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Topic: Creation(ism)

Showing 351 to 400 of 476.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-09-09 God Creating Us: How long was God waiting in Heaven before He created us?
2015-09-03 Light before Sun & Moon: There was light for the earth for 3 days before God made the Sun, so if He would've taken the sun away again after the 3rd day, would there still be light, what there was before God made the sun? [Genesis 1:3-5, 14-18]
2015-09-03 Satan a Fallen Angel or the Tempter: If Satan was created at the Tempter, we'd have to attribute evil to God because Satan would have no culpability? Why would God judge Satan? You couldn't really say Satan was evil then.
2015-08-25 Evolution: Can you be a true Christian & still be a true Evolutionist?
2015-08-25 W/ out Form & Void: What about the time that was w/ out form & void BEFORE He started creating? Could that have been billions of years? Between [Genesis] 1 & [Genesis 2]
2015-08-20 "Us" in Gensis (Trinity): Is the "Us" when God talk in possessive plura;, is it referring to the Trinity? [Genesis 1:26, 3:22]
Gays & Sex: Paul spoke on the subject of Homosexual sex, but the words he used in greek were ambiguous, so some gay sex was okay, homosexuals rationalize.
Creation Story in all Religions: The Creation story is in all the religions, so Genesis is not the first or original creation account (implying, so is it genuine?)
2015-08-07 Fossil Record: There's Fossil Record that animals ate each other & had deformities before the Fall, so how can there Death & Disease before the Fall?
2015-08-03 God Made the Heaven & the Earth: Call not a very good call. Maybe somebody else can make heads or tails out of it!
2015-07-30 Creating a New Earth & Corrupted after the Tribulation: If Christ comes back, & it's all messed up, what's the point in coming here? & if He revises it, why a New Earth? (questions are a little convoluted)
2015-07-29 Good & Evil People: Does God make some people Evil? [Romans 9:21-23]
2015-07-21 Evolution: IF the government has no bone to pick in the issue, why is Evolution crammed down students throat every single semester from grade school through college? One semester should be enough!
2015-07-14 Populate the Earth w/ People: Caller is concerned that is saying that Adam & Eve were not the first people on the earth because He created more people than just Adam & Eve. [Genesis 1:27]
2015-07-06 Symbolism-A Day=1,000 Years: What do you think of the idea that 6 days represents 6,000 years and the millennium introducing rest?
KJV-Only Advocate: The caller is a KJV-Only Advocate but thinks you also have to pick the right year. Most say the 1611 is, but he contends the 1769 is the BEST year & translation.
2015-07-02 Alcohol & Drugs: Can a person who is addicted to drugs or alcohols, & even do petty theft to support their habit, can they still be considered Christians?
Richard Dawkins: Can Steve explain some of what is wrong w/ Richard Dawkins reasoning?
2015-06-30 Age of the Universe in Relation to Light: Did God create the Universe & the Earth in its full maturity?
2015-06-25 Adam & Eve Eating Forbidden Fruit: How did Adam & Eve know it was a sin to eat the tree of knowledge of good & evil if they didn't have knowledge to know what was right or wrong? [gen 2:9]
Light before Sun & Moon: What was the Light for the 3 days before Sun & Moon were created? [Genesis 1:3]
2015-06-25 Creation of God: Who created God?
Cessationists: Who are Cessationists?
2015-05-26 Lifespan of Humans Before Flood: What is the most satisfactory explanation Steve knows of for people living so long before the Flood but suddenly shorter lives a while after the Flood?
2015-05-11 Age of the Earth, Prehistoric Age: The Age of the Stars & other things don't seem to match up w/ the Creation Account, so how do we deal w/ that? [Genesis 1 & 2, Romans 1:19-20]
2015-05-07 Archeologist find - Book of Barnabas: Has Steve ever heard of them finding the book Barnabas?
Adam - Father of all Mankind: Are Adam & Eve really the first parents of the human race, or did God create humans before them, & THEN Adam? [Romans 5:12-21, Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2]
2015-05-07 Different Races Created: Caller thinks the caller about Adam & different created beings is on to something, she agreeing w/ him & not Steve.
Creation being Millions of Years: She thinks there was a destruction of the "earth" before God created it again during the creation. She gives a litany of Bible references but they turn out to not be the ones she intended.
Disembodied Souls Before Creation: Caller also thinks there were disembodied souls before Creation.
2015-05-07 Different Races Created: Caller thinks the caller about Adam & different created beings is on to something, she agreeing w/ him & not Steve.
Creation being Millions of Years: She thinks there was a destruction of the "earth" before God created it again during the creation. She gives a litany of Bible references but they turn out to not be the ones she intended.
Disembodied Souls Before Creation: Caller also thinks there were disembodied souls before Creation.
2015-05-01 The Spiritual vs the Physical: What is the difference between the Spirit & the Physical?
2015-04-28 God a Creature: Caller is having confusion w/ it says God is a creature, & He's not a creature! [Colossians 1:15, Colossians 2:15]
2015-04-13 "Groaneth & Travaileth in Pain": What does Paul mean by "...the whole creation groaneth & travaileth in pain…"? [Romans 8:22]
2015-04-09 Muslim not believing Jesus is God: Caller has a friend who is a Muslim. They don't believe Jesus is God, but believe that he is the Son of God, & don't believe in the Holy Spirit. He also doesn't believe in 6 literal days because no light for 3 days before the Sun.
2015-04-07 Genesis Being Taken Literally: What do we make of all naturalistic, scientific opinion, the radio metric, isotopes of long range dating if Genesis is to be taken literally?
2015-04-07 Creationism & Scientific Textbooks: Caller wants to discuss the call he heard about being able to take Genesis literally.
2015-03-12 Made in His image & became like us: It seems to say 2 different things about God creating us, that we were made in His image, but then that we became like Him. [Genesis 2 & 3]
2015-03-09 Young Earth Creationism: They have a new teacher in a Christian school that is a Theistic Evolutionist, & caller has been leering about old earth & just wondering why Steve doesn't believe it. "Days" has meaning different meanings, he's learned.
2015-03-05 Calvinism: Would it be unjust for God to make a group of people who had no possibility of salvation, & throw them in hell? Isn't that the same think as you saying that God just created the devil to be a tempter & then God punish him for it? Isn't that the exact same thing?
2015-03-02 Michael the Buddhist: Michael the Buddhist is a popular fellow of late, people wondering about him (a call was about him last month also).
Size of the Universe: Why did God make the universe so big? Are there possibly other planets like ours, other "experiments" God has out there?
2015-02-23 Alcohol & Drugs: Caller comments on previous call about drugs & alcohol.
Annihilationism: Comments about the first call regarding hell, but not universalism, but annihilationism.
Evolution for Creation: Can you combine both Creation & Evolution, God using Evolution for Creation?
2015-02-23 God's Foreknowledge: No matter if God was able to control it or not, but it would seem cruel that God made us if He knew we were going to fail. (Michael the Buddhist call.)
2015-02-20 Let There Be Light & the Sun: What was the Light for 3 days before the Sun was created? [Genesis 1:3-5, 14-19]
Christmas Trees: Is Jeremiah 10 talking about not having a Christmas Tree? [Jeremiah 10:1-5]
2015-02-19 Replenishing the Earth: Why does it say "replenish" the earth? That implies that something was there before. That's obviously true about Noah, but what about Adam? [Genesis 1:28, Genesis 9:1]
2015-02-12 God Creating Humans: So God took a gamble by creating us, not knowing if we were going to pass the test or not of eating the forbidden fruit?
2015-02-09 Grace over the Law: Are we still supposed to be absolutely obedient to Christ even though we are under grace, which Martin Luther believed we were under.
God being Unisex: So He made Adam unisex until God separated Eve out of him, & both were equal, until the curse, then man took headship, until the resurrection of Jesus?
2015-02-03 The word, "Forever": Caller has a comment about the word, "forever".
2 Different Creations: Are there 2 different creations in Genesis since it seems to be saying different things about it? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2]
2015-01-23 God being Cryptic: Why was God so cryptic in the Bible instead of just spelling it out?
2015-01-19 A couple of jokes are exchanged: Michael the Buddhist shares a joke & Steve shares one.
Karma: What does Steve think of Karma just being the hand of God?
2015-01-05 Without excuse: The Bible says people are without excuse because of nature/creation itself, so what about people before Jesus?
2015-01-02 Jesus dying for the Angels: Jesus died for us humans beings, but what about the angels? Could they repent as a result of Him dying on the cross?
2014-12-03 God Pleased & then Displeased: Why did God go from being so please of Creation to being grieved that He made creation, made man? [Genesis 1-2, 6]
2014-11-14 Other Fallen Worlds: There's mention of worlds in the Bible, so are there other worlds, & are we the only Fallen world?
2014-10-15 Creation or Evolution: Can you be a Christian & be an Evolutionist at the same time?
2014-09-22 Not Peace but a sword: Doesn't it say that Jesus came to bring a sword & not peace? [Matthew 10:34]
Importance of Man: Just how important is man?
2014-09-10 Male & Female God: We had some visitors the other day that claimed to be born-again Christians that said God was 2, male & female. [Isaiah 45:5, Genesis 1:26-27]
Chronological Order of Creation: Is my chronological order askew of creation? [Genesis 1-4]
2014-09-08 Creation: What is Steve's view of creation, the young earth & old earth? They've found dinosaurs bones.
2014-08-08 Adam & Eve First Humans: Were Adam & Eve were really the first 2 humans since you can't get all these races from 2 people of the same race?
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