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Topic: Calvinism (Calvin)

Showing 501 to 550 of 604.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-02-02 Calvinism - Election: Even though Paul was quoting from the Old Testament passages that were talking about nations, Paul was talking about individuals, wasn't he?
2015-01-23 Eternal Security: Once Saved, Always Saved, went to Calvinism for awhile, but has been learning in Revelation about overcoming, conquering, fighting the good fight.
2015-01-21 Book of Enoch similar to Narnia: Did Steve say the book of Enoch was similar to the Chronicles of Narnia? What was the motive of the writers quoting from it?
Calvinism: How do Calvinists determine who are of the elect or not?
2015-01-21 God's Foreknowledge: God knows the end from the beginning, but doesn't determine the outcome, & caller as a result of this call learns that she actually is an Arminianist.
2015-01-21 Tertullian & Lucifer being a Fallen Angel: Did Tertullian believe & come up with Lucifer Falling from Heaven?
Zeal, even if misguided, is good: Even though caller thinks Rusty, who's been calling in a lot lately regarding the perseverance of the saints, is wrong, but that at least he has enthusiasm for what he believes.
2015-01-19 Eternal Security: Caller absolutely believes in Eternal Security. (Healthy Discussion)
2015-01-05 Calvinist-Regeneration: How can a person who is dead in trespasses & sins repent to God, if God didn't call them?
2014-12-31 Calvinism, saving yourself, & boasting: I'm not a Calvinist, & i'd never think of boasting. Why do Calvinist think non-Calvinists would think that?
2014-12-24 The Wind Blows Where it Wishes: Do Calvinists like this verse? What are your thoughts about this verse? [John 3:8]
2014-12-18 Appointed to Stumble: I don't believe in Calvinism either, like you, but this verse seems to agree with their position, that people were appointed to stumble & be disobedient. [1 peter 2:8-9]
2014-12-16 Dead in Sins & Trespasses: Caller contends that only the act of God can make a sinner become alive & not spiritually dead in their trespasses, but Steve contends that ANYONE can repent & come to God & become alive. [Ephesians 2:1, Genesis 20, Luke 15:11-32]
2014-12-15 Build My Rock upon this Church: What did Jesus mean by, "I will build My Rock upon this Church"? [Matthew 16:17-19]
My Father has revealed this: Jesus told Peter he was blessed because the Father had revealed it to him that Jesus was the Son of God, so could a person who is a Calvin say things have to be revealed to you before you can believe or have faith? [Matthew 16:17]
2014-12-15 Calvinism: Did I hear you say that you are a Calvinist? Why do so many Christians become Calvinists?
2014-12-11 Steve Gregg's Understanding & Teaching: You have a good method of teaching, but in some things we are just going to have to agree to disagree, but hoping that you come around to the correct truth (state of the dead). You are very tough on people who hold Calvinism, but make a pass on what happens to you after death.
2014-12-08 Unregenerate Men: Does God command unregenerate men to do things they can not possibly do? I know it sounds like Pelagianism, but what is your take?
2014-12-08 Soul-Sleep: Being on a operating table, being under anesthesia, makes me think of soul go out & then you are suddenly being woke up!
The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer I enjoyed this book very much & see parallels of what you teach.
Put to death fleshly things: Isn't choosing to put away fleshly, carnal things a matter of an Act of Will, so doesn't that take away the idea that it's just all up to God?
2014-12-04 Calvinism-Total Depravity: Calvinist's like to use verses surrounding the Flood as proof that Man is completely depraved. [Genesis 6:5, 8:21]
2014-12-02 Antinomianism & Arminianism: Are Antinomianism & Arminianism complete opposites? (Calvinism & Arminianism & Antinomianism & legalism are what he meant.)
Jesus' Authority: Was Jesus' position of Authority different after His resurrection than it was before it?
2014-11-17 Free Will & Sovereignty of God: A lengthy discussion about Free will & Sovereignty, using Samuel & Saul as an example in the beginning, but they go all over place. The discussion is 25 minutes long! [1 Samuel 9:1-27, Ephesians 2:1-2]
2014-11-10 Predestination: What are your thoughts on this passage of Scripture regarding Predestination? [Acts 13:48]
2014-11-10 Chosen because Predestined: People were chosen because they were predestined to eternal life (They talk about the Debate between Steve Gregg & James White had about Calvinism & Arminianism which had been re-aired in the last month.)
Kingdom of God taken w/ Violence: What would James White say about the Kingdom of God being take by violence in the paradigm of Calvinism?
2014-11-10 Calvinism - Total Depravity: A Discussion about Calvinism, Total Depravity & Election.
2014-11-10 Calvinist & Arminian Debate comments: Discussion about the Calvinist debate Steve recently re-aired w/ James White & that the caller thinks that Calvinism works for him.
2014-11-05 Calvinism & a Date Rape Drug: Steve compared Calvinism to something like a date rape drug, & back peddles a little bit.
2014-11-04 John Noe: Do you know anything about John Noe? He's a Full Preterist. He almost sounds like you. Do you & him believe the same?
Calvinism's 5 points: I think you can blend the two, it doesn't have to be a either-or proposition, does it?
2014-11-04 Calvinism: A date rape Drug?
Being Gay: A James Cook likes being Gay & is proud of it, boasts about it.
2014-10-30 Total Depravity: So a lot of people, according to Calvinism, are already doomed, can't be saved, no matter what, is that right?
2014-10-30 Calvinism & Arminianism: God knows who's going to eventually come to Him, so w/ His foreknowledge, can He just "zap" them into obedience, such as Paul on the way to Damascus?
2014-10-28 Golden Chain in Romans 8: During your debate w/ James White, you told him that in Romans 8, if that was all there was in Scripture, Calvinists would have a pretty good case for Calvinism.
2014-10-27 Calvinism & God's Sovereignty: What do Calvinists think of people who are saved who are not Calvinists?
2014-10-27 Calvinism & Arminianism: Do you have choice or not? Caller wishes that during the debates the were re-aired the week before that they had debated more the difference between Calvinism & Arminianism & choice.
2014-10-10 Church Father, Calvinism & Partial Preterism: I was listening to one of your lectures, you saying none of the Church Fathers believed in Calvinism, so that's a good argument that it's not correct, but, they didn't believe in Partial Preterism either, but the further we are getting away from it more people are believing it, including yourself. So why should we consider one aspect of what the Church Fathers thought, but not another?
Book of Revelation: Since the book of Revelation wasn't in the canon of Scripture for a long time after all the other books, what did they consider the book as, just a inspirational, informative book, like the book of Maccabees?
2014-09-12 Granting Repentance & Arminian: How would an Arminian address the idea that God might Grant Repentance, which seems so go hand & glove w/ what Calvinists believe? [2 timothy 2:24-25]
2014-09-10 Miracles in the Catholic Church: What do Protestants think the miracles that have supposedly happened in the Catholic Church, such as the Miracle of Fatima, Marian Apparitions? Does the Stigmata ever happen in the Protestant church? Do any Catholics speak in tongues like some Protestants?
Martin Luther, Predestination, Calvinism & Augustine: So if Martin Luther believed in Predestination under the influence of Augustine, does that mean Augustine believed the Calvinism doctrine?
2014-09-09 Firstborn: Not necessarily the Firstborn in chronological order, but in status, a follow up from a discussion about JW's from the day before. [Colossians 1:15]
Calvinist & Arminianism - God's Sovereignty & Free Will: You were talking several shows back about you only writing books that fill a void in an area, so is there any books that you'd recommend on Calvinism & Arminianism & God's Sovereignty & Free will, etc?
2014-09-04 Gospel into all the world: The gospel was just about to have been fully preached in the world in 15 years, but then there's things that might stop us, such as people backsliding, plagues, & so on.
Calvinism verses Arminianism: Was Jacobus Arminius just out of lunch or an evil person?
2014-07-31 Calvinism: Caller thinks Calvinism is getting stronger & stronger in churches, & we need to be aware of it.
2014-07-15 Sin Nature & Calvinism: Do babies go to hell when they die? [Psalms 51:5]
Presuppositional Evidence & Calvinism: Some Calvinists think having evidence to prove there is a God is heretical.
2014-07-15 Sin Nature & Calvinism: Do babies go to hell when they die? [Psalms 51:5]
Presuppositional Evidence & Calvinism: Some Calvinists think having evidence to prove there is a God is heretical.
2014-07-11 Calvinism & Dispensationalism: What is the difference between Calvinism & Dispensationalism? You used to be a Calvinist or a Dispensationalist but not anymore? [Editor's Note: I think she obviously meant Calvinism & Arminianism.]
Cyrus rebuilding the temple: 400 year gap, so the temple was still standing during King Herod's time?
2014-07-07 Calvinism & 1 Family Member Saved: So is it complete orthodox Calvinism to think God only selected ONE member of a family & no one else?
2014-06-05 Original Sin: So it's not only the sin nature that is transcended from Adam & Eve's sin to us, but the guilt also being transcended down as well, Calvinists believe. What is their need or want to believe that? [Romans 5:12-21]
Conditional Immortality - Annihilationism: Conditional Immortality or annihilationism seems to be related. Doesn't the death penalty cancel out the sin debt? [Romans 6:7]
2014-05-21 Lord's Supper - Communion - Breaking Bread: How often are we supposed to take the Lord's Supper? [1 Corinthians 11:26]
Election - Predestination: Can you explain your thoughts about Election &/or Predestination?
Eternal Security: So you think people can lose their salvation?
2014-05-20 Calvinism & Arminianism: Even though a fellow Christian brother believes in one point of the Calvinism, but not the rest, that does not necessitate that he is a Calvinsit. Is that possible?
Assurance of Salvation: How do you KNOW that you are saved? [James 2:19]
2014-05-20 Predestination & Free Will: Isn't Free Will & Predestination sort've contrary to each other, cancel each other out? Sort've polar opposites?
2014-05-13 Inner Witness & Being Saved & Calvinism: Sometimes I wonder if i'm saved or not because I seem to be lacking an "inner witness", & sometimes I think Calvinism is right, that only a select few, the elect, are going to be saved, & not me. Can you comment on that? [Romans 8:16]
2014-04-08 John Calvin & Michael Servetus: Why did John Calvin have Michael Servetus burned at the stake? What is for his baptism views or the Trinity?
2014-04-04 Augustine & Amillennialism: Is it true Amillennialism was influenced by Augustine?
Calvinism: So we have no record of Calvinism pre-Augustine?
2014-03-27 7,000 men: How did God reserve to Himself 7,000 men who have not bow the knew to Baal? [1 Kings 19:18, Romans 11:4]
Arminianism & Semi-Pelagianism: What is the difference between Armininianism & Semi-Pelagianism?
2014-03-26 A Different Gospel: Paul seems to make a distinction between what he says in 2 Corinthians about a different gospel than what he says Galatians. Can you tell me the difference? [Galatians 1:6-9, Corinthians 11]
Total Depravity: What is "total depravity"?
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