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Topic: Death (Dead)

Showing 351 to 400 of 543.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-03-16 Cremation: Is there something wrong with getting cremated over buried?
Tattoos: Are Tattoos okay?
2017-03-13 Thief on the Cross: Did Jesus & the thief on the cross go to heaven the very day they died?
Jesus' Reconciliation with God: Was Jesus reconciled w/ God at His death or at the resurrection? [Romans 4:23-25, Galatians 3:14-15]
2017-03-07 Our Days being Numbered: Can you tell me some verses about God knowing how many days exactly we have? [Psalms 139:16]
Aborted Babies: What about babies who are aborted?
2017-03-07 Our Days being Numbered: Can you tell me some verses about God knowing how many days exactly we have? [Psalms 139:16]
Aborted Babies: What about babies who are aborted?
2017-02-27 Adam & Eve: what happened to Adam & Eve? Did they repent?
Soul & Spirit & Death: What's the difference between the soul & the spirit? What happens after you die?
Mormonism: What do you think of Mormons?
2017-02-24 Status upon Death: Are heard if you die you go to heaven but I thought I heard someone mainstream said that we DON't go to heaven, which is it?
2017-02-23 God hearing the Prayers of a Sinner: Does God hear the prayers of sinners? What about someone living in sin?
Suicide: Is suicide a sin?
2017-02-17 Purgatory: I used to believe in purgatory, but don't anymore, so I'm curious to know what REALLY happens to you when you die?
2017-02-02 Ananias' & Sapphira's Judgment: That was too harsh judgment for Ananias & Sapphira just for not giving all their proceeds from their property, don't you think? [Acts 5:1-11]
2017-01-19 Death having no power over resurrected saints in the 1000 years: What's this talking about when it talks about the 1000 year reign millennium? [Revelation 20:4-6]
2017-01-16 Becoming Angels when we die: Do children who die become angels? Where do we go after we die? (technically this call was asked by a kid, so put it in the questions asked by kids topic.)
2017-01-12 Grief Lectures: Where are your "grief" lectures?
2017-01-05 Jesus' Resurrection: Why did Jesus have to be resurrected? To conquer both spiritual & physical death?
Jews & Isaiah 53: If Jews don't believe that Jesus was Messiah, how do they interpret scriptures like Isaiah 53? [Isaiah 53]
Saved by Animal Sacrifice in the OT: Were the Jews saved by Animal Sacrifice in the Old Testament?
2017-01-05 Spiritual Maturity at Death: When a believer dies, have they reached their full maturity/perfection that God wants them to be at? [John 15:2] Incomplete(?)
2016-12-15 Adam & Eve: How come they didn't die the day they ate the fruit like it says in the Bible? [Genesis 2:17]
Books of the Bible: Why are some more included in some Bibles?
Garden of Eden: Was the Garden of Eden here on earth?
2016-12-13 Cremation: What does Steve think about cremation?
2016-12-13 Jesse Duplantis: Does Steve know anything about him, God has power to take human life, but doesn't have the authority to take them.
2016-12-07 Cain's wife: Where did Cain & Abel get their wives?
Death - Presence of God or Soul Sleep: Caller doesn't think it makes sense that we go to heaven after we die since we are going to be resurrected when Jesus comes back?
2016-11-17 Dead to sin: What does it mean to be dead to sin? What does it mean to be dead to the law? [romans 6;2, 7:4]
2016-11-17 Dead Loved Ones: Are our dead loved ones looking down on us from heaven?
2016-11-15 Suicide: If a person who commits suicide & they were a Christian, do they still have the possibility of being saved or not?
2016-11-03 Cremation: Is it wrong to cremate? (Caller's audio is very poor.)
2016-10-25 Cremation: Is there any Biblical prohibition from being cremated? Does Steve have any plans of being cremated?
2016-10-19 Never Die: Can Steve explain this passage of Scripture in John about never dying? [John 11:25-26]?
2016-09-30 Noah: Why didn't God just strike everybody down & spare the animals? [Genesis 6]
Pharaoh & the Plagues: Why did God kill the first born of all the families when they had little to do why the Jews weren't able to leave?
2016-09-29 Grieving Loss: If all things are possible, then why do you still lose your loved ones [Matthew 9:16]
2016-09-29 Cremation: Is there anything in the Bible that says we shouldn't get cremated? Is it still possible to be resurrected?
2016-09-19 Michael the Archangel & Satan Disputing: Is it POSSIBLE that instead of disputing over Moses specifically they are disputing over Israel? [Jude 9, 1 Corinthians 10:2]
Sin Unto Death: What does this verse mean, "sinning unto death"? [1 John 5:16]
2016-09-13 Eternal Security & Life: Is it okay for a Christian to die once they have the Holy Spirit & Christ?
2016-09-06 Allocation of Medical Eesources: So what do you think about spending more in the last month than your entire life in medical expense to stay alive? Is there something better i should spend my money on?
2016-09-02 All of Us Killed Christ: Did we really ultimately kill Christ ourselves because of our sins?
2016-09-01 7 Years of Tribulation: Where do the Dispensationalists get the idea about a 7-year tribulation?
Cremation: What are your thoughts on cremation?
2016-08-31 Lost meaning Dead: Lost vs found, dead vs alive, Prodigal son. [Matthew 15:24, Luke 15:11-32]
2016-08-24 Going to Funerals of Groups of Bad Theology: What do you think about attending funerals of a person who was a Catholic or a Jehovah's Witness who don't teach all that good of theology?
2016-08-22 Examing Yourself When Taking Communion: WHat does Paul mean by "examining oneself" when taking communion? Is he talking about secret sin? [1 Corinthians 11;27-30]
2016-08-05 Present with the Lord: Resurrection of bodies on the last day, spirit’s resurrection? [James 2:26, 2 Corinthians 5, Philippians 1:21-23]
2016-07-14 Soul That Sinneth, It Shall Die: The soul that sinneth, it shall die, Eccles 9:5, the dead know not anything. [Ezekiel 18:4 & 28, Ecclesiastes 9:5]
2016-07-05 Immediately in the Presence of the Lord or Asleep: When we die, do we go immediately to be w/ the Lord or are we asleep until He returns?
2016-06-27 Death's Sting different for Believers & Non-Believers: Dying, Christian’s cross over different from non-Christians? Is the sting different? [1 Corinthians 15:56]
2016-06-21 Hanging on a Tree: Criminals had to hang on a tree, so what is the significance of it since Jesus had to hang on a tree, being cursed? [Galatians 3:13]
2016-06-20 Traditional View of Hell: If the Traditional View of Hell is plausible then how Jesus isn't being tortured in hell for eternity since He was paying for our sins?
2016-06-15 Number of People God Killed in the Bible: There's an atheist website about how many people God killed in the Bible. Can you shed some light on this propaganda?
2016-06-09 Spiritual Death Discussion: On a recent program a little while back you said, "the result of sin is death, not hell", can you explain what "death" is?
2016-06-06 Being Born: If babies go to heaven, why be born or live at all?
2016-05-30 Wages of Sin: If the wages of sin is death how could Christ pay for all sin after only being dead for 3 days? [Romans 6:23]
2016-05-24 Christians during these Perilous Times: What should we be doing as believers now in these perilous times?
2016-05-24 Christians being in Troubled Times: What should we be doing in these perilous times? Should we be fleeing or stand? Death End Times Last Days Persecution Suffering Tribulation
2016-05-13 Determining Death: Who has the authority to determine when we die? [Matthew 10:29-31]
2016-05-06 Our Days are Numbered Exactly: It says in these 2 verses of the Bible that God control's the number of days that we should live. Do you take these verses literally? [Job 14:5, Psalms 139:16]
2016-05-06 Lengthing our Days: God knows the number of days we are going to be alive, & we can possibly shorten them by our own actions, but what about lengthing them, like when He told Solomon he would or when Hezekiah got 15 years added? [1 Kings 3:14, 2 Kings 20:6]
Satan a Murderer from the Beginning: How was Satan a murderer from the beginning exactly? [John 8:44]
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