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Topic: Death (Dead)

Showing 451 to 500 of 543.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-04-10 Drum Usage in Church: Does using drums in the church have a pagan connotation so they shouldn't be used?
Cremation: How is God able to put all the ashes back together if people are cremated?
2015-04-06 "Today thou shalt be w/ me in Paradise": What does Jesus mean that the thief would be with Him in Paradise THAT day in relation to what He says in other places, saying He went to hell? [Luke 23:43, Revelation 1:18, 1 Peter 3:19]
2015-03-26 The After-Life: Do Christians go to heaven immediately after they die? (Incomplete call/answer because mp3 file just abruptly ended)
2015-02-10 "Heaven is for Real": Does Steve give credence to the movie, "Heaven is for Real"?
2015-01-26 Souls: When does the soul enter & leave the body? Grandfather is near death & just wondering what happens to the soul of aborted babies.
2015-01-08 People coming out of Graves: Caller is impressed with the resurrection that took place of a whole bunch people during Jesus' resurrection & wants to know why it isn't mentioned more, somewhere else. [Matthew 27:52-54]
2014-12-29 You shall surely die: What did God mean when He told Adam he would die? [Genesis 2:17]
Outside the Gate Liars: When Revelation talks about people outside the gate, especially liars, doesn't that mean an eternal state?
God so loved the world: Does God no longer love the people who are outside the gate? [John 3:16]
2014-12-18 Cremation: How is possible for God to put us back together if we get cremated?
2014-12-16 Judgment Day & the Christian: As a Christian, do we need to have any fear of the judgment on Judgment Day even though we were washed in the Blood of Christ? [1 Peter 1:2, 17-19]
Death: What happens to us as soon we die? Do we go immediately to Heaven?
2014-12-11 Steve Gregg's Understanding & Teaching: You have a good method of teaching, but in some things we are just going to have to agree to disagree, but hoping that you come around to the correct truth (state of the dead). You are very tough on people who hold Calvinism, but make a pass on what happens to you after death.
2014-12-11 Mediterranean Sea & Jesus' Ministry: Did Jesus ever do anything at the Mediterranean Sea? Did any Biblical character for that matter?
Cremation: What does the Bible say about Cremation?
Profanity: What does the BIble say about profanity/cursing?
2014-12-08 Life after Death: What really happens to after you die? What happens to your spirit? Does it stay here in this realm? Does it go to Heaven? Is it unconscious?
2014-12-05 Jesus Wept: Why did Jesus weep? Because Lazarus was dead? It shouldn't have been because of that because He knew He was going to raise him from the dead. Was it because of their unbelief? [John 11:33-36]
2014-11-12 Body & Spirit: Is the spirit of a person who is dead, w/ out the body, still alive? Isn't by saying the soul survives after death suggesting that it has immortality? Caller is concerned about Spiritualism being prevalent in the Church in these last days. [Luke 16:19-31, Genesis 3:4]
2014-11-11 Nadab & Abihu In your answer about ananias & sapphira, you mentioned Aaron's sons, Nadab & Abihu & I want to enhance that story. [Leviticus 10:1-3]
2014-11-11 Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord: A lively debate with an Adventist caller about the whether we go to heaven immediately upon death or not.
2014-08-28 Dead know nothing: Caller doesn't think much is happening in the Heaven. [Ecclesiastes 9:5]
6th vial: Caller thinks we are in the 6th vial of Revelation.
2014-08-27 Losing a Wife: Mourning when a loved one dies, especially a spouse, the caller would like some comfort, encouragement.
2014-08-27 Soul Sleep or Present w/ the Lord: Do we go to heaven as soon as we die, or are we unconscious until the resurrection? [Philippians 1:21-23, Ecclesiastes 9:5, 2 Corinthians 12:2-3, John 11]
2014-08-26 Sinners in the OT: How were people of the OT forgiven, like Adam, Eve or even Cain, if he was? Are they in heaven right now?
2014-08-15 Memorial Service: Call is following up on a call she heard about Memorial Services. She thinks they are pretty important.
Suicide: Caller comments that suicide is not a very good idea.
2014-08-15 Memorial Service: Call is following up on a call she heard about Memorial Services. She thinks they are pretty important.
Suicide: Caller comments that suicide is not a very good idea.
2014-08-14 Memorial Service: Is it necessary to have a Memorial Service?
Meat, not Milk: Caller feels that Steve needs to teach more of the meat of the gospel more than the milk of it. [1 Corinthians 3:1-3]
Steve's books on Hell & Revelation: Caller thinks Steve taking the time write books on irrelevant topics such as Hell & Revelation was a waste of time.
2014-08-13 Babies going to heaven: If babies go to heaven when they die, what age are they when they get there? [1 Corinthians 13:9-11]
2014-08-01 Valley of the Dry Bones: When the dry bones in the valley were resurrected, does that mean that the people who were resurrected were given a 2nd chance? [Ezekiel 37]
2014-07-28 Confessing your sins to another: Isn't it true that a priest/pasor is consenting to sin, that they've become a part of it, if they don't do anything about a crime he hears about?
People already in heaven: Are there people in heaven right now or not until the resurrection?
2014-07-21 Jesus Preaching to the Souls in Hell: Can you explain the Scripture where it talks about Jesus preaching to the souls in prison when He supposedly went to Hades? [1 Peter 3:19-20]
Baptizing for the Dead: I was talking to a couple Mormons the other day, & we were talking about baptizing for the dead, & they brought up these Scriptures. My curiosity got the best of me. Can you explain them? [1 peter 3:19, 1 Corinthians 15:29]
2014-06-26 Hell & Forgiveness: If God commands us to forgive forever, doesn't it stand to reason that God would do the same thing....even though someone just happens to die?
2014-06-23 Relatives in Hell: How can you possibly be happy at ALL if you have ANY remembrance of someone you know burning in hell for eternity?
2014-06-05 Original Sin: So it's not only the sin nature that is transcended from Adam & Eve's sin to us, but the guilt also being transcended down as well, Calvinists believe. What is their need or want to believe that? [Romans 5:12-21]
Conditional Immortality - Annihilationism: Conditional Immortality or annihilationism seems to be related. Doesn't the death penalty cancel out the sin debt? [Romans 6:7]
2014-05-30 Appointed once to die: If we are only supposed to die once, what about cases like Lazarus & other people who were resurrected? [Hebrews 9:27-28]
2014-05-28 Aggressive Driving & glorying in Justice: Is it okay to rejoice when you see someone who had been aggressively driving pulled over by a cop later on up the road?
Death of an Evil Leader: What about rejoicing over the death of someone who was evil?
2014-05-23 The Thief & Jesus in Heaven: Did Jesus & the thief on the cross go to Heaven the day they died? [Luke 23:43]
2014-05-08 Heaven is for Real - NDE's: Are you saying the movie, "Heaven is for Real" is real because you had a friend who said she had a Near Death Experience? [Luke 16:19-31, John 11:38-44, 2 Corinthians 12:1-4]
2014-04-22 Near Death Experiences: Near Death Experiences don't seem to happen in the Bible. Is that true? [1 Corinthians 12:1-4]
2014-04-11 Heaven is for Real: What do you think about people who say they went to Heaven & back?
Paul not allowed to reveal: Paul wasn't allowed to disclose some of the things he saw while in heaven, so why would it be okay for others to do it now? [2 Corinthians 12:1-4]
2014-03-31 Inner Healing: What did you say about Inner Healing recently? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Death an Interruption: Would you say death was an interruption in our life?
2014-03-26 Cremation: Being cremated isn't going to make it too hard for God to resurrect us?
2014-03-24 Death: Immediately in the presence of God after death, the righteous are ushered, but what about the unsaved sinner, what happens to them, are they in limbo, are they judged immediately, what happens? [Luke 16:19-31]
The Spirit: We say the Spirit is in our heart, but where is it really?
2014-03-14 "He that is dead is freed from sin": What does this mean, "For he that is dead is freed from"? [Romans 6:7]
2014-03-10 Recognizing each other in Heaven: Will we be able to recognize each other in Heaven?
2014-03-07 Apostles' Deaths: Why did most of the original Apostles have to die such horrible deaths?
2014-03-05 Hinduism verses Christianity: Does God seek us or do we seek Him?
Becoming a Christian: How do we become a Christian? [John 3]
Incognito Christian & not understanding everything: If we are threatened w/ death for being a Christian, can we pretend we are not, even though we are? What if I don't understand everything as a Christian? [Luke 17:33, Matthew 10:39, Matthew 16:25 25, John 12:25 25, Mark 8:35 35, Luke 9:24]
2014-02-28 Death: What happens after we die? There seems to be conflicting verses. Are people in the grave or heaven? [John 5:28-29, 2 Corithians 5:8, Luke 16:26]
2014-02-11 Praying for People after Death: Is it beneficial or abominable to be praying for people who have passed on?
2014-02-03 Dying to Self: We just need to die to self daily, like it says to do in the Bible. [Romans 7, Galatians 2:20]
2013-12-31 Soul Sleep (& Hell): In your book about 3 views of hell, you mentioned "soul sleep", but didn't think it mattered talking about when you were talking about annihilationism, so can you talk about it now?
2013-12-30 Sin Unto Death Is there a "sin unto death" that we can't pray for them anymore because they are doomed? [1 John 5:16-17]
2013-12-30 The Second Death: What is the "second death" referring to in Revelation 20? [Revelation 20:6]
2013-12-10 Judged by our Works: What are we judged by in the Judgment?
Present with the Lord upon Death: It says in the BIble that we are in the presence of the Lord if we are Christians, but it also says that the righteous will be resurrected first.
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