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Topic: Calvinism (Calvin)

Showing 301 to 350 of 604.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-04-17 Calvinist church: Is there really any danger in attending a Calvinist church, even though I am an Arminian?
2019-04-15 Calvinism: Is it Steve's position that everyone is called by God but only some respond to Him? If that is true, how do you reconcile [Acts 2:39]?
2019-04-10 Calvinism: From a Calvinist point of view, does it make sense to pray for unbelievers?
2019-03-25 Calvinism: Can you believe in one point of Calvinism, specifically "total depravity", without necessarily believing in the other 4 points in their 5-point system?
2019-03-18 Calvinism: Is Calvinism dangerous? Wouldn't it turn people away from God when God is presented as the one who ordains evil events, such as rape?
2019-03-08 Election (Predestination): Is the verse about the potter & the clay about people being predestined to be saved or to go to hell [Jeremiah 18:1-4}?. What does "They are not all Israel, that are Israel" mean [Romans 9:6]? [Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9:27-28] Who are the chosen ones? Chosen for what? What about Jacob & Esau? And the vessel for honor or dishonor [2 Timothy 2:20-21, Romans 9:21].
2019-03-07 Calvinism-The Elect: Are Calvinists similar to the Jews that assumed salvation based on their ethnic election-or chosen status? [Romans 9]. Are Calvinists more humble because they believe in total depravity?
2019-03-04 Calvinism & Jacob & Esau: Calvinism's view of the Scripture in Romans 9. Issac and Ishmael and what Issac was chosen for. What does it mean when scripture indicates that God hated Esau and loved Jacob [Malachi 1:3, Romans 9:13]?
2019-02-28 Gambling: What does the Bible say about gambling?
Calvinism: Why does it seem Calvinists ignore verses that appear to go against their belief system? [2 Peter 3:9]
2019-02-28 Calvinism, Irresistible Grace, & the Elect: Calvinism teaches an irresistible grace & that only the elect can hear His voice. Is this true? [John 10:15-27]
2019-02-26 Predestination: When the Lord said He predestined a person, does this mean He's already determined that they would be saved?
2019-02-20 Word of Faith movement: How much power do we have in praying for the salvation of someone?
2019-02-06 Teaching Different Beliefs: Teachers teaching different interpretations of scripture, different ideas, how far would you allow that to go?
Charles Spurgeon: Was Charles Spurgeon a Calvinist? He was talking about getting out of being lukewarm, so why would a Calvinist be saying that?
2019-01-31 Churches in Atlanta: Do you know of any good churches in Atlanta? Are you on in any stations in Atlanta? How can I continue listening to your show?
Calvinism, Arminianism, Dispensationalism, Preterism: Can you tell me the difference between all these terms, all this terminology?
2019-01-28 Calvinism & Arminianism: Can you please explain Calvinism, Arminianism, Pelagianism, predestination, election, free will, God choosing some people & not choosing others?
2019-01-23 Call of God for Only the Elect: Is the calling to come to God only come to certain people, or to all? [John 12:32, John 1:9, Psalm 19].
2019-01-22 Foreordained, Predestined, Foreknowledge, Calvinism: Are there other passages that imply that Adam & Ever were meant to sin, and related to the favorite passage for Calvinists; "Christ being foreordained before the foundation of the earth"? [I Peter 1:20, Romans 8, Ephesians 2]
2019-01-08 Golden Chain & Predestination: Would you explain "the golden chain", predestination, and foreknowledge? [Romans 8:29].
2019-01-04 Romans 9: Would you enlighten us about Romans 9?
2018-12-31 Not Making your needs known: What do you mean by not availing, disclosing what your burdens are, to the body of Christ? [Galatians 6:2, Romans 12:15]
Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinism & Arminianism, elected to being saved before someone asking God in their heart, I heard you saying is what Calvinists believe.
2018-12-13 Calvinism: I would like to know more about Calvinism. Lectures called, God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation.
2018-12-10 Calvinism: What do you think drives people to Calvinism?
James White: Have you ever had occasion to talk to James White after the debate you had with him?
2018-12-07 Calvinism - Total Depravity: Why do Calvinists use is & what is Paul actually saying? [1 Corinthians 2:14]
2018-12-07 Non-Calvinists Hating God: People of other religions don't actually ALL hate God like Calvinism suggests, do they?
2018-11-28 Calvinism: How does one reply to a calvinist who says God hates people? [Psalm 5:5, Romans 9:13]
2018-11-26 Predestined for Salvation: Calvinism suggests a preselected number of saved, & that since they are saved, they can sin & be saved no matter what.
2018-11-14 Calvinism: What part of Calvinism do you disagree with?
2018-10-29 Calvinism & Election: You are chosen, but chosen for what?
2018-10-19 Calvinism & the Sovereignty of God: The Calvinist definition of God's sovereignty discussion.
Lectures on Relationships: Where can I find your lectures on Relationships?
2018-10-17 Calvinism-Election: I was at church the other day & Calvinists seemed to be reading way more into this passage of Scripture than should be. What do you think? [Acts 18:9-11]
2018-09-19 Calvinism: Why do Calvinists feel so confident they are correct?
2018-09-19 Calvinism: If calvinists believe in once saved always saved, or they are predestined to be saved, what is the point in evangelizing?
Appreciation Comment: Caller just wanted to say Thank you for Steve Gregg & his radio show.
2018-09-18 Calvinism, Jacob & Esau: It seems to be talking about Nations, so what do the Calvinists say about it again? [Romans 9-11]
2018-09-13 "What Would Jesus Do?": "What would Jesus do?", pondering the significance of that question, but wouldn't the more accurate question be, "What would Jesus have ME do?"
Calvinism & Arminianism: What percentage of John Calvin's teaching do you disagree with (besides Calvinism itself)?
2018-08-24 Calvinism & Arminianism: Where do you land on the Arminian vs Calvinism controversy? What does it mean to be chosen or elected?
2018-08-24 Pelagians, Arminians, Augustinians, Calvinists: Pelagians vs Arminians vs Augustinians vs Calvinists, God's sovereignty relative to salvation
2018-08-20 Election: Doesn't God have to give us illumination?
2018-08-13 The Pilgrim's Progress: What is the theology of the Pilgrim's Progress? (Puritan, Calvinist viewpoint)
2018-08-06 Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinism & Arminianism, what side of the fence are you on? What about being dead in trespasses & sins in Ephesians? What do you do about there are none righteous? What do you do about Titus which say, Not by works of righteousness, but by His Mercy has He saved us. [Ephesians 2:1-2, Romans 3:10, Titus 3:5]
2018-07-30 Calvinism & Free Will: How can Calvinists say that God can't give people Free Will because can't God do anything He wants? Isn't He a Sovereign God?
2018-07-27 Another Calvinist Debate: Would you consider doing more debates with Calvinist, but limiting what comes out of Romans?
2018-07-26 Calvinism-Light & Total Depravity: Can you comment on Calvinism about God giving us Light, & we can all choose, & why 1 Corinthians 2 is NOT talking about Total Depravity. [John 1:4-9, John 3:19, 1 Corinthians 2:14]
2018-07-25 Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinists believe that people have no choice, but still have to go to hell if you weren't chosen? That's like a person who is born blind being punished because he can't see. If Calvinists believed in annihilationism, that'd be ONE thing, but to think that you are predestined to Eternal Torment, that is another.
2018-07-10 The Calvinist & Arminianist Debate: What is the best book of the Bible to go through to debate Calvinism & arminianism? [Romans]
Church Membership: So you are against Church Membership? Do you have anything in your lectures about that?
2018-06-19 Calvinism-Total Depravity: Was watching your debate with James White on Calvinism, & can you talk about the rebuttal when you didn't really have a chance to respond? [Romans 1-3]
2018-06-13 Calvinism-Predestination: What is your understanding about Calvinism & predestination?
2018-06-12 Faith & Grace: Are we saved by grace or faith? Is faith a gift God gives us or do we have to find it? [Ephesians 2:8-10]
2018-06-12 R. C. Sproul, Election & Predestination: R C Sproul, who holds the Calvinist view about Election & Predestination, can you please clarify what it means to really be chosen in Christ? [John 6:44, Ephesians 1:4] (Steve does some humor.)
2018-05-11 Calvinism: Can you please talk about calvinism & free will? [Revelation 22:19]
2018-05-01 John Calvin's Persecutions: Where can I find about the persecutions that John Calvin handed down back in his day?
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