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Topic: Calvinism (Calvin)

Showing 401 to 450 of 604.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-08-01 John Calvin: Can you tell me a little bit about John Calvin?
Calvinism: I always hear you talking negatively about calvinism, but is there anything good about it?
2017-07-27 Calvinism & Election: Michael the Buddhist asks about Calvinism & the term "elect"
2017-07-19 Calvinism & Once Saved, Always Saved: How can intelligent people really believe in Calvinism? Does it really matter? Is it important? Are they the ones associated with once saved always saved?
2017-07-14 Lectures about Calvinism about Once Saved Always Saved: You were talking about Calvinism & Once Saved, Always Saved, & you referred them to some lectures on your website. Can you tell me the name of that lecture again?
2017-07-13 Calvinism's Limited Atonement: Considering Calvinism's unlimited or limited atonement, did Christ die for the whole world or not?
2017-07-03 Calvinism & Once Saved, Always Saved: When did "once saved, always saved", eternal security, first arrive on the scene? Did you say recently?
2017-06-27 Calvinism & Romans 9: Calvinism, can you please explain where they go wrong with most of this scripture? [Romans 9:10-30]
2017-06-09 God's Sovereignty: Accessing Facebook Page & i'd like to take about God's Sovereignty & our free choice.
2017-06-01 Golden Chain of Redemption: I would like to talk about Calvinism & Predestination & the golden chain of redemption & Grace. [Romans 8:29-30]
2017-05-30 Once saved, Always Saved & Calvinism: What is Hebrews 10:26-27 talking about, how do Calvinists deal w/ this scripture & what is the proper way to interpret it? Basically how to Calvinists deal with the whole book of Hebrews?! [Hebrews 10:26-27]
2017-05-23 Calvinism & Original Sin: Talking to some Calvinists, they like to talk about original sin, all having sinned. [Romans 5:12-21, Romans 3:23, Psalm 51:5]
2017-05-10 Calvinism & Predestination: Regarding Calvinism & Predestination, with the Sovereignty of God, can't He choose whom He will save & whom He will not?
2017-05-02 Arminianism, Calvinism, Sanctification & Salvation: Arminianism vs Calvinism, especially in relation to Sanctification & Salvation. Can you talk about how they all relate to each other & which one is the most accurate?
2017-04-25 Calvinism & Free Will & King Sihon: Calvinism, Predestination, Election, Foreknowledge. [Deuteronomy 2:30]
2017-04-25 Partial Preterists, Amillennialists & Non-Calvinists: Partial Preterist, Amillennialist, but non-calvinist, so is there anyone out there besides you & me who believe all those things?
2017-04-06 Calvinism: Discussion about calvinism & Romans 9. [Romans 9]
2017-04-03 Total Depravity: sins of the world, total depravity, the Christian basics (calvinism discussion)
2017-04-03 Calvinism: Calvinism, predestination, election as opposed to free will (sort've a followup to previous question)
2017-03-27 Calvinism: Trying to understand the system of beliefs about Calvinism.
2017-03-20 Christ Dying for Everyone: Jesus dying for all, sins being pardoned, ramifications of what the Scriptures say & what Calvinists say [2 Corinthians 5:14-15, 1 Corinthians 15:22]
2017-03-15 Romans 9: Caller shares a difference of opinion than you about Romans 9. [Romans 9].
2017-03-06 Calvinism: Calvinism & being drawn by God. [John 6:65, Romans 9]
2017-03-06 Calvinism, Predestination & Election: Calvinism, the chosen, the elect, a category of people or individuals? [2thess 2:13, 1thess 1:4-5]
2017-03-03 Calvinism Faith & God's Will: Calvinism discussion, God being the one who grants faith, does He give more faith than others, God's will vs our will
2017-02-24 Calvinism being a Different Gospel: Calvinism just seems like a different gospel because the Gospel is supposed to be the "Good News"! [Galatians 1:6-9]
2017-02-22 Calvinism a Different Gospel: Could Calvinism be considered in this category of a "different gospel"? [Galatians 1:6-9]
2017-02-16 Predestination & Free Will: Does Predestination dissolve free will?
2017-02-07 Calvinism: Why is there even Calvinism?
2017-02-07 Self-Control & Calvinism: Calvinism in relation to self-control & the fruits of the Spirit. [Galatians 5:22-23] (follow up)
2017-02-07 Calvinism & Universal Reconciliation Calvinism & universal reconciliation [1 Corinthians 15:22, Romans 5:18]
2017-01-27 Being Drawn by God: Can you, as a non-calvinist, explain to me John 6:44?
2017-01-26 Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinism & Arminianism, doesn't that famous passage in Ephesians & a verse in 1 Peter just by themselves prove Irresistible Grace & Calvinism? [Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 Peter 1:5]
2016-12-27 Calvinism: Can you be a Calvinist & still have a non-traditional view of hell?
Water & Blood from Jesus' body: What is the significance of the blood & the water coming out of the body of Jesus? [John 19:34]
2016-11-22 Calvinism: Can you please talk about Calvinism & the 5 points, such as Total Depravity, Regeneration, Irresistible Grace. {Romans 8, John 6]
2016-10-28 Calvinism - Arminianism: Faith as a condition for salvation, or is it a result of election & God causing someone to do something.
2016-10-21 The Elect: Caller has been listening to the debate Steve had w/ James White on Calvinism, but it never addressed the elect. Will he right now?
2016-10-21 Calvinism & "all elect": Is there a difference between "all" when used in the Bible? Is it literal or hyperbole?f
2016-09-13 Election, Free Will, Predestination: What does ALL this mean, Election, Free Will, Predestination? (Calvinism verses Arminianism)
2016-09-09 John Piper's Writings: Has Steve ever been influenced by John Piper's writings?
2016-09-07 Parallels of Calvinism & Reincarnation: Caller (Michael the Buddhist) thinks Calvinism, God saving some & not saving others, is very similar to reincarnation, better conditions sometimes for the people born again.
2016-08-02 Original Sin-Sin Nature: Caller wants to know about Calvinism, Marcionite, semi-Pelagian, Augustinian & how it call relates to original sin & the sin nature.
2016-07-25 Only Elect Being Saved: So if you are not elect you are just doomed to hell, no chance for you? What is the point of God creating you if you aren't going to glorify Him? (God's Soveriegnty & Man's Salvation lecture recommended)
2016-07-21 The Sincere Believer & the Calvinist: Does the Calvinist View say that if somebody called upon Jesus who's name was not written in the book of life, that Jesus wouldn't answer Him, or would they say they would never knock on the door in the first place?
2016-07-20 Ignatius' & Calvinism: There's a discussion going on that there was no Calvinism before Augustine & none of the church fathers did, but Calvinists try to say that Ignatius' writings indicated that he did.
2016-07-15 Original Sin, Sinful Nature & Universalism: Caller has been listaening to a person who doesn't believe in original sin & that universalism is false, but that some people who follow Christ don't have a sinful nature. What does Steve think? [Romans 5:12-21]
Jesus not Healing Everybody: How come Jesus didn't heal everyone that He saw when He was here? Isn't Calvinism parallel to that, only selecting some to heal, some to save?
2016-07-14 Martin Luther & Once Saved Always Saved: Martin Luther didn't believe once saved always saved, though it would be hard to lose your salvation.
2016-07-14 Different or Same Judgment: Are we talking the same or different judgments here? [Matthew 7, Matthew 28]
Calvinism & Arminianism: What is the difference between calvinism & arminianism?
2016-07-12 Soul, Spirit, Trichotomist & Dichotomist: Dichotomy is more popular among Calvinists, the caller thought Steve like might like to know, following up from a call he heard early in the show.
2016-07-07 KJV only: Caller thinks the KJV is the only way to go, that there's missing verses from the NIV. (very bad quality audio.)
The EVS by Calvinists: Was the ESV written by Calvinists?
Calvinistic Teachers: Should we listen to teachers who believe in Calvinism?
2016-06-08 "Lest at any Time they should be converted": So going by Calvinist standard, "...lest at any time they should be converted…", why would Jesus have to hide His teachings so people wouldn't be converted since God already knows who's going to be His elect or not? [Mark 4:12]
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