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Topic: Death (Dead)

Showing 401 to 450 of 543.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-05-03 ku Klux Klan: Is the KKK/Ku Klux Klan a Christian organization & if not, why not?
Sleep Euphemism for Death: Can you explain the euphemism of sleep for death?
2016-04-18 Knowing each other in Heaven: will we know each other in Heaven? Do people know each other in Heaven right now after death?
2016-04-15 Sleep in the Bible: What is the definition of the word "sleep" when used in the Bible?
2016-03-28 Comforting a loved one with Diagnosis of Cancer: I have a relative who has just been diagnosed with cancer, & I was wondering how to comfort them.
2016-02-19 No More Repentance Required: since we are under grace, once we accept Jesus we no longer have to pray for forgiveness? Is that true?
Shedding of Blood: Why was the shedding of blood necessary?
2016-02-15 Sin Unto Death: What are your thoughts on this? [1 John 5:16-17]
2016-02-10 Reunited with Loved Ones: Is there any biblical evidence that we may be reunited with loved ones when we die or not until the other side of glory?
2016-01-11 God's Sovereignty: Is God intervening when He let's some people survive tragic events & others not?
2016-01-07 God's Sovereignty & Our Free Will: God has His sovereignty & He gave us free will, but what about Him allowing people to commit murder, allowing people to commit suicide? A person can shorten their life sooner than God was intending them to die, but they can't live longer than He wants.
God's Sovereignty & Child-bearing: What about a couple wanting children but God not allowing it?
2015-12-30 State of the Dead: What is the truth about whether we immediately go to the presence of the Lord after we die, or being in the Eternal State in the New Jerusalem?
Awareness after Death: Can the dead hear or see what's happening here on earth?
2015-12-30 Cremation: Do you think there's a problem being cremated?
2015-12-16 David Segal - David Beaudry: A few comments about the passing of a musician by the name of David Segal/Beaudry.
Powers & Principalities & Healthy living: Do we have to obey the government about man-dated vaccines?
2015-12-16 Fair warning before death: Will God give us fair warning before we die or before He comes back?
2015-12-04 This day you will be w/ Me in Paradise: What place was Jesus talking about when He told the thief that he would be with Him in Paradise, Heaven? [Luke 23:43]
2015-12-03 1st & 2nd Resurrection: What exactly is this verse about the 2nd resurrection? What was the FIRST resurrection? [Revelation 20:5]
"Souls under the Altar": Is it possible the "souls under the altar" is coming to fruition in Revelation 20:5 & the second resurrection?
Calculating the number of the Beast: So the number of the beast was to be calculated during the time the book of Revelation was written?
2015-12-03 Appointed once to die: It says in the Bible that it appointed for us to die ONCE, so what about all these people who were resurrected? They weren't really dead? [Hebrews 9:27-28]
Experiences from being dead: Did the people who were resurrected such as Lazarus talk about going to heaven (or hell) like people do nowadays?
Near Death Experiences: Do you think people really have had experiences of being in heaven when they come back from a near death or death experience? [Hebrews 9:27-28]
2015-12-03 Near Death Experiences: Caller wanted to opine on previous call about NDE's also.
2015-11-13 Alcoholism: What if somebody died as a drunkard, could they still inherit the Kingdom of God? [1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21]
2015-11-10 Lazarus & Abraham's Bosom: Where were they when they were dead? [Luke 16:19-31]
Transfiguration, Moses & Elijah: Where did Moses & Elijah come back from? How did the disciples recognize them?
2015-11-09 Witch of Endor, Saul & Samuel: Why would God permit Samuel to talk to Saul? [1 Samuel 28]
2015-11-05 Christian Persecution: Are we supposed to help prevent persecution of Christians or just accept it as a reality of being a Christian? [Romans 8:35]
2015-11-02 Cremation: A prominent Christian teacher said that people shouldn't be cremated because it's a pagan thing to do. What do you think?
2015-10-29 Cremation: What does the Bible say about cremation? or what do Christians thinks about it?
2015-10-26 State of the Dead: You said you don't think "sleep" is a good analogy of death because it's not really like a sleep because sleep in not an unconscious state, so then what WOULD be a good one?
2015-10-22 Death: What happens to you after you die, your soul & spirit? [Philippians 1:21-23]
Kingdom of Heaven: What does this verse mean, that the kingdom of Heaven has been suffering violence & they take it by force? [Matthew 11:12]
2015-10-13 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: A preacher told the caller that he can't remarry unless his ex-wife is dead. Is this true? [Caller shares his story.]
Porneia - Fornication: Pastor sent him an article that the greek word, "Porneia", is only talking about the betrothing period or of a harlot.
Street Preacher: The preacher telling the caller all this is actually railing on him because he had been in this situation himself.
2015-10-09 The Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus: Is the parable about the Rich Man & Lazarus really about the after life? [Luke 16:19-31]
2015-10-08 Mormonism - Spirit Prison: Everyone that dies will go to one of 3 Heavens, & they believe in a somewhat Spirit Prison, & that they can get baptized out by living people. What do you think about this? [1 Peter 3:18-20, 1 Corinthians 15:29-30]
2015-10-07 Thief on the Cross & Soul Sleep: An evangelist said that there is no way the thief on the cross could've gone w/ Christ to paradise THAT day because there is no conscious existence after death & Jesus didn't even go to Paradise that day. [Luke 23:40-43, John 20:14-17, Matthew 28:9]
2015-09-22 Balaam's Donkey: Does Steve think God just opened the mouth of the donkey & his OWN thoughts came out, or was it God speaking, sort've using the donkey as a ventriloquist? [Numbers 22:28]
Witch of Endor & Samuel speaking to Saul: Could that be the exact same situation, not really Samuel speaking? [1 Samuel 1:15-28]
2015-08-26 Abaddon - Hades - Sheol: Caller would like to know the difference between Abaddon, Hades, Sheol.
2015-08-21 Catholics & Life after Death: What do Catholics believe happen to you after you die? Saints get to go directly to Heaven & if you were not a saint you have to go to Purgatory?
2015-08-18 Saints Who Were Resurrected: Who were the saints who were resurrected at the same time Jesus was? [Matthew 27:51-53]
2015-08-13 End Time Distractions: So much time wasted in worrying about if it's the end times or if Jesus is coming soon instead of just focusing on Jesus, loving Him, worshipping Him in the here & now! What about LIVING for the Lord! People are all willing to DIE for the Lord, but what about living for Him?
2015-08-03 World is in Turmoil: We are at the end because the world because there's so much chaos, the world is dying.
2015-07-30 Soul Sleep: Do we go to Heaven or stay here when we die? He's having trouble finding any place in the Bible that we go there. [Philippians 1:21-23]
Heaven or Planet Earth On Side of Glory: Misphrased his Question: Do you go to heaven or live on the earth in eternity?
2015-07-30 Lazarus: Wouldn't that have been cruel of Jesus to bring Lazarus out of Paradise to come back to this cold, cruel world?
Suffering: Why does God allow so much suffering in the world? Jesus suffered more than anyone will suffer, the caller told his friend. Was he right in saying what he said & could have Jesus turned off His nerve endings, & would that have unqualified Him from suffering for us?
2015-07-30 The Miracle of the Cross: The Miracle of the Cross was that He was humble enough to come & die for us.
Dying on the Cross: If Jesus hadn't voluntarily died on the Cross, would He have lived forever? [John 10:17-18]
2015-07-22 Baptizing for the Dead: What does it mean being baptized on the behalf of the dead? [1 Corinthians 15:29]
2015-07-13 Suicide: If a person who commits suicide, could they be in Heaven?
2015-07-02 "The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven": The book & movie turned out to be a fraud. Don't stories like this hurt the credibility of Christianity? We've never heard of Lazarus's experiences while he was dead & other people who were dead for awhile in the Bible.
2015-06-26 Hell: How come Steve never discussed in his book, the 3 views of Hell, that the body goes back into the earth? [Ecclesiastes 9:5]
2015-06-25 Discipleship: People always say they are will to DIE for Jesus, but they need to LIVE for Jesus more than anything else!
2015-05-28 Cremation: Does getting cremated prevent God from being able to resurrect us?
2015-05-22 Suicide: Is there anything in the Bible that talks about Suicide?
2015-05-20 Jesus Knowing When We Die: Does it say somewhere in the Bible that Jesus knows when we are going to die? But He does KNOW when we ARE going to die, is that right?
2015-05-19 Absent from the Lord, Present w/ the Lord: How can we be w/ God, if we still require a resurrection? [Philippians 1:21-23]
2015-04-21 Friends & Relatives Who Died Lost: How do we deal with thoughts of those who have died lost - not followers of Christ?
2015-04-21 Transfiguration - Not Tasting Death: Caller could like to know about the Transfiguration & people not tasting death until they saw His glory.
2015-04-13 Soul Sleep: What about the RIGHTEOUS immediately going to be w/ be Jesus, & then the wicked sleep until He comes for their judgment? [Philippians 1:23]
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