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Topic: Creation(ism)

Showing 201 to 250 of 476.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-01-09 Creation of Male & Female: In Genesis 1, did God create just the animals as male & female, but did not make people male & female until Genesis 2? [Genesis 1:26-27, I Timothy 2].
2019-12-18 God Created All Good: When the Bible says that all created was good, how can that be, if Satan was there? [Genesis 1:12].
2019-11-19 Creation Story in Genesis: May I get your feedback on my pastor not taking the story of creation literally? [Judges 9, Genesis 1].
2019-11-04 Creation-Various Views: What are your thoughts on the different views of creation, including, progressive creationism, and theistic evolution? [Genesis 1-2].
2019-10-14 Creation-Gap Theory Would you share your thoughts on the "Gap Theory?" [Genesis 1:1-2, Jeremiah 4:23, Exodus 20:11].
2019-08-30 Mosquitoes? Ticks? Why?: Why would God create things like mosquitoes and ticks ... and dinosaurs? Was it because of the fall?
2019-08-09 God Creator of Sin, Evil & Temptation: If God created everything, then did he also create evil, sin and temptation? [James 1, Deuteronomy 13:1-3].
2019-08-08 Calvary Chapel Pastors: Were you at Calvary Chapel when Chuck Smith was there and did you know Skip Heitzig?
Void & Formless: Do you believe that the world was void and formless initially, or did it become void and formless before it was to be inhabited?
2019-08-02 Adam, Eve & Lillith: Was there another woman in the beginning with Adam & Eve, named Lillith?
2019-07-23 Evolution: Why are there still apes on the planet, if we evolved from apes?
2019-06-05 Universe & Life on Other Planets: Why did God make the universe so big? Do you think there is life on other planets?
2019-05-20 Dinosaurs: What about dinosaurs, Leviathan, and Behemoth? [Job 40:15-24, 41:1-34].
2019-05-17 The Curse: Was the whole creation, or just the creatures, cursed? [Romans 8: 19-22, 2 Corinthians 5:17].
2019-05-16 People Created Before Adam & Eve: Is it possible that there are unfallen men and women that were created before Adam and Eve? [Genesis 1, 2:5-7, 3:20].
2019-05-14 The Firmament: The earth doesn't have a firmament, right?
2019-04-23 Savior: Is God the Father my savior, or is He my Creator, & Jesus my Savior?
2019-04-22 Origin of God: How did God come into existence? When did He begin? Who created God? How is God outside of time? The creation relative to the Law of Thermodynamics.
Earth's age: How old is the planet earth?
2019-04-12 Global Flood & Fossil Records: Was there a global flood in Noah's day? Why do we not see fossil records from the animals that came off the Ark and migrated to various area? What do you say to someone having trouble believing in the Bible because of doubting the flood story?
2019-04-03 Authorship of Genesis: Do you think that Adam could have possibly written Genesis or part of it?
Young Earth: Do you believe in a young earth, that it is only about 5-6,000 yrs. old?
2019-03-27 Rapture of the Wicked: What about The Rapture and the possibility of the wicked going away first, rather than the righteous [I Timothy 5:6, Mathew 13:24f]? Raising of the dead will first be whom? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
Day (literal or symbolic): Is the word for "day", literal or symbolic?
2019-03-08 Adam & Eve: Were Adam & Eve the only people on the planet when they were created? Where did the children get their spouses? [Genesis 5:4]
2019-02-22 Neanderthals: If Adam was the first human, who were the Neanderthals?
2019-02-20 Spiritual World: Is the spiritual world just as real as the physical world?
The Firmament: What is the firmament in Genesis? [Genesis 1]
2019-02-12 Choosing Good over Evil: God made everything good, so why didn't Adam (or Lucifer) choose good?
2019-01-28 Gap Theory: Are you familiar w/ the gap theory between Genesis 1:1 & 1:2, & what are your thoughts about it?
2019-01-28 Satan raising people from the dead: Is there somewhere in the Bible that says Satan can raise the dead?
Creation Literal: A day in the account of Creation does not mean that it has to be a literal 24 period of time, does it?
2019-01-25 Gap Theory The caller discusses 3 heavens & the 3 earth age, called the Gap Theory, discussing the phrase, "was void" & "became void".
2019-01-15 When God Created Light: Did God create light so that His other created beings could see all His handiwork?
2019-01-02 Genesis & Dinosaurs: What do you say to somebody who asks about dinosaurs? [Genesis 1:20-24, Job 40:15-24, Job 41:1-34].
2018-12-28 Repenting God Made Man: Someone was asking me about God grieving (repenting) for making man & trying to figure out what to say to him. [Genesis 6:6]
2018-12-18 Human Bones in Africa: A friend of the caller visited the cradle of human kind, evolution, & so on, & wants to know Steve's thoughts.
2018-11-30 Apologetics: What does apologetics mean?
Dispensationalism: What does Dispensationalism mean?
Second Earth Age: What does Arnold Murray mean by the second earth age?
2018-11-27 Satan's Beginnings: Where did satan come from? What does the Scripture say about who or what he is? [Isiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
2018-11-14 Young or Old Earth: I took an IQ test, & it had a question about the age of the earth & it gave me the choices of 6,000 years or 4.5 Billion years, & I picked the young age answer, & they said it was wrong, & as a result it gave me a lower IQ score for believing the Bible. So is it possible that it could be older than 6,000 years, since a form of the earth might've been here for a very long time before God actually started creating? [Genesis 1 & 2, Exodus 20:11]
2018-11-14 Creation of the Earth: Could not God have created an earth that was already aged (being in full maturity already)? Weren't Adam & Eve created as adults?
2018-11-09 God before Creation: What was God doing before creation? What's it going to be like in heaven? Resurrection in a different mode?
2018-11-02 Destroying Satan: Why did God not just destroy Satan from the earliest stages? Why does He allow suffering, temptation, child abuse?
2018-10-31 6 Literal Days: Are the 6 days of creation literal? Christians not able to challenge the scientific community by believing this
2018-09-19 Old Earth Creationism: What would old earth creationists say about animals not dying before the Fall?
2018-09-13 God before Creation: What was God doing before creation existed?
2018-09-07 Sent a Book: I sent you a book about numerology, did you receive it?
Concept of Fairness: There's no real Fairness in Christianity, is it? It's either grace or condemnation, but there seems to be nothing in between.
2018-08-31 No Longer on KKMC: I just heard that you're going off KKMC, the longest running show The Narrow Path has been on.
Male & Female: Why does it say that God created He Male & Female, before Eve was even made. What does that mean? [Genesis 1:27, Genesis 1, Genesis 2]
2018-08-31 Creation or New Covenant & Kingdom of God: Is this proof of Jesus as God or is it regarding the creation of the new covenant or new creation instead of the typical understanding the original creation of the world? [Colossians 1:16]
Literary Devices: Struggling with biblical proof of the deity of Christ, & have heard of literary devices found in the Bible.
2018-08-30 Technology: Is technology part of God's intended creation?
2018-08-28 Origins of Satan: Why would God create Satan if He knew what chaos he would do on earth?
2018-08-21 Firmament in the sky: Was there a canopy of water above the earth also? [Genesis 1:7]
2018-08-20 Age of the Earth: What is the age of the earth, young or old? How does science determine the date of things & interpret the data?
2018-08-17 Angels: Do angels have free will? How many angels did God create? If satan wasn't an angel, what was he?
2018-08-15 Existing in the First Place: If God knows we won't live for Him or if He knows everything we are going to do, then why would we exist at all?
2018-08-14 Created to go to Hell: "Why would God create a population that would go to hell?", how do you answer this question to a person who is becoming an unbeliever?
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