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Topic: Death (Dead)

Showing 251 to 300 of 543.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-11-16 Cremation: Is cremation acceptable after you die?
2018-11-13 Intermediate State between Death & Glory: What happens after you die?
2018-11-07 Suicide: What happens to a Christian believer or a non-Christian believer when they commit suicide?
2018-11-06 Unbelievers after Death: What is the state of unbelievers after they die? [Luke 15:11-32]
2018-11-06 Rich Man & Lazarus Parable: Isn't the story of the Rich Man & Lazarus literal since it has real names in it?
Jonah going to Hell: The Jonah & Whale story, doesn't it say that Jonah's soul went to hell?
2018-11-01 Praying to the Saints: Is it biblical to pray to the saints?
2018-09-19 Unbelievers in Heaven after Death: Do Believers & UNbelievers go to heaven to wait until the judgment?
2018-09-14 Dead Loved Ones: Is it possible our dead loved ones are speaking to us in dreams?
2018-09-07 Sacred Place for Burial: What is your view on having a sacred place for the dead? Cremation is acceptable?
2018-08-31 70 Weeks in Daniel: Prophecy of the 70 weeks in Daniel 9, 70 x 7=490 years, rebuilding of the temple & dating from the decrees. Cyrus decree started off the 70 weeks?
Annual Memorials: Annual memorials from when people die, is this ok?
2018-08-27 Animals in Heaven: Do animal souls go to heaven?
Second Chance after Death: Is there another chance to be saved after physical death? [Hebrews 9:27] 1064
AA Celebrate Recovery: What about 12-step programs?
2018-08-21 Jews Belief about the Afterlife: What did the Jews believe re: what happens to you after you die?
2018-08-17 Familiar Spirits: My husband just recently died, & I've been experiencing all kinds of weird things happening, & I've been told they are familiar spirits, so can you help me?
2018-08-08 Dead in Christ Resurrection: Why do the people who are in Heaven have to be resurrected? [1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians 4]
2018-08-01 Death but Rapture: What happens upon death? How does 1 Thessalonians 4:13 work with meeting Him in the air? If we die, do we come back down with Him from Heaven?
2018-08-01 Seventh Day Adventist & Soul Sleep: Seventh Day Adventists say that we are going to be asleep until the resurrection or the 2nd coming of Christ. going to be in heaven forever?
Heaven for Eternity: Are we going to be in Heaven for eternity?
2018-08-01 The Dimension of Time: How did time begin & what is experienced in time once someone dies?
2018-07-31 Death: What happens after we die? What happens to our bodies? Our Souls or Spirits?
2018-07-23 End of Life Ministry: I'm working with people who are in their last days, but i'm wondering some firm Scripture I can give people are on their deathbed.
2018-07-16 Purgatory: Is purgatory biblical? I can't find it anywhere in the Bible.
2018-07-09 Cremation: Is cremation okay or do we need our bodies for God to raise us?
2018-07-02 Bittersweet Announcement: Dan Springmeyer, who orchestrated the Sabbath Debate w/ Doug Batchelor, died the day before.
2018-07-02 Burial as opposed to Cremation: Is there something wrong with cremation as opposed to burial?
2018-06-27 Body after Death: Does the body have value after death?
Michael the Archangel & Moses Body: Why the dispute w/ Michael the archangel w/ the devil over moses body? [Jude 9]
Satan Influencing Dreams: Can the devil influence our dreams?
2018-06-13 Revelation Written to Angels: Is there any chance the Book of Revelation was ALSO written to angels (since they can't die)? [Revelation 9:6]
Revelation referring to Suicide: Does this have anything to do with suicide? People attempting to & not able to? [Revelation 9:6]
Death Fleeing: Do Angels actually see death fleeing from people? [Revelation 9:6]
2018-06-13 Revelation Written to Angels: Is there any chance the Book of Revelation was ALSO written to angels (since they can't die)? [Revelation 9:6]
Revelation referring to Suicide: Does this have anything to do with suicide? People attempting to & not able to? [Revelation 9:6]
Death Fleeing: Do Angels actually see death fleeing from people? [Revelation 9:6]
2018-05-10 The Worm Never Dies: You said that you don't believe in eternal torment, but what about the worm that never dies? Smoke of their torment ascendeth up for & for ever [Revelation 14:11, Isaiah 66:24, Mark 9:44,48]
2018-05-10 Mormonism - Baptism for the Dead: Is there anything in the Bible resembling baptism for dead like the Mormon church teaches? [1 Corinthians 15:29]
Mormonism & A New Name: What about getting new names when married in the Mormon Church? [Revelation 2:17, Revelation 3:12]
2018-05-09 Death: What happens to a Christian directly after they die? Does the Unbeliever go directly to hell? Does the Christian go directly to Heaven?
2018-05-09 Death Angel: Why was the death angel sent to Israel?
2018-05-09 Once to Die: What does it mean, "once to die & after this, judgment"? Can you explain this? [Hebrews 9:27]
2018-05-03 Cremation: Is Cremation acceptable?
2018-05-01 Cremation: Is cremation acceptable?
2018-04-25 Physical Death or Spiritual Death: Which is worse, dying physically or dying spiritually?
2018-04-23 Calamity: My girlfriend's 2 year old cousin just drowned & how do we not view this as a punishment instead of a blessing?
2018-04-23 People Dying before their time: God doesn't like it when people die before their time. What's your take on that? [Ezekiel 13:18-20]
2018-04-20 Cremation: Is it wrong to be cremated?
Heaven for Pets: Are pets going to be in heaven or is there a heaven for pets?
2018-04-10 Wicked & Righteous after Death: What happens to the people both the righteous & the wicked after they die? Are the wicked really being tormented? Are Christian in the presence of the Lord immediately?
2018-03-23 Heaven or New Earth: Are we going to go to heaven or are we going to be on this earth?
2018-03-21 Soul Sleep: So is it soul sleep when you die?
2018-03-15 Dying in Sin: if someone dies in sin, are they still a Christian, are they still saved?
2018-03-14 Cremation: Is cremation acceptable?
2018-03-13 Paradise & life after Death: What & where is paradise? Where do we go as soon as we die?
2018-03-07 Jesus' payment for our Sins: Wouldn't Jesus have to have been annihilated to truly pay for our sins?
2018-02-23 Cremation: Does it say anywhere in the Bible that we are not to get cremated?
2018-02-21 State of the Dead: What is your personal view of the state of the dead?
2018-02-09 Death: How does the caller die properly?
2018-02-09 Hospice Care & Pain Medication: What is a Christian perspective on hospice care and pain medication?
2018-02-09 Consciousness when Absent from the Body: Is your understanding that when someone dies they are conscious? Discussion of body that decomposes getting resurrected.
2018-02-08 Sin that Leads to Death: What is Steve's commentary on sin that leads to death? [1 John 5:16-17]
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