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Topic: Creation(ism)

Showing 101 to 150 of 476.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-06-22 Dinosaurs: Were dinosaurs part of the original creation and did Adam name all the animals, even T-Rex? How could humans live along side dinosaurs? [Genesis 1:1-2].
2022-06-13 Being "Born" or "Created" of God: Is being "created of God", the same as being "born of God"? [Luke 3: 38, John 1:12-13, John 3:1-12, Psalm 100:4].
Tree of Life: Is the "Tree of Life" the same as the Holy Spirit? [Genesis 2-3, Revelation 22].
2022-06-13 Sin at the Creation: Were people sinful at creation? Do we sin because of Adam's sin?
My Sinfulness & My Obligation: How much am I responsible for my sin, and how muchis grace? What are my obligations? [John 3:19, Titus 2:14, Matthew 22:37, Luke 10:27, Deuteronomy 6:4-7].
Our Own Sinfulness vs Paying for the Sins of Ancestors: Why do we have to pay for our ancestor's sin? [Matthew 16:24-26].
2022-06-01 Creation & Population of the Earth: Caller suggests that God has already populated the earth before Adam & Eve.
2022-05-26 "Call No One Father": Is there a contradiction in scripture when it says not to call anyone father, and yet it also says that Abraham is our father? [Romans 4:1, Matthew 23:9, I Corinthians 4:15, Matthew 3:9].
Creation of the Heavens & Earth: In relation to the creation chronology, isn't the sun and the moon part of the heavens and earth?
2022-04-28 Artificial Intelligence: Is it possible for artificial intelligence to become greater than its creator?
Iron & Clay Symbolism & Artificial Intelligence: Does the mixture of iron and clay in Daniel symbolizing artificial intellgence mixed with human, and possibly related to the vaccine, etc.? [Daniel 2:43].
2022-04-27 Before Adam & Eve: Doesn't Genesis say that God populated the earth before Adam and Eve? [Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:4, Genesis 3:20].
2022-03-23 Timeline in Genesis Contradiction: Do you think that there is a contradiction or if we are misunderstanding due to the Hebrew language's tenses? [Genesis 2:19, Genesis 2:9].
Genesis' Hebrew Language: One scholar indicated that the interpretation of Genesis cannot be understood in the past perfect tense in Genesis 2? [Genesis 2:19, Genesis 2:9].
2022-03-11 Atheists Calling into the Show: Steve Gregg loves atheists or agnostics calling into the show, but when they call in, he'd love for them to have a specific point on why they don't believe there is a God rather than just generalizations.
2022-03-10 Atheist Discussion: Atheist caller contends that Steve misrepresents the view of where Atheist's get their morality and so on.
Atheist Comments on Faith: Will faith always lead us to the truth?
Atheist Challenges Steve about Politics: Atheist suggests that one cannot get elected in the USA without being a Christian.
2022-03-04 Adam & Eve: Did brothers and sisters marry after Adam & Eve?
2022-02-16 God's Creation: Did God create everything, or did He speak it into existence?
Dinosaurs: Did God create dinosaurs and what happened to them?
2022-02-16 God's Creation: Did God create everything, or did He speak it into existence?
Dinosaurs: Did God create dinosaurs and what happened to them?
2022-02-09 Creation's Division of Light from Dark: How would the first two days of creation have been determined without light, which was created later? [Genesis 1:14-19].
2022-02-04 Creation of Tribes and Races: When did God create the different tribes and races, including the twelve tribes of Israel? [Genesis 10].
2022-01-28 Contradiction in Creation of Man: Is there a contradiction in Genesis when it says that male and female were created, but then later, He creates Eve? [Genesis 1-2].
Enough Room in New Jerusalem?: Are all the believers going to live in the New Jerusalem, as there doesn't look like there is enough room for them? [Revelation 21-22, Hebrews 12:23, Galatians 4:26, Revelation 21:9].
2022-01-27 Creation of the Earth (Gap Theory): Do you think there was a large gap in time in the creation story (Gap Theory)? [Genesis 1:1-2, Isaiah 45:18-19, Jeremiah 4:23, Exodus 20:11].
2022-01-25 Defining the "Kingdom of God": Is it possible that the "Kingdom of God" (Kingdom of Heaven) is really referring to the whole universe, rather than just the church (body of Christ)? [Matthew 28:18, Ephesians 1:21, Romans 14:17, Luke 19:11-27].
2022-01-19 Fire-breathing Dragons: Do you know about the Bombardier beetle and how that might relate to the fire-breathing dragons?
2022-01-18 Faith in Evolution: Don't you think that it takes more faith to believe in evolution than God, especially without any real evidence?
2022-01-13 Expanse of the Firmament: What do you think about the suggestion that the "expanse of the firmament" being related to the dome some claim existed? [Genesis 1].
2022-01-11 Who Created God?: Who created God?
2021-12-22 God's Sovereignty & His Destruction of Humans: If God knows everything, why would He create humans and then feel sorry that he did and choosing then to destroy them?
2021-11-24 The Fall of Man: Is it possible that it was further than one might think from the "good" creation to "the fall of man"?
Greater Labor Pains for Eve: When it is determined that Eve would have increased labor pains, would she have already had a child?
2021-11-22 Cain's Wife: Where did Cain's wife come from? [Genesis 4:17, Genesis 4:25, Genesis 5:3].
Ages of People in Genesis: Is the length of a year the same as ours, because how could someone be 900 years old? [Genesis 5].
2021-11-22 Cain's Wife: Where did Cain's wife come from? [Genesis 4:17, Genesis 4:25, Genesis 5:3].
Ages of People in Genesis: Is the length of a year the same as ours, because how could someone be 900 years old? [Genesis 5].
2021-10-29 Satan's Origins: Was Satan a musician and a good angel that fell? What does it mean that he was "a murderer from the beginning"? [John 8:44, I John 3:8, Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12].
Satan Created as He is, Rather Than a Fallen Angel: If God created Satan as he is, from the beginning, would that cause a biblical problem?
2021-10-28 Insignificance of Earth Compared to Universe: Please give and intelligent answer as to why God would create this immense universe and so extra stuff stuff in light of the insignificant size of earth? [Psalm 19:1].
2021-10-19 Why God Created Satan: Why did God create Satan?
2021-10-13 God Created Evil: Did God create evil? [Genesis 2:9].
2021-10-05 More People Created Than Adam & Eve: Does Genesis suggest that God created more people than just Adam and Eve? [Genesis 1:7, Genesis 3:20, Romans 5:12].
2021-10-05 Lilith: Could Lilith have been created before Eve? [Isaiah 34:14].
Apostle John Still Alive: Do you think it is possible that John may still be alive? [John 21:22-23].
2021-09-27 Age of the Earth: Do you know for a fact that the earth is 6,000 years old and where that is in the Bible? [Genesis 5, Genesis 11].
The Two Witnesses: Could you talk about your understanding of the "two witnesses" as the church? [Revelation 11, 2 Corinthians 13:1].
2021-09-17 Garden of Eden: What about the teaching that there was a "Garden of Eden" in heaven before it came to be on earth? [Genesis 2]..
2021-09-09 Ontological Aspects of Christian Theology: Would you discuss the ontological aspects of the Christian theology and if He is the source, then isn't all of God, as in Monism?
2021-09-08 Neanderthals & Cro-Magnon: Is there biblical information that indicate from where the Neanderthal bones come?
Carbon Dating: Where does "carbon dating" come from?
Noah's Son-Neanderthal: Do you think that one of Noah's sons was a Neanderthal?
2021-08-30 Predisposed to Sin: Why did God make us predisposed to sin?
Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Children as Tests: Are all the earthquakes and hurricanes, and subsequent lootings, just God testing us? [3 John 1:4].
2021-08-27 Genesis Story: Are you familiar with a teaching about the possibility of the man and woman in chapter 2, is not the same as in chapter 1? [Genesis 1-2].
2021-08-20 Different Ethnic Groups: If everyone came from Adam & Eve, why so many different features of the human race?
2021-08-13 Arminian vs Armenian: Caller confuses Arminian vs Armenian? Where does Arminianism come from?
Creation Just Taking it's Course: Did God create the sun and earth, and then just let it go functioning on its own?
2021-08-10 About Lileth: Could you tell me about Lileth? [Isaiah 34:14].
Adding to the Bible in the Future: Do you think there will ever be any upgrading (or adding to) the Bible in the future?
2021-08-05 "Sons of God" in Genesis: Caller makes a case for who the "Sons of God" were in Genesis 6?
2021-08-05 Alternate View of the Creation of Adam & Eve: Caller presents his view on the creation of mankind and Adam & Eve that is unusual.
Cain & Abel: Who was Cain afraid of and who did Cain and Abel marry? [Genesis 4:25, Genesis 5, Genesis 3:20, Acts 17:26].
2021-08-05 Alternate View of the Creation of Adam & Eve: Caller presents his view on the creation of mankind and Adam & Eve that is unusual.
Cain & Abel: Who was Cain afraid of and who did Cain and Abel marry? [Genesis 4:25, Genesis 5, Genesis 3:20, Acts 17:26].
2021-08-05 Humans Created Before Adam & Eve: Caller agrees with Steve that there could be no creation of humans before Adam & Eve. [Genesis 1-2].
2021-08-03 Adam or Cavemen Came First: Who came first, Adam & Eve, or cavemen?
2021-07-13 Seeing God in Nature: How can I see God in Nature? (Same caller as previous call.)
2021-07-12 Defining "The Beginning": What is "the beginning" in Genesis and John? [Genesis 1:1, John 1:1, Job 38:7, Psalm 33:6-9].
2021-07-09 Compliment to Steve Gregg: Caller offers a very kind compliment to Steve regarding his gift. [James 3:17].
Why Were We Created: Why were we created? What was the purpose for which we were made. [2 Timothy 2:12, Revelation 2:10].
2021-07-09 Origin of Angels: Were angelic beings made before creation of mankind?
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