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Topic: God (General)

Showing 1 to 50 of 340.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-24 Caller Craving Fellowship: Another caller asks for fellowship in Maine.
God Changes His Mind: Can God change His mind? [Jeremiah 18:7-10].
2024-04-24 God's Responsibilty for Himself: Did God take responsibility for Himself by Christ's coming? [Isaiah 59:16].
2024-04-23 Unbelievers Benefits From God: God seems to help unbelievers who call out to Him, yet refuse to follow Jesus, and yet Scripture says if we reject Jesus we reject God. Can you explain? [Matthew 10:33, Luke 10:16, Exodus 23:5, Matthew 22:37-39, Matthew 5:45, Luke 23:34-38.
2024-02-28 Calvinism Comment: Caller indicates that Calvinism depicts an untrustworthy God, that decrees one thing and says another.
Calvinism Represents a Different God: Regarding Calvinism, how much of a different understanding of God can one have before one ends up with a different God?
2024-02-26 Atheist's Death: Why do we never hear atheists ever call out to the "big bang" to save them?
Proving Atheism: Isn't it true that atheists can never prove the absence of God, but believers, if correct, can prove it forever (Pascals' Wager)?
2024-01-25 Seeing God's Goodness in Everything: Should I be seeing God's goodness in everything and not see evil anymore?
2024-01-25 Comment on Hinduism: Converted from Hinduism to Christianity, caller comments on the lack of evidence for Hinduism.
Both God and Human: How can God be both man and human?
Dying for the Sins of Others: If any man was sinless, could he die for the sins of others?
2023-12-28 The Ways of God: What are the "ways of God" and does a pastor or leader need to know them? [Psalm 103:7, Romans 3:1, Ephesians 5:1, Leviticus 20:7, 1 Peter 1:15-16].
2023-12-28 Misotheists (God Haters): Can a misotheist (God-hater) go to heaven?
Saying Hateful Words Against God: If someone loses a child and out of grief says they hate God and then they die the next day, would they be lost?
2023-12-22 God of this World: Who is the "God of this World?"[2 Corinthians 4:4]
Mean Christian Preaching: What about Christians who go around telling people they are going to hell?
2023-12-15 God's Character in the Old Testament (Contrasted to Jesus): Do you think that God's character is wrongly depicted in the Old Testament and those scriptures should not be trusted in the same way we trust the New Testament because Jesus is so much more loving? [Matthew 5:17-18, John 5:46-47, Matthew 19:14, Romans 6:23].
2023-11-22 Agnostic Considers God a Serial Killer: Is not God a serial killer for not intervening in this terrible world where people have to die? Should He not be held accountable for all the suffering? [Romans 8:18, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18].
2023-11-21 God Before His Present State: Could God have ever existed in another form, such as in suspended animation?
God's Predetermination of Human History: Did God predetermine how long human history would be? [Acts 17:31, 2 Peter 3:12].
2023-11-20 God's Omnipotence vs Fallen World: Can you help me understand why God would create a humanity that would fall if He is all-powerful and all-knowing? [Genesis 6:6, Isaiah 53:3, Ezekiel 43:11].
2023-10-24 Modalist, Oneness, Trinitarian Views of God: What is the differences between the different views of God-Modalist, Oneness, and Trinity? [John 14:23].
2023-10-04 God as an Angel: Is God an angel? Or can He be an angel? [Acts 7:30, Exodus 3-4].
2023-09-21 Hindu Triune God: Callers states that the Hindu god is also triune, as with Christianity.
God's Name: What is Christianity's triune God's name?
2023-09-13 Comprehending the Eternal God: When someone cannot begin to understand God's eternal existence and timelessness, do you have any suggestions for a response?
2023-09-07 God as "One" vs. "Three in One": Why is it essential that God is "One?"
2023-09-05 Trying to Explain the Trinity: Caller shares his thoughts about trying to explain the Trinity. [1 Corinthians 1:10, James 17].
2023-08-31 The Trinity & Trichotomy: Have you ever heard of the Trinity being paralleled to Jesus as Flesh, Spirit as Spirit, and God as the Soul?
God as the Beginning or the First: Could scripture be referring to God as the first of all the Gods to come, rather than the only or first in importance? [Isaiah 43:10]
City of Refuge & Death of High Priest: Could you explain the concept of the "city of refuge" and its correspondence to the death of the high priest?
2023-08-31 "None Good but God": Why would Jesus say, "there is none good but God" if He was God? [Matthew 19].
2023-08-09 "Peace & Safety" Warning of Coming Destruction: Could you give me the context and meaning of the verse about "Peace & Safety and sudden destruction" and how it is often said to be about end times?" [1 Thessalonians 5:1-3, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8, Matthew 24:44].
Science Supports God & Intelligent Design: How can atheists and skeptics possibly deny God in light of Science seen in so many documentaries such as "God of Wonders?"
2023-08-07 My Father (Capital Letters in the Bible): Can you explain the use of capital letters and who is being indicated as the Father God, as My Father? [Jeremiah 3:19, Psalm 103:13, Isaiah 63:16, Malachi 1:6-8].
2023-08-07 God in the Old Testament: Could you talk about how God is defined in the Old Testament?
2023-06-29 An Egocentric God: How would you respond to someone who says that God is totally self-interested and egotistical, expecting everything to be about worshipping Him? [Psalm 113:6, Psalm 8:3-9].
2023-06-13 The Truth Shared Among Various Religions: Do many religions have the same core beliefs? [2 Thessalonians 2:10, John 1:9, John 3:19].
2023-05-23 One God & Jesus as God: Could you point out some scriptures that clearly say that there is one God and that Jesus is God? [Deuteronomy 6:4, Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 43:10, 1 Corinthians 8:4, I Corinthians 8:6, John 17:3, John 1:14].
2023-04-03 Why So Much Evil in the World?: Could you help me respond to my 20-yr-old who asks why there so much evil in the world, if there is a God?
2023-03-28 The God of Abraham: Though Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in the God of Abraham, it is easy to see difference between Christians and Jews, because of Christ, but what is the difference between the Jews and Muslims? [John 8:54].
2023-03-23 Jehovah-The God of the Bible: What connection do you have with the God of the Bible, the God of the Jews, Jehovah?
2023-03-14 The Beginning of God: How did God come into being?
2023-02-23 Islam, Koran & Allah: Is God, the Father, the same as the Muslim's Allah? [Acts 17:23-31, John 10:30].
Life as a Test: It doesn't sit well with me to think this life is a test? Is it? [2 Timothy 2:12].
2023-02-23 Atheist Caller: Evidence of God: Atheist caller regarding a comment about Christians believing in an "imaginary friend." Why is it harder to prove the existence of a deity than another human? How would you do that?
Atheist Caller: Do You Care?: Did you say that you didn't care about whether I believe in God? And why do you not care to offer evidence?
2023-01-19 God's Relationship with Himself: Does God love Himself because He understands Himself?
2022-12-22 Understanding Parables: How were the disciples expected to understand the parables? [Mark 4:13, Matthew 13:11].
Relationship with God: Doesn't God want to have a relationship with everyone?
2022-11-22 Jesus is God: Where does it say that Jesus is God? Recommended; topical lecture; "Knowing God; Deity of Christ." John 1:1. Romans 9:5, Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, Revelation 1:8, Revelation 11:1, Revelation 11:17-18].
2022-11-10 Jesus as God (Monotheism): Is Jesus excluding Himself when He says that God is the only true God? [John 17:3, I Timothy 3:16, John 7:3, I Corinthians 8:6, Romans 9:5].
2022-10-25 Father God's Name: Do you think that God the Father does not really have a name, and Jesus is also YHWH? [John 8:54, Genesis 18:1, I Timothy 3:16].
2022-10-17 Jesus Not to Repent: Could you break down the scripture about Jesus "not a man that he should lie or repent verse"? [I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19].
2022-10-11 Allah or God: Does our God (their "Allah") hear the prayers of Muslims? [Acts 17:23, John 17:3, Hosea 4:6].
2022-09-23 God as Father: Didn't people in the Old Testament understand God as Father, also? [Psalm 103:13, Isaiah 49:15, Matthew 6:9-13, Matthew 5-7].
2022-09-22 God knowingly Created an Evil People He'd Send to Hell: Why did God create a people, who He knew would be wicked, then kill them in genocide or send them to hell? Is that not twisted?
2022-08-23 Before the Creation: What was God doing before He creation? How does "time" fit in? [Deuteronomy 29:29, Proverbs 25:2].
2022-08-17 Creation of Earth & Time: Since there was no time at creation, what is meant in scripture by the earth being "formless and void?" [Genesis 1].
God Outside of Time: When scripture says "a day to the Lord is like a thousand years", does that indicate that God outside of time? [2 Peter 3:8]
2022-06-14 Fear of God: How can we increase "fear of God" in ourselves and the culture? [Romans 3:9-18, Proverbs 9:10, Proverbs 10:27, Psalm 14:1].
2022-06-14 Cannabis: Is every kind of use of cannabis a sin? [Proverbs 31:6].
Why Did God Allow for Sin?: Why would God allow for sin, if He wants a deep relationship with Him?
2022-06-09 God Needed a Son: Why did God need a Son?
2022-06-02 Jesus as God: At any time in the past, was or is Jesus actually God, or known as God? [Genesis 1:26, Romans 10:9, John 10:30, James 1:13, Luke 11:20, John 14, I Timothy 3:16].
2022-05-13 God's Attributed Compared to a Mother: What do you think of a worship band commenting that "God is a good mother"?
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