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Topic: Calvinism (Calvin)

Showing 251 to 300 of 604.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-05-21 Augustine & Calvinism: Did you say that Augustine was the father of Calvinism?
Calvinism Origins & Manichaeism: What is Manichaeism?
Calvinism, Church Fathers, Alternate Views: Did the church fathers that introduced Calvinism have any opposition?
2020-05-21 Augustine & Calvinism: Did you say that Augustine was the father of Calvinism?
Calvinism Origins & Manichaeism: What is Manichaeism?
Calvinism, Church Fathers, Alternate Views: Did the church fathers that introduced Calvinism have any opposition?
2020-05-21 Calvinist Views: Could you talk a little bit your experience with and about the beliefs of the Calvinists?
2020-05-13 Calvinism & Hyper-Calvinism: Would you talk a little bit about the various degrees of Calvinism and specifically, Hyper-Calvinism? [Romans 10:9, Joshua 24:14-15, Deuteronomy 30:19].
Calvinism & Lordship Salvation: Do Calvinists believe in Lordship and Lordship Salvation?
Dispensationalism Reviewed: Can you give a quick overview of what Dispensationalism is?
2020-05-13 Calvinism & Hyper-Calvinism: Would you talk a little bit about the various degrees of Calvinism and specifically, Hyper-Calvinism? [Romans 10:9, Joshua 24:14-15, Deuteronomy 30:19].
Calvinism & Lordship Salvation: Do Calvinists believe in Lordship and Lordship Salvation?
Dispensationalism Reviewed: Can you give a quick overview of what Dispensationalism is?
2020-05-11 The Chosen of God, the Elect: Why do you believe that we are not chosen as the elect by the Holy Spirit?
A Sovereign God That Allows Evil in the World: If God is sovereign, why does He allow so much evil in the world?
2020-05-11 The Chosen of God, the Elect: Why do you believe that we are not chosen as the elect by the Holy Spirit?
A Sovereign God That Allows Evil in the World: If God is sovereign, why does He allow so much evil in the world?
2020-04-28 Calvinism-Total Depravity or Elect: Is there a place in Calvinism in-between the two extremes; either elect (or called), or totally depraved? [John 12:32, Acts 10, 16].
2020-04-17 Defining One's Faith: What do you tell people about your faith, without aligning to a particular group, movement, or theology?
Calvinism: Comment on Calvinism and how their theology maligns the character of God.
2020-04-10 Proclamation: Caller shares a proclamation about the glory of God.
Identifying The Called: The words for used for "called" in Romans 8, are two different Greek words, so does that identify a particular and exclusive group of people as "the called"?[Romans 8:28-30, Isaiah 66:4, Hosea 11:4, Revelation 17:14].
Husband/ Wife vs Bride/ Bridegroom: Is there any distinction between the husband/ wife in the Old Testament and the bride/ bridegroom in the New Testament? [Isaiah 43:4, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Revelation 19:7-9].
2020-04-03 Calvinism-Golden Chain of Redemption: Would you share your thoughts on the order of events in redemption- chosen, foreknowledge, called, elect, predestined, etc. (Golden Chain of Redemption]? [Romans 8:28-30, I John 3:2, I Peter 1:2, Ephesians 2:6].
2020-03-25 Adam, Cro-Magnon & Neanderthal Man: What about Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal man and those that preceded Adam?
Doug Wilson-Calvinism Debate: What did you debate Doug Wilson about?
2020-03-23 Calvinism vs Arminianism: Is there one place, or book, that would martial all the arguments for and against Calvinism?
2020-03-20 Calvinist Views of Election & Predestination: Could you talk about the Calvinist views of election, being chosen, and predestination held by some of the leading Calvinists, such as Calvin and Sproul? [Romans 8-9].
2020-03-19 All Things Controlled by God: What do you think about the reference to "works all things according to His will" in Ephesians? [Ephesians 1:3,11, Romans 8:28, Luke 7:30, I Thessalonians 4 ].
2020-03-09 Ex-Mormon's Testimony: Mike extends gratitude to Steve for helping to lead him out of Mormonism, while maintaining strong faith in Christ, instead of becoming an atheist, agnostic, or embracing other errors of the faith.
2020-03-04 Appointed or Chosen: Is the word for "appointed" in these verses correct? Does it mean appointed to the word, thereby making it an argument against Calvinism? [I Peter 2:8, Acts 13:48]
Foul Language (Cussing or Swearing): What do you think about using foul language (cussing & swearing)? [Ephesians 4:29, James 3:1-12].
2020-03-02 Calvinism-Election & God's Chosen People: Could you help me sort through Calvinism and Election?
2020-02-26 Calvinists-Sodom & Gomorrah's Repentance: Would not the passage about Sodom & Gomorrah repenting had they seen the miracles in Jesus' ministry, a good argument against Calvinists position about the elect? [Matthew 11:21-23, 13:10-17, Romans 9:18].
2020-02-26 Calvinism, Sovereignty & Free Will: If Jesus died for everyone, and gives man free will, then what if no one chose to follow Him? Does this option not give man more sovereignty than God? [John 17].
2020-02-12 Gnosticism, Calvin & Election: If Paul is correcting Gnostic teaching about election to include everyone for salvation, then how can Calvinists not also be corrected? [I Timothy 2:1-6].
2020-02-12 Calvinism & Irresistible Grace: Is this verse an example of God's "irresistible grace"? [John 6:44, 12:32, Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34, Jeremiah 31:3, Hosea 11:1].
2020-02-04 Appointed for Eternal Life: What does it mean to be "appointed for eternal life"? [Acts 13:46-48, I Corinthians 16:15].
2020-01-27 Condemning Spirit of Calvinist Theologian: Should I just stop listening when I am actually hurt by the condemning spirit of some theologians, in particular some Calvinists? [Proverbs 6:19].
2020-01-15 Lot is Cast: Would you comment on Proverbs 16 and the control God has over the lot being cast? [Proverbs 16:33, 21:1, Revelation 17, Psalm 115:3, 135:6, Daniel 4, Hosea 8:4].
2020-01-07 Regeneration Before Faith: Do the following verses prove that regeneration precedes faith? [John 1:12-13, Philippians 1:29, I John 5:1, Ephesians 2, Colossians 2, John 3, Luke 15:11-32, Hebrews 4, James 1:17].
Greek Philosophy in Christianity: Is it wrong to mix our faith with elements of other religious philosophies? [Exodus 12, Colossians 2:8].
2019-12-27 Arminianism & Calvinism: Should believers separate over Arminianism & Calvinism?
2019-12-19 Calvinism's Election Doctrine Heresy: Why is it not heresy to say that God would intentionally make people to send them to hell (as in Calvinistic views)? [I John 1:6, I John 4:8, I Corinthians 13].
2019-12-18 Calvinism or Not: What difference does it make if someone is a Calvinist or a Non-Calvinist?
2019-12-18 Calvinism: Caller disagrees with Steve about how he is representing Calvinism, regarding, free will.
2019-12-10 Calvinism: How important is it whether I am Calvinist or not? (Recommended topical study; "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation").
2019-12-02 Total Depravity: What would you present as the best brief argument against "total depravity"? [Acts 10, 16, Romans 9,10,11].
2019-11-11 Calvinism & Golden Chain of Redemption: Can you help me understand the passage about foreknowledge, our redemption, and glorification? [Romans 8:18,28-30, Ephesians 2:6, 2 Corinthians 4:17].
2019-11-05 Predestination: What do you think about "predestination" (in Calvinism)? [Romans 8:23, 29-30, Ephesians 1:4-5, Ephesians 1:4, John 15, Romans 11:22-24].
Predestination & Foreknowledge: Doesn't it follow that if God knows everything, that He has predestined each person's decisions? [Matthew 23:37].
2019-11-01 Calvinism-Sproul: R.C. Sproul indicated that he became a Calvinist because of Romans 9. Would you share your thoughts on this passage? [Romans 9-10].
2019-10-30 Calvinism-Total Depravity (Dead in Sin): Would you help me understand how Calvinists see "total depravity" in Romans 1, and the application of "dead in sin"? [Romans 1:18-20, Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:13, Luke 15:11-32].
2019-09-30 Calvinist View of Holy Spirit & Conviction of Sin: What do you think about when Calvinists use this passage to support the idea that after one is saved, the Holy Spirit no longer needs to convict one of sin, and that it only is speaking of non-believers? [John 16:8-10, I John 1:9].
2019-09-06 Calvinists Think God Hates Most People: On Judgment Day when we are asked "who do you say I am", is it not true that most Calvinists would say that God hates most people?
Calvinism: How could John say "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved," if they don't believe that everyone can be saved? [Acts 16:31].
2019-09-06 Calvinists Think God Hates Most People: On Judgment Day when we are asked "who do you say I am", is it not true that most Calvinists would say that God hates most people?
Calvinism: How could John say "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved," if they don't believe that everyone can be saved? [Acts 16:31].
2019-08-30 Calvinism - No Free Will: Is Calvinism true when it teaches that people really don't have any free choice in who will be saved? [Romans 9,11, Galatians 3:16].
2019-08-27 Calvinism-Demonic Doctrine: Why is Calvinism not of doctrine of demons? How can their damaging beliefs be acceptable?
2019-08-26 Calvinisim: How much should I be concerned about listening to someone who is a Calvinist, as I heard that Calvinism is not a good thing?
2019-08-26 Calvinism: How can a Calvinist be a good Christian if they believe that some people cannot be saved? [I Corinthians 13:9-12, Matthew 16:27, Romans 2:6-10, 2 Corinthians 5:10, I Peter 1:17, Revelation 20:12-13].
2019-08-21 Calvinism vs Arminianism: What is your position regarding the Calvinism vs Arminianism debate? (Steve Gregg lecture: God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation)
2019-08-12 Dispensationalism: Would you explain "Dispensationalism"? Does it relate to time?
Dispensationalism's Relationship to Predestination: Does Dispensationalism have something to do with Predestination and Calvinsim?
The Elect: What is your stance on "the elect"?
2019-08-01 Foundation of the World: Would you clear up the various perceptions about the Greek word order in scriptures, such as, "the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world". [Timothy , Revelation 13:8, 17:8, Hebrews 4:3 Ephesians 1:4, John 17:24, Luke 11:50].
Being Elect: Can you clarify the way you see Ephesians 1:4, as a more corporate group, as opposed to the way Calvinists see it. [Ephesians 1:4, Isaiah 42:1, Matthew, Romans 8:30, I John 5:11 ].
Book of Life: Would you help me understand to what "The Book of Life" refers? [Revelation 3:5, 13:8].
2019-07-18 Calvinism: Are these passages strong arguments in support of Calvinism? [2 Kings 19:25, Isaiah 10:5].
2019-07-08 Molinism vs Calvinism: Can you help me understand the difference between Molinism and Calvinism?
2019-07-02 New Calvinism: Could you define New Calvinism?
Mansions: Would you again clarify the meaning and ramifications of the translated word “mansions” in John 14? [John 14:2-4]
2019-06-28 Unconditional Election (Calvinism): Are we unconditionally chosen or elected to be saved? If so, how then, could God be upset if we didn't make the choice? [Ephesians 1:4, Acts 17:30].
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