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Topic: Creation(ism)

Showing 401 to 450 of 476.
Episode Topic Audio
2014-07-18 People after the Flood: Was Noah & his family the only people that made it after the Flood? If it IS the case, why so many primitive people?
Mosquitos & Plagues: Did God create things like Mosquitos, Flies & plagues/diseases?
6,000 years being enough time: It just doesn't seem like 6,000 years is enough time for everything to have happened that happened, millions & millions of people being killed & so on?
2014-07-18 People after the Flood: Was Noah & his family the only people that made it after the Flood? If it IS the case, why so many primitive people?
Mosquitos & Plagues: Did God create things like Mosquitos, Flies & plagues/diseases?
6,000 years being enough time: It just doesn't seem like 6,000 years is enough time for everything to have happened that happened, millions & millions of people being killed & so on?
2014-07-17 Knowing Good & Evil: How can humans know good & God did? So there was evil before Adam & Eve sinned? [Genesis 3]
Sons of God, Nephilim: Who were the Sons of God who went to the daughters of the land? [Genesis 6:1-4]
2014-07-17 Jewish & Gentile Reckoning of the Age of the Earth: Why the gap or difference of 200 years of the age of the earth between what the Jews think the age is & what most other people think?
2014-07-17 Age of the Earth starting at the Flood: Perhaps the Jewish reckoning from the 2nd to last call started during the Flood?
2014-07-17 Light before the Sun: How could there be light before Sun? [Genesis 1:3-5, 1:14-19]
2014-07-14 God Creating Humans: Why did God make the human race? What is the point of making us?
God & Man: Why did God create us on a less level than Him, a lesser tier?
Flawed Humans: Why did God make us flawed? [Psalms 139:14]
2014-07-14 God Creating Humans: Why did God make the human race? What is the point of making us?
God & Man: Why did God create us on a less level than Him, a lesser tier?
Flawed Humans: Why did God make us flawed? [Psalms 139:14]
2014-07-14 God Creating Humans: Why did God make the human race? What is the point of making us?
God & Man: Why did God create us on a less level than Him, a lesser tier?
Flawed Humans: Why did God make us flawed? [Psalms 139:14]
2014-06-27 Six literal Days: Isn't time Relative? So the 6 days of Creation doesn't have to be 24 literal days, does it? [Genesis 1-2]
2014-06-24 Let Us make man in Our image: What is the "us" when God said, "Let us make man in our image"? [Genesis 1:26]
2014-03-10 Wider Hope Theory: I was reading in your book on 3 views of hell, & you were talking about the Wide Hope Theory. Can you expound on it?
Evolution: Adam & Eve were fully grown mature adults when they created.
2014-03-10 Age of the Earth by the Speed of Light: Determining the Age of the Earth by the Speed of Light thoughts.
Romans: Dealing in Romans 11:25-26, would you deal w/ the meaning of these verses as different since the gospel hadn't been preached yet in all Israel, even though it had after we have read it?
Israel being saved: Why hasn't Israel been saved, according to Dispensationalists?
2014-03-10 Age of the Earth: What do you think the Age of the Earth is?
2014-03-10 Old Earth New Earth: Do you think it's possible that Moses just wrote Genesis 1 as a teaching device or that it's poetry, that it's not really to be taken literal, such as literal days:
2014-03-10 Gap Theory: Could what already existed in Genesis 1:1 have been a starting point from where God started, & so that's what it makes it's seem old? [Genesis 1:1-2, Exodus 20:11]
2014-03-06 Evolution: Caller believes the evolution debate is really not that big of a deal, & does Steve think God used evolution as a means of creation? [Genesis 1]
Using Correct Terminology: The Bible needs to be a little more precise in the words it uses to indicate if God literally created in 7 days or it was a long process.
God Creating man from Dust: Man might've existed in a physical form but not a spiritual form.
2014-03-06 Evolution: Caller believes the evolution debate is really not that big of a deal, & does Steve think God used evolution as a means of creation? [Genesis 1]
Using Correct Terminology: The Bible needs to be a little more precise in the words it uses to indicate if God literally created in 7 days or it was a long process.
God Creating man from Dust: Man might've existed in a physical form but not a spiritual form.
2014-03-06 Evolution: Caller believes the evolution debate is really not that big of a deal, & does Steve think God used evolution as a means of creation? [Genesis 1]
Using Correct Terminology: The Bible needs to be a little more precise in the words it uses to indicate if God literally created in 7 days or it was a long process.
God Creating man from Dust: Man might've existed in a physical form but not a spiritual form.
2014-03-04 Age of the Earth & Human existence: If the earth as old as a lot of people think it is, how come there's not more of a record of people being here beyond 10,000 years ago?
2014-02-26 Bible throwing curve balls: I really believe in the fundamental essentials of Christianity, such as Jesus Christ &, the main & plain things, but then the Bible just throws weird things out there that we have to believe like literal creation, people burning in hell, & God creating Satan. Can you help me with the weird things that it seems to teach?
2014-02-25 Age of the Earth, Dinosaurs & Man: If the earth is only 6,000 years old, & we supposedly lived alongside the Dinosaurs, how come they didn't devour us? When were they killed off, during the Flood?
2014-02-21 2 Global Floods: There of course was Noah's Flood, but I heard from 2 preachers recently that there was a global flood before Noah's, somewhere at the very beginning of Genesis, but I can't find it. Can you tell me where it is? [Genesis 1:1-2, 6:1-9]
2014-02-10 Heaven & Earth & Angels shouting for Joy: What does it mean that when God finished created the Heaven & the Earth, the Angels shouted for joy? [Genesis 1-2, Job 38:7]
2014-02-10 Evolutionists: How do go about giving a strong witness to, or get a conversation going w/, Evolutionists?
2014-02-06 Light before Sun: Followup to the question about Light before Sun, & caller wants Steve's take on it again, & then wants to give his own opinion.
2014-02-05 Atheism: I'm trying to figure out how to deal w/ an enormous amount of Atheists or Agnostics.
Ken Ham - Bill Nye Debate: What were thoughts on the Ken Ham - Bill Nye debate?
2014-02-05 Light before Sun: How could there be Light before the Sun was made? [Genesis 1:3-5, 1:15-18]
Old Testament closely resembling Hammurabi: Why is the OT so similar to Hammurabi?
2014-01-24 Creation Week & the Angels: Were the Angels created at the same time the universe was created or were they created before God the Heavens & the Earth? Were the angels bored? was Satan & the demons originally angels?
2013-12-03 Dinosaurs in Creation: When did the dinosaurs come into the creation timeline? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2]
Unbiased Scientific Evidence: We need to have an unbiased interpretation of science, not a preconceived idea.
2013-12-02 Gap Theory & Theistic Evolution: Can you tell me about the "Gap Theory" and "Theistic Evolution"? [Genesis 1:1-2]
2013-11-15 Finding God in Biology You can truly find God even in Biology class, proving a Creator created it.
2013-10-29 Inerrancy of the Bible: How we know the Bible is inerrant?
Taking the Bible Literally: How do we know when we are supposed to be taking the Bible literally? [Genesis 1-2]
2013-10-25 Holy Spirit Origins: Has the Holy Spirit always been or when was He created?
Angels Created: When were the Angels Created?
Lucifer & Fallen Angels: So you don't think Lucifer was a Fallen Angel? Where did he come from then?
2013-10-11 6th & 8th Day Creation: God rested on the 7th day, after He created some people, & THEN created Adam & Eve on the 8th day. What does Steve think?
2 People of Every Race on Ark: Caller also thinks that 2 of every human race got on the ark.
2013-10-07 Never Water Baptized: I haven't been water baptized yet, & I heard that it's not necessary for salvation, but i should still do it?
Origins of Satan: What do we know about the origins of Satan?
2013-10-01 Young Earth & Light before Sun: I have a theory about the Young Earth & light being before the Sun, & that is that God was so fast, has the speed of light, it's very possible that light could be available even before the sun, thus it still being a young earth. [Genesis 1:2]
2013-09-09 God the Father, Son & Holy Ghost in Genesis: Wasn't the Trinity in the creation account? [Genesis 1-3]
Endorsing a Book He is Writing: Caller wants to endorse a book he's writng about the Trinity from the perspective of the book of Genesis.
2013-09-06 Genealogy in Matthew 1: How come the genealogy of 42 generations, 14, 14, & 14 in Matthew is a different number of generations than is found in the Old Testament genealogy? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38]
Genealogies & Age of the Earth: Do the Genealogies in Genesis help us determine the age of the earth?
2013-08-28 God Speaking the World into Existence: What language did God speak the world into existence with?
2013-08-23 After Their Kind: What is the difinition of "after they kind"? [Genesis 1:21] (Steve had a very long discussion with an atheist/evolutionist who he was going to have a debate with in a few days from the date of the show.)
2013-08-23 After their Kind: Caller comments on the call about the discussion of "after their kind" Steve had with the first caller.
Shared a Testimony: Caller shared his testimony.
2013-08-21 Uniformitarianism: Uniformitarianists or Evolutionaists think that the passage in Scripture in 2 Peter denies creationism or the World wide Flood. What does Steve say? [vo2 peter 3:3-7]
Westboro Baptist Church: What does Steve think about the radical Westboro Baptist Church?
2013-08-09 A day is as a 1000 Years: So is it possible that the earth or the history of Human race has only been in existence in light of 6,000 years in light of this verse in 2 Peter? [2 Peter 3:8-9]
2013-08-01 New Man God Created: Can Steve please explain a verse in Ephesians abut the "new man"? [Ephesians 4:24]
2013-08-01 Incest in the Bible a Stumbling Block: Caller has a friend who is an unbeliever & wonders how Christianity deals with the fact that incest had to happen in order for the human race to begin.
2013-07-23 "Earnest Expectation of the Creature": Can you explain the passage in Romans 8 regarding the creature expecting a new body in light of 2 Peter & Revelation? [Romans 8:18-25, 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 20]
2013-07-11 Young or Old Earth: Is the age of the earth young or old?
2013-07-03 Literature from the Narrow Path: Caller wanted to know if The Narrow Path ministry sends literature out to people who don't have computers.
"Plain Truth" Magazine: Are you familiar with the "Plain Truth" magazine?
Make & Create: Is there a difference between "make" & "create"?
2013-06-26 Evolution being taught in my Church: Why would someone start teaching the theory of evolution in my church?
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