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Topic: Calvinism (Calvin)

Showing 151 to 200 of 604.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-01-17 Calvinism: Were you ever been a Calvinist? [Romans 9].
"Once Saved, Always Saved" (Eternal Security): It took me a while to drop Calvinism, particularly, "Once saved, always saved (eternal security).
2022-01-13 Free Will Choice: Do we choose God or does He choose us? [Acts 2].
2022-01-13 Denying Any Free Will: Is there a denomination that strictly denies any free will?
2021-12-21 "Gospel of John" Movie: Could you clarify which movie on the "Gospel of John" you like? The Gospel of John, 2003, with Henry Ian Cusick as Jesus.
Free Will and Predestination: Can one believe in both "free will" and "predestination"? [Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:3-5].
2021-12-20 Lutheranism, Rather Than Calvinism: Would you consider a third option, rather than just the two options of Calvinism or Non-Calvinism, and consider Lutheranism?
2021-12-13 Calvinism: What is a Calvinist?
2021-12-09 Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): When the Bible warns us to "not fall away", could it not be intended toward those that are not true converts? [I Timothy 4:1, Matthew 7:21-23, Hebrews 3:12, 2 Corinthians 13:5].
2021-12-07 Whose Initiative is it-God or Us?: Do you believe that the first step in conversion and regeneration is our initiative toward faith, or it it God working in us first? [Ephesians 2:1, Acts 2:37-39, Acts 7:54].
Dead in Trespasses and Sin: When scripture says "we were dead in trespasses and sins," do you think we are not really unable to do anything? Recommended topical lecture; "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation." [Ephesians 2:1, Romans 9, Psalm 10:17, Proverbs 16:1].
2021-12-07 Whose Initiative is it-God or Us?: Do you believe that the first step in conversion and regeneration is our initiative toward faith, or it it God working in us first? [Ephesians 2:1, Acts 2:37-39, Acts 7:54].
Dead in Trespasses and Sin: When scripture says "we were dead in trespasses and sins," do you think we are not really unable to do anything? Recommended topical lecture; "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation." [Ephesians 2:1, Romans 9, Psalm 10:17, Proverbs 16:1].
2021-12-02 Compatibilism and Calvinism: How do you handle the the conversation stopper when Calvinists just say that it is a mystery, like the Trinity, when discussing the contradiction between free will and God's sovereignty (divine determinism)?
2021-11-30 Fatalism & Manicheism: What more do you know about the pagan theology of Fatalism?
2021-11-12 Method of Bible Study (Origen's): Why do you not talk about Origen's 4-fold method of reading & studying scripture? [2 Samuel 7:5].
Calvinism's Predestination, Grace & Justice: Regarding Predestination, don't you think that it is reasonable for God to give grace only to the saved, but then deliver justice to all? [Matthew 5:44-45, 2 Peters 3:9].
2021-11-03 Repentance or the Call Comes First: Which comes first, repentance or the call? [Acts 2:38-39, Romans 10:14-15].
2021-11-03 Augustine, Calvin & Free Will: Caller disagrees with Steve that Augustine didn't believe in "free-will".
2021-11-02 Augustine's Belief in Free Will-or Not: Caller disagrees that Augustine did not believe in free will or free choice.
2021-11-01 Pelagianism Vs Calvinism (Augustinianism): Could you address whether Pelagianism is heretical and if Augustine's definition of it is correct? [Galatians 5:17, Ezekiel 18:23, Ezekiel 33:11, Jeremiah 7:31].
Calvinist View of One's Free Will: What does the Calvinists say about the verse that says God "works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure?" [Philippians 2:13].
2021-11-01 Pelagianism Vs Calvinism (Augustinianism): Could you address whether Pelagianism is heretical and if Augustine's definition of it is correct? [Galatians 5:17, Ezekiel 18:23, Ezekiel 33:11, Jeremiah 7:31].
Calvinist View of One's Free Will: What does the Calvinists say about the verse that says God "works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure?" [Philippians 2:13].
2021-11-01 "Repentance to Life" : Is there two kinds of repentance-one kind granted from God and from one's own self? [Acts 11:18].
2021-10-26 Precious Metals Donations to The Narrow Path: Does "The Narrow Path" accept precious metals as donations?
Calvinist Teachers: How can intelligent Christian teachers (John MacArthur, R.C.Sproul, etc.) ascribe to Calvinism when there is so much scripture that disproves it ?
2021-10-22 Non-Calvinist & Calvinist Commonalities: Could you talk about the tension between truths in both the Non-Calvinist and Calvinist views? Recommended topical lecture; "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation." [Psalm 14].
2021-10-20 Which is First, "Faith" or "Believing" ?: Does "believing" or "faith" come first, before one is saved? [Genesis 15:6, Romans 5:2, Ephesians 2:8-9, Colossians 2:13, Ephesians 2:1, Luke 15:24].
"Born of God" Before Belief: Does I John 5:1 mean that one is already "born of God" when he believes? [I John 5:1].
2021-10-20 Which is First, "Faith" or "Believing" ?: Does "believing" or "faith" come first, before one is saved? [Genesis 15:6, Romans 5:2, Ephesians 2:8-9, Colossians 2:13, Ephesians 2:1, Luke 15:24].
"Born of God" Before Belief: Does I John 5:1 mean that one is already "born of God" when he believes? [I John 5:1].
2021-10-12 Made Alive is Being Saved: When scriptures says, "you who are dead, are made alive", is it talking about salvation? [Ephesians 2:1, Ephesians 2:8, John 3:14, John 20:31-32, Romans 5:2, Luke 15:24].
2021-10-08 Martin Luther and Mary, Mother of Jesus: Did Luther ever actually denounce the Catholic veneration of Mary?
Paul-Calvinist or Arminian?: Would Paul be considered a Calvinist (Augustinianism) or an Arminian?
2021-10-05 Not Willing Any Should Perish (Calvinism): Who is being referred to with the word "us" in the scripture about God not being willing that any should perish. [2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 33:11, Matthew 23:37].
"Christ" (Definition of the Title): What does the word "Christ" mean?
2021-09-30 Predestination: How does "predestination" work? [Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:29-30, Romans 8:23].
2021-09-28 Free-will or Chosen: Is this verse in John talking about salvation, and about the lack of free-will? [John 15:16-19, John 6, John 12].
Born of God Everyone is created by God, but is everyone born of God? [John 3:6, I Peter 1:23].
Believe First, Before Saved: Do you believe first, or do you believe after-to prove your salvation? [John 20:31].
2021-09-28 Free-will or Chosen: Is this verse in John talking about salvation, and about the lack of free-will? [John 15:16-19, John 6, John 12].
Born of God Everyone is created by God, but is everyone born of God? [John 3:6, I Peter 1:23].
Believe First, Before Saved: Do you believe first, or do you believe after-to prove your salvation? [John 20:31].
2021-09-24 Molinism (Contrasted to Calvinism & Arminianism): Are you familiar with Molinism?
Molinism's ROSES: Are you familiar with the Molinistic acronym "ROSES"?
2021-09-24 Calvinism: Caller suggests that listeners read R.C. Sproul's book, "Chosen by God" and that God makes all the choices. [Ephesians 1].
Temple of God: Caller disagrees with Steve that "Temple of God" is the church? [Matthew 24, Luke 21:20, 2 Thessalonians 2;3-4, Daniel 9:26-27, I Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 6:16, Acts 17:24, Acts 7:49].
2021-09-24 Calvinism & the Elect: Caller shares his thoughts on God's love for us relative to Calvinism. [Amos 5:14].
2021-09-17 Coming to Jesus?: Why won't people come to Jesus, unless He draws them? [John 6:44, John 12:32, Matthew 23:37, Hosea 11:4].
2021-09-07 Able to be Saved, Elect or Not: Caller shares his fear that he may be demon possessed and not part of the elect, and asks; Can I still be saved? [2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 33::11, John 6:37].
2021-09-02 God Taking Pleasure in Destruction Contradiction: Would you talk about the apparent contradiction in this verse about God talking pleasure in the destruction of the wicked? [Deuteronomy 28:63, Ezekiel 33:11].
God Changes Hearts & Calvinism: Does this verse about God changing hearts support the Calvinist position?[Deuteronomy 30:6, Ezekiel 36:26, Ezekiel 11:19, Jeremiah 32:39-40, Hebrew 8:10].
2021-08-26 The Word "Lost" Relative to Salvation: Is Jesus talking about salvation when he talks about being lost in John 17? [John 17:12, Acts 1, John 2:25].
2021-08-26 Sproul & Calvinism: How does R.C. Sproul justify his view that those that receive salvation get grace, and those that receive hell get justice? Recommended topical lecture: "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation."
2021-08-11 Five Points of Calvinism: Where do you stand on the 5-points of Calvinism? [Psalm 119:71, I Timothy 2:4, Romans 3:10, Psalm 14:5, Psalm 53:1-3, Romans 3:9-19].
Total Depravity: How do you get around "Total Depravity" when you have scripture such as Romans 3:10?
Calvinism & Drawing Us: Regarding Calvinism, John 6:44 is troubling. [John 6:44, John 12, Hosea 11].
2021-08-11 Five Points of Calvinism: Where do you stand on the 5-points of Calvinism? [Psalm 119:71, I Timothy 2:4, Romans 3:10, Psalm 14:5, Psalm 53:1-3, Romans 3:9-19].
Total Depravity: How do you get around "Total Depravity" when you have scripture such as Romans 3:10?
Calvinism & Drawing Us: Regarding Calvinism, John 6:44 is troubling. [John 6:44, John 12, Hosea 11].
2021-08-11 Five Points of Calvinism: Where do you stand on the 5-points of Calvinism? [Psalm 119:71, I Timothy 2:4, Romans 3:10, Psalm 14:5, Psalm 53:1-3, Romans 3:9-19].
Total Depravity: How do you get around "Total Depravity" when you have scripture such as Romans 3:10?
Calvinism & Drawing Us: Regarding Calvinism, John 6:44 is troubling. [John 6:44, John 12, Hosea 11].
2021-08-09 Calvinism-God Doesn't Love Everyone: How does one reconcile verses that seem to indicate that God doesn't love everyone, and yet there are others like John 3:16, that indicate that He does? [Psalm 5:5, John 3:16, Romans 5:8, Proverbs 6:16-19, Ezekiel 33:11, Romans 9:13, 2 Peter 3:9, John 15:13, I John 3:15].
2021-08-09 God's Omniscience: If God is omniscient, would he not know who would choose Him (Caller thinks he disagrees with Steve). Recommended Topical Lecture; "God's Sovereignty and Man's Salvation."
2021-08-06 Apostasy (Falling Away): If you can fall away, or have the Holy Spirit, doesn't that prove the predestination idea (of Calvinism)?
Holy Spirit Departing because of Sin: Do you believe that because of your sin, the Holy Spirit will walk away? [Hebrews 6].
2021-07-26 Re-Birth by the Holy Spirit: How can people see these verses as new birth being by the Holy Spirit? [Philippians 1:6, Galatians 3:3].
2021-07-19 Reformed Theology (Calvinism). Did you indicate that in Reformed Theology (Calvinism), it is believed that God directs and ordains every move?
2021-07-15 Arminianism vs Calvinism: What are the shortcomings related to embracing "Arminianism"? What would Calvinist criticize?
2021-07-15 Calvinism vs Arminianism: Caller shares an opposing view of Calvinism. [Proverbs 3:34, James 4:6, I Peter 5:5, Hebrew 10:29].
2021-07-08 Confusion About Election or "the Elect": Could you help me get less confused about "election", as I listen daily to John MacArthur? [John 3:16, John 6:37, Matthew 16:24, Matthew 11:28, Matthew 23:37, John 15].
2021-05-28 Discussing Opposing Doctrinal Views: If someone gets too caught up in discussing doctrinal issues, such as Calvinism vs Arminianism, can it be sinful and compromise your Christian walk? [John 6:44].
2021-04-27 Predestination, Chosen, Election: Could you help me understand more about God choosing people for salvation? [Romans 8:29, Ephesians 1:5, Ephesians 1:11, I John 3:2, 2 Peter 3:8-10].
2021-04-26 Predestination: What are your views on "predestination" and why people believe in it or not? [I Peter 1:1-2, Romans 8:28-30, Ephesians 1:5, Ephesians 1:11, Romans 8:22-23].
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