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Topic: Creation(ism)

Showing 301 to 350 of 476.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-01-27 Light before the Sun in Creation: What was the light during creation if the sun was created until the 4th day? Should we take creation literally or non-literally?
2017-01-04 Literal Creation Week: If the creation "week" was done in 6 literal days, why the sun & moon & the stars not until the 4th day? What was the "Light" before that? [Genesis 1-2]
2017-01-03 Cain's Relationship with God: "I will be hidden from your presence", Cain said. So did Cain & God have a regular conversation with each other like God did with Adam & Eve? [Genesis 4:13-15]
Cain's Age when He slew Abel: So Cain & Abel were in their 100's when he killed Abel?
Seth: And how many children between Cain, Abel & Seth?
2016-12-20 God creating mankind: Does the Bible say why God made us
2016-12-09 God Creating us: If God knew we were going to Fall, & He's complete by Himself, why did He create us in the first place?
2016-11-28 Gap-theory & Lucifer: There is a gap theory, & Lucifer was created during that time (as opposed to being evil from the beginning).
2016-11-01 Evolution: What are Steve's beliefs on Evolution?
2016-10-11 Age of the Earth: Is the earth old or new?
2016-10-11 Old Earth Biologist: Started realizing as I was out doing by job in biology that it wasn't what I had been taught, & converted to Christianity.
2016-10-11 Noah's Flood, Gap-Theory: J. Vernon McGee’s view of the old earth, talking about a gap-theory. What does this mean?
2016-10-10 Literal Creation Story: Caller doesn't believe a literal account of creation [Genesis 1-6].
2016-10-07 "Not Good for Man to be Alone": Is God just being practical about procreation or implying something romantic when He indicates that it is "not good for man to be alone"? [Genesis 2:18]
2016-10-04 Being made in God's Image: What does it mean to be made in God's image? [Genesis 1:26]
2016-09-23 Satan's Reason for Being: What was Satan's purpose of? What was his role? His origins? Did God create evil? [John 8:44]
2016-09-22 Age of the Earth: What direction does Steve lean about the age of the earth, & do we have to be dogmatic about it?
2016-09-19 God Repented Making Man, Grieved Him: Someone gave me a book called, "The Story", & I read what God was saying right before the flood & how does that compare with how He loved us while we were yet sinners. [Genesis 6:6, Romans 5:8]
2016-08-05 Antinatalism (No Procreation): Should parents have children if they can't guarantee that they won't suffer?
Children Going to Hell: What if you run the risk of children burning for eternity in hell?
God Irresponsible: Does it possibly make God irresponsible by letting children being born who are going to burn in hell for eternity?
2016-08-04 Jesus the Creator: Is Jesus the actual Creator? The Muslims have a problem if you tell them that. [John 1:1, Genesis 1]
2016-07-27 Tower of Babel: Is everything that happened in these chapters true, including the Tower of Babel?
Confusion of Language in Babel: Why did God scramble the languages during the Tower of Babel?
Uniting Europe: What about trying to unify Europe?
2016-07-22 Light before the Sun during Creation: What was the light before the Sun was made, & what about the vegetation on the 3rd day? and the earth is flat, caller believes.
2016-07-11 Young Earth Creationism: Why does Steve lean towards more of a young earth creation over an old earth? What evidence? Because even Ken Ham says that you have to be able to interpret the data correctly.
2016-06-30 God & the Lord God: I was reading Genesis & it goes from "God" to the "Lord God". Is there any significance to that?
"Let us Make Man in our Image": "Let us make man in 'our' own image", who is the "us"? God and Jesus speaking as one? [Genesis 1:26-27, John 1]
2016-06-27 Jesus asking Peter 3 Times if he Loved Him: Why was Jesus making such a big deal of asking Peter 3 times if he loved Him?
Day-Age Theory: Is the day-age theory biblical?
2016-06-21 God Never Created: God was not created but the Creator, but how can that be?
2016-06-06 Being Born: If babies go to heaven, why be born or live at all?
2016-06-03 Bible Written by God or Man: was the bible written by God or only by people who had a relationship w/ God? Pastor cites different creation accounts?
All or Parts of Bible Inspired: How we know if all of the Bible is inspired or only parts?
Mosaic Law Harshness: Do we have to believe in the harness of mosaic law, all the capital punishment & so on? did they end when Jesus died on the cross then because we don't do those things anymore.
2016-06-01 Time, Earth & Creation: Shouldn't we just know that God created everything by His word instead of trying to determine the age of the earth & looking for dinosaurs & loosing the sight of Jesus?
2016-05-31 Young Earth Creationism: Caller talks about test regarding creation & evolution.
2016-05-25 Young Earth Creationist Problems: How do people who believe in young earth creationism deal with the age of the stars, dinosaurs, carbon dating?
2016-05-23 Gap Theory: Caller is asking about the Gap theory. [Genesis 1:1-2], Genesis 2, Isaiah 45:18]
2016-05-09 Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil: Why was there a tree to tempt Adam & Eve in the garden in the first place?
2016-04-21 People on earth Besides Adam & Eve: Before Adam & Eve were there people on the earth because otherwise who did Adam & Eve's kids marry?
2016-04-13 The Firmament: What is the "firmament" referred to in Genesis? [Genesis 1-2]
The 6th Day & Adam & Eve & Animals: When were the animals made in relation to when Adam & Eve were created? Were they all created on the 6th day?
2016-04-13 The Firmament: What is the "firmament" referred to in Genesis? [Genesis 1-2]
The 6th Day & Adam & Eve & Animals: When were the animals made in relation to when Adam & Eve were created? Were they all created on the 6th day?
2016-04-08 Author of Genesis: Who wrote the book of Genesis, especially the Creation Story?
2016-03-30 Animals Vegetarian before the Fall: If animals before the Fall were vegetarians, why the claws & teeth of the lions, for example?
2016-03-22 "Let US Make Man": Why does God use plural in Genesis when He was about to create man? Was He talking to the angels? To the animals? [Genesis 1:26]
2016-03-17 Origins of Satan: Where did Satan officially come from? He was up in Heaven during the book of Job. [John 12:31, Revelation 12:9-10]
Spiritual Wickedness in High Places: What is Ephesians talking about spiritual warfare & spiritual wickedness being up in heaven in the spiritual realm? [Ephesians 6:12]
Timing of Satan's Creation: Was the Serpent Satan? Was he created after Adam & Eve were created? When were the angels created?
2016-03-17 Creation & Dinosaurs: How does the timing of the Bible Creation & dinosaurs come in line with each other?
2015-12-23 Rap Music: Not all Rap Music is bad, according to the caller.
"...Make Man in OUR Image": Who is the "our" when God said, "Let us make man in our image"? [Genesis 1:26-27]
2015-12-14 Age of the Earth & Dinosaurs: How can we harmonize the view of the young earth position & the fact that dinosaurs lived?
2015-12-07 Age of the Earth: What is the Age of the Earth? Is it young Earth (6,000 yrs old) or an old earth (millions years old)?
2015-12-01 Creationism & the Eye's complexity: Caller wanted to comment about the complications of the eye.
"The power of sin is the law": What does the phrase, "the power of sin is the law" mean? [1 Corinthians 15:56]
2015-11-30 Creation & Free Will: Isn't it just a natural cause & effect that if God created creatures that had Free Will, that they'd go in the wrong direction?
2015-11-23 Manifestation of the Sons of God: What does it mean, "the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God" in {Romans 8:19]? So does "manifestation of the sons of God" means He'll reveal Jesus to us?
The Woman of Revelation 12: They have a discussion about the woman of Revelation 12 that fled into the wilderness? [Revelation 12:6]
2015-11-13 Evil: Does God actually create evil? I thought God was a God of love & good? [Isaiah 45:7]
2015-10-21 God Manifesting Himself: Why does God hide Himself & make it hard to know who He is? [Romans 1:19-20, 16:25-26]
2015-10-14 The Existence of the Devil & Evil: If Christ is all knowing, why did He create the Devil & evil?
2015-09-25 Animal Immortality before the Fall: Did animal & plants die before the Fall? [Genesis 1:30]
2015-09-11 Map to Heaven: The Bible is the only way to Heaven. cute comments by a 9 yr old who had called 2 days prior about God creating us.
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