert Mormons, make them see the truth? 8, 1, 2, 83
2018-03-01 AntiChrist & the Beast(s) of Revelation 13: I agree w/ your talk about 1 John 2 & the antiChrist, but Revelation 13 is a whole different ball of wax.
2018-01-24 Priest before the Aaronic Priesthood: Were there priests earlier than Aaron, because who went up with Moses to the Mountain? Pre-trib, Last Day, Millennium, Amillennial view [1 Samuel 2:27]
Amillennialism: Pre-tribulation Rapture, Last Day, Millennium & the Amillennial view.
2018-01-17 The Veil of the Temple Rent in Twain": Was the Abomination of Desolation when the Veil in the Temple was ripped in two at the Crucifixion, & didn't the Animal Sacrifices actually STOP after that instead of continue for 40 years? [Matthew 27:51]
Anti-Christ & the Temple of God: Isn't the Man of Sin, the Man of Lawlessness, isn't that a future prophecy still yet to be fulfilled? [2 Thessalonians 2]
2018-01-17 Dead coming out their Graves: Everyone comes out of their graves when Jesus returns? What about the people that are already in Heaven? They are just going to receive their rewards & then go back to Heaven?
2018-01-16 Catholic Church: You just got done talking about "sacerdotal". So are you saying the Catholic is sacerdotal?
America in the Bible: Is America in the Bible? Are we going to be the one remaining Sovereign Nation, won't have to worry about taking the Mark of the Beast?
2018-01-16 Pre-Tribulation Rapture My son is a strong pre-tribulation Rapture guy, but I align myself more w/ your beliefs, but could you give me some Scripture to give him to show that Dispensationalism is wrong? [Revelation 4, John 6:39-40, 44, 54, 12:48, Matthew 25:31, I Thessalonians 4]
2017-12-28 Alpha & Omega: How can God be the end? How does He know what's happening in the end? What happened to eternity? [Revelation 22:13]
2017-12-28 Modern Israel: Caller disagrees with Steve that the prophecies of Israel have been fulfilled & that you have to believe in the literalness interpretation of Revelation.
2017-11-30 Dispensationalism: Why do you disagree with Dispensationalism?
2017-11-27 Current Events Changing Steve's View on Eschatology: Considering your view of the rapture, have you changed your view, particularly relative to current events and the supernatural?
2017-11-15 The Lecture on 4 Views of Revelation: Caller appreciated his book &/or lectures on the 4 views of revelation.
Applying Partial Preterism to parts of Revelation: Partial preterism, which parts of Revelation does Steve think is still to come?
2017-10-23 Dispensationalism: What are your thoughts about Dispensationalism because they seem to be making sense?
2017-10-16 Church Father's belief of End Times: What were the Church Father's view of end times & millennium?
2017-10-16 Secret Rapture: Is the rapture going to be pre-trib, mid trib or post trib?
2017-10-13 Always Studying End Times: End times, end times, end times! that's all we seem to be studying! Where's the edification in that? Shouldn't we be learning about Discipleship?
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