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Topic: Death (Dead)

Showing 51 to 100 of 543.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-05-05 Death of the Saints: Would you talk about the death of the saints being precious in the sight of God? [Psalm 116:15, Genesis 6:5].
2023-04-07 Near-Death Experiences: What do you think about "Near-death Experience?" [2 Corinthians 5:8].
2023-03-08 Dying Unbelieving Friend: What book would you recommend for an unbelieving friend who is dying? Rec: "Mere Christianity" by C.S.Lewis.
Government Compromise: Caller criticizes our uncaring government and the parallel between a current event (Ohio train wreck) and previous indicators that it would happen. [Psalm 118:6].
2023-03-08 After Death & Before Judgment: What happens to us after death and before the judgment? [Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:6-8].
2023-02-20 "Soul Sleep" or "Present with the Lord:" What difference does it make if we believe in "soul sleep" or if we are present with the Lord, since time would be suspended anyway? [2 Corinthians 5:8].
All "Israel" Will be Saved: In the scripture about "all Israel will be saved" referring to both Jews & Gentiles who believe? [Hebrews 11:26-27].
2023-02-17 Upon Death: Which is true; when I die and am absent from the body, will I be present with the Lord, or will I be raised at the sound of the trumpet? [1 Thessalonians 4:14, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, John 5:28-29, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2023-02-15 Proverbs Cautions About Life Choices: Could you explain the Proverb, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end is the way of death?" [Proverbs 14:12, Romans 12:2, Romans 6:23].
2023-02-07 Believer's Fear of Death: How would you encourage a believer with scripture continuing fear of death and doubt of afterlife? [1 Corinthians 15, Romans 10:9].
2023-01-25 Fear of Death: Would you explain this verse about the fear of death? [Hebrews 2:14-15, Matthew 16:24-26].
Bondage of Egypt: Do you think the Hebrews 2:15 has any correlation to the Israelites when they desired to go back into bondage in Egypt? [Hebrews 2:15].
2023-01-05 Is "Faith" Meritorius: Is "faith" meritorius in terms of salvation? [Genesis 15:6, Hebrews 11].
Why "death"? If death is not the end of opportunity what is the point of death? [I Timothy 6:16].
2022-12-22 Soul Sleep: Seventh Day Adventist caller queries regarding "soul sleep" [2 Corinthians 5:18, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Philippians 1:23].
Sleep-Metaphor for Death: Why do so many doubt the reference to "sleep" in the Old Testament?
2022-12-15 Allegiance in Politics: Caller shares how he was drawn to listen to the show because of Steve saying that he was not partisan in his politics, but his allegiance was to God.
Events that Follow Death: What exactly happens after someone passes away? [Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8, 2 Corinthians 5:1].
144,000: I am fuzzy on the 144,000 in Revelation, can you clarify? [Revelation 14, Revelation 7, Hebrews 12:23].
2022-11-23 Banks Supporting Abortions: Do I have reasonable grounds to withdraw my business from a particular bank that supplies financial support for abortions?
"Sin Unto Death" (Blasphemy): Could you talk about the verse "sin unto death" - is it blasphemy? [I John 5:16].
2022-11-14 "Kingdom Charts" from Your Lecture Series: You mention a chart in the lectures series called "When Shall These Things Be." Where do I find those charts? See
After Death for an Unbeliever: What happens after death for the unbeliever? [Luke 16:19].
The Resurrection and the New Body: Is God just going to raise and renew the old or decaying body in the resurrection from whatever condition our bodies are in at that time?
2022-11-08 "Burying the Dead" & Funerals: What did Jesus mean when He said, "let the dead bury the dead?" How does that apply to going to funerals?[Matthew 8:22].
2022-11-03 Cremation: Is it biblically acceptable to be cremated? [I Corinthians 3:17].
2022-10-14 Adam & Eve's Concept of Death: Since there was no death until after the fall, what did Adam and Eve think when they were told that they would die?
2022-09-21 The Rapture of the Dead: Is the "dead" in I Timothy 5 and in I Thessalonians 4, the same application relative to the rapture? [Matthew 24, I Timothy 5:6, I Thessalonians 4:14-16, I Corinthians 15].
2022-08-31 Great White Throne Judgment: Where does the "Great White Throne Judgment" fit in realtive to when a believer dies? [Revelation 20:11].
Why Bodies in the Resurrection?: What is the point of bodies being reunited with our spirits in the resurrection? [Revelation 22:3].
After Death & Before Judgment: So will there be a bad time of judgment after we have already been in heaven, at the end of the world?
2022-08-29 Facing Fear & Persecution: Is scripture indicating that damnation awaits, those that simply fear social ostracism, not just those of us who may fear facing physical torture or death at the hand of persecutors? [Proverbs 22:3, Proverbs 27:12, Revelation 12:11, Galatians 1:10, Luke 17:33, Matthew 16:25, Hebrews 2:14-15, Matthew 10:29, Acts 21:13, Philippians 1:12-26, Revelation 2:11, Revelation 21:8].
2022-08-18 Seeing Heaven & Near-Death Experiences: What do you think about "near-death" experiences? (A lot of nolse in the background of call.)
2022-08-04 "Deny Yourself": What does it mean to "deny yourself and take up your cross?" [Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24-26, I Timothy 6:17, James 1:17].
Death & God's Will: Does God make the decision when we will die? [Pslam 34:7, Luke 21:18].
2022-08-01 Afterlife of the Saved and Unsaved: Do the unsaved get damned for eternity or burn up, and do the saved live on the earth for eternity? Recommends his book and/or lectures on Hell. [John 3:16].
2022-07-18 Not Accepted into Heaven or Hell: What if we were accepted in neither heaven or hell?
Praying for the Dead: If someone has already died, is there any point in praying for them then? [Acts 10, I John 5:16].
2022-07-06 Upon Death: Do we go directly to heaven when we die? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:21-23, I Corinthians 15].
2022-07-06 Paranoia about all the Shootings: What is the best way to process my fear about all the shootings in the news? [Matthew 10:29-31, Psalm 34:7].
In the Presence of the Lord: What will it be like when we are in the presence of the Lord?
2022-06-28 Unbelievers After Death: Please explain God's plan for unbelievers after death?
Natural Immortality: Have you said that we don't automatically have immortal souls? [I John 5:10-12, I Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:7].
2022-06-28 Death of Animals Before Adam's Sin: Does the "young earth" view require that there was no death before Adam's disobedience-even of animals? [I Corinthians 15:21, Romans 5:12].
2022-06-27 Cremation: What do you think about cremation?
2022-06-15 Chronology of Events Upon Death: What is the chain of events upon death for both believers and unbelievers? [Luke 16:19, Ecclesiates 9:10, Psalm 146:4, James 2:26, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2022-06-03 Christians Go to Heaven Upon Death: Does a Christian go to heaven when they die? [John 5:24, 2 Corinthians 5:1-8, Philippians 1:21-23, I Thessalonians 4:15]
Intermedate State Under an Altar: What do you think about a denomination teaching that upon death believers go to a place under an altar unti later? [Revelation 6:9],
Thief on the Cross: Did the thief on the cross go to paradise? [Luke 23:43].
2022-06-03 Christians Go to Heaven Upon Death: Does a Christian go to heaven when they die? [John 5:24, 2 Corinthians 5:1-8, Philippians 1:21-23, I Thessalonians 4:15]
Intermedate State Under an Altar: What do you think about a denomination teaching that upon death believers go to a place under an altar unti later? [Revelation 6:9],
Thief on the Cross: Did the thief on the cross go to paradise? [Luke 23:43].
2022-05-17 The Raptured Will Miss Out on Heaven: Those people who do not die before Jesus comes, won't get to see heaven, right? Is it not an advantage to die before, so we can see heaven?
Are the Wicked Raptured?: Steve corrects caller in his assumption that the wicked will be caught up in the rapture. [Matthew 24:40-42, Luke 17:34].
2022-04-29 Upon Death-Physical vs Spiritual: Could you clarify how upon death, some bodies become spiritual and some physical? [Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 3:21].
2022-04-26 Biblical View of Suicide: What is the biblical view of suicide and the consequencess of it? [2 Corinthians 5:10, I Peter 1:2, Revelation 20:12, I Corinthians 6:19-20, John 15:13].
Suicide-The Unforgiveable Sin: Is suicide the unforgiveable sin?
2022-04-25 The Narrow Path Theme Song: What is the whistling tune at the beginning of your show (title and artist)?
Cremation: What do you think about cremation, particularly in light of a friend who converted to Judaism?
2022-04-05 Atheist Caller: Death Penalty Due to Seven Deadly Sins: Atheist: Would you talk about the "seven deadly sins" and the penalty of death due to sin?
Atheist Caller: Righteousness Required for Heaven: Atheist: If we are not as righteous as God, then doesn't the Bible say we cannot inherit the Kingdom of God? No one can be righteous, so doyou know anyone who will be in heaven.
2022-03-29 Soul & Spirit (Soul Sleep): How can the soul and spirit be separate? [2 Corinthians 12:2, 2 Corinthians 5:8, I Corinthians 15:53-55, Matthew 10:28, Philippians 1:23, I Thessalonians 4:14-16, 2 Corinthians 5:1].
2022-03-29 Upon Death: Do we go straight to Jesus when we die, and are judged?
2022-03-28 Intermediate State of Believers: What is the current state of those believers who have passed away? [2 Corinthians 5:8, I Thessalonians 4].
Transported to Heaven: Do you think that the transport to heaven is instantaeous or do they travel there? Could ghosts be the unbelievers that don't go instanteously?
The Television Show "The Chosen": What do you think of the show "The Chosen"?
2022-03-28 Intermediate State of Believers: What is the current state of those believers who have passed away? [2 Corinthians 5:8, I Thessalonians 4].
Transported to Heaven: Do you think that the transport to heaven is instantaeous or do they travel there? Could ghosts be the unbelievers that don't go instanteously?
The Television Show "The Chosen": What do you think of the show "The Chosen"?
2022-03-03 Heaven Now, Rapture & Resurrection Later: If we go to heaven when we die, how is it that we will be raised later, as in I Thessalonians? [John 5, 2 Cor 5, James 2:26, I Thessalonians 4:16-17],
The Lost in Hell Now: Are those that are not right with the Lord that have died in hell already? [Luke 16, Revelation 20].
2022-03-01 Death is Penalty for Sin: In light of scripture, when we die, do we not pay for our sin ourselves?
2022-02-25 Conceived or Dying "In Sin": Is there any connection between when David said, "I was conceived in sin" and the fact that we all die in sin? [Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 27:10].
God Using Evil Nations to Judge: Does God use evil nations to judge disobedient nations? [Habakkuk 1-2].
2022-02-25 The Law, Sin, Death: Would you explain Romans 5:14 about "death and sin reigned" [Romans 5:14].
2022-02-16 Near-Death Experiences: Do you believe that "near-death experiences" are real and have you heard of Ian McCormick? [Hebrews 9:27, I Corinthians 15:51, I Thessalonians 4:17].
2022-02-09 Unwillingness to Die for Christ: Could you advise me regarding my unwillingness to put my life on the line for Christ?
2022-02-04 Tree of Life: Why didn't God let Adam & Eve eat from the "Tree of Life" if He killed the animals to cover their sin? [Genesis 3, I Timothy 6:16].
2022-01-31 Immediately After Death: Do you go right to heaven when you die? What about those that go to hell? [John 5:28-29].
Spirits Remaining After Death: Is it possible that one's spirit could remain in a house after they die?
2022-01-31 Mentally Ill to Heaven: Would my beloved's mental illness impair her going to heaven?
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