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Topic: Eschatology (End Times, Last Days, End of World)

Showing 801 to 850 of 923.
Episode Topic Audio
2014-08-12 Birth Pains, Signs of the Times, the End not yet: Can't we know that we are near the end of the world because of the Signs of the Times we are seeing, the Birth Pains, that Jesus said would be increasing, & didn't He say to watch for them, but that the end is NOT quite yet anyway? [Matthew 24:1-2, 6-8, Mark 13:7]
2014-08-12 Dispensationalism: Can you explain Dispensationalism? What is Premillennialism?
2014-08-12 Holy Spirit Leaving the Earth: Does it say somewhere in the Bible that the Holy Spirit will leave the earth sometime in the future? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-17]
2014-08-11 3rd Woe of the 4 Woes: What is the 3rd Woe because Revelation never names it? [Revelation 8:13, 9:1-11, 11:14-18]
Tenth of the City: What does the Tenth of the City falling have to do with anything? [Revelation 11:13]
2014-08-11 3rd Woe of the 4 Woes: What is the 3rd Woe because Revelation never names it? [Revelation 8:13, 9:1-11, 11:14-18]
Tenth of the City: What does the Tenth of the City falling have to do with anything? [Revelation 11:13]
2014-08-08 Nightmares have ceased: Followup about a caller having nightmares, & they just wanted to say that they are no longer having the nightmares.
Secret Rapture: Caller can't find the "Secret Rapture" in the Bible.
2014-08-08 Millennial Kingdom: So did the Jews believe in a 1000 gap between the 2 resurrections like some denominations do or not because Paul, when he was before Felix the governor, said he believed in the same resurrection as the Jews. [Acts 24:15]
2014-08-06 Bringing Glory & Honour What kind of glory & splendor are the kings going to be bringing to the New Earth, the New Jerusalem? [Revelation 21:24]
2014-08-04 Partial Preterist & a Futurist (Dispensationalist): Can you explain to me Partial Presterism & a Futurism (Dispensationalism)? You think most prophecies have been fulfilled that I've always thought still had yet to be fulfilled?
2014-08-04 Genocide against Heathen Nations of Canaan: The Israelites in killing the Canaanites seemed to be committing genocide. Why would God permit this? In Amos it seemed more harsh than at other times. {Deuteronomy 20:15]
Christian Zionism: "Until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in", what does that phrase mean if Christian Zionism is wrong? [Romans 11:25]
The Blinding of Israel: What about the "Blinding of Israel", is that talking about Israel on a national level? Has it been removed yet? [Romans 11:7, 2 Corinthians 3:14]
2014-07-30 Iron & Clay of Nebuchadnezzar's Statue: Who are the "they" when it says, "... they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay"? [Daniel 2:41-43]
2014-07-24 Two Witnesses of Revelation: Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation? Moses & Elijah? Enoch & Elijah? [Revelation 11:3-13]
2014-07-22 Carcasses & Eagles Gathering: What did Jesus mean by, "Where the carcasses are the Eagles will gather"? [Matthew 24:28]
2014-07-22 Great Tribulation: When did the great tribulation which what never be, like never happened or will happen again, fall into the place of history or future? [Matthew 24:21]
Revelation not for us: By you suggesting Revelation was fulfilled in the first century, he seems to be diminishing its value for us.
2014-07-22 Great Tribulation: When did the great tribulation which what never be, like never happened or will happen again, fall into the place of history or future? [Matthew 24:21]
Revelation not for us: By you suggesting Revelation was fulfilled in the first century, he seems to be diminishing its value for us.
2014-07-15 Seal the book until the end: What does it mean when it says in Daniel to shut the book & seal it until the end? [Daniel 12:4]
Understanding Daniel: So do you understand everything in Daniel? [1 Peter 1:10-12, Romans 16, 1 Corinthians 2, Colossians 1, Ephesians 3]
History of the church throughout the centuries: What do you consider as "the church" throughout the history of time?
2014-07-15 Seal the book until the end: What does it mean when it says in Daniel to shut the book & seal it until the end? [Daniel 12:4]
Understanding Daniel: So do you understand everything in Daniel? [1 Peter 1:10-12, Romans 16, 1 Corinthians 2, Colossians 1, Ephesians 3]
History of the church throughout the centuries: What do you consider as "the church" throughout the history of time?
2014-07-14 Dispensationalists: What do Dispensationalists believe?
Adding or taking from the prophecy of this book: Would Dispensationalists be guilty of the curse at the end of the book of Revelation? [Revelation 22:18-19]
Mormons & JWs: Would you say Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are guilty of adding & subtracting Scripture? [Revelation 22:18-19]
2014-07-14 Dispensationalists: What do Dispensationalists believe?
Adding or taking from the prophecy of this book: Would Dispensationalists be guilty of the curse at the end of the book of Revelation? [Revelation 22:18-19]
Mormons & JWs: Would you say Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are guilty of adding & subtracting Scripture? [Revelation 22:18-19]
2014-07-11 Book of Daniel being Fulfilled: Do you believe pretty much everything in the book of Daniel fulfilled? The Daniel 8:14 prophecy of evenings & mornings was actually fulfilled by things that happened in the books of the Maccabees, which talked about celebrating the Hanukkah.
2014-07-11 Olivet Discourse & the 3 Questions: The 3 questions the disciples asked Jesus, "When will the signs be? What shall be the signs of your coming? When will the end of the age be?", weren't the last 2 talking about the end of the world? [Matthew 24:3]
2014-07-11 Interpreting the Book of Revelation based on the date it was written: So it's pretty important the Date of the writing of Revelation for partial preterists then?
2014-07-09 The Millennial Reign: You don't believe in the a literal millennial reign, but how do you then explain [Zechariah 14:16]?
2014-07-07 The Mother God: Not the Mother OF God (Mary), but God being called Mother God.
The (Secret) Rapture: How did this idea of a Secret Rapture all of sudden become a major doctrine?
2014-07-07 Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Jesus wasn't talking about His church when He was talking to His Apostles, & quite a lengthy discussion on why he's a dispensationalist. [Matthew 10:5, Ephesians 2:11-12, Acts 2, Acts 9, Romans 9-11, Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 16:25]
2014-07-03 Sun going dark & moon turning to blood: In Revelation, what is your opinion of the Sun going dark & the sun turning to blood? [Revelation 6:9, Isaiah 13:9. Ezekiel 32:7]
Meteorology: So it has nothing to do w/ real Meteorology then?
Earth being Fired w/ a fervent heat: So is the earth literally going to be burned up or just restored? [2 peter 3:10]
2014-07-03 Sun going dark & moon turning to blood: In Revelation, what is your opinion of the Sun going dark & the sun turning to blood? [Revelation 6:9, Isaiah 13:9. Ezekiel 32:7]
Meteorology: So it has nothing to do w/ real Meteorology then?
Earth being Fired w/ a fervent heat: So is the earth literally going to be burned up or just restored? [2 peter 3:10]
2014-07-03 Future Temple: Is there a Future Temple to be built? [Ezekiel 40-48]
2014-07-01 Amillennialism & End time events: As an Partial Preterist, 5Amillennialist, do you know of any signs that are to happen right before Christ comes back?
The state of Israel being formed in 1948: What do you say about the miraculous events of Israel being able to become a country again?
Unbelievers & the Bema & White Throne Judgment: What happens to unbelievers at the end? What is the difference between the Bema & White Throne Judgment?
2014-07-01 Amillennialism & End time events: As an Partial Preterist, 5Amillennialist, do you know of any signs that are to happen right before Christ comes back?
The state of Israel being formed in 1948: What do you say about the miraculous events of Israel being able to become a country again?
Unbelievers & the Bema & White Throne Judgment: What happens to unbelievers at the end? What is the difference between the Bema & White Throne Judgment?
2014-06-27 Parable of the Wheat & Tares: Is the Parable of the Wheat & Tares talking about End of the World or the end of the Old Jewish Covenant? Who are the Wheat & Tares? [Matthew 13:24-52]
2014-06-24 Millennium being the Church Age: If the Millennium is right now, during this Church Age, w/ Satan being bound up, how do all the major wars, holocaust, fit into the scheme of things? [Revelation 20:1-8 Matthew 12:27-29 Mark 3:22-30 Luke 11:21-22]
2014-06-11 Millennium: Are we in the Millennium right now, the "Millennium of Righteousness", or not? If so, how come there's so much evil in the millennium? How are we ruling & reigning w/ Him right now? What about the binding & loosing of Satan? [Revelation 20-21] (a very, very long answer.)
2014-06-06 Man of Lawlessness: Is the Man of Lawlessness one single man? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-7]
Anti-Christs already here: Isn't there Scripture that says the anti-Christ is already here? [1 John 4:1-3]
2014-06-04 Nebuchadnezzar's Statue in Daniel 2: What was the significance of the Statue in Daniel 2? What are the 4 Kingdoms? Are any of them still for the future? [Daniel 2]
2014-06-03 Sacrificial system reinstated in the Millennium: I've heard that the Bible says that the animal sacrificial system will be reinstated during Jesus' 1000 year reign, sort've to remind us of the sacrifice Christ made on the cross. [Zechariah 14, Ezekiel 40-48, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:18-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-25, Psalm 40, Hebrews 10]
2014-06-03 Dispensationalism (last call): Dispensationalism seems to go against Scripture so much. Isn't there a danger to doing that?
Tithing: Is there ANYWHERE in the NT that says we MUST tithe? [Matthew 23:23]
Steve's Ministry: Your ministry, especially your website, is very informative, has a vast amount of knowledge on it.
2014-06-03 Last Days: Aren't all the Christians killed & then the Mark of the Beast comes into play? [Revelation 13]
2014-05-30 Steve's View of End Time Events: What is Steve's view of what happens in the End Times?
3 Different Views of Hell: Caller's friend doesn't believe in an eternal hell forever, so was wondering about Steve's view about hell as well.
2014-05-27 Being in the Last Days: How do we know that we are in the last days? What is your opinion of if we are or not?
2014-05-21 All Israel shall be Saved: Can you tell me what this passage of Scripture means about all of Israel shall be saved? [Romans 11:25-29]
2014-05-19 Samaria: Why would Samaria be off-limits or castoff from the Jews since they were part of Israel? Even the woman at the well was considered inferior. Why?
Jerusalem: Is Jerusalem going to come back into play in the end time?
2014-05-19 JWs & the Trinity: Are you telling me Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in the Trinity?
4 Blood Moons: Do you know anything about the 4 Blood Moons?
2014-05-12 4 Blood Moons: What is the phenomenon or frenzy over the blood moons? Some Christians don't seem very Christian in churches.
Prophecy in Joel: Do you think the prophecy in Joel is talking about 70 AD?
2014-05-08 Romans 11 not Eschatological: So you don't think Romans 11 is eschatological? When would be the fulness of the Gentiles come in then? [Romans 11:25-28]
2014-05-06 Future Restoration of Israel - the Mystery of Paul: "In Christ, all things are fulfilled." That statement just seems too simplistic to me. Paul talks about it being a "mystery". He seems to think that Ethnic Israel will be re-attached. So what are your thoughts on what Paul is talking about here in this passage of Scripture? [Romans 11:11-16, 26-29] (Editor's Note: I put the exact same question from the day before because Steve was answering from the exact same question.)
2014-05-05 Future Restoration of Israel: "In Christ, all things are fulfilled." That statement just seems too simplistic to me. Paul talks about it being a "mystery". Paul seems to think that Ethnic Israel will be re-attached. So what are your thoughts on what Paul is talking about here in this passage of Scripture? [[Romans 11:11-15, 26-29] (Steve got cutoff there.)
2014-05-02 First Fruits of the Resurrection: So you think at the Resurrection they are all raised at the same time, both the wicked & the righteous, this class & that class, but what about the firstfruit? Isn't there an order of people that are called? [1 Corinthians 15:23, 14, Revelation 14:4, Janme 1:18, 2:1]
Reigning w/ Christ during the 1000 years: The rest of the dead did not reign until after the 1000 yrs, so how does a resurrection at the same time make sense? [Revelation 20:4-6]
2014-05-02 First Fruits of the Resurrection: So you think at the Resurrection they are all raised at the same time, both the wicked & the righteous, this class & that class, but what about the firstfruit? Isn't there an order of people that are called? [1 Corinthians 15:23, 14, Revelation 14:4, Janme 1:18, 2:1]
Reigning w/ Christ during the 1000 years: The rest of the dead did not reign until after the 1000 yrs, so how does a resurrection at the same time make sense? [Revelation 20:4-6]
2014-05-01 Understanding a Passage of Scripture: Can you help me understand a chapter in Zechariah? Is it talking about the end times? [Zechariah 14]
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