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Topic: Death (Dead)

Showing 101 to 150 of 543.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-01-31 Heaven or Sleep After Death?: Do we go to heaven when we die, or do we just sleep? [2 Corinthians 5:8, I Corinthians 15:51, I Thessalonians 4:14, Ecclesiastes 12:7, Philippians 1:23, John 11:11-14, Mark 5:39].
Resurrection of the Dead: Regarding those that rise to meet the Lord, are they not dead? [2 Corinthians 12:2].
2022-01-19 Intermediate State: What do we know about the intermediate state? [I Thessalonians 4:14, Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8, 2 Corinthians 12:21].
2022-01-12 Fear of Death for the Believer: How might the Christian church today, remove the fear of death? [Hebrews 2:14-15, Job 2:4, Matthew 16:25, Luke 9:24].
2021-12-07 Whose Initiative is it-God or Us?: Do you believe that the first step in conversion and regeneration is our initiative toward faith, or it it God working in us first? [Ephesians 2:1, Acts 2:37-39, Acts 7:54].
Dead in Trespasses and Sin: When scripture says "we were dead in trespasses and sins," do you think we are not really unable to do anything? Recommended topical lecture; "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation." [Ephesians 2:1, Romans 9, Psalm 10:17, Proverbs 16:1].
2021-11-10 Date of Our Death: Does God know when we are going to die? [Job 14:5, Revelation 11, Matthew 10:29, Philippians 1:23].
2021-11-04 The Death Penalty: What should our stance be on the death penalty? [Matthew 25:25, Genesis 9:6].
2021-10-26 Sin Unto Death: What is the "sin that leads unto death"? [I John 5:16].
2021-10-20 "Soul Sleep" - Not in Heaven Immediately: Are we asleep when we die until we are resurrected, not going to heaven immediately (Doug Bachelor)? [I Samuel 28, Revelation 16:14, James 2:26, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 12:3, I Thessalonians 4:13-18,I Corinthians 15:51-53].
2021-10-01 Physical or Spiritual Promised Death in the Garden: What did it mean when Adam and Eve were told that they would die if they ate of the tree? Was it a spiritual or physical death? [Genesis 1:7].
2021-09-16 Jewish View of the Afterlife: What did the Jews believe about the afterlife and heaven?
2021-09-10 Soul Sleep or in the Presence of Christ Upon Death: Upon death does one lie dormant in the grace or am I instantly in the presence of Christ? [Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2021-09-10 Cremation & Donations of Body Parts: Is it biblical to be cremated or donate your body parts to science?
2021-08-24 God Appointing the Time of our Death: Does the Bible tell us the exact time we will die? [Matthew 10:29]
2021-08-24 Cremation: What do you think about cremation? Does the Bible say anything about it?
Christianity Alone has Witnesses: Is it true that Christianity is the only faith that actually has witnesses?
2021-08-13 Wishing They Could Die: Could you talk about the scripture that talks about people wishing they could die, but can't? [Revelation 9:6].
2021-08-04 Soul Sleep & Purgatory: Upon death, do people remain conscious or do they sleep (in light of the Catholic view of purgatory)? Ref: "Not by Faith Alone by Sungenis [2 Corinthians 5:8, Jude 1:7, Matthew 18:34].
2021-08-03 Adam & Eve's Knowledge of Death: How did Eve know what death was?
Cain & Abel's Resurrection: Will Abel raise with the rest of us at the resurrection? And Cain to condemnation? [John 5:28-29].
Sleep Until the Resurrection: Do we sleep until the resurrection?
2021-07-30 Millennial Kingdom: What is Isaiah 65 talking about and why is it so often applied to the Millennium Kingdom? [Isaiah 65:17, Romans 14:17, Colossians 1:13, Luke 17:20-21, John 5:24, I John 3:14].
Amillennial View of Isaiah 65: How does "the child shall die an hundred years old" fit into amillennial view? [Isaiah 65:20].
Millennium without the Pre-trib Rapture: Is there a view that leads to a millennium without a pre-trib rapture? (Historic Premillennialism)
2021-07-29 Can Those in Heaven See Us?: Can the departed see us? [Hebrews 12:1].
Ghosts: Are ghosts real? Or are they demons just masquerade as such?
Communication with the Dead: Can anyone communicate with the dead?
2021-07-23 Visiting a Graveside: Is there scripture regarding frequently visiting someone at the cemetery?
2021-07-19 Assisted Suicide (Medical Interventions): Would you comment on "assisted suicide" and medical interventions?
2021-07-16 Old Testament View of Afterlife: What were the thoughts of the Israelites regarding what happens after death?
Jesus Preaching to Imprisoned Spirits-I Peter 3:19 What does this passage about Jesus preaching to the imprisoned spirits mean? [I Peter 3:19].
2021-07-16 Death Sentence of Mephibosheth in 2 Samuel: Could you help me understand the deaths surrounding the sentence on Mephibosheth? [2 Samuel 2:7-8].
2021-06-18 Dying to Sin, Continuing to Sin, so Grace Abounds: How do I interpret this Romans verse about dying to sin, and continuing to sin, so grace abounds, and to whom is he speaking? [Romans 6:2, Romans 6:3-4, Romans 5:20-21].
2021-06-15 Suicide of an Unsaved Loved One (Addict): What do you say to someone who has lost an unsaved loved one-in this case, an addict's suicide? [Luke 12:47].
2021-06-01 Caller Shares His Grief: Caller shares his grief over the loss of friends in a recent shooting.
2021-05-05 Events That Follow Death: How can we know what is going to happen to us after death, since there are some seemingly contradictory verses about it? [John 5:24, Ecclesiastes 9:5, Daniel 12:2].
2021-04-15 Sequence of Events Upon Death: Is this the sequence of events when we die; our spirits go to heaven, then when the new earth is created, our spirits join our new bodies in the resurrection?
Satan Before or After Adam & Eve: Was Satan cast down on earth before or after Adam and Eve were created?
Satan Entering the Serpent in Eden: Did Satan enter the serpent, or how did it happen?
2021-04-13 Spiritual Death: Could you help me sort out the full meaning of "spiritual death"? [Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:13-14, Hebrews 11:12-14, Romans 4:19, Genesis 2:17].
2021-04-13 Animals Had to Die as Substitute: Do you think that the animals took a substitutionary role when Adam and Eve sinned? [Exodus 24:14].
2021-04-08 Suffering the Loss of a Child: One of our friends has lost a child. Do you think that the Lord allows suffering to work in us to purify us? How does one view this and get through it? [Psalm 91, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18].
2021-03-23 Loved Ones Looking Down from Heaven: Do you think that our dead loved ones are looking down upon us from heaven?
2021-03-22 Dead in Sin (Calvinism): I don't agree with R.C. Sproul's characterization of how one is saved, and that man is completely dead until the savor saves him, and has nothing to do with it? [Ephesians 2, Colossians 2, John 20:31].
2021-03-19 Recommended Bible Translations: What Bible Translation do you recommend?(New King James, New American Standard, English Standard Version].
The Time of One's Death: Will we die at our "appointed time" or is it possible to "die before your time"?
2021-03-17 Christians Who Commit Suicide: Do Christians who commit suicide, go to heaven?
2021-03-16 The Timing of the Coming of the Kingdom of God: Could you clarify your understanding of Luke 21 and the timing of the coming of the kingdom referred to there? [Luke 21:30-34].
The Sin That Leads Unto Death: What is the sin that leads "unto death"? [I John 5:16-17].
2021-03-15 Where Do We God Upon Death?: Where do the believers go upon death? [Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8]
2021-03-11 Repentance After Death: Did I hear you say that one can repent in heaven after they die? Is there any scripture to support that idea? [James 3:2}.
2021-02-24 Sinning Unto Death & the Unpardonable Sin: Would you talk about the "unpardonable sin" and the "sin, not unto death"? [I John 5:15-16].
2021-02-17 Historic Premillennial View of the Resurrection In light of the Historic Premillennial view of the resurrection, how do you see them "coming back to life again" in Revelation 20? [Revelation 20:4, John 5: 28-29, I Corinthians 15:51-52, I Thessalonians 4:16-17].
Righteous & Unrighteous Resurrected Together: Is there any place in scripture where the righteous and unrighteous are specifically raised together, in contrast to there being two resurrections? [John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15].
Two Deaths & Two Resurrections: What do you think about the fact that there seems to be two deaths and two resurrections in scripture? [Revelation 20:5-6, Revelation 20:15].
2021-02-11 Right After Death: What happens right after we die? [I Thessalonians 4:14, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2021-02-02 Amillennial View -Ruling with a "Rod of Iron": Can you help me grasp the Amillennial view of the church ruling with a "rod of iron" now? [Psalm 2:29, Revelation 12:5, Revelation 2:27].
Amillennial Christians Putting Others to Death: Do you think that some of the Christians who burned the others at the stake justified it by holding to an Amillennial view?
2021-01-29 Euthanasia: What do you think of euthanasia for those that don't want to suffer an agonizing death? Do they go to hell?
Medical Intervention: Are we just circumventing God's will when we try to medically save ourselves with various medical interventions?
2021-01-28 Innocents Who Cannot Earn Rewards: What about innocents who never have a chance to earn rewards in heaven because they died too young?
2021-01-26 Adam & Eve's Death: Could you clear up whether Adam & Eve died spiritually or physically, on the day they ate of the tree? [Ephesians2:1-2, Colossians 2, Genesis 2:17, Romans 5:12].
2021-01-18 What Happens After Death: Could you help me understand more about our deaths, the judgment, and our resurrection? What happens to both believers and unbelievers? [Revelation 6:11, Revelation 20:4, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:12-15].
2021-01-18 The Glory Experienced in Near-death Experiences: In view of the fact the glory to come has not yet been revealed, what do you think about the many reports of near-death experiences? [Romans 8:18, I Peter 5:10, I Peter 4:13-14, 2 Corinthians 3:18, I John 3:2-3, Colossians 3:4, I Corinthians 15:43, Revelation 20-21].
2021-01-13 Cremation: Can you still go to heaven if you are cremated?
2020-12-18 Adam & Eve's Awareness of Death: How did Adam & Eve understand "death" if there had not yet been death?
Pharmakeia & The Vaccine: Is the vaccine basically what the Bible refers to as "pharmakeia"? [Revelation 9:21].
2020-11-11 Angry About Sickness & Pain: At what point is my anger about my sickness and pain sin? [Job 1:21, 2 Corinthians 12:9].
Praying for Death: Since I am in chronic pain, is it wrong to pray for my own early death, or can I neglect it and hope for death? [I Corinthians 3:16, I Corinthians 5:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16, I Peter 4:19, I Peter 5:10, 2 Corinthians 12:9, 2 Corinthians 4:16].
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