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Topic: Eschatology (End Times, Last Days, End of World)

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Episode Topic Audio
2020-09-02 The Beast and an Unbeliever's Doubts: A non-believer comments on his view of the possible meaning of the beast being the internet . He also comments how the predictions of Jesus' return damaged his view. [Revelation 13].
2020-08-31 Who is in Charge on Earth?: Who is actually in charge on earth? [Proverbs 21:1, Psalms 34:7, Daniel 2:24, Romans 8:28].
The Earth Getting Worse Till the End: Do you think that the earth is going to get worse progressively before He returns? [Revelation 20:7-8].
2020-08-28 Beasts & Kings in Daniel & Revelation: Why in Revelation 13, do you not see an individual king,in addition to the kingdom, similar to it appears in Daniel? [Daniel 7:17, Revelation 13].
2020-08-26 Time of Great Trouble (Tribulation): Does these two verses about a time of great trouble relate to each other? [Matthew 24:21, Daniel 12:1-4, Exodus 9, Joel 2, Daniel 10-12, Revelation 22:10].
2020-08-24 The Two Witnesses: Who do you think the two witnesses are in the book of Revelation? [Revelation 11].
2020-08-20 Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Is the church going to be raptured before the tribulation or not? [I Thessalonians 4, John 6:39-54].
2020-08-19 The Names of Noah's Sons: What do you think about the meaning of the names Shem, Ham, Japheth, as dark, light and gray and its relationship to racial tensions?
"Days of Noah" & End Times: Do you think that we are facing the times described "as in the days of Noah" and in the book of Revelation? [Matthew 24:37-39].
2020-08-14 The Movie, "The Coming Convergence": Have you heard of the movie, "The Coming Convergence" and could you give me some feedback about the predictions from it? [Ezekiel 38-39, Matthew 24].
2020-08-10 Calvary Chapel's View of End Times: Could you clarify what differences you have with Calvary Chapel and why they would consider some of your views as heretical?
Angels Could Fall Again: If angels have fallen in the past, what prevents them from falling again? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6].
2020-08-05 Lake of Fire Destination of the Beast: What is the chronology in Revelation 19-20, when the devil is thrown into the lake of fire in 20:10, but in the Amillennial view the beast and false prophet would have already been thrown there. [Revelation 11-12, Revelation 19-20].
2020-08-05 Notes for Revelation: Do you have downloadable notes for your lecture series on Revelation?
2020-08-05 Paul to Britain: Did Paul go to Britian? [Acts 29, 2 Timothy, Titus].
Identifying the antichrist in Daniel 9: Why is the "he" in Daniel often identified as the antichrist, rather than Christ and who first came up with that view? [Daniel 9:27].
Future Millennium: Who was the first to believe in a future 1000 year millennium? [Revelation 20, Isaiah 65-66, John 5:28-29, Matthew 25:31].
2020-08-05 Paul to Britain: Did Paul go to Britian? [Acts 29, 2 Timothy, Titus].
Identifying the antichrist in Daniel 9: Why is the "he" in Daniel often identified as the antichrist, rather than Christ and who first came up with that view? [Daniel 9:27].
Future Millennium: Who was the first to believe in a future 1000 year millennium? [Revelation 20, Isaiah 65-66, John 5:28-29, Matthew 25:31].
2020-07-31 Transfiguration: Why didn't they fall down "as one dead" at the transfiguration? [Revelation 1:17].
Daniel's 70th Week: When did the 70th week of Daniel end? [Daniel 9:24-27].
2020-07-30 Revelation Signs & the Horseman: Do you think the flooding in China and COVID19, may be related to the horseman in Revelation 6? [Revelation 6, Revelation 1, Matthew 24].
2020-07-28 Sealed Up Until the Time of the End: If the prophecy in Daniel is sealed until "time of the end", how can it have been fulfilled in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes? [Daniel 12:4].
Premillennial View of End Times Book: Can you recommend a good book on the premillennial view of end times? (George Eldon Ladd).
2020-07-28 Sealed Up Until the Time of the End: If the prophecy in Daniel is sealed until "time of the end", how can it have been fulfilled in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes? [Daniel 12:4].
Premillennial View of End Times Book: Can you recommend a good book on the premillennial view of end times? (George Eldon Ladd).
2020-07-27 Satan Loosed Before Jesus Comes: Do you think that we are in the season where Satan has been loosed before His return (Amillennial View)? [Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2020-07-24 Birds Eating Human Flesh: How do you see the verses about birds eating the flesh of humans fit into your eschatology? [Ezekiel 39, Revelation 19:17].
2020-07-17 Love of Money, Root of Evil: Which translation of this verse about the love of money and the root of all evil do you prefer? [I Timothy 6:10, Ephesians 5:5].
Dispensationalism's Influences on Our Culture Today: How much influence do you think that Dispensationalism has had on the development of various technologies and idea about one-world government, etc.?
2020-07-14 The Harlot & Mystery Babylon: Could you talk about the Harlot and Mystery Babylon and what it means to "come out" of Babylon? [Revelation 18:3-4].
2020-07-14 Cashless Society: What is the best answer for the Dispensationalist's concern over the threat of shortage of coins suggesting a coming cashless society? [Revelation 13:17].
2020-07-13 Prophetic Dreams Today: Is it true that many of the "prophetic" dreams of many today regarding current events are primarily coming from Dispensationalists? (Original call started @ 1:25)
Prophetic Dreams in the 1970s: Were there a lot of prophetic dreams about end times in the 1970's? (Original call started at 1:25)
2020-07-09 Contrasting the Calvinist View of Election: In contrast to the Calvinist view, would you talk about your view of election in light of John 6? [John 6:44, John 6:65, John 16:8, John 12:32, Jeremiah 31:3, Hosea 11:4, Matthew 23:37, Acts 2:37, Acts 7:54].
Four Horses of Revelation: What is your view of the symbolism of the four horses in Revelation 6? [Revelation 6:2, Ezekiel 14:21].
2020-07-09 Revelation Mostly Fulfilled (Partial Preterist): Could you comment on your view that most of the book of Revelation has been fulfilled? [Revelation 11:1-2, Revelation 1:1-3, Revelation 22:10, Revelation 13:18].
2020-07-09 Regarding the "Mark of the Beast": Do you see a parallel between Arabic symbols and the "Mark of the Beast"? [Revelation 13:18, Revelation 14:1, Revelation 22:10, Daniel 12:4-9, Revelation 1:1-3].
2020-07-07 Personal Effects & Contacts Lost: Jim is sad that he's lost a lot of his personal papers because of Coronavirus, & would like people to please contact him who he used to have as contacts because he lost all those contacts & would like to have them again.
Amillennialism & End Times: How does the Amillennial view and timeline fit into today's view of end times and Revelation? [Revelation 20, Hebrews 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2020-07-01 Many Mansions & Heaven: Is the verse about the many mansions talking about heaven? [John 14:2].
Heaven, Many Mansions & the Holy City: Is the verse about "many mansions" referring to the same thing as the "holy city" in Revelation 21:2 [John 14:2, Revelation 21:2, I Corinthians 3:16, I Peter 2:5, Ephesians 2:19-21].].
2020-07-01 Mark of the Beast Boycott: Caller disagrees about Steve Gregg's view of the "Mark of the Beast" and boycotting purchases. [Revelation 13:17].
Mark of the Beast (Masks & Vaccination): Caller comments that the word "mark" and "mask" are only one letter apart and vaccines leave a mark, thereby suggesting that both may be reflective of end times persecution.
2020-07-01 Mark of the Beast Boycott: Caller disagrees about Steve Gregg's view of the "Mark of the Beast" and boycotting purchases. [Revelation 13:17].
Mark of the Beast (Masks & Vaccination): Caller comments that the word "mark" and "mask" are only one letter apart and vaccines leave a mark, thereby suggesting that both may be reflective of end times persecution.
2020-06-30 The Millennium: Why is the 1000 years (the Millennium) not considered symbolic rather than literal by some, when it is clearly stated as a precise number? [Revelation 20:7].
Satan Bound for 1000 Years: How should one consider "binding the strong man" and parallel to the millennium? [Revelation 20:1-3, Matthew 2, Revelation 5:6, Revelation 17]. (Editor's Note: Answer continues after the break, in a separate call).
2020-06-30 The Chip & The Mark of the Beast: Why do so many think that the possibility of an implanted digital chip is "the mark of the beast"? [Revelation 13:15-17, Revelation 14:1].
2020-06-29 Pre, Mid, Post-Tribulation: Could you talk about the various tribulation views (pre, mid, post trib)? [John 6, I Thessalonians 4, 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8].
Living in Sin as a Christian: Will those that are living in sin still be saved - eventually? [I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21].
2020-06-26 Walter Martin's View of End Times: What was Walter Martin's view of end times? Was he a Historic Premillennialist (aka post-tribulational premillennialist)?
2020-06-26 Steve's Favorite "ology": Do you have a favorite "ology" (eschatology, soteriology, etc.)?
Romans 11:25 (Olive Tree & Israel): Would you exegete Romans 11:25 (the olive tree, Israel)? [Romans 11:25-26].
Supersessioinism: Are you a Supersessionist? Do not the Jews get a second chance as seen in Hosea? [Hosea 6:1-3].
2020-06-25 Jesus Return: Do we have another 900 generations to go before Jesus' return? [Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 50:10, Psalm 90:4, Psalm 84:10, Revelation 20:2-7].
2020-06-25 Wearing a Mask-the Mark of the Beast: Is having to wear a mask the "mark of the beast"?
2020-06-24 Time of Trouble Right before Jesus Comes Back: As a Partial Preterist Amillennialist, how do you interpret Daniel 12:1 ? [Daniel 12:1, Matthew 24:36-39, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, Revelation 20:7-8].
Jesus Return & Current Events: With all the frightening current events, do you think Jesus could come back right now? [1 Thessalonians 5:3].
2020-06-24 Time of Trouble Right before Jesus Comes Back: As a Partial Preterist Amillennialist, how do you interpret Daniel 12:1 ? [Daniel 12:1, Matthew 24:36-39, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, Revelation 20:7-8].
Jesus Return & Current Events: With all the frightening current events, do you think Jesus could come back right now? [1 Thessalonians 5:3].
2020-06-23 Revelation 20-Angel & Satan: In Revelation 20, who is the angel, and when will Satan be released? [Revelation 20:1-9, Matthew 29, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2020-06-19 New Testament Parallel to Hosea: Is there a New Testament verse that parallels to and explains Hosea 5? [Hosea 5:14-15, Ezekiel 37, Luke 21:20-22].
Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord: Doesn't this verse parallel Hosea 5, and therefore predict that the Jews will turn back to Christ? Matthew 23:39? [ Hosea 5:14-15, Matthew 23:39, Matthew 6, Zechariah 14].
2020-06-18 Literal 144,000: Do you look at Revelation 7 as more literal or more symbolic regarding the identity of the 144,000 as Jews? [Revelation 7, Revelation 14].
All Jews & Gentiles are Israel: Are the people, including Jews and Gentiles, now considered Israel in Galatians? [Galatians 3:29f].
Jehovah Witnesses, Mainstream Christianity & the Elect: As a Jehovah Witness, I consider that how we read scripture is the primary difference between my faith and mainstream Christianity, particularly regarding "the elect". What do you think?
2020-06-18 Hosea and Prophesy of End Times: Does Hosea talk about end times and the second coming of Christ? [Hosea 5:14-15]
2020-06-16 Eschatology: Can you tell me the cornerstone passages about eschatology?
Christology: What about Christology?
Most Referenced Verse: What is the most referenced verse in the Bible? [Matthew 7:1].
2020-06-09 Regathering of Israel in End Times: Regarding scripture about the regathering of Israel in Isaiah, how can anyone not apply those to future end times? [Isaiah 66].
2020-06-09 The Rapture & The Second Coming: Would you help me understand the options relative to the return of Christ and the rapture?
2020-06-05 Literal Temple in the Future: Will there be a literal temple rebuilt by the Jews in the future?
Revelation Entirely Symbolic: Is the book of Revelation entirely symbolic? [Revelation 11:1-2, Matthew 23:39].
2020-06-04 Amillennial vs Postmillennial: What do you think about the Postmillennial view relative to the conversion of the world? [Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Matthew 13:24-30, Isaiah 11:9, Habbakuk 2:14].
2020-06-03 Two Resurrections & Premillennialism: How many resurrections are there and do the Premillennialists use this to support their position? [Revelation 20, John 5:24-29, Acts 24:15, Ephesians 2:1].
Hour May Not Mean an Hour: Does the word used for "hour", always have to mean an hour, exactly or can it not mean "time"? [John 5:25].
2020-05-28 Mark of the Beast: Could you explain the spiritual, rather than literal, characteristics of "the Mark of the Beast" on one's forehead, in Revelation? [Revelation 13, Deuteronomy 6:8].
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