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Topic: Calvinism (Calvin)

Showing 451 to 500 of 604.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-06-06 Calvinism-Not Agreeing: What should our response be when Christians oppose our viewpoints?
2016-06-02 God changing His Mind: God changed His mind, & what do Calvinists say about that? [Amos 7]
2016-05-27 Atonement What exactly did Atonement accomplish? What do calvinists believe about it?
Golden Chain of Redemption: Golden chain of redemption, could it be the forefathers, the people of the Old Testament? [Romans 8]
2016-05-04 Sovereignty of God & Ordained: A long discussion about God's sovereignty & talking about God ordaining everything or not, & caller cites a few quotes from R.C. Sproul & the Westminister Confession of Faith.
2016-04-20 Being Tortured by Scripture: calvinism seems to be "tortured" by the gospel involving the stages of conversion.
2016-04-18 Calvinism: Michael the Buddhist is wondering about Calvinism & God's sovereignty, micro vs macro managing people's affairs after listening to R.C Sproul.
2016-04-04 Transfer of Wealth: Caller has been learning about something called, "End times transfer of wealth". Has Steve ever heard of it? [Proverbs 13:22, Proverbs 28:8]
Learning about Christ from Deuteronomy: I was talking to a Calvinist the other day & he said a bizarre statement that, "everything I learned about following Christ, I learned in Deuteronomy", Can this be true?
2016-04-01 Anti-Calvinism Material: Do you have any anti-Calvinism resources that are against the idea of Calvinism? (Lecture Series called, "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation", under Topical Lectures, at the website, (Steve said the caller could e-mail him & get the notes for those lectures, but now all you have to do is go to to find those.)a
2016-03-17 Calvinism-Total Depravity: According to these verses, aren't we too depraved to seek God unless He seeks us out first? [Jeremiah 17:9, John 6:65]
2016-03-15 Predestination & Faith, Apostles & Church: Caller thinks that "Calvinism" applies to the apostles, that they were predestined, given irresistible grace, & so on, but we the people of the church, it IS by Faith. What does Steve think of the idea? [Ephesians 1:13, 1 Peter 1:3-5, 2 Peter 1:4, Ephesians 1:3, 2 Peter 1:3]
2016-03-15 The Deep Things of God: Does 1 Corinthians 2 talk about salvation, being saved, rather than unity, a Calvinist issue? [1 Corinthians 2:10]
2016-03-11 Heresy: What is heresy, & can you give me an example of it in church history? Are elements of Calvinism heresy?
2016-03-03 Calvinism: I have some friends that believe in Unconditional Election yet also believe in Free will. What do you think? Isn't that sort've a contradiction.
2016-02-25 Church Wants Its Members to Comply with New Theology: my church was arminianism for over 35 yrs but have switched over to a more Calvinistic approach & they are passing out membership cards you have to sign that says you will submit to how the elders interpret the Bible
2016-02-19 Calvary Chapel: Have you ever heard of Mark Knudsen or Terry McNabb who belong to the Calvary Chapel?
Calvary Chapel & Calvinism: How long did it take you to get out of the Calvary Church & Calvinism? (the Church doesn't subscribe to Calvinism but Dispensationalism.)
Churches that do believe in Calvinism: What are some churches that DO believe in Calvinism?
2016-02-19 Calvary Chapel: Have you ever heard of Mark Knudsen or Terry McNabb who belong to the Calvary Chapel?
Calvary Chapel & Calvinism: How long did it take you to get out of the Calvary Church & Calvinism? (the Church doesn't subscribe to Calvinism but Dispensationalism.)
Churches that do believe in Calvinism: What are some churches that DO believe in Calvinism?
2016-02-12 God Creating Evil: Did God create evil?
Calvinism-Predestination: Can you talk about Predestination?
2016-02-04 Greg Boyd: Are you familiar with Greg Boyd on open theism? Have you his book about the Sovereignty of God & our free will, called, "Is God to Blame?"?
2016-01-26 Calvinism & Total Depravity: Can you please explain the point of Calvinism about total depravity, what exactly that means, & how it differentiates from what you believe?
2016-01-13 Calvinism: Can you go over some of the key proof texts they like to use? [John 6, Romans 9, Romans 8:29-30, Romans 3]
2015-12-15 Calvinism - "Neither can they be" (total depravity): How can you refute what Calvinists say that if we are not regenerated you can respond to the gospel? [Romans 8:5-7]
2015-12-07 Chosen by God: Why should I ask for my husband to be saved if it's not necessarily God's will for him to be saved?
2015-10-29 Reformers, Calvinism & the Church Fathers: What was the reason for Reformation to get back to correct doctrine or get the church back from wherever the Catholic Church took it?
2015-10-27 Calvinism: God provided the red heifer & the ashes to get ceremonial clean, but THEY had to actually do something to get clean. Isn't that the right way to think of our salvation, that God does provide everything for us to be able to receive Him, but it's ultimately up to us? [Numbers 19:9,13,10,21; 31:23]
Two or three gathered together: Is this passage of Scripture taken out of context, most thnking that where 2 or 3 people are gathered together, Jesus is there, but isn't this actually talking about church discipline? [Matthew 18:20]
2015-10-12 Predestination & an Omnipotent, Omniscient God: How does God's Omniscience go because if He knew someone was going to go to Hell, why did He create him, because doesn't that make Him responsible for them going to hell?
2015-09-23 Calvinism - Predestination: So did God predestinate the king (Hezekiah) to live an extra 15 years, showing off all his valuables, my personal sins, the Flood, the demons laying w/ women, or did He just have foreknowledge of it? [2 Kings 20:1-6, Isaiah 38, Genesis 6]
2015-09-21 Calvinism: How can someone who is God-hating & dead in their sins choose Christ?
2015-09-14 Calvinism: Did God preordain people to be saved no matter what, sovereignty verses free will?
2015-08-26 Salvation Clear, but Complicated: Salvation is clear, what it takes to be saved, what the gospel is, but all this other stuff is so hard to understand, eschatology, Calvinism/Arminianism, whether we can drink alcohol or not.
2015-08-19 Calvinism: A Calvinist asked, "How can a non-Calvinsist be saved?"
2015-08-14 Arminianism vs Calvinism: Steve is not a Calvinist, but he also doesn't call himself an Arminianist but just a non-Calvinist. Is that true?
Total Depravity: A discussion about Total Depravity, Prevenient Grace [John 6:44]
2015-07-17 John Calvin: John Calvin persecuted Anabaptists, & while it's true Paul persecuted Christians, he hadn't been a Christian yet. Doesn't believing Christ change you from wanting you to do that?
Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage question: What if the spouse who was NOT guilty wanted to come back to them even after the other person had been married & had kids?
2015-05-28 "Called" & "Elect": Does "Called" & "Elect" mean you are not really saved until you do all the works in the Sermon on the Mount? [2 Peter 1:10]
ISIS & Islam in Prophecy: Where does ISIS & Islam fall into Prophecy, if anywhere?
2015-05-22 Molinism (Middle Knowledge), Calvinism, Arminianism: Dr. Michael Brown suggesting Calvinists are smug, did Steve hear about that? One major problem w/ all these systems is that God is not a theory, a philosophy, a system, but a real Person.
2015-05-21 Molinism: - (Middle Knowledge) Caller remembers Steve talking to someone about Molinism (Middle knowledge) & since Steve said he didn't know much about it, caller wanted to explain, like Steve said someone could if they wised.
2015-04-29 Elect & the Blinded: In Romans, who are the Elect & who are the ones that are Blinded? [Romans 11:5-8]
Condemnation of the Devil: In 1 Timothy, what does it mean, the condemnation of the Devil? [1 Timothy 3:5-6]
2015-04-27 Mother Teresa & Death Bed Conversions: Caller chimes in about Mother Teresa supposedly being critical of people trying to convert people who are on their deathbed.
Calvinism: Roger Olson & Michael L. Brown had a debate regarding Calvinism & Olson said that it'd prevent him from going to Brown's church if he were a pastor there.
2015-04-10 Substance Abuse, Homosexuality, Calvinism, their 5 points: Caller has had trouble w/ pot, alcohol, Homosexuality, & is becoming a Calvinist & would like Steve to explain the point about Total Depravity.
2015-04-02 Calvinism: We were enemies of God at one point? If Calvinists think God's always loved the elect & will always hate those who are not, how does this passage of Scripture work? [Romans 5:10]
2015-03-25 Calvinism: Does Calvinism make people hard-hearted? Does it have a deterministic aspect to it? Did it shape Fred Phelps character?
2015-03-05 Calvinism: Would it be unjust for God to make a group of people who had no possibility of salvation, & throw them in hell? Isn't that the same think as you saying that God just created the devil to be a tempter & then God punish him for it? Isn't that the exact same thing?
2015-02-26 Hiding the Gospel from People: So aren't the Calvinists right because it seems like God only wants certain people to know Him? [Luke 10:22b]
2015-02-24 Calvinism's Devotion to its Doctrines: Do Calvinists tend to be overly devoted to their particular doctrines because they feel like it presents a more powerful God? [Luke 17:10].
2015-02-24 Calvinism & Arminianism: What was the name of the lectures on the Narrow Path's Website about Calvinism & Arminianism?
2015-02-19 Calvinism vs Arminianism: What is the difference between Calvinism & Arminianism?
2015-02-13 Calvinism: You said that God wonders why people do bad instead of following Him, so, people can decide to do good or bad. What verses do you have that debunks Calvinism?
2015-02-12 Calvinism - Repenting: If someone has the power to repent & another doesn't, doesn't that mean you are a better person than them or taking glory in your repentance?
2015-02-10 Calvinism & Capitalism: Did Calvinism encourage a work ethnic to make sure they were part of "The Elect"? Could this be what prompted Capitalism in this country?
2015-02-10 A. W. Pink & Calvinism: What can you tell me about AW Pink? Was he a Cessationist, & was his book, "Sovereignty of God" strongly Calvinistic?
2015-02-06 Total Depravity - Regeneration: Lydia was a worshipper of God before God opened her heart to Paul's preaching, so what do Calvinists have to say about this regarding their doctrine of total depravity? [Acts 16:14]
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